Zim: An elegy to the midnight generation that betrayed
As Foreign Minister, Dr. Mudenge — now Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education – had a favourite phrase: nabobs of negativism. Judging by the times he served in that capacity, it is fair to say this was a phrase thrust upon him by contingencies of history which took him off his desk and country, to fulfil a hectic ambulatory career. Foreign ministers are any country’s roving salesmen, men (they usually are) always on the road, incurably mono-track where their country’s honour is thrown into doubt, let alone sullied.
They have to learn to simulate anger; to hector, to bully and if need be, hammer the conference desk with a spent shoe heel, all to press a point or position. Dr. Mudenge was no exception, his task made better and arguably easier by his stupendous built which ensured his words — always well chosen for greatest effect — were weightily leaned on, again to overwhelming effect. Quite often, and away from my pastime as a diligent excoriator, we would both meet to reminisce, mostly to raucous laughter, but also to convince ourselves we are still virile academics, not just in touch but leading the world of the literati, made all the poorer by our lamentable departure, severally. Nuggets of learning — always well couched — would be traded, suitably loud enough to drown the purr of a sweating Boeing, headed for the next Summit. Of course both of us had left the academia a long time ago, vividly evidenced by the cobwebbed quotes we were happy to spew, not without a headshake of contentment.
Without admitting it, all this amounted to a pedantic dirge of two intellectual once-weres, seeking to self-reassure. I am sure he will not mind just this one burst of candour — or kindly betrayal — however he chooses to call it, which today I use as a stepping stone to reading life’s larger lessons.
Nabobs in history
Many moons back, I had had a chance encounter with the word "nabob": some adjectival noun in an old Victorian English literary work whose title I cannot recall (again, enough proof of a dying intellect). Today I do not have the slightest doubt this word is yet another of mighty Britain’s countless lexical filches, one now perfectly festooned and well integrated into Britain’s ever expanding lexicon.
The word now seats snug and comfortable, thanks to repeated and sonorous usage by speakers of this restless language which shackles the thoughts of humanity’s greater half. In that usage and context, "nabob" came with a prefixial "British" to read "British nabob". It referred to Britain’s diasporic self-made gentry which always sprouted, grew and thrived in rich, un-policed soils of her colonies, in which the sun of ill-gotten opportunity never set. Invariably, these were merchants who thrived on the permissive mercantilist policies of their mother country, and sent rich cargoes back home.
I never knew the word beyond this colonial referent, and thus remain infinitely grateful to this burly historian-cum-foreign minister, for its vintage, collocational redeployment. Out of this effort came "nabobs of negativism", my good minister’s favourite phrase which aptly chastised as it overawed whoever was on the receiving end of it. Or am I grateful to whoever he read? I don’t know, and frankly quite don’t care.
Mudenge’s nabobs
He needed the phrase, or more accurately, Zimbabwe needed that phrase in its diplomatic self-narrative. Dr. Mudenge’s tenure as Foreign Minister coincided with that explosive phase during which we lost British affection, up to this date not quite retrieved. And happily so! You do not lose sleep over forfeiting the affection of a country that bashes you lame, and then compassionately donate to you a wheelchair. Britain wronged us — and continues to do so each day that passes. In that sense it is a hardened criminal, one simply amoral for the confessional. Like a busy fly, we should continue to buzz in its sleep, crying "Sleep no more Albion/Thou hast killed sleep"! Sorry to wonder off a bit. Few enlightened Zimbabweans beggar any opportunity to place a good boot in Albion’s naked hinds, certainly to I.
That Mudenge phase was characterised by a media-led British savaging of Zimbabwe for all sins known to, and to be invented by, mankind. Naturally, much of his squaring with the British was via that country’s hydra-headed media complex spanning the globe, generating such irritating anti-Zimbabwe echoes. It still does, and I am sure the good Doc, remains just as exercised, just as irritated, the way his successor — Dr Mumbengegwi — I am sure is. Part of that cacophonous echo took the form of the now defunct Daily News, and the rented Zimbabwe Independent and Standard, both thought to belong to a "Zimbabwean". He did not like the echo, and deployed this most expressive phrase to sting them a bit! And when he spat out the phrase, you were left in no doubt as to the depth of contempt, or the complete unfitness for purgatory those scalded by it were.
Reading Joram Nyathi
Yesterday I read: "There is a lot of negativism everywhere about anything initiated by government because we lack a national vision. Political rivals are the first to tell us why a policy will fail, but never about how the nation could be better served.
"They gloat over every misfortune that befalls a Zanu (PF) intitiative, from the ill-planned land reform to Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono’s missed inflation targets. Everything Zimbabwean is derided for who initiates it, not for what it can do for national well-being.
"Politics has become the most fertile ground to sow seeds of hatred across social strata. Daily we are forced to behave as if there is no meeting point between MDC and Zanu (PF) supporters and must accentuate the dichotomy.
"This negative disposition has affected companies creating ambivalence about where they stand. Anyone who contribute to nation-building invites rebuke as a collaborator. Instead of business doing business, it is engaged in politics…. There is something to be learnt from the British and American opposition when it comes to the national interest and national vision. The duty to serve and save Zimbabwe is everyone’s burden. This can only be evident to all when we have a national vision informed by humane Christian values".
Honey from a fly
You guess wrong. I was not reading a piece from Dr. Shamuyarira, Zanu (PF)’s Secretary for Information, published by the Herald. I was reading an opinion piece done by Joram Nyathi — that boy from Mberengwa — in the Independent. I do not know what meaning Dr Mudenge places on this thoughtful extract from this lay preacher’s pulpit. I am sure he shall say some day, not without a sense of self-satisfaction that the anger he spat may have carrier with it a bit of helpful instruction.
Certainly this passage is quite atypical of the editorial tradition of the Independent, more so now when its proprietor feels so British South African.
The average reader would say this is honey from a fly: correct words dripping from septic lips, priceless words floating above a grimy green in a Blair T…. It is also quite tempting to abuse Joram — and he is quite vulnerable — and read a resounding figure on the propaganda scorecard. I will not.
Equally, it is very easy to identify and gloatingly dwell on Joram’s clearly politically defined audience, vengefully urging them to hear, hear!
After all a blow that falls on the belly of an enemy, never mind from where, is always most welcome. I know as well as you do who is in opposition, and how ironic it is that they have not learnt "something" from "the British and American opposition when it comes to the national interest and national vision", when in fact they are so close to them, and even live in their good graces. Again, I will not.
We all know the political milieu that inspires and guides Gono, which means knowing which politics are vindicated by Joram’s denouncing of the other. Put differently, to easy judgments, Joram is the proverbial fat blackberry that falls right into a hungry collector’s straw basket. He need not pick it. But that again is to miss the point.
Three cheer from yodelling enemies
Since 1997 — or just before — when the great quarrel with British TB started, we have come quite a long way. We have said many things, and as comes clearly through from the afore-quoted piece, learnt many things too. Embattled and sardine-packed into opposing, antagonistic sides, we have not had the courage to admit to truths that appear to subvert the given boundaries of this Manichean world seemingly made out of polar opposites.
Over these years, our commonality as Zimbabweans has been trampled threadbare, often to awards and rewards — including monetary ones — from our yodelling enemies, who include the British, Americans and some Europeans. Far from viewing ourselves as a solid nation deservedly inhabiting this only country, we have trashed ourselves into a victim country that must be rescued, defended and saved from its Nation and nationals. We are a people to be pitied a people at whom racist condescension is liberally thrown.
Listen to what one British MP said of us just under two weeks ago, on July 19: "I have visited Zimbabwe many times. They are a lovely and wonderful people, be they Mashona or Matabele. I believe that they deserve better from the civilised world than they are getting". We give a grin of gratitude, happy that our "plight" has got the notice of a white and a Briton.
Enter the betraying generation
And those leaving for, or living in the diaspora have even added to this self-immolating bucketfuls of overflowing righteousness: they are the saner, the better, lucky ones who have escaped into "the compassionate civilised world"! Escaping from themselves, what with the self-denying, self-deprecating yarns they reel before a British immigration officer to win "asylum".
We got ourselves to those despicable depths where we so effortlessly denigrate ourselves — savage our own humanity, tear it threadbare, to smithereens — in order to buy refugee status in lands that do not like us a bit, that cannot suffer our black humanity, indeed lands that have held us in slavery and captivity for two thousand years.
Lands, therefore, which owe us our humanity. We carry indelible marks from the thongs of harshness that marked our encounter with them in history, a very recent history at that.
I know that history; Joram knows it, both he and I being midnight or eve children born in settler colonial Rhodesia, luckily growing and blossoming in Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe.
Trevor Ncube knows it, again both he and I sharing the same times, same pains, same opportunities we now do quite well to ignore. Or traduce. So does Welshman Ncube — a year or so my elder at college — and many others in opposition and the ruling party, too many to mention.
More guilty than Independence’s tots
I cannot refer to the likes of Biti and Sikhala — little boys who came much, much later, but who share with us the overbearing guilt of thankless beneficiaries from a generation that sacrificed. A generation today pilloried. A generation we seek to quarter (that horrid form of colonial justice reserved for "rebels" like Chiwashira) to pieces, atop white horses, driven and pulling in different directions, to the orders of a white master.
It is our generation, and that soon after us who are Iscariots of that generation of Zimbabwe’s liberation. We are educated; skilled even, thanks to those who lost their lives, or surrendered prospects to the struggle for Independence.
The good English (not always serving good thought) we deploy to curse Mugabe and his generation of fighters for our freedom, came from his far-sighted policies, indeed from peasants and workers who had just emerged from a brutal war of liberation, but were ready to spare from their precious little, so we could enter that ivory tower called UZ, eat bellyful, sleep in its patrician halls of residence.
Our generation had it nice, very nice, whether in Manfred, Carr Saunters, Med. Res. or the magnetic Swinton. The same peasant, the same worker whose begriming poverty we are happy to peer at through a keyhole from newfound magnificence — often ill-got, often a generous reward for studious stewardship of the assets of that same peasant’s oppressor: the white man.
Mistresses, concubines of a white class
We are the generation managing enterprises of those forces playing with prices at their whim, like a Great Cruel Deity, destroying livelihoods of our very lowly benefactors, all in the name of "sound pricing policies".
We have become the wiseacres of Rhodesian settler capitalism, ready even to go to prison, to defend that dying capitalism’s right to flay our people in the oligopoly market it created, which we perpetuate. No peasant frequents the black market, none understands its rules.
Yet all are trapped by its negative externalities, externalities of a greedy underclass class. We profitably dive into the arcane world of money changers; the innocent peasant gets dredged by the market whose cruel laws and forces we unleash on them, apparently as a reprisal for their innocence. What is worse, the profits accumulated from these mad overpricing, leaves the country as a cost a.k.a dividend, much to the happy surprise of investors overseas, over-rivers (Pick&Pay). We wring our people dry and bony for a happy white man overseas, who cannot hold his surprise at the incredible margins we make for him, we make, therefore, against our people. We, capitalism’s hopeless pimps!
Crucify him, crucify him!
No, Mugabe’s call for fair prices is hoary and mad, his push for indigenisation and empowerment – our empowerment – suicidal! His policies have turned metallurgists into overseas trash carters, as Chamber of Mines president, one Mrehwa, is happy to tell the white press. We rehearse white arguments as if we are genuine stakeholders in his world: Mugabe’s views on the economy are septic, Dell, IMF, World Bank’s, aseptic, curative! So we carp, veins straining, to the consummate pleasure of white lords. Helpfully, we add: "Mugabe must go", joining British lords and parliamentarians. Again helpfully, we add, "Let him be couped", agreeing with M16. For saying you must own your land, own your economy, buy at a fair price? No, Barabbas must be freed! It beats me.
Brecht’s worker looks at Zimbabwe’s history
When I hear that the business "leadership" (ironically and deceptively all-black in an economy which is virtually all-white), have gone to see the President, Financial Gazette in happy cheer, I ask: if Mugabe had instructed JOC to enforce a wage-freeze blitz, as did Pinochet in Chile of the mid-1970s, would these minders of white interests have demanded audience with the President? Or if Mugabe had ordered "Operation Dzoserai Minda Kuvarungu"? What is the class position of Jokonya and his colleagues in the so-called business leadership? What colour were the ideas they shared with President Mugabe on that day? Very uncomfortable questions to raise. Even more difficult ones to answer. But pertinent questions you and I have to address, if we are to build what Joram calls a national vision. I know these "business leaders", some of them in quite personal terms. I have lots of affection for them – some of them at least. But I loathe a false friendship that pre-empts pertinent questions that could help Zimbabwe take a different course in history. Much depends on how we define the problem, and who we designate as the solution. Roles we play in the current racial settler economy, makes many of us blatant swindles, human red herrings at critical junctures in the life of our nation.
From where, To where, for whom?
I go back to Joram. Certainly any vision which aspires to guide a nation has to address the question of agency: who begets it; pushes it; to where, for whom? And surely Joram must know there are so many visions flying about us. Many, many visions. The latest one, freshly minted, comes from Adam Smith International, dated 20 July, 2007, titled "100 Days: An agenda for Government and Donors in a New Zimbabwe". That same day, the business sector "leaders" here, penned another, titled "The Quest for Zimbabwe Economic Stabilisation and Recovery". Yet another came copiously from both Houses of the British establishment, as they debated Zimbabwe like it was a small disaster in some part of Middle England. You have the Common Rand Area/Zone vision, again coined by the British establishment, flaunted at the South Africans. The IMF has its own vision, whose starting point is a swift consignment of Gono and his quasi-fiscal philosophy to the cemetery, where silence reigns, where no-one comes back, at least in known human form! The World Bank, ooh! The Fishmongers! I could go on and on, the basic point being that Zimbabwe has had many visions thrust upon here, all of them sweet-to-sour baits. Far less than the vision, Zimbabwe faces an elementary question of owning and employing its own wisdom, using it to arrive at a vision, in order to make a destiny, its own destiny. That can’t come from a generation that craves to be regaled by Britain, dying to be received and wanted by the potentates of Europe and America. Or caressed by Europe’s nabobs, to reintroduce Stan. Certainly that vision will not come from peeing on the fontanel of the history we have made from so much blood; it will not come by contemptuously wishing that our freedom fighters – now in the army – play centurions to British and American interests, as speculates Jonathan Moyo who appears to be living through a moment of unrelieved idiotic and fatal recklessness. It will not come by disparaging and haunting out the heroes of our history, even equating them with the loss of our welfare which we imagine will be loaned to us by the British. Or through the so-called mass actions called by interests that are clearly against the masses.
Pus of a malignant tumor
It comes from us: you and me as genuine Zimbabweans, un-prodded by interests inimical to our people. And the history we have lived has taught us what those interests are, and who personifies them. That history has also taught us to be wary of politics of the hostile other, enacted through our own brethren. Today MDC is the pus pointing to a malignant tumor Britain has again introduced into our body-politic. They last did it in 1978-79, and the two debates in the British houses clearly show political Britain acutely longs for that very short halcyon neo-colonial era. I witnessed it, lived through it. So did the sample I gave or cited above. Presently, we are a generation beating different paths, but all defined by where we stand in relation the great national question of the day. We know what Rhodesia was – how it meant to be alive and African. We know Zimbabwe – equally what it took to bring it about, what it needs to keep it free and sovereign. Indeed, to keep it a country that serves its Nation, its People so disadvantaged and expropriated by a history. As midnight children - the eve generation - we have a comparative perspective, and thus can educate those yet unborn or just born, as we crossed over; can warn those old enough to remember and know, but weak enough or too tired to keep to the cause. We have not done so yet. Instead we have joined the beating of a shallow drum, another’s drum, as if we do not recognise its dreadful sound. Joram appears to have now realised it, or to have played this dreadful drum to coyness. He does not want its beat anymore, which is why his piece is so important as a marker of incipient reawakening of a derelict generation, my generation. We could be creeping out of the woods.
Courting America’s dictators
Some day – and one prays that day never comes – when this nation, on the cajoling advice of an outsider, buys itself a dictator, or accepts one, my generation is wise enough to know that such a political persona will never be a self-taught one, but one bred abroad, in circumstances where as a people, we will have refused to take, define and defend our own destiny, preferring an easy one loaned from London and Washington. I go back to Chile under Salvador Allende. The years are 1970/71/72/73. Faced with the first leftist party and president the first to make it to power via a clean ballot; faced with an effete conservative machinery and leadership that could not stop that great political abomination from happening, America went, first into lamentation, and later into conclusive conspiracy. Both impulses were instructive, still are to this day and generation. From America’s point of view, the bane of Chile on the eve of this great political abomination was that it was served by an army which "was constitutionally minded", and thus disinclined to prevent the rise of Allende’s leftist government through a coup. So reported its CIA station manager for that country. "Progress" would only be achieved when the military had been made to graduate from this debilitating psychosis of constitutionalism, he recommended. The incumbent President then, Frei – conservative, pro-American but timid – remarked ahead of Allende’s inauguration set for the same year of 1970, in October: "Chile faces a very short future. After October (Allende’s inauguration month), Chile will only have a past". Such a remark gave the conspiring Americans greater impetus to conspire, even a sense of messianic mission.
The day Chile lost a future, only held onto a past
The second stage opened with the murder of the general who commanded the armed forces, and thus was guilty of generating such inertia. General Schneider was disposed of, cruelly by hired assassins. Then the CIA turned to the military, worked on it. And on retired generals too, whom it hoped would command serving members, worked on both until the mindset changed, with the Chilean military taking on an outlook quite irreverent to the constitution, to lawful authority, to the President. General Pinochet walked in, smashed Chile’s palace and its reform-minded President, sat in. That year alone, won Chile US$290 million from temporarily grateful America, much of still being paid back to this day by generations that followed that dark epoch. Chile paid more. It lost a revolution, lost a president. Above all, it lost a country, which USA gained.
New leaders who think, do things like us
From that day, indeed Chile only had a past, its future being American. A very good gain that changed the face of Latin America, granting that subcontinent an historical setback out of which it is just creeping, a good four decades after. Robert McNamara, then victorious America’s defense secretary, could afford to brag about a new generation of leaders in Latin America (sounds familiar?), all of them nightly tutored by America through the military and subsequently sired by a series of coups: "They are the new leaders. I don’t need to expatiate on the value of having in leadership positions men who have previously become closely acquainted with how we Americans think and do things. Making friends with those men is beyond price". Amazingly candid tongue, predictably loosened by a sense of impunity exclusively enjoyed by minions of a superpower.
A shot as we part.
Mine has been a long peroration, one often diving into moments of history to find illustrations, hopefully to make those moments living pieces that help shape our present, and hopefully our future as well, as proud Zimbabweans. I do not believe in history as a mummified story of dead men and rarely, dead women doing good things. Like Eduardo Galeano – that great Latino revolutionary – I believe history to be "a live memory of our day", a key to understanding the present and the future, indeed that zone of active life we go to "for the sounds and footprints of the multitudes who traced the paths we walk today". Well read, history need not continue to be the cruel mistress it has been for us, all along. Especially for my culpable generation. Icho!

O lift high the banner, the flag of Zimbabwe. The symbol of freedom proclaiming victory; We praise our heros' sacrifice, And vow to keep our land from foes; And may the Almighty protect and bless our land. O lovely Zimbabwe, so wondrously adorned; With mountains, and rivers cascading, flowing free; And may the Almighty protect and bless our land. O God, we beseech Thee to bless our native land; The land of our fathers bestowed upon us all.
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Saturday, 21 July 2007
Vatican: When the plumage is better than the dying bird
Vatican: When the plumage is better than the dying bird
President Mugabe this week disclosed what the British establishment has been up to in respect of Zimbabwe politics. The British establishment has been trying to sponsor a coup here in order to bring about a regime type it hopes will protect its interests in the country. This new, muscular effort by the British establishment would seem to suggest that its hope and belief in an MDC-led regime change has evaporated, what with repeated electoral defeats of its fissiparous proxy by Zanu-PF. A ballot-based, MDC-led regime change strategy would have at least given Britain’s imperial project here a veneer of both democratic respectability and legitimacy. Now even that respectability is an encumbrance. The fig leaf is off, thrusting to the fore a coarser strategy that throws caution to the wind.
Better than a British gulag?
Does the British establishment hope and expect the Zanla/Zipra-derived command of our national security establishment to undermine what it created through blood and tears? This is a gross anomaly which only a haughty empire is capable of entertaining in the belief that any African is a potential askari, depending on the colour of the currency on offer. As is well known, the Zimbabwe security establishment is too steeped in the ethos of the liberation struggle to be turned so easily into a pawn of imperialism. What is more, it is an active participant in national processes, including the Third Chimurenga which created the present circumstances of conflict with the British, the Europeans and the Americans. To expect it, therefore, to oppose the very outcome it helped make, one, therefore, it identifies with, is a bit too much. What is more, to expect it to find better prospects in a resultant British neo-colonial gulag created out of the collapse of a Zanu-PF government, is to deny it the most basic instinct of self-preservation and common sense.
A humane, democratic coup
Another point needs to be made. The reverses which Britain continues to suffer through repeated electoral failure of the quisling MDC, threaten the democratic national body politic through the barrel politics which the British establishment has sought to inspire here. If one considers that the British and American charge sheet against the Zanu-PF Government is replete with accusations of flouting democratic tenets, the British drift towards a coup-driven political change becomes not just ironic, but cynical.
Is a coup the cure to Zanu-PF’s alleged undemocratic politics? Is it a democratic means to a new Zimbabwe which Britain and its opposition acolytes have been agitating for? Above all, if one considers that Britain, the EU and America want to dress their hostility towards Harare in values, instruments and resolutions of Sadc, the AU and the Commonwealth, what does this advocacy of military intervention amount to?
Sadc, the AU and the Commonwealth in whose name Britain couches her anti-Zimbabwe posture, have renounced military intervention as a way of bringing about a change of government. How does one harmonise Britain’s military blueprint for change here with this unanimous position of the three multilateral agencies whose values Britain pretends to be defending here in Zimbabwe?
I might as well disclose that as part of its orchestration for post-coup consent, the Blair government went as far as priming the Commonwealth and its willing secretary general, to prepare to justify and unconditionally embrace the outcome however bloody. In other words, Sadc, the AU and Imperial Club’s anti-coup ethos did not matter to Blair and his government, and were going to be changed to accommodate this one "humane" and "democratic" coup meant to reassert Pax Britannica. This must be sobering to all those who mistakenly think that Britain, Europe and America are a triumvirate of democracy and good governance here.
Straitjacketing Brown
Gordon Brown is carving his premiership against such a sordid, ethically free foreign policy background. TB’s hawks (led by the maverick Kate Hoey), who are anxious that Brown maintains the Blair course on Zimbabwe, have started piling pressure on him, to gratuitous echoes from the British media.
The pretext is the forthcoming EU-Africa Summit to which the President of Zimbabwe will be invited by the host Portuguese government. Hawks in the Conservatives have also joined in the bark and bash, with the foetal William Hague exhorting Brown to speak against the invitation, and to call for the widening of illegal sanctions against Zimbabwe.
The British Sunday Times suggested Brown has succumbed to this pressure by telling his Portuguese counterpart he will boycott the summit should Mugabe be invited. The article added the premier is daunted by the prospect of an accidental handshake with President Mugabe, as did Jack Straw at the UN! But credible reports have also indicated Brown has been contacting all the heads in Sadc to gauge African opinion on Zimbabwe, something quite out of tune with TB’s way of tackling the Zimbabwe issue.
What Brown needs to know
Whatever is going on behind the scene, a few points need to be made clear to Gordon Brown. Zimbabwe will not make any U-turn. It has none to make. Only Britain can and has a turn to make in respect of Zimbabwe. Blair admitted to as much to Thabo Mbeki. We are vindicating national rights against a rapacious imperial power.
This is a fight for freedom, and one we cannot lose, we can never go weary. Zimbabwe has survived the worst, and is evolving ways of coping without Western support. It has done so from 2000 and is gradually adjusting its systems to self-sustain.
A Zimbabwe that picks itself up, unaided, will not need a Britain in future, indeed will become more assertive. President Mugabe will win elections in March 2008, elections which will be recognised by the whole of Africa and the Third World as free and fair. We run elections quite well here, far, far better than Big Brother Nigeria, whose shambolic elections Blair had little difficulty in recognising.
Negative Western judgment will not matter at all. The current hype over Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown only misleads the West and no one else.
Zimbabwe’s economy will not collapse; no economy ever does except in the media. Brown will fight the next elections with President Mugabe still in office, most probably presiding over a recovering economy. British interests will be weakened severely as this recovery gathers pace in the context of continued British hostility. Now he must decide whether to vindicate his predecessor’s hostile policies here, or to open a new era of enlightened foreign policy.
The return of the white native?
Which takes me to a story which has been running for a while. White former farmers who left the country at the peak of land reforms, we are told, are trooping back to resettle, having concluded it is impossible to settle elsewhere in the world. They expect to be hailed or, at the very least, to be washed and forgiven like the biblical prodigal son.
Except the rapt media have not stopped to ask a few relevant questions. Why does this realisation seize this lost Rhodesian tribe a few months before the March 2008 general elections which the British have described as crucial to their project here? What reception do these farmers expect here? What opportunities are they expecting here? And the land question? Have they accepted it, and are they expecting any resettlement? Did they ever leave, or were they running their affairs and interests here from another country, another place? Have they really left the countries they fled to? Will they stay once the MDC gets beaten again? What will be their role in that election and who will they vote?
Watch out Zimbabwe! We could be in the middle of another 2000 where white farmers availed their infrastructure and personnel to the MDC which proceeded to win a significant part of the vote without a single organisational cell. Fortunately, those tasked with vigilance are hard at work and more shall be told.
The burdens of Catholicism
Pius Ncube, o-oh my good Lord! I leave the whole matter to his God, the courts and his conscience. I notice he wants to go to the courts. I am sure more shall be revealed and we shall all be shocked and amused at the same time. It is interesting how a man of God renders himself unto Caesar’s courts, in the process pledging greater faith in earthly judgment.
I am Catholic myself, albeit a lukewarm one. I worry, worry a lot about the future of my church. Whereto, my church? The more the court processes spew out ungodly detail behind the vestry, the less inhabitable this great House of God will be, both for God and man. I happen to know what is on tape. I cannot say more except to pray for my church. Without this extra pressure of a negative Press, it was already under retreating from Pentecostal onslaught. People were deserting the church in droves, leaving only mature believers behind, mostly mothers, married mothers.
Now these loyal mothers, themselves the bastion of the church’s membership, find themselves on tenterhooks in the supposed House of Peace and Righteousness. They have to prove their innocence, prove to sceptical husbands that any creases and folds on the bright, blue skirt owe to nothing sinister but mere reckless seating in worshipful moments.
It is burdensome to be both a Catholic and woman. Burdensome too to be nun, should ZBC choose to show us all that is alleged to have been happening in the holy man’s boudoir. It is going to be really nasty.
When prophets cannot see the mundane
But the sleazy aside, serious issues beg. Why is the Church, which is so quick to call itself the prophetic voice, so slow to deal with a contemporary allegation relating to one of its own? Is the matter too immediate for prophecy, itself the domain of disciples? True, Archbishop Ndlovu is an equivalent of Pius Ncube, and thus cannot summon him for some audience. But there is the Papal Nuncio in Mt Pleasant? But there is the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference? Is ZCBC not the Politburo of the Catholic Church? I mean if it has enough courage to tackle Government from such an uninformed position, surely it can tackle one of their own accused of transgressing holy standards they breathe, eat and dream?
Through Pius Ncube and other priests like Wermter, the Catholic Church has not hesitated to judge and condemn, in the process implying high standards for itself and its servants. Through Pius Ncube, it has even pronounced a fatwa on politicians, including the President. It has not left vengeance to God, suggesting doctrinal fundamentalism that dwarfs those sworn to Osama. Why this sudden ambivalence of a faith whose world is so Manichean?
Larger than one person, larger than
one church
Where is the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, itself the ecumene of all denominations in the country, and to which the Catholic Church pledged an affiliate status? Beyond the specifics of the allegations faced by Pius Ncube, surely this whole matter raises the whole question of conduct and behaviour of any church’s civil servants? One does not necessary have to be a Pius (no pun intended) and a Catholic to face the kind of allegation the archbishop now faces.
More than individuals, this is about the Zimbabwean Church, about Zimbabwe and its faith, and all those who claim to lead Christendom. And the Christian Alliance of Kadenge? How does he hope to "save Zimbabwe" when he cannot save the soul of his holy kind? The bishops have now discovered that far from facing blazing guns from Government, they are facing blazing shame they cannot handle. The very State which they condemned as devilish is protecting them from themselves. I leave the holy men for a while, to turn to the earthly matters of flesh.
Our man, right or wrong
The Herald yesterday carried a blazing letter from the foreign-funded MISA, frothing about "ethical journalism and the principle of fair and balanced reporting". MISA went much further: "The State media’s coverage of this case reinforces concerns that these media are used as political weapons against perceived enemies of Zimbabwe’s ruling elite. The showing of graphic pictures of alleged moments of intimacy of parties allegedly involved in this matter smacked of an agenda beyond normal journalistic reporting."
MISA added that the images played by the
public media "tarnish the respectable reputation and image of the archbishop once and for all".
The statement was signed by one Loughty Dube, MISA’s chairperson based in Bulawayo, itself the setting for the alleged misdeeds by the holy man. Dube, who works for the Independent, followed through by another instalment in the Independent which sought to link both the complainant and the investigator to State security machinery. Not to be outdone, Muckraker followed up with a barrage of questions, including one asking where Mahoso is for not taking action against public media through provisions provided under AIPPA. Suddenly both Mahoso and AIPPA have become good!
The gossiper also takes a provocative swipe at the President, stating "he is not exactly a paragon of virtue", a line taken up by one Tawanda Mutasa, who introduces himself as "a friend of Archbishop Pius Ncube". I happen to know that he is writing from South Africa and is credited with the launch of the NCA. He is a very righteous man, as evidenced by who he befriends. Then there were advertorials from Zimrights and Ncube’s South Africa-based Solidarity Peace Trust, both seeking to show Pius Ncube has been hard done by. Solidarity Peace Trust goes much further:
"It (Solidarity Peace Trust) notes the accusation of adultery that has been made against the Archbishop, and regardless of truth or falsity, stands by him during this very difficult ordeal." And without any hint of irony, it adds: "Archbishop Ncube has over several years taken a strong moral stand against the repression and political and human rights abuses of the Zimbabwean state, and for his efforts the Mugabe regime has continuously tried to smear his good character." Nothing surpasses such bigotry from a body led by religious figures who have embraced gays and lesbians.
Shifting the accused, accusing
the innocent
All told, there has been a hefty reaction to the coverage of the story, expectedly from the same quarters opposed to President Mugabe and Zanu-PF. If you were coming from Mars you would be forgiven for thinking that the accused is President Mugabe and his Government.
How does a person or an institution making a case for giving due process a chance, end up incriminating and passing judgment on a person who is not party to the proceedings, indeed who is not in the pictures (no pun intended)? Where does President Mugabe come in? Who says he is virtuous? How virtuous are those querying his virtue? And yet if their own fallibility does not stop them from casting aspersions, why are they condemning the public media for doing the same? More important, they use the argument of letting the courts decide. True the courts shall decide. But how do you declare in the same argument that the public media had tarnished "the respectable reputation and image of the archbishop" without suggesting a judgment for the same courts? Or dare say you stand by the archbishop "regardless of the truth or falsity"?
When nudity is not nude
After March 11 and much later, towards the middle of the year, we were all treated to the double nudity of Grace Kwinjeh and Beatrice Mtetwa. MISA did not raise a finger, in fact knew nothing about ethics of journalism. Nudity then made political profit for the MDC, and was thus justified. It was nudity that was less nude, according to our holy MISA!
Then came this one, focusing attention on one of their number and, hey, suddenly moral prudery hits the zenith. Surely we want to talk about ethical standards, not this my-man-right-or-wrong attitude. It cheapens the whole debate. And in all this, who speaks for the complainant? Is a media-led trashing of a complainant not itself a trashing of the due process? Who speaks for Sibanda in this whole debate? And assuming he worked for the security structures, does this destroy his right to approach the courts with allegations for which he seeks redress?
Supposing Tekere once worked for the security structures of the State, does that impair his findings? Or take away the subject of his pictures? Why this fascination with the "how" of the whole saga, and not its "what", which is what passes for the great question of the day? Supposing Ncube is acquitted by the courts, would that kill allegations he faces from society, from churchgoers specifically?
What is the place of human courts in the indictment of a holy man? Why do we want to pity the plumage while forgetting the dying bird? The bottom line is a man whose industry and purpose turns on high moral standards, faces very serious allegations of an extraordinary moral lapse. He badly needs to clear himself, FULLSTOP. The media which bring to public attention circumstances of the allegations cannot be more morally blameworthy than alleged actors in this drama suggesting monumental moral failure. Who Ncube has been attacking politically, what cause he has been peddling politically, does not put him above allegations or coverage. That is not what created the circumstances that caused the writ in the first place.
Gag order
I do not like a bit this gag order from Ncube’s lawyer. What is it meant to do? Intimidate the public media? This from the lawyer of a man who lives in the glare of international media, a man who delights in abusing other people’s reputations with impunity? This from a man who claims to be a democrat, who claims to hate any fettering of civil liberties, including that of freedom of expression.
Is it not ironic that his lawyer seeks redress through a section of AIPPA, the same AIPPA Ncube denounced before Colin Powell, leading to greater US hostility against Zimbabwe? And if we allow a mere archbishop to gag the media that way, how about more powerful citizens like the President who has suffered serious besmirching without bringing down the gag order? And MISA backs gags? Why MISA anyway, and not the brand new Media Council it created in the name of ZUJ? It is truly pathetic. But there is a silver lining to all this. Our law could very well be on the verge of a jurisprudential breakthrough. We watch, we listen. Icho!
President Mugabe this week disclosed what the British establishment has been up to in respect of Zimbabwe politics. The British establishment has been trying to sponsor a coup here in order to bring about a regime type it hopes will protect its interests in the country. This new, muscular effort by the British establishment would seem to suggest that its hope and belief in an MDC-led regime change has evaporated, what with repeated electoral defeats of its fissiparous proxy by Zanu-PF. A ballot-based, MDC-led regime change strategy would have at least given Britain’s imperial project here a veneer of both democratic respectability and legitimacy. Now even that respectability is an encumbrance. The fig leaf is off, thrusting to the fore a coarser strategy that throws caution to the wind.
Better than a British gulag?
Does the British establishment hope and expect the Zanla/Zipra-derived command of our national security establishment to undermine what it created through blood and tears? This is a gross anomaly which only a haughty empire is capable of entertaining in the belief that any African is a potential askari, depending on the colour of the currency on offer. As is well known, the Zimbabwe security establishment is too steeped in the ethos of the liberation struggle to be turned so easily into a pawn of imperialism. What is more, it is an active participant in national processes, including the Third Chimurenga which created the present circumstances of conflict with the British, the Europeans and the Americans. To expect it, therefore, to oppose the very outcome it helped make, one, therefore, it identifies with, is a bit too much. What is more, to expect it to find better prospects in a resultant British neo-colonial gulag created out of the collapse of a Zanu-PF government, is to deny it the most basic instinct of self-preservation and common sense.
A humane, democratic coup
Another point needs to be made. The reverses which Britain continues to suffer through repeated electoral failure of the quisling MDC, threaten the democratic national body politic through the barrel politics which the British establishment has sought to inspire here. If one considers that the British and American charge sheet against the Zanu-PF Government is replete with accusations of flouting democratic tenets, the British drift towards a coup-driven political change becomes not just ironic, but cynical.
Is a coup the cure to Zanu-PF’s alleged undemocratic politics? Is it a democratic means to a new Zimbabwe which Britain and its opposition acolytes have been agitating for? Above all, if one considers that Britain, the EU and America want to dress their hostility towards Harare in values, instruments and resolutions of Sadc, the AU and the Commonwealth, what does this advocacy of military intervention amount to?
Sadc, the AU and the Commonwealth in whose name Britain couches her anti-Zimbabwe posture, have renounced military intervention as a way of bringing about a change of government. How does one harmonise Britain’s military blueprint for change here with this unanimous position of the three multilateral agencies whose values Britain pretends to be defending here in Zimbabwe?
I might as well disclose that as part of its orchestration for post-coup consent, the Blair government went as far as priming the Commonwealth and its willing secretary general, to prepare to justify and unconditionally embrace the outcome however bloody. In other words, Sadc, the AU and Imperial Club’s anti-coup ethos did not matter to Blair and his government, and were going to be changed to accommodate this one "humane" and "democratic" coup meant to reassert Pax Britannica. This must be sobering to all those who mistakenly think that Britain, Europe and America are a triumvirate of democracy and good governance here.
Straitjacketing Brown
Gordon Brown is carving his premiership against such a sordid, ethically free foreign policy background. TB’s hawks (led by the maverick Kate Hoey), who are anxious that Brown maintains the Blair course on Zimbabwe, have started piling pressure on him, to gratuitous echoes from the British media.
The pretext is the forthcoming EU-Africa Summit to which the President of Zimbabwe will be invited by the host Portuguese government. Hawks in the Conservatives have also joined in the bark and bash, with the foetal William Hague exhorting Brown to speak against the invitation, and to call for the widening of illegal sanctions against Zimbabwe.
The British Sunday Times suggested Brown has succumbed to this pressure by telling his Portuguese counterpart he will boycott the summit should Mugabe be invited. The article added the premier is daunted by the prospect of an accidental handshake with President Mugabe, as did Jack Straw at the UN! But credible reports have also indicated Brown has been contacting all the heads in Sadc to gauge African opinion on Zimbabwe, something quite out of tune with TB’s way of tackling the Zimbabwe issue.
What Brown needs to know
Whatever is going on behind the scene, a few points need to be made clear to Gordon Brown. Zimbabwe will not make any U-turn. It has none to make. Only Britain can and has a turn to make in respect of Zimbabwe. Blair admitted to as much to Thabo Mbeki. We are vindicating national rights against a rapacious imperial power.
This is a fight for freedom, and one we cannot lose, we can never go weary. Zimbabwe has survived the worst, and is evolving ways of coping without Western support. It has done so from 2000 and is gradually adjusting its systems to self-sustain.
A Zimbabwe that picks itself up, unaided, will not need a Britain in future, indeed will become more assertive. President Mugabe will win elections in March 2008, elections which will be recognised by the whole of Africa and the Third World as free and fair. We run elections quite well here, far, far better than Big Brother Nigeria, whose shambolic elections Blair had little difficulty in recognising.
Negative Western judgment will not matter at all. The current hype over Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown only misleads the West and no one else.
Zimbabwe’s economy will not collapse; no economy ever does except in the media. Brown will fight the next elections with President Mugabe still in office, most probably presiding over a recovering economy. British interests will be weakened severely as this recovery gathers pace in the context of continued British hostility. Now he must decide whether to vindicate his predecessor’s hostile policies here, or to open a new era of enlightened foreign policy.
The return of the white native?
Which takes me to a story which has been running for a while. White former farmers who left the country at the peak of land reforms, we are told, are trooping back to resettle, having concluded it is impossible to settle elsewhere in the world. They expect to be hailed or, at the very least, to be washed and forgiven like the biblical prodigal son.
Except the rapt media have not stopped to ask a few relevant questions. Why does this realisation seize this lost Rhodesian tribe a few months before the March 2008 general elections which the British have described as crucial to their project here? What reception do these farmers expect here? What opportunities are they expecting here? And the land question? Have they accepted it, and are they expecting any resettlement? Did they ever leave, or were they running their affairs and interests here from another country, another place? Have they really left the countries they fled to? Will they stay once the MDC gets beaten again? What will be their role in that election and who will they vote?
Watch out Zimbabwe! We could be in the middle of another 2000 where white farmers availed their infrastructure and personnel to the MDC which proceeded to win a significant part of the vote without a single organisational cell. Fortunately, those tasked with vigilance are hard at work and more shall be told.
The burdens of Catholicism
Pius Ncube, o-oh my good Lord! I leave the whole matter to his God, the courts and his conscience. I notice he wants to go to the courts. I am sure more shall be revealed and we shall all be shocked and amused at the same time. It is interesting how a man of God renders himself unto Caesar’s courts, in the process pledging greater faith in earthly judgment.
I am Catholic myself, albeit a lukewarm one. I worry, worry a lot about the future of my church. Whereto, my church? The more the court processes spew out ungodly detail behind the vestry, the less inhabitable this great House of God will be, both for God and man. I happen to know what is on tape. I cannot say more except to pray for my church. Without this extra pressure of a negative Press, it was already under retreating from Pentecostal onslaught. People were deserting the church in droves, leaving only mature believers behind, mostly mothers, married mothers.
Now these loyal mothers, themselves the bastion of the church’s membership, find themselves on tenterhooks in the supposed House of Peace and Righteousness. They have to prove their innocence, prove to sceptical husbands that any creases and folds on the bright, blue skirt owe to nothing sinister but mere reckless seating in worshipful moments.
It is burdensome to be both a Catholic and woman. Burdensome too to be nun, should ZBC choose to show us all that is alleged to have been happening in the holy man’s boudoir. It is going to be really nasty.
When prophets cannot see the mundane
But the sleazy aside, serious issues beg. Why is the Church, which is so quick to call itself the prophetic voice, so slow to deal with a contemporary allegation relating to one of its own? Is the matter too immediate for prophecy, itself the domain of disciples? True, Archbishop Ndlovu is an equivalent of Pius Ncube, and thus cannot summon him for some audience. But there is the Papal Nuncio in Mt Pleasant? But there is the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference? Is ZCBC not the Politburo of the Catholic Church? I mean if it has enough courage to tackle Government from such an uninformed position, surely it can tackle one of their own accused of transgressing holy standards they breathe, eat and dream?
Through Pius Ncube and other priests like Wermter, the Catholic Church has not hesitated to judge and condemn, in the process implying high standards for itself and its servants. Through Pius Ncube, it has even pronounced a fatwa on politicians, including the President. It has not left vengeance to God, suggesting doctrinal fundamentalism that dwarfs those sworn to Osama. Why this sudden ambivalence of a faith whose world is so Manichean?
Larger than one person, larger than
one church
Where is the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, itself the ecumene of all denominations in the country, and to which the Catholic Church pledged an affiliate status? Beyond the specifics of the allegations faced by Pius Ncube, surely this whole matter raises the whole question of conduct and behaviour of any church’s civil servants? One does not necessary have to be a Pius (no pun intended) and a Catholic to face the kind of allegation the archbishop now faces.
More than individuals, this is about the Zimbabwean Church, about Zimbabwe and its faith, and all those who claim to lead Christendom. And the Christian Alliance of Kadenge? How does he hope to "save Zimbabwe" when he cannot save the soul of his holy kind? The bishops have now discovered that far from facing blazing guns from Government, they are facing blazing shame they cannot handle. The very State which they condemned as devilish is protecting them from themselves. I leave the holy men for a while, to turn to the earthly matters of flesh.
Our man, right or wrong
The Herald yesterday carried a blazing letter from the foreign-funded MISA, frothing about "ethical journalism and the principle of fair and balanced reporting". MISA went much further: "The State media’s coverage of this case reinforces concerns that these media are used as political weapons against perceived enemies of Zimbabwe’s ruling elite. The showing of graphic pictures of alleged moments of intimacy of parties allegedly involved in this matter smacked of an agenda beyond normal journalistic reporting."
MISA added that the images played by the
public media "tarnish the respectable reputation and image of the archbishop once and for all".
The statement was signed by one Loughty Dube, MISA’s chairperson based in Bulawayo, itself the setting for the alleged misdeeds by the holy man. Dube, who works for the Independent, followed through by another instalment in the Independent which sought to link both the complainant and the investigator to State security machinery. Not to be outdone, Muckraker followed up with a barrage of questions, including one asking where Mahoso is for not taking action against public media through provisions provided under AIPPA. Suddenly both Mahoso and AIPPA have become good!
The gossiper also takes a provocative swipe at the President, stating "he is not exactly a paragon of virtue", a line taken up by one Tawanda Mutasa, who introduces himself as "a friend of Archbishop Pius Ncube". I happen to know that he is writing from South Africa and is credited with the launch of the NCA. He is a very righteous man, as evidenced by who he befriends. Then there were advertorials from Zimrights and Ncube’s South Africa-based Solidarity Peace Trust, both seeking to show Pius Ncube has been hard done by. Solidarity Peace Trust goes much further:
"It (Solidarity Peace Trust) notes the accusation of adultery that has been made against the Archbishop, and regardless of truth or falsity, stands by him during this very difficult ordeal." And without any hint of irony, it adds: "Archbishop Ncube has over several years taken a strong moral stand against the repression and political and human rights abuses of the Zimbabwean state, and for his efforts the Mugabe regime has continuously tried to smear his good character." Nothing surpasses such bigotry from a body led by religious figures who have embraced gays and lesbians.
Shifting the accused, accusing
the innocent
All told, there has been a hefty reaction to the coverage of the story, expectedly from the same quarters opposed to President Mugabe and Zanu-PF. If you were coming from Mars you would be forgiven for thinking that the accused is President Mugabe and his Government.
How does a person or an institution making a case for giving due process a chance, end up incriminating and passing judgment on a person who is not party to the proceedings, indeed who is not in the pictures (no pun intended)? Where does President Mugabe come in? Who says he is virtuous? How virtuous are those querying his virtue? And yet if their own fallibility does not stop them from casting aspersions, why are they condemning the public media for doing the same? More important, they use the argument of letting the courts decide. True the courts shall decide. But how do you declare in the same argument that the public media had tarnished "the respectable reputation and image of the archbishop" without suggesting a judgment for the same courts? Or dare say you stand by the archbishop "regardless of the truth or falsity"?
When nudity is not nude
After March 11 and much later, towards the middle of the year, we were all treated to the double nudity of Grace Kwinjeh and Beatrice Mtetwa. MISA did not raise a finger, in fact knew nothing about ethics of journalism. Nudity then made political profit for the MDC, and was thus justified. It was nudity that was less nude, according to our holy MISA!
Then came this one, focusing attention on one of their number and, hey, suddenly moral prudery hits the zenith. Surely we want to talk about ethical standards, not this my-man-right-or-wrong attitude. It cheapens the whole debate. And in all this, who speaks for the complainant? Is a media-led trashing of a complainant not itself a trashing of the due process? Who speaks for Sibanda in this whole debate? And assuming he worked for the security structures, does this destroy his right to approach the courts with allegations for which he seeks redress?
Supposing Tekere once worked for the security structures of the State, does that impair his findings? Or take away the subject of his pictures? Why this fascination with the "how" of the whole saga, and not its "what", which is what passes for the great question of the day? Supposing Ncube is acquitted by the courts, would that kill allegations he faces from society, from churchgoers specifically?
What is the place of human courts in the indictment of a holy man? Why do we want to pity the plumage while forgetting the dying bird? The bottom line is a man whose industry and purpose turns on high moral standards, faces very serious allegations of an extraordinary moral lapse. He badly needs to clear himself, FULLSTOP. The media which bring to public attention circumstances of the allegations cannot be more morally blameworthy than alleged actors in this drama suggesting monumental moral failure. Who Ncube has been attacking politically, what cause he has been peddling politically, does not put him above allegations or coverage. That is not what created the circumstances that caused the writ in the first place.
Gag order
I do not like a bit this gag order from Ncube’s lawyer. What is it meant to do? Intimidate the public media? This from the lawyer of a man who lives in the glare of international media, a man who delights in abusing other people’s reputations with impunity? This from a man who claims to be a democrat, who claims to hate any fettering of civil liberties, including that of freedom of expression.
Is it not ironic that his lawyer seeks redress through a section of AIPPA, the same AIPPA Ncube denounced before Colin Powell, leading to greater US hostility against Zimbabwe? And if we allow a mere archbishop to gag the media that way, how about more powerful citizens like the President who has suffered serious besmirching without bringing down the gag order? And MISA backs gags? Why MISA anyway, and not the brand new Media Council it created in the name of ZUJ? It is truly pathetic. But there is a silver lining to all this. Our law could very well be on the verge of a jurisprudential breakthrough. We watch, we listen. Icho!
Friday, 20 July 2007
Catholic bishop Pius Ncube acused of Adultery

How secret camera in archbishop's 'love nest' silenced vocal Mugabe critic
Video recording of alleged adultery embarrasses nation's Catholic leader
Chris McGreal, Africa correspondent
Saturday July 21, 2007
The Guardian
The pictures are as grainy and blurry as you might expect from a tiny camera hidden in the ceiling of what Zimbabwe's government press is calling "the archbishop's love nest". But there is little doubt that the man perched on the edge of the bed is Pius Ncube, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Bulawayo and furious opponent of Robert Mugabe. Behind the cleric, as he takes his shirt off, is a shape that a worker on Zimbabwe railways, Onesimus Sibanda, says is his wife, Rosemary, a secretary in the cathedral.
The video, showing a full frontal shot of a naked man who appears to be the archbishop as he climbs on to a woman whose breasts are also visible, is the basis of a lawsuit against the archbishop that is ostensibly about Mr Sibanda's honour but which the government has seized on - and almost certainly engineered - to silence one of Mr Mugabe's most persistent and effective critics.
Archbishop Ncube has denounced Zimbabwe's president as a murderer, mobilised the country's Catholic bishops to issue a pastoral letter likening the struggle against the present regime to the liberation war against white rule, and even called on Christians to pray for Mr Mugabe's death.
Now he has gone to ground while the Catholic hierarchy decides what to do as the fires are stoked by repeated broadcasts of the video on Zimbabwe television and a claim by the former secret policeman who planted the camera that Mrs Sibanda was only one of a string of women filmed in the bedroom.
The archbishop has done nothing to quell the furore. He refused to deny the accusations, saying instead that he is feeling "stressed" and praying a great deal.
The government and state-owned press maintain that the alleged affair came to light when Mr Sibanda hired a private investigator, Ernest Tekere, to check on his wife. Mr Tekere planted the camera in the ceiling of the archbishop's bedroom. "That man is a terrible womaniser," he told the state-run Harare Herald. "During the operation we saw several ladies coming to his room, women of all ages. There were old ladies, nuns and some young ones.
"He is not doing his job of sowing the holy seed but womanising. The number of women who visited his house during our investigations were too many."
But suspicions of a government hand at work were raised by the fact that Mr Sibanda has been separated from his wife for some time and lives with another woman, and because his pay is unlikely to have stretched to Mr Tekere's fees. It also emerged that the private detective is a former senior official in the Central Investigation Organisation in Bulawayo.
A fortnight ago, Mr Mugabe made a little-noticed remark about priests that is now being widely interpreted in Zimbabwe as evidence the government was behind the operation. "Some of them claim they swore to celibacy yet they sleep around with countless women," he said.
Mr Sibanda is suing the archbishop for £80,000. Court officials serving the legal papers on Archbishop Ncube were accompanied by television cameras. The state broadcaster said Mrs Sibanda admitted to the affair.
Government-run newspapers splashed the pictures on the front pages and gave detailed accounts of scenes from the video, including what the Herald described as the archbishop having a "nice time" with an unnamed married woman.
"She is believed to be a long-time girlfriend of the archbishop, as seen from the composure and confidence she exuded while in the archbishop's bedroom," the Herald wrote. "As the woman rests on the bed, Archbishop Ncube removes his collar and throws it into one of his drawers. He then proceeds to prepare the bed and places a wrapping towel across the bed."
According to the newspaper, the footage shows that the archbishop gave one sexual partner money and that she then stole jewellery from his room.
Although Archbishop Ncube's lawyers, friends and supporters quickly came out to deny the accusations, their confidence has been shaken by the cleric's refusal to do so himself.
The Solidarity Peace Trust, a church-backed group pressing for political change co-led by Archbishop Ncube, said it stood by him "regardless of the truth or falsity" of the allegations and accused the government of tactics reminiscent of the apartheid-era security police in South Africa.
Five years ago, the government engineered a sting against the opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, in which he was filmed allegedly hiring a man who claimed to be a former Israeli intelligence operative to "eliminate" Mr Mugabe. Mr Tsvangirai was acquitted at a treason trial two years later.
But some of the cleric's supporters are aghast at what they describe as his recklessness when he should have assumed that he was a primary target for surveillance. "I think it's safe to say that Pius is in a situation partly of his own making," said one of the archbishop's political supporters. "Initially I thought it wasn't true. Now I have to say the weight of evidence is against him. I'm angry with him because we all know what kind of regime we are dealing with and he has jeopardised so much."
Mr Mugabe, who describes himself as an "ordinary Catholic" and several years ago drew criticism by fathering children with his secretary while still married, said he would call for prayers for the archbishop "so that he can repent and return to morality". "Since you are my archbishop, Pius, and you swore to celibacy, keep your vows," he said. "Snatching other people's wives is not fair play."
Vatican officials had no doubt the archbishop was the victim of a carefully prepared operation to discredit him, but there has been a growing feeling in Rome that he has gone too far in his fight with Mr Mugabe. This month Archbishop Ncube said the president "should be excommunicated at the very least".
Monday, 16 July 2007
MDC: Fatal dalliance with ‘reformasi’
MDC: Fatal dalliance with ‘reformasi’
Poor Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga! She is a good girl, one with a good sense of humour too. She can bravely step out of party line, if only to vindicate the commonsensical. In these times of overbearing compliance, that is no small trait. She should not come to grief. No, she shouldn’t, and all honest men have a duty to defend her.
TB’s viral cough
Efforts at sewing the tattered rag that original MDC has now become have come to naught, a big, well-rounded naught!
Of course this in neither tragic nor unexpected. The vultures have long been in the air, the beast tottering like a drunken British lord.
But the MDC’s final collapse releases many from a heavy sense of entrapment.
Many of its members were feeling trapped by their party’s dizzy merry-go-round politics to nowhere.
They have turned, turned and turned into an ever-widening gyre. They surely needed a release, and this might just be it. I am aware I am being pedestrian — even absurd — given my insistent warning to you gentle reader to prepare for MDC’s ides by way of a massive split, to be followed by a permanent divorce, itself an interregnum before further interesting splits amoeba way, all to finish this pathetic, diseased creature that TB (Tony Blair) spat in our crowded room called Zimbabwe.
Man-child or child-man?
So, you might then ask: why the iteration, why this wordy ceremony? Well, for the sake of some victims of this political sandstorm, victims well inside both formations of the split MDC who seem hard pressed to make sense of what has hit them.
Priscilla is one such, and frankly my heart goes out to her, hoping old Mushonga to whom she is betrothed, is verily, verily cured of this nagging disease called jealousy.
Here we go. Priscilla is deeply hurt that the so-called unity talks between the warring factions of the MDC have collapsed. She blames it on Tsvangirai.
She comes across as a soul in deep anguish, a soul that hoped for a permanent suture to this deep political gush that rocked MDC’s Western benefactors.
Now Tsvangirai’s Mabvuku address has shattered all that and she is very unhappy.
Given who she is, I get the sense she is ventilating the exasperations of her side nominally headed by Arthur Mutambara. As an untried technocrat, Mutambara is a man-child, which is why he will make an excellent civil servant at SIRDC, once given the chance.
As a gambling politician, Arthur is, without doubt a child-man, which is why Welshman Ncube watches with glee as harsh events spank him the schoolboy style.
There is something immensely politically naïve about this surly robotics professor, something that makes him an avid teenager in the fertility dance of elders.
If you do not understand my simile, go to Mashonaland Central this August and watch elders beat and dance to the drum after midnight! It is no stuff for boys of tears.
Governed by ignorance
Arthur has been soundly whipped by the turn of events, with the biggest cane lash coming just recently in Luton where he was left holed in a dingy hotel by Tsvangirai, as the latter proceeded to address a diaspora rally alone.
Tsvangirai would not share his supporters with Mutambara.
It made lots of political sense for the Tsvangirai group, and in equally measure, made lots of resentment sense for the Mutambara group.
Those near enough tell me Mutambara burned red with rage, vowing if Zimbabweans are keen to be governed by "ignorance", let them jump right ahead! Now, at what point did he see this "ignorance" threatening to misgovern us?
Only after being skipped for the rally? So the show for unity became another opportunity for bitter acrimony and resentment. No doubt, Priscilla is living through the consequences of this great betrayal, as Ian Smith would call it.
By attempting to re-unite the two formations, Arthur sought to play larger than the deep-seated conflict, larger than its bloody protagonists.
Now he bleeds bitterly, while the world laughs raucously.
And as he burns himself out, Welshman’s hawks are edging forward, led by the shrewish Trudy Stevenson, still spotting marks of the past encounter, ironically in the same Mabvuku where Tsvangirai is said to have rammed the last nail in the coffin of unity.
After a calculated lull, she is piling the heat, accusing the villager of all sorts of evil, not least a violent cast which Trudy happily illustrates by her truly begotten body. Or what remains of it after Tsvangirai’s thugs fell upon her.
Her charge list is longer, larger to include abuse of party funds in furtherance of the dear leader’s private interests.
Dulini-Ncube, then united MDC’s kitty minder, is on standby to back up Trudy’s claims. The two sides seem set to barter-trade hot, pregnant words, and we certainly shall hear, where the eye cannot see.
A daughter of peace
Poor Priscilla! Evincing this motherly anguish for unity and peace, she finds herself hoping to blunt drawn daggers, by a blow of fervent kisses.
A laudable but vain act, more so in a world where love has cooled. Like all people anxious for peace, she is set to lose it, or even get devoured by the war she is so reluctant to acknowledge, let alone read fully.
Listen girl, you recall Mutambara’s recent anger against MDC elements which hope to cobble agreements with the so-called Zanu (PF) reformists? E-ehee, you got it girl.
That is what is eating Tsvangirai’s group’s time and effort!
They think they have identified the real vectors of Zanu (PF) power, and are entangled in mad courtship to worry about the Mutambara faction and its inane hope for reuniting. Do not you know this?
In step with reformasio
Now for the real complication. The Tsvangirai faction of the MDC is caught up and dizzied by a whirlpool of tempting negotiations.
It feels much sought after, and has illusions of greatness.
But not when you look a little closer. First, let us trace the contours of these tempting offers.
There is the ongoing talks minded by Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa with the support of SADC, to which both factions of the MDC have sent representatives.
Tsvangirai’s group thinks it carries a bigger mandate than that of Mutambara, a feeling reinforced by the price war it thinks it caused, a war it hoped would soften Zanu (PF) to make concessions at the table. Except this suggests the whole faction is behind the talks, or that Biti is minding the faction’s interests. But that is for another day.
Then there is the so-called unity talks between the two factions.
I stress that the significance of this dimension should be measured, please.
Through these talks, both factions seek to recover lost ground, to achieve what they were before the split.
As I have repeatedly said, it does not make them any bigger, any better, any mightier than the ant-muscle they have always been vis-Ã -vis Zanu (PF).
Again, these talks have had representatives from both sides. How representative those representatives are, in food for another thought.
Suffice it to say that the representative-ness of those representatives is best judged by the tremendous progress that continues to elude them, indeed the hot lips that have replaced balmy kisses.
Thirdly, there is the redolent dimension the Tsvangirai faction would rather I do not write about, much of it unfolding nicodemously, all at the push of those with no known totem.
These are talks that are remarkably close to thick conspiracies, talks involving Tsvangirai and elements he believes wield the future of Zanu (PF), the so-called reformasios!
There is even talk of the emergence of another party, itself an amalgam of the so-called reform-minded Zanu (PF) elements and the Tsvangirai faction.
It rests on shared sponsorship here, shared consanguinity there.
Above all, it rests on assumed power which neither and influence which neither side wield.
Opposition commodified
Lastly, there are multiple talks involving both factions separately, and donors and opposition groups within the so-called civic movement.
I have already referred to the giant anomie which has seized both factions in the wake of the change of guard at No. 10, as well as worrying (for the MDC) signals coming from Germany and Portugal over Zimbabwe’s participation at the Africa-EU Summit.
They read the beginning of a thaw, and are worried that with Blair gone, their cause might turn the brown of permanent wilt.
I do not need to say more, except to advise the gentle reader to count the number of trips to Europe Tsvangirai has made in so short a space of time.
What I have not referred to extensively is the disillusionment between these MDC formations and their twilight alter ego, better known as the civic bodies.
Let me recall for the gentle reader a recent bitter acknowledgment of rampant self-aggrandisement within the opposition and so-called civil society, an acknowledgment made by both Majongwe and Coltart in a discussion with Violet Gonda of the pirate SW Radio.
Only last week, the same disappointment came through again, this time from the lips of Munyaradzi Gwisai (remember him?).
In his inimitably vulgarised Marxist way, he complained that the opposition struggle had been "privatised and commodified", adding: "We call it the commodification of resistance syndrome where, given the crisis, many of those who lead these groups and organisations, in fact, have been living quite well off as a result of the financial support that has poured into civic society and that can be a big hindrance in people uniting, because everyone wants their little to shine and appear in the papers so that they get more donor funding coming in".
Purpose in stomach
Forget about the Marxist verbiage from this mistaken youngster, and read his real content: namely a confirmation of the donor dollar impulse at the heart of the so-called opposition movement in Zimbabwe.
Except this dreadlocked storm-in-teacup-firebrand does not realise that in a political movement, self-aggrandisement is a symptom of atrophy, never an ephemeral aberration.
It is a time-honoured degradation of the politics underpinning a movement, quite distinct from greedy hangers-on who have jumped onto the Zanu (PF) bandwagon.
MDC erstwhile supporters have found purpose in their stomachs than in the cause.
This has depressed their supporters, and Tony Hawkins’ agonised discussion with Gonda reveals the depth of disenchantment.
When a worker is seduced by capital
If you doubt my analysis, just take the example of the ongoing price war.
How dead and uncalculating can a leadership ever be politically?
As with the land question, Morgan Tsvangirai and his acolytes who include the irreverent Chi-baby, have taken a position against restoring pricing sanity in the market.
To them, the current crackdown on errant businessmen is a ruse which Zanu (PF) has mounted for short-term populist gains, ahead of March 2008 poll!
Yes it is, but one that coincides with a popular wish and expectations.
Is this not what politics is all about, namely fastening your cause on the wishes and dreams of the governed? In the case of Zanu-PF, it is obviously deeper. We see a consistency of taking and defending the common man’s interests and welfare, do we not?
Poor Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga! She is a good girl, one with a good sense of humour too. She can bravely step out of party line, if only to vindicate the commonsensical. In these times of overbearing compliance, that is no small trait. She should not come to grief. No, she shouldn’t, and all honest men have a duty to defend her.
TB’s viral cough
Efforts at sewing the tattered rag that original MDC has now become have come to naught, a big, well-rounded naught!
Of course this in neither tragic nor unexpected. The vultures have long been in the air, the beast tottering like a drunken British lord.
But the MDC’s final collapse releases many from a heavy sense of entrapment.
Many of its members were feeling trapped by their party’s dizzy merry-go-round politics to nowhere.
They have turned, turned and turned into an ever-widening gyre. They surely needed a release, and this might just be it. I am aware I am being pedestrian — even absurd — given my insistent warning to you gentle reader to prepare for MDC’s ides by way of a massive split, to be followed by a permanent divorce, itself an interregnum before further interesting splits amoeba way, all to finish this pathetic, diseased creature that TB (Tony Blair) spat in our crowded room called Zimbabwe.
Man-child or child-man?
So, you might then ask: why the iteration, why this wordy ceremony? Well, for the sake of some victims of this political sandstorm, victims well inside both formations of the split MDC who seem hard pressed to make sense of what has hit them.
Priscilla is one such, and frankly my heart goes out to her, hoping old Mushonga to whom she is betrothed, is verily, verily cured of this nagging disease called jealousy.
Here we go. Priscilla is deeply hurt that the so-called unity talks between the warring factions of the MDC have collapsed. She blames it on Tsvangirai.
She comes across as a soul in deep anguish, a soul that hoped for a permanent suture to this deep political gush that rocked MDC’s Western benefactors.
Now Tsvangirai’s Mabvuku address has shattered all that and she is very unhappy.
Given who she is, I get the sense she is ventilating the exasperations of her side nominally headed by Arthur Mutambara. As an untried technocrat, Mutambara is a man-child, which is why he will make an excellent civil servant at SIRDC, once given the chance.
As a gambling politician, Arthur is, without doubt a child-man, which is why Welshman Ncube watches with glee as harsh events spank him the schoolboy style.
There is something immensely politically naïve about this surly robotics professor, something that makes him an avid teenager in the fertility dance of elders.
If you do not understand my simile, go to Mashonaland Central this August and watch elders beat and dance to the drum after midnight! It is no stuff for boys of tears.
Governed by ignorance
Arthur has been soundly whipped by the turn of events, with the biggest cane lash coming just recently in Luton where he was left holed in a dingy hotel by Tsvangirai, as the latter proceeded to address a diaspora rally alone.
Tsvangirai would not share his supporters with Mutambara.
It made lots of political sense for the Tsvangirai group, and in equally measure, made lots of resentment sense for the Mutambara group.
Those near enough tell me Mutambara burned red with rage, vowing if Zimbabweans are keen to be governed by "ignorance", let them jump right ahead! Now, at what point did he see this "ignorance" threatening to misgovern us?
Only after being skipped for the rally? So the show for unity became another opportunity for bitter acrimony and resentment. No doubt, Priscilla is living through the consequences of this great betrayal, as Ian Smith would call it.
By attempting to re-unite the two formations, Arthur sought to play larger than the deep-seated conflict, larger than its bloody protagonists.
Now he bleeds bitterly, while the world laughs raucously.
And as he burns himself out, Welshman’s hawks are edging forward, led by the shrewish Trudy Stevenson, still spotting marks of the past encounter, ironically in the same Mabvuku where Tsvangirai is said to have rammed the last nail in the coffin of unity.
After a calculated lull, she is piling the heat, accusing the villager of all sorts of evil, not least a violent cast which Trudy happily illustrates by her truly begotten body. Or what remains of it after Tsvangirai’s thugs fell upon her.
Her charge list is longer, larger to include abuse of party funds in furtherance of the dear leader’s private interests.
Dulini-Ncube, then united MDC’s kitty minder, is on standby to back up Trudy’s claims. The two sides seem set to barter-trade hot, pregnant words, and we certainly shall hear, where the eye cannot see.
A daughter of peace
Poor Priscilla! Evincing this motherly anguish for unity and peace, she finds herself hoping to blunt drawn daggers, by a blow of fervent kisses.
A laudable but vain act, more so in a world where love has cooled. Like all people anxious for peace, she is set to lose it, or even get devoured by the war she is so reluctant to acknowledge, let alone read fully.
Listen girl, you recall Mutambara’s recent anger against MDC elements which hope to cobble agreements with the so-called Zanu (PF) reformists? E-ehee, you got it girl.
That is what is eating Tsvangirai’s group’s time and effort!
They think they have identified the real vectors of Zanu (PF) power, and are entangled in mad courtship to worry about the Mutambara faction and its inane hope for reuniting. Do not you know this?
In step with reformasio
Now for the real complication. The Tsvangirai faction of the MDC is caught up and dizzied by a whirlpool of tempting negotiations.
It feels much sought after, and has illusions of greatness.
But not when you look a little closer. First, let us trace the contours of these tempting offers.
There is the ongoing talks minded by Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa with the support of SADC, to which both factions of the MDC have sent representatives.
Tsvangirai’s group thinks it carries a bigger mandate than that of Mutambara, a feeling reinforced by the price war it thinks it caused, a war it hoped would soften Zanu (PF) to make concessions at the table. Except this suggests the whole faction is behind the talks, or that Biti is minding the faction’s interests. But that is for another day.
Then there is the so-called unity talks between the two factions.
I stress that the significance of this dimension should be measured, please.
Through these talks, both factions seek to recover lost ground, to achieve what they were before the split.
As I have repeatedly said, it does not make them any bigger, any better, any mightier than the ant-muscle they have always been vis-Ã -vis Zanu (PF).
Again, these talks have had representatives from both sides. How representative those representatives are, in food for another thought.
Suffice it to say that the representative-ness of those representatives is best judged by the tremendous progress that continues to elude them, indeed the hot lips that have replaced balmy kisses.
Thirdly, there is the redolent dimension the Tsvangirai faction would rather I do not write about, much of it unfolding nicodemously, all at the push of those with no known totem.
These are talks that are remarkably close to thick conspiracies, talks involving Tsvangirai and elements he believes wield the future of Zanu (PF), the so-called reformasios!
There is even talk of the emergence of another party, itself an amalgam of the so-called reform-minded Zanu (PF) elements and the Tsvangirai faction.
It rests on shared sponsorship here, shared consanguinity there.
Above all, it rests on assumed power which neither and influence which neither side wield.
Opposition commodified
Lastly, there are multiple talks involving both factions separately, and donors and opposition groups within the so-called civic movement.
I have already referred to the giant anomie which has seized both factions in the wake of the change of guard at No. 10, as well as worrying (for the MDC) signals coming from Germany and Portugal over Zimbabwe’s participation at the Africa-EU Summit.
They read the beginning of a thaw, and are worried that with Blair gone, their cause might turn the brown of permanent wilt.
I do not need to say more, except to advise the gentle reader to count the number of trips to Europe Tsvangirai has made in so short a space of time.
What I have not referred to extensively is the disillusionment between these MDC formations and their twilight alter ego, better known as the civic bodies.
Let me recall for the gentle reader a recent bitter acknowledgment of rampant self-aggrandisement within the opposition and so-called civil society, an acknowledgment made by both Majongwe and Coltart in a discussion with Violet Gonda of the pirate SW Radio.
Only last week, the same disappointment came through again, this time from the lips of Munyaradzi Gwisai (remember him?).
In his inimitably vulgarised Marxist way, he complained that the opposition struggle had been "privatised and commodified", adding: "We call it the commodification of resistance syndrome where, given the crisis, many of those who lead these groups and organisations, in fact, have been living quite well off as a result of the financial support that has poured into civic society and that can be a big hindrance in people uniting, because everyone wants their little to shine and appear in the papers so that they get more donor funding coming in".
Purpose in stomach
Forget about the Marxist verbiage from this mistaken youngster, and read his real content: namely a confirmation of the donor dollar impulse at the heart of the so-called opposition movement in Zimbabwe.
Except this dreadlocked storm-in-teacup-firebrand does not realise that in a political movement, self-aggrandisement is a symptom of atrophy, never an ephemeral aberration.
It is a time-honoured degradation of the politics underpinning a movement, quite distinct from greedy hangers-on who have jumped onto the Zanu (PF) bandwagon.
MDC erstwhile supporters have found purpose in their stomachs than in the cause.
This has depressed their supporters, and Tony Hawkins’ agonised discussion with Gonda reveals the depth of disenchantment.
When a worker is seduced by capital
If you doubt my analysis, just take the example of the ongoing price war.
How dead and uncalculating can a leadership ever be politically?
As with the land question, Morgan Tsvangirai and his acolytes who include the irreverent Chi-baby, have taken a position against restoring pricing sanity in the market.
To them, the current crackdown on errant businessmen is a ruse which Zanu (PF) has mounted for short-term populist gains, ahead of March 2008 poll!
Yes it is, but one that coincides with a popular wish and expectations.
Is this not what politics is all about, namely fastening your cause on the wishes and dreams of the governed? In the case of Zanu-PF, it is obviously deeper. We see a consistency of taking and defending the common man’s interests and welfare, do we not?
Saturday, 7 July 2007
Crackdown: When Dell’s March ides does not come
Crackdown: When Dell’s March ides does not come
IN Shakespeare’s "Julius Caesar", a soothsayer warns the main character, Julius Caesar, to "beware of the ides of March". The haughty Caesar is dismissive and takes no heed. Upon arrival of the ides of March, the imperious Caesar mocks the soothsayer by reminding him but "the ides of March is come".
To which the soothsayer retorts by warning: "but not gone". Soon after, Caesar meets his last, betrayed by those closest to his trust. Maybe the British, the Americans and their local men are now too angry for metaphors.
They have gone literal with their inveterate antagonist, President Mugabe and his Zanu (PF) party. Literally, their plot to oust the ruling party was timed for the March 11, well within the time zone of the Shakespearian "ides of March". On that day, the MDC and its silent partners were marched into action, reliant more on Elizabethan faith in March auguries than on any foolproof political calculation, scheme or groundwork.
As events turned out, this turned out to be a real march into the slaughterhouse, with the auguries coming brutally true for villains, leaving free the supposed victim for whom the soothsayer had tolled the bell. In drama, this is called a reversal of fate, itself a good set-up for dramatic irony. President Mugabe and his Zanu (PF) showed an amazing capacity to turn the tables against their opponents, and to do so in ways that delivered lasting lessons.
None within the MDC camp dares the authorities anymore, which is why Pius Ncube, the parody of MDC's bravado, reminds one of a born-clown, made worse by a stealth abuse of celestial waters meant for the Eucharist. It is called giving a bad idea a holy man!
Finally pushing through shelves
Now the British-led MDC has now decided to execute its "mass action" and "final push" through supermarkets shelves, calculating shelves and tills are too inanimate to suffer any bodily bruises. And of course Pocock and Dell’s spooks were active, very active, in the arcane world of "white market".
The dollar collapsed, itself a presage to the anticipated collapse of the "odious Zanu (PF)". The transmission mechanism was clear and unfailing. As the dollar tumbled, prices rocketed inversely. A loud cheer from Dell. A smirk from Pocock. Learned laughter from earful Robertson, for now at long last, the finger was now on the elusive trigger, and the rest would follow and fall by domino.
Investing in political change
But there was a background and build-up to all this. Sometime in March this year, a friend working for a local subsidiary of a multinational in the manufacturing sector had intimated that instructions were coming from leading capitals, including London and America, urging local operations to gradually and imperceptibly slow down.
Or better still to simply close shop and hang in there for the good time to come. This was part of the business sector investment in "political change". So this has been going on quietly, leading to the tumult we have suffered in the past two weeks.
The enemy within
I will not waste time on the role of the MDC in all this. After all, MDC is a political minor playing the game of a greater evil. I choose to focus on elements outside of the MDC and often within ruling structures which are supposed at the very least to be indifferent but never to undermine the vision of Zanu (PF).
The much-publicized huge warehouse in which a massive assortment of basic goods was stockpiled provides me with an entry point for asking very uncomfortable questions. The warehouse was well stocked. It gave us images of an endless row of mega-tanks of cooking oil, standing solidly and confidently at attention, mocking Government and consumers alike.
These tanks sat smugly on very clean floors, cleaner than corridors of the Avenues Clinic. This was not a derelict warehouse; it was a well minded place, an establishment for a regular business in contraband. The image of abundance suggested unfailing supply lines walking one back to very productive factories specializing in fast moving goods (fmgs).
So many questions
Now, how the hell does a smalltime smuggler commandeer or build such stupendous stocks of cooking oil? How does such a huge stock get piled without official notice? The business in the warehouse, we were told, included repackaging this hoard of oil into small sachets tailored to fleece struggling households.
It means a huge workforce, literally a million pair of hands, all of them sneaking in and out of this establishment without drawing attention! Come on, give us a break. How does anyone who is nobody run such a massive smuggling and hoarding ring? And for so long while always getting away with it? An unhesitating finger points to very big interests, very big players. Pity the media; the story appears to have ended as it began.
Self-fulfilling soothsayers
More stories. Scenes involving angry owners of a well-known food outlet who simply threw away huge "pots" of dour in protest at price cuts on bread. Others who simply decided to mesh huge chunks of poke and beef meet into pet food, again in protest. A supermarket which took away to "safety" all its stock of mazoe before sending its staff to a rival supermarket nearby to buy out all stocks of the same product at controlled price, for resale in its own premises at the same controlled price to hoodwink the price crack force.
Black managers who vowed they would only reopen after a change of government. Business leaders who fawningly wrote to Government warning it against a huge economic crisis in the offing, but without revealing to the same Government of their own hand in the impending crisis. A clear case of a self-fulfilling prophecy. I heard so many things, including the story of a white manufacturer of grain pest control powder who is threatening to flood the market with a substandard product to ruin the entire national harvest. I heard more.
Heard of a public relations official of a well-known food outlet who has given a succession twist to the whole price crackdown. It is not about prices, he argues; rather it is about dismantling the wherewithal of one faction, while propping the other. Now see how our bakeries stand upended in the ditch! A whole mesh of interests, a throng of actors, a rainbow of ugly colours.
Who is white, who is black?
I read, read a lot on this unfolding drama which Dell prays will cart Zanu (PF) into the dustbin of history. My eyes fall on a piece headlined "Mugabe’s (price) policies anger top cronies". Fraught with speculation, this ghost piece claims ruling party big-wigs so comfortably ensconced in the business of moving basics, are red-hot with anger, angry that this crackdown is ruining their business interests.
It connects neatly with the line this communication official of the food outlet was attempting to push through a financial weekly and the international media. I also a recall a clip capturing the interaction between the ministerial Taskforce and business interests meant to strike some understanding on the whole matter. The clip had many white people, presumably associated with big businesses, who had come to save their enterprises from the price whiplash. I also quickly recall an opportunity I had to attend an NEDPP meeting.
It did not have a single white face, much as it purported to represent business. You got a distinct impression from that NEDPP meeting the economy was now in the hands of, or at the very least management control of, blacks. Who were these white faces in the Ministerial Taskforce? Why were they not in the NEDPP meetings? Who were they representing? Or is the question on the other crowd? Who were those Africans at the NEDPP meeting representing? Which economy or economies are the two groups running to warrant a place in such crucial meetings? Of the two colours, which colour rules and runs local businesses? Which forum captured people behind policies that release or withhold goods I need to feed my family?
The puzzle of Pick and Pay
In the whirlpool of all these questions, I read further. Pick and Pay of South Africa were saying all their outlets trading as TM would comply with Government pricing policy, adding the margins of profit they were getting from Zimbabwe were just too high to last.
Even with the latest price cuts, they added, they would still make big money! I got confused, thoroughly confused. Pick and Pay went much further. They said they would be watching for opportunities for more takeovers from businesses that might fail in the current crackdown. Elsewhere in the world media I was reading the Zimbabwean economy had received its dispatching blow from its "mad" Government! In a matter of days, the economy will have collapsed, investors taking a gap!
Writing for business
Back home the weekly Financial Gazette staunchly registered its opposition to the crackdown, standing firmly on the side of business. It intemperately lashed out against Government, with opposition idioms. Nowhere was there mention of the povho! And the Independent? The same language of business.
The same language of opposition as if these editors daily cook from hampers from a generous business! Do they visit the supermarkets like we all do? Do their family trees have the poor? Or is it all about meeting the requirements of the job, in the process denying your own interests?
Simple picture no more
How does one read al this? Simply by recognizing that we have entered a decisive phase of a protracted struggle, itself showing new forms of class-based foci. There is something that is growing increasingly archaic about liberation wartime forms of collective action.
I want to make an uncomfortable point. During that very important phase of our struggle, we all were the black masses, mhomho yeZimbabwe. On the other side were settler colonialists, vasvetasimba vaikabva kuBiriteni. True, in between we had half-tones by way of collaborators, vatengesi nezvigananda. But the picture was much simpler, almost dichotomous.
Another country, another people
But twenty-seven years have since passed, and with it a redrawing of contours of affinities. In place of the shared dispossession and poverty which united and bolstered colour affinities, we have evolved and become variously propertied. We have picked up relationships, many of them across the dominant colour line.
Past foes have become friends, partners and even allies. Past comrades have become wretches to be kept at arms length. Or rivals in business. Or enemies in a mad fight for resources and purposeful influence. Or pilfers of overseas patronage so badly needed "to make it". Old boundaries are simply becoming stupid, embarrassing or uneconomic. New relations are needed, indeed are being forged. Twenty-seven years later, Zimbabwe is another country, Zimbabweans another people.
Another people defined by the class dynamic which the media hype on the succession bogey has done so much to hide. As never before, positions are being taken in relation to core questions of the economy and control of natural resources. Contestation on policy matters are taking very obvious forms, which is why the article quoted above and the activities of the public relations executive of that food chain is instructive. Once a niche is carved in the economy, the next challenge is to secure it, which is where the issue of governance and policies come in. I suppose that is the connection which the media has been missing between the economy and the so-called succession politics.
Securitising ill-gotten wealth
Why Gono’s monetary policies have courted so much hostility is simply because his insistence on playing to rules has made accumulation difficult. What is worse, his habit of changing currency unexpectedly has discounted the local currency unit as a safe store of value for this new class born out of ill-gotten pursuits.
The ironic result has been a run on the local dollar as this breed seeks to secure value through foreign currency and other forms of secure assets. This has made the "black market" so buouyant, with this new breed stashing foreign currency in readiness for succession battles they anticipate. But even that avenue is getting tighter and new avenues of making and storing value have to be found.
Hence the hoarding and black-marketing of basic goods, much to the detriment of the ordinary citizenry. And this is where the foreign and opposition dynamics come in. The British and the Americans have an interest in stoking the black market both for currency and goods to put pressure on Zanu (PF).
They thus find this mad bent of Zimbabwe's newly rich quite amenable to their subversive goals. Pocock and Dell have simply located their efforts on the bid by this new class of Zimbabwe’s rich to securitise the Mugabe and post-Mugabe era. This is why the definition of the problem and enemy has to be broader and more sophisticated. It should not surprise anyone to find new alliances simply not making much sense in terms of the broad demarcations of Anglo-Saxon versus Zimbabwe. Or Zanu (PF) versus MDC. Saka ndichiti iwe neni tichine basa. Icho!
l nathaniel.manheru@zimpapers.co.zw
IN Shakespeare’s "Julius Caesar", a soothsayer warns the main character, Julius Caesar, to "beware of the ides of March". The haughty Caesar is dismissive and takes no heed. Upon arrival of the ides of March, the imperious Caesar mocks the soothsayer by reminding him but "the ides of March is come".
To which the soothsayer retorts by warning: "but not gone". Soon after, Caesar meets his last, betrayed by those closest to his trust. Maybe the British, the Americans and their local men are now too angry for metaphors.
They have gone literal with their inveterate antagonist, President Mugabe and his Zanu (PF) party. Literally, their plot to oust the ruling party was timed for the March 11, well within the time zone of the Shakespearian "ides of March". On that day, the MDC and its silent partners were marched into action, reliant more on Elizabethan faith in March auguries than on any foolproof political calculation, scheme or groundwork.
As events turned out, this turned out to be a real march into the slaughterhouse, with the auguries coming brutally true for villains, leaving free the supposed victim for whom the soothsayer had tolled the bell. In drama, this is called a reversal of fate, itself a good set-up for dramatic irony. President Mugabe and his Zanu (PF) showed an amazing capacity to turn the tables against their opponents, and to do so in ways that delivered lasting lessons.
None within the MDC camp dares the authorities anymore, which is why Pius Ncube, the parody of MDC's bravado, reminds one of a born-clown, made worse by a stealth abuse of celestial waters meant for the Eucharist. It is called giving a bad idea a holy man!
Finally pushing through shelves
Now the British-led MDC has now decided to execute its "mass action" and "final push" through supermarkets shelves, calculating shelves and tills are too inanimate to suffer any bodily bruises. And of course Pocock and Dell’s spooks were active, very active, in the arcane world of "white market".
The dollar collapsed, itself a presage to the anticipated collapse of the "odious Zanu (PF)". The transmission mechanism was clear and unfailing. As the dollar tumbled, prices rocketed inversely. A loud cheer from Dell. A smirk from Pocock. Learned laughter from earful Robertson, for now at long last, the finger was now on the elusive trigger, and the rest would follow and fall by domino.
Investing in political change
But there was a background and build-up to all this. Sometime in March this year, a friend working for a local subsidiary of a multinational in the manufacturing sector had intimated that instructions were coming from leading capitals, including London and America, urging local operations to gradually and imperceptibly slow down.
Or better still to simply close shop and hang in there for the good time to come. This was part of the business sector investment in "political change". So this has been going on quietly, leading to the tumult we have suffered in the past two weeks.
The enemy within
I will not waste time on the role of the MDC in all this. After all, MDC is a political minor playing the game of a greater evil. I choose to focus on elements outside of the MDC and often within ruling structures which are supposed at the very least to be indifferent but never to undermine the vision of Zanu (PF).
The much-publicized huge warehouse in which a massive assortment of basic goods was stockpiled provides me with an entry point for asking very uncomfortable questions. The warehouse was well stocked. It gave us images of an endless row of mega-tanks of cooking oil, standing solidly and confidently at attention, mocking Government and consumers alike.
These tanks sat smugly on very clean floors, cleaner than corridors of the Avenues Clinic. This was not a derelict warehouse; it was a well minded place, an establishment for a regular business in contraband. The image of abundance suggested unfailing supply lines walking one back to very productive factories specializing in fast moving goods (fmgs).
So many questions
Now, how the hell does a smalltime smuggler commandeer or build such stupendous stocks of cooking oil? How does such a huge stock get piled without official notice? The business in the warehouse, we were told, included repackaging this hoard of oil into small sachets tailored to fleece struggling households.
It means a huge workforce, literally a million pair of hands, all of them sneaking in and out of this establishment without drawing attention! Come on, give us a break. How does anyone who is nobody run such a massive smuggling and hoarding ring? And for so long while always getting away with it? An unhesitating finger points to very big interests, very big players. Pity the media; the story appears to have ended as it began.
Self-fulfilling soothsayers
More stories. Scenes involving angry owners of a well-known food outlet who simply threw away huge "pots" of dour in protest at price cuts on bread. Others who simply decided to mesh huge chunks of poke and beef meet into pet food, again in protest. A supermarket which took away to "safety" all its stock of mazoe before sending its staff to a rival supermarket nearby to buy out all stocks of the same product at controlled price, for resale in its own premises at the same controlled price to hoodwink the price crack force.
Black managers who vowed they would only reopen after a change of government. Business leaders who fawningly wrote to Government warning it against a huge economic crisis in the offing, but without revealing to the same Government of their own hand in the impending crisis. A clear case of a self-fulfilling prophecy. I heard so many things, including the story of a white manufacturer of grain pest control powder who is threatening to flood the market with a substandard product to ruin the entire national harvest. I heard more.
Heard of a public relations official of a well-known food outlet who has given a succession twist to the whole price crackdown. It is not about prices, he argues; rather it is about dismantling the wherewithal of one faction, while propping the other. Now see how our bakeries stand upended in the ditch! A whole mesh of interests, a throng of actors, a rainbow of ugly colours.
Who is white, who is black?
I read, read a lot on this unfolding drama which Dell prays will cart Zanu (PF) into the dustbin of history. My eyes fall on a piece headlined "Mugabe’s (price) policies anger top cronies". Fraught with speculation, this ghost piece claims ruling party big-wigs so comfortably ensconced in the business of moving basics, are red-hot with anger, angry that this crackdown is ruining their business interests.
It connects neatly with the line this communication official of the food outlet was attempting to push through a financial weekly and the international media. I also a recall a clip capturing the interaction between the ministerial Taskforce and business interests meant to strike some understanding on the whole matter. The clip had many white people, presumably associated with big businesses, who had come to save their enterprises from the price whiplash. I also quickly recall an opportunity I had to attend an NEDPP meeting.
It did not have a single white face, much as it purported to represent business. You got a distinct impression from that NEDPP meeting the economy was now in the hands of, or at the very least management control of, blacks. Who were these white faces in the Ministerial Taskforce? Why were they not in the NEDPP meetings? Who were they representing? Or is the question on the other crowd? Who were those Africans at the NEDPP meeting representing? Which economy or economies are the two groups running to warrant a place in such crucial meetings? Of the two colours, which colour rules and runs local businesses? Which forum captured people behind policies that release or withhold goods I need to feed my family?
The puzzle of Pick and Pay
In the whirlpool of all these questions, I read further. Pick and Pay of South Africa were saying all their outlets trading as TM would comply with Government pricing policy, adding the margins of profit they were getting from Zimbabwe were just too high to last.
Even with the latest price cuts, they added, they would still make big money! I got confused, thoroughly confused. Pick and Pay went much further. They said they would be watching for opportunities for more takeovers from businesses that might fail in the current crackdown. Elsewhere in the world media I was reading the Zimbabwean economy had received its dispatching blow from its "mad" Government! In a matter of days, the economy will have collapsed, investors taking a gap!
Writing for business
Back home the weekly Financial Gazette staunchly registered its opposition to the crackdown, standing firmly on the side of business. It intemperately lashed out against Government, with opposition idioms. Nowhere was there mention of the povho! And the Independent? The same language of business.
The same language of opposition as if these editors daily cook from hampers from a generous business! Do they visit the supermarkets like we all do? Do their family trees have the poor? Or is it all about meeting the requirements of the job, in the process denying your own interests?
Simple picture no more
How does one read al this? Simply by recognizing that we have entered a decisive phase of a protracted struggle, itself showing new forms of class-based foci. There is something that is growing increasingly archaic about liberation wartime forms of collective action.
I want to make an uncomfortable point. During that very important phase of our struggle, we all were the black masses, mhomho yeZimbabwe. On the other side were settler colonialists, vasvetasimba vaikabva kuBiriteni. True, in between we had half-tones by way of collaborators, vatengesi nezvigananda. But the picture was much simpler, almost dichotomous.
Another country, another people
But twenty-seven years have since passed, and with it a redrawing of contours of affinities. In place of the shared dispossession and poverty which united and bolstered colour affinities, we have evolved and become variously propertied. We have picked up relationships, many of them across the dominant colour line.
Past foes have become friends, partners and even allies. Past comrades have become wretches to be kept at arms length. Or rivals in business. Or enemies in a mad fight for resources and purposeful influence. Or pilfers of overseas patronage so badly needed "to make it". Old boundaries are simply becoming stupid, embarrassing or uneconomic. New relations are needed, indeed are being forged. Twenty-seven years later, Zimbabwe is another country, Zimbabweans another people.
Another people defined by the class dynamic which the media hype on the succession bogey has done so much to hide. As never before, positions are being taken in relation to core questions of the economy and control of natural resources. Contestation on policy matters are taking very obvious forms, which is why the article quoted above and the activities of the public relations executive of that food chain is instructive. Once a niche is carved in the economy, the next challenge is to secure it, which is where the issue of governance and policies come in. I suppose that is the connection which the media has been missing between the economy and the so-called succession politics.
Securitising ill-gotten wealth
Why Gono’s monetary policies have courted so much hostility is simply because his insistence on playing to rules has made accumulation difficult. What is worse, his habit of changing currency unexpectedly has discounted the local currency unit as a safe store of value for this new class born out of ill-gotten pursuits.
The ironic result has been a run on the local dollar as this breed seeks to secure value through foreign currency and other forms of secure assets. This has made the "black market" so buouyant, with this new breed stashing foreign currency in readiness for succession battles they anticipate. But even that avenue is getting tighter and new avenues of making and storing value have to be found.
Hence the hoarding and black-marketing of basic goods, much to the detriment of the ordinary citizenry. And this is where the foreign and opposition dynamics come in. The British and the Americans have an interest in stoking the black market both for currency and goods to put pressure on Zanu (PF).
They thus find this mad bent of Zimbabwe's newly rich quite amenable to their subversive goals. Pocock and Dell have simply located their efforts on the bid by this new class of Zimbabwe’s rich to securitise the Mugabe and post-Mugabe era. This is why the definition of the problem and enemy has to be broader and more sophisticated. It should not surprise anyone to find new alliances simply not making much sense in terms of the broad demarcations of Anglo-Saxon versus Zimbabwe. Or Zanu (PF) versus MDC. Saka ndichiti iwe neni tichine basa. Icho!
l nathaniel.manheru@zimpapers.co.zw
Zimbabwe liberation struggle roll of shame. Died defending racism.
Roll of Shame.
11 November 1965 - 30 March 1980.
Abrahams, H.J., Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 9 April 1976.
Abrahams, I.D., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, 3 December 1979.
Abudu, A., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 13 September 1976.
Adams, David, Private, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.
Addams, E.C., Major, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed in action by an insurgent hiding in a tree when deployed with Major Peter Burford's D Company, First Battalion the Rhodesian African Rifles, near Madziwa, 14 August 1974.
Ainslie, M., Major First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in a helicopter, while commanding a fire force action by a gunshot wound, from ground fire, 27 March 1976.
Airey, W.R., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying a Canberra B2 near Musengedzi, 4 April 1974.
Alegria, Lance Corporal, killed in action, May 1979.
Alexander, Ronald Eugene, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, in Mozambique, 16 December 1976.
Alexander, W.R., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 5 February 1977.
Ali, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 23 December 1976.
Alibaba, M., Private, January 1978.
Allan, B.J.F., Rifleman, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 26 February 1970.
Allen, P., Section Officer, British South Africa Police, September 1977.
Alpium, Jose, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a vehicle ambush, 1 February 1978
Anasi, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact on Operation Teak south of the Victoria Falls, 22 January 1970.
Andrews, R.S., Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3427, when shot down by a SAM7 near Rushinga, 20 April 1974.
Androuliakos, Leonidas, Corporal, BCR, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM 119599 in the Repulse area while assisting a Three Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978.
Annandale, D., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, flying a Cessna 185 at Kutanga Range near Que Que, 7 January 1969.
Anstruther, R.D., Lance Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 October 1973.
Arendse, M., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 12 September 1979.
Argent, H.W.A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 17 March 1977.
Aristotelous, Aristo, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Armstrong, Phillip John, Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 27 October 1976.
Artford, Dube, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Nuanetsi 31 December 1976.
Ashby, Gavin Warwick, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers killed in action, 20 March 1978.
Ashara, Katungura, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, murdered while on leave, 15 August 1979.
Austen, Ronald Rhodes Walter., Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 31 August 1976.
Aves, M.A., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 31 October 1974.
Bain, E., Private, January 1978.
Bain, T.G., Temporary WO2, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
Bakayi, ADF Driver Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Baker, B.M., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Nyamapanda area, 8 February 1976.
Baker, Donald Arthur., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 August 1979.
Banda, Wilson, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 March 1978.
Banga, David Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, on Launch P16, Zambezi, by Zambian troops, 5 May 1974.
Banga, Thomas., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 4 October 1977.
Banks, Gary Thomas, Trooper, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 28 December 1979.
Barber, Nicholas Edward Swannell, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in an accident, on Operation Inhibit in the Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 7 February 1979.
Barclay, D., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 7 July 1977.
Barnabas, Richard, Private, Killed in action, 11 May 1979.1 RDR
Barnes, A., WO1 Rhodesian Air Force November 1977.
Barnett, P.A., Sqn Ldr, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, which he disliked, 6 January 1977.
Barnett, Nigel William, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Killed in an ambush on the vehicle in which he was travelling.
Barry, H., Trooper, killed in action, October 1978.
Bartlett, Malcolm Leslie, Special Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 31 August 1979.
Barton, R., Rifleman, April 1977.
Bashford, D.P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 24 December 1976.
Batchelor, F., Sergeant, killed in action, June 1979.
Bate, Patrick Michael, Air Lieutenant, killed on active service, in an air accident, when his Alouette III hit power lines near Umtali, 26 September 1979.
Bates, D.I., Sapper Three Engineers Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 15 June 1976.
Bathhurst, Arnold, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 December 1976.
Battaglia, F., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action on Operation Turmoil, 6 March 1978. Was a citizen of the United States of America.
Battershill, Peter John, Junior Commandant, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 March 1979.
Bayayi, B., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Bazara, Y., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Beamish, Raymond, Sergeant, killed in action, 20 July 1979.
Beattie, D., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1977.
Becking, Gideon Edward, Rifleman, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Belstead, Christopher John, Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died of wounds received in action, 17 December 1979.
Belstead, H.F., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in his Alouette III when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Ben, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Ben, N., Dip Supervisor, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Inyanga, 6 January 1976.
Benard, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Benard, Sankley, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Benjamin, F., Acting Lance Corporal, Two Protection Company, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 24 April 1975.
Bennett, I., Corporal, 4 Protection Company, killed on active service, 21 April 1976.
Bento, E., Rifleman, November 1977.
Benyu, J., Private, August 1977.
Bepe, Agrippa District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Berejena, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Berman, Harry Anthony, Private, killed in action, 26 February 1978.
Berrington, Andrew Arthur, Sergeant, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush, 1 February 1978.
Bester, G., Rifleman, killed in action, February 1979.
Betoman, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 28 March 1980.
Betts, M., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 13 December 1977.
Bhere, Eraizere, Private, killed in action, 15 September 1978.
Bhere, Eriazere, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 8 September 1978.
Bickle, A., Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, December 1977.
Bicknell, Kevin Howard, Sgt. Killed 10th April, 1978. Was killed by one of his own
men who went berserk. Four or five others may have died in the same scene.
Biederman, Richard L., Sergeant, Special Air Service, died on active service in an accidental shooting in Mozambique, 6 December 1977.
Billing, David A.M., Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on 14 February 1976.
Binga, B., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Binks, R.A., Recruit, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 26 March 1968.
Bint, F.W.E., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on in a vehicle ambush, 12 May 1976.
Birkett, H., WO1, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 March 1973.
Bitirinyi, Zuzeyo, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 October 1978, in a landmine clearing incident 15-20 km from Headlands Police Station.
Black, R.A., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 6 April 1976.
Blackadder-Wilson, Peter, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Blignaut, P.W., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 12 May 1976.
Blundell, L.T., Rifleman, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, 24 February 1970.
Bobo, B., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Boer, James, Corporal, killed in action, 2 October 1978.
Bokosha, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Bokosha, Tafirenyika, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 4 April 1978.
Bolton, Derek, Vedette Snr W/Officer. Killed on active service. Contracted cerebral
malaria while on training camp in the Shamva area 2nd June, 1979. Member of
Internal Affairs Department.
Boncean, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 2 April 1975.
Bornman, H.J., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, shot at Binga by a sentry after failing to answer a challenge, 4 December 1970.
Bosch, M., Rifleman, killed in action, July 1977.
Boschin, Ugo, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM 119599 in the Repulse area while assisting a Three Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978.
Botes, Andre Johan, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 22 June 1978.
Botha, G., Rifleman, One Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 23 April 1976.
Botha, P.P., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 11 March 1977.
Bothma, Kevin Peter, Rifleman, killed in action, 4th June 1979.
Bouch, R.A., MCM, WO2, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966. The
accidental explosion which killed him was as a result of weeping gelignite, which
he and two others were transporting to a safe place for detonation.
Boulter, R.J., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, flying a Provost T52 near Gwelo, 19 June 1975.
Boxter, Rodney, Private, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Boyina, R., Corporal May 1977.
Brackely, N., Vedette Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Brading, Anthony J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 22 January 1970.
Bradley, A., Corporal, HQ(Mash) killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying in hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, 6 January 1977.
Bramford, A.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 10 March 1977.
Brandt, G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 5 December 1979.
Bredenkamp, M., Lance Corporal, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Brewer, R.M., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 11 March 1977.
Breza, Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1978.
Briel, Jacobus Alwyn, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Brittland, Peter Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Nyamapanda Police, Camp, 15 August 1976.
Brook-Mee, M. Killed in 1979.
Brooks, Matthew C.T. PATU Killed in action in ambush near Fort Victoria in June 1977
Broom, David, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 March 1979.
Brown, C., Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, 4 May 1977.
Brown, D.D., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in an air accident, when flying a Vampire T11 near Thornhill, 4 August 1972.
Brown, F., Lance Corporal, killed in action, April 1979.
Brown, Ian Rowland, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 March 1979.
Brown, Ian Keith, Rifleman, 2 Ind.. Coy, Rhodesia Regiment, 26 June 1977.
Brown, Kevin Robert, Corporal, 2 Signals Squadron, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 20 November 1973.
Brown, William Compton, Rh AF. KIA 4th May, 1977.
Brownlee, J., Second Lieutenant, killed in action, October 1978.
Buku, Kufa, Corporal, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 15 September 1979.
Bungwe, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chipinga, 31 March 1977.
Buranda, J., D., Constable, British South Africa Police, died, of wound, s received in action 7 March 1977.
Burns, Bruce Frazer, Second Lieutenant, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Burrell, B., Second Lieutenant, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine, when returning from Mozambique, 16 December 1976.
Burslem, M.H., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Buru, L., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Buru, Lazarus, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 2 September 1978.
Bvucherayi, Elliot, WOII, murdered by terrorists, 12 January 1978.
Bvunzanayi, Peniyasi, Stick Leader, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action 13 August 1979.
Bwanacocha, Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Byrne, J. Patrick, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, a New Yorker, Byrne was killed in action at Lower Sabi, 26 October 1978.
Byrne, S.P., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 25 July 1976.
Cahill, Michael Patric, MCM, Colour Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966. The accidental explosion which killed him was a result of weeping gelignite, which he and two others were transporting to a safe place for detonation.
Calder, Basil, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a landmine, incident 8th January 1977.
Callaway, Jonathon, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, 2 November 1978.
Camacho, A., Trooper, January 1978. Shooting accident.
Campbell, C., Acting Corporal, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 28 March 1970.
Campbell, N.C., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 23 May 1976.
Capel, Colin Andrew, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 9 March 1977.
Carr, A.J., Second Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 17 December 1976.
Carroll, C., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, August 1978.
Carroll, Tony Charles, Corporal, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Carruthers, Robert Norman James, District Officer, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 28 November 1978.
Carshalton, D.A., Trooper, Grey Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 27 August 1976.
Carter, Gary, Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an air accident, when an Alouette III hit power lines near Umtali, 26 September 1979.
Cary, James Bernard, Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 29 January 1969.
Casal, C.A., de A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 24 October 1973.
Caswell, P., Temporary/Capt, killed in action, December 1978.
Celestino, B., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 3 August 1975.
Cerff, R., Corporal killed in action, March 1978.
Chait, A., MLM, Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed in action in a contact, 24 March 1977.
Chaka, Ephraim, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Chaka, T., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 August 1979
Chakananka, N.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Chakanetsa, L., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Chakayingeni, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Chako, E., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 13 June 1976.
Chakuweya, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Chamboko, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Chamunyonga, Stephen, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, on 1 January 1979.
Chamuyonga, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Chance, Michael John, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 May 1979.
Chandiwana, J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin on 17 March 1976.
Chaneara, N.E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Marandellas, 21 October 1976.
Changara, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Chanowa District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Sipolio, 10 January 1977.
Chanuhwa, Roy Patrick, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Tjolotjo District, 7 February 1978.
Chaparadza, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1978.
Chaputika, Jerifanosi, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 26 November 1979.
Chari, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1979.
Charindapanze, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Charingira, Edmore, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action by a landmine, 17 September 1978.
Charsley, R., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 13 October 1974.
Chasi, S., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 November 1979.
Chatikobo, Livingstone Simba, Corporal District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Chatiza, D.A., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Honde Valley, 28 February 1976.
Chaukura, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Chavunga, W., J Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Chawaiwa, Robson District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva, 18 February 1977.
Chawaremera, Kuwadzama, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 27 June 1979.
Chawatama, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Chayamiti, I., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, killed in action, April 1978.
Chaza, D., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, April 1977.
Chemambo, Black, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave at Mount Darwin, 11 October 1978.
Chenzara, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1979.
Cherrington, Thomas Sanderson, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 2 January 1980.
Chianike, B., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1977.
Chibaya, Darius, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Chibondera, S., Private, HQ Three Brigade, 19 March 1979.
Chichuronea, F., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 24 November 1976.
Chidembo, Selous Scout, killed in action, 12 January 1978.
Chidziwo, O., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Chifodya, H., Constable, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Chifondondo, N., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Chifuka, Jeremia, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 April 1979.
Chigamba, Chancee, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 December 1978.
Chigwededza, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, April 1977.
Chihata, Peter, District Security Assistant, killed in action by a landmine, 1 October 1978.
Chihwayi, M., Private, June 1977.
Chikandiwa, Moses, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 14 May 1979.
Chikanyambidze, Herbert, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Chikasma, Clarius, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, in Mount Darwin, 16 November 1976.
Chikeya, S., Private, killed in action, 26 February 1978.
Chikoki, Augusten, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Chikonzo, U., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Chikozho, Michael, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 24 July 1977.
Chikwaka, Lancelot, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Honde Valley, 29 February 1976.
Chikwavira, T., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Chikwepe, Phone, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 February 1979.
Chikwinho, Z., Guard, Guard Force November 1978.
Chimambo, Erick Wise, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.
Chimbeya, Denja, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.
Chimbikayi, Rashaikayi, Corporal, killed in action, 3 March.
Chimere, All-weak, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Chimkonde, J., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, January 1979.
Chimtasha, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Chimukonde, John, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 11 February 1979.
Chimuphose, Alec, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Sipolilo 20 March 1977.
Chimweta, Funboy Panther, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Chinduma, Pondai, Private, killed in action, 23 February 1979.
Chinemhute, W., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Chingozha, C., Private, killed in action, November 1978.
Chinhakwe, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Chinoya, Willie, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Inyanga, 13 November 1976.
Chinoyi, E.T., Extension Assistant Supervisor, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 15 April 1976.
Chinuyemba, Kenneth, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 December 1979.
Chinyadze, B., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Chinyama, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Chinyama, Taengwa Norboth, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 15 August 1979.
Chinyere, Stewart, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Chinyimo, N., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Chioneso, Peter, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Chipanera, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Chipangura, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Chipara, Issaac Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, in Inyanga North TTL, 20 October 1976.
Chiramba, G., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Chiramba, T., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Chirambadare, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Chirau, Cladious, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 10 September 1978.
Chiredza, A, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 October 1979.
Chiri, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, Abducted, murdered, in the Mutasa South TTL, 25 July 1976.
Chiringwa, F., K Corporal Guard Force August 1978.
Chirsora, S., Private, killed in action, June 1979.
Chirume, Beaton, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Chirume, J.M. [Private], Five Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Chirwa, Isaac, Private, killed in action, 6 August 1979.
Chirwa, N., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 29 October 1979.
Chirwa, Narthan, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Chitanga, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Chitate, A.A., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Chitauro, D., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, May 1979.
Chitima, L., L/Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Chitima, Petros, Agricultural Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Melsetter, 10 January 1977.
Chitonga, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Chitsoko, Cholas, Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered in the Zhombe TTL, 9 March 1978.
Chitsunge, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in Mount Darwin area, 8 March 1975.
Chitsuvi, B., Trooper, JOC Rusape, killed in action, June-November 1979.
Chitupa, Rodgers, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 7 September 1979.
Chiutore, Pherious Clemence, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by insurgents, 16 September 1978.
Chivasa, M., Private, killed in action, 15 January 1979.
Chivendra, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in the Charter District, 27 October 1976.
Chivere, F., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 10 May 1976.
Chivinge, Michael, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 18 December 1977.
Chivisi, T., Private, Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Chivisi, Tamba, Private, killed in action, 8 February 1979.
Chiwetu, Edward, Constable, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 8 May 1979.
Chiyamuro, Trakisoni, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 11 October 1978.
Chizengwe, Pearson, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 22 March 1977.
Choruwa, T., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Chorwadza, Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1977.
Chothia, Suleman Ahmed, Colour Sergeant, killed in action, 28 October 1978.
Choto, C., Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 25 February 1980.
Chrispen, Rabson Marufu, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action on the Hulley farm at Tengwe, 23 February 1979.
Chundu, A., A/Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, April 1979.
Clack, NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in an ambush, 19 May 1977.
Clark, Charles Bernard, Sergeant, killed in action, 26 February 1979.
Clark, S.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 28 August 1978.
Clarke, E.C., Corporal, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 March 1977.
Clarke, G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 May 1977.
Claudios, M., Lance Corporal, killed in action, July 1979.
Clayton, Clifford Thomas, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 10 March 1978.
Clinton, Y., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on operations, 8 May 1973.
Clipston, M.W., WO2 Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Cloete, Pieter Jacobus, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 8 August 1978.
Cockroft, M.B., Lance Corporal, OPA, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Coey, John Alan, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
Coghill, A.R., Lance Corporal, 4 Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 13 November 1976.
Coleman, Andrew Roy., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police. KIA in ambush in the Sinoia Region 21 June 1977
Coleman, Aidan James, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Coleman, Mark, Lance Corporal, Leader Training Unit, killed in action, 23 October 1978.
Collcutt, James Edwin Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 23 January 1977.
Collett, Jeffrey Donald, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action on Operation Gatling in Zambia, 19 October 1978.
Collocott, B., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, taking off at Mapai during Operation Aztec in a Dakota when hit by small arms fire, the starboard engine was hit by an RPG7 rocket, 30 May 1977.
Conlon, V., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, January 1979.
Connolly, Kevin, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Binga area, 21 December 1976.
Connor, William Henry, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 September.
Conrad, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave by terrorists, 12 November 1976.
Cook, Richard George, Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February, 1978.
Cooksley, C.A.C., Gunner, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 June 1973.
Cookson, D.J., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on 28 February 1976.
Coom, N., Rifleman, November 1977.
Cordell, David, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 21 July 1978.
Cosmas, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 23 August 1967.
Cotton, Christopher Reginald Neville, Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 January 1979.
Courtney, D Killed in action 1978.
Courtney, P., Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 24 December 1977.
Covarr, P.T., Signaller, Rhodesian Signals Corps, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 28 March 1970.
Cowan, P., Lance Corporal, killed in action, February 1978.
Cracknell, A., Sergeant, 1 Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 5 April 1974.
Crane, A.G., Lance Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 17 August 1976.
Cremer, William P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 26 January 1977.
Crewe, J.G., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 15 June 1976.
Cripps, A., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1978.
Cripps, C.G., Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed when ten ZANLA ambushed his patrol at Hot Springs as it was deploying for operations in the Manica Province of Mozambique, 11 January 1979.
Cross, James, WO2, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 24 August 1977.
Crouch, Gaetano, Corporal, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 7 March 1977.
Crouch, Paul E., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 17 December 1976.
Crow, Jeremy Mark, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Cunningham, N.A., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chibi, 7 March 1977.
Cutmore, Brian Noel, Corporal, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant Fynn, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Da Costa, F.D., Trooper, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact, 15 November 1976.
Da Silva-Chalheiros, N.A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 17 May 1976.
Dambusa, Joseph, Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 30 April 1974.
Darck, R.C., Corporal, A(National Service) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 25 September 1976.
Darne, Jean-Claude, Gunner, Rhodesian Artillery Regiment, 18 April 1979.
David, Edison., Private, killed in action, 1 June 1979.
Davids, P., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Davidson, S. R., WO11, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, November 1977.
Davies, J., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, 7 January 1979.
Davison, Acting/Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 13 August 1967.
Davison, B., Corporal, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Davison, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 8 April 1973.
Davy, C.J., Officer Cadet, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 6 March 1975.
Dawkins, S., Rifleman, killed in action, December 1977.
Dawson, J., Inspector British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Day, Martin L., Sapper, Five Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 30 October 1979.
de Arbreau, James Albert, Private, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.
De Barreto, A., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 7 February 1978.
de Beer, M.J., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
De Courpalay, D., Rifleman, killed on active service. June 1978. 3 Indep Coy RR.
3 sticks were given incorrect map references. Died of resulting friendly fire.
de Klerk, W.C., Lance Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 16 March 1976.
De Wilzem, C., Lance Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 4 January 1978.
Delport, Barry Maurice, Officer Cadet, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Vampire T11 near Gwelo, 3 June 1975.
Dennis, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 3 July 1967.
Dennison, A., Major Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in shooting accident, 4 June 1979.
Dewer, D., Rifleman, killed in action, December 1978.
Dhale, C., Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed, 13 March 1980.
Dicker, Michael Ian, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Diedericks, C., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on 28 February 1976.
Dimingu, John, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 October 1978.
Dombo, I., Private, killed in action, 26 February 1978.
Dodd, D. Killed in action 1977.
Donald, J.S., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 April 1976.
Donaldson, I.H., Flight Lieut Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.
Donegan, Kevin Anthony, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 18 March, 1973.
Dongo, Zacariah, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, in the Chikore TTL, 10 November 1976.
Donnelly, Stephen M.G., Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action in a 'friendly fire' incident by a Vampire FB9 on Operation Snoopy, 21 September 1978.
Donzwa, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Douglas, J., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Du Plessis, D. Leon, Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by target fixation while attacking a ground target while flying a Lynx. 2 September 1977.
Du Plooy, Johannes Matheus, Captain, School of Infantry and First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Du Toit, Andrew Jameson, Second Lieutenant, Three Independent Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Du Toit, G.H.F., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when flying an Alouette III which was hit by an RPG7 in Mozambique, 28 July 1978.
Du Toit, J.H., D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 11 February 1978.
Dube, A., Smn, killed in action, July 1977.
Dube, Amos, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Dube, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Dube, K., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Dube, M, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Dube, M., Dip Superintendant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1978.
Dube, N., Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 20 November 1979.
Dube, Stanford, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 1 March 1977.
Dube, T., Clerk Typist Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Dube, T., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Duberley, LeRoy William, Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Duncan, Alexander, Major, Army HQ, killed in action, 26 December 1979.
Dunezwe, B., Guard, Guard Force April 1977.
Duri, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Durrett, P.R., Senior Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3244, when shot down by an SAM7 near Rushinga, 14 April 1974.
Dwyer, S.M., Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, [an American] killed in action, 16 July 1979.
Dyson, G., Rifleman, January 1978.
Dzimba, Fibion, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 31 July 1977.
Dzimba, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Dzingai, V., Guard, Guard Force June 1977.
Dzingayi, Sampson District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Bikita, 6 December 1976.
Dzingirayi, M., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 13 May 1976.
Dzobo, H., Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Ebiza, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 20 May 1976.
Edmunds, C., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 30 May 1977
Edridge, S.R., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 September 1979.
Edwards, B.J., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 17 May 1976.
Edwards, Benjamin Rosely, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 8 November 1979.
Edwards, N., Sergeant, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 24 February 1970.
Edwards, V., Corporal June 1977.
Eeson, J., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Eggleston, P.B., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, drowned in Zambezi River, 15 February 1966.
Elias, J., Corporal killed in action, June 1978.
Elifon, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 December 1977.
Elliot, Eland, Private, killed in action, 18 January 1978.
Ellis, M., Trooper, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 3 March 1978.
Elsaesser, W.E., Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action, 16 June 1979.
Emerick, W.G.C., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accident, 4 July 1975.
Enias Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 11 April 1974.
Enslin, Brian Louis, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Erasmus, F., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Erekan, Richard, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 20 November 1978.
Erisha, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 18 March 1968.
Evanson, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 23 March 1977.
Ewing, Ross Anthony, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 12 December 1978. [Medal Society, 12 December]
Fairbanks, Peter Hendrik, Lance Corporal. Killed in action, 2 September 1978. Service No. 110590 2 Platoon No. 5 Ind. Coy, Rhodesia Regiment.
Falzoi, Fabio Giovanni, Second Lieutenant, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 12 June 1978.
Fani, D., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Fanner, Graeme Richard, Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, on Operation Mardon in Mozambique, 31 October 1976.
Farai, Cpl. Killed in January, 1980, during an attack on the D.C.s camp at Mudzi - was
returning fire from the side of his married quarters when a RPG rocket hit and
exploded inside his home. He had been warned, several times during the action, not to load his magazines exclusively with tracer rounds as it would draw fire to him.
Fararira, P. Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 7 February 1976.
Ferguson, L., WO1, Army HQ, killed in action, 5 March 1980.
Fergusson, George William, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Ferreira, A.J., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 18 November 1976.
Firi, J., Guard, Guard Force July 1978.
Fisher, Jeremy Lionel, Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 28 September 1977.
Fleming, Ian, Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action on 12th January, 1978, in an Alouette III, the K-car on which he was the engineer. Killed by the same insurgent who killed Henry Jarvie on 12 January 1978.
Fleming, J.M., Rifleman, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 24 February 1970.
Floyd, K.J., Sapper, Four Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 22 September 1979.
Fondo, Guard Danny, Guard Force, killed in action, 20 September 1979.
Forbes, J.T.V., Rifleman, OPA, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Foster, John Robert Gretton, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 July 1979.
Fouche, C., Second Lieutenant, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 11 August 1977.
Fourie, L.B., Corporal, Rhodesian Corps of Signals, killed in action, 24 October 1979.
Fourie, P.C., PDO Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Buhera, 18 February 1977.
Fox, Peter, Lance Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Francis, Kenneth Layton E., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 31 December 1979.
Francis, P., Private, September 1977.
Francis, Robert, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, August 1977.
Francis, Robert, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 10 June 1979.
Francis, Thomas, Private, killed in action, 14 March 1978.
Frank, R., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Fraser, Iain Lovat, Lieutenant, killed in action, 6 August 1978.
Fred, T., J/Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Freddy, W., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Friday, Bell, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 January 1979.
Friedman, David, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 9 July 1978.
Friend, Jessie James, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 21 November 1978.
Frost, T., Private, killed in action, March 1979.
Froud, Kenneth James, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 March 1978.
Fry, Gordon Hugh, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Fulton, D.K., Gunner, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 October 1976.
Fungura, A., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Furau, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Furber, Brian, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 15 April 1979.
Furness, Henry L.H., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 14 October 1979.
Fyfe, I., Senior District Officer Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Fynn, Edward Lewis, Corporal, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.
Fynn, Kerry John, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant R., Bolton, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Fynn, S., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 26 January 1980.
Gamble, F.S., A/Corporal, 1 Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 19 August 1976.
Gamble, Leroy Everard, Sergeant, killed in action, 2 October 1977.
Gandanga, S., Private, killed in action, October 1978.
Gandiwa, Alexander Muvengwa, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 September 1978.
Ganga, K., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Ganhao, M.A.I., Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 28 January 1978.
Garden, Peter John, Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5077 near Gwelo, 17 January 1972.
Gardener, Byrne Rielly, ADF Pilot Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine on the runway at Mrewa, 19 February 1979.
Garikayi, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Garnett, P., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 4 October 1977.
Gash, R., DSO British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Gatawa, S., Lance Corporal, CTD, killed in action, 11 October 1979.
Gaze, Gerald Norman, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, 1 June 1979.
Geldenhuys, Ronald Olwen, Trooper, Four Troop, One Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Geoffrey, C., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, November 1977.
George, P., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
George, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 20 March 1973.
George, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 2 June 1973.
Gibson, R.R., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, died, 8 May 1970.
Gift, M., Private, Three Brigade Support Company, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 7 March 1976.
Gildenhuys, R, Killed in action 1979.
Gillepsie, M., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Gillies, S., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Ginyilitshe, A., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, on 9 July 1976.
Givemore, S., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Givemore, Stephen, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 January 1979.
Glen, William John Albert, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, 14 September 1979.
Goddard, K.W., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying a Canberra B2 near Musengedzi, 4 April 1974.
Goko, Felix, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Gomera, Patrick, Acting Keep Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 4 September 1979.
Gomo Private, killed in action, November 1978.
Gomo, Tafuma, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 25 September 1979.
Gonye, G., Lance Corporal, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Gordon, B.K., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Hunter FGA9, 3 October 1979.
Gore, Makuwire, Principal District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Goriath, Simon, Trooper, killed in action, 27 May 1979.
Gorojenia, P.N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Concession 25 August 1976.
Gough, R.F., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a landmine, 8 January 1977.
Gous, Benjamin Joseph, Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Govo, D., Private, Depot, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 7 September 1979.
Graham, J.B., Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 13 November 1975.
Graham, J.P., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by ground fire while flying in an Alouette IIIB in the Inyanga area, on 18 July 1976.
Grainger, Collin, Private, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Granlund, Corporal A., Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed 14 September 1978.
Gregory, Nicholas J.R., Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps-Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action in a contact, 9 November 1976.
Greig, William, Rifleman, killed in action, 11 October 1977.
Greyvesteyn, A.W., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 December 1979.
Grierson, J.H., Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, Wankie 25 August 1976.
Griffiths, M.F., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 September 1979.
Grobbelaar, C., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1977.
Groom, Peter John, Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 3 September 1976.
Guest, O., Private, November 1977.
Gumbo, Baron, Private, killed in action, 8 January 1979.
Gumbo, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Gumbo, O., Sergeant killed in action, April 1978.
Gumbo, Sikuta, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 19 August 1979.
Gumede, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 1 December 1978.
Gutza, Richard Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, Chiduku TTL, 25 September 1976.
Guvava, Vengayi Severino, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 December 1978.
Gwafa, J., Corporal killed in action, April 1978.
Gwanyanya, A., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Gwatidzo, G., Guard, Guard Force July 1978.
Gwenda, Patrick, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 March 1977.
Gwenjeri, T. Staff Sergeant, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Gwirize, P., Private, killed in action, May 1979.
Habakkuk, E., Rifleman, May 1977.
Hahn, Manfred. Police Reserve (Bright Lights). Killed in error by another P/R while
guarding a farmhouse. Hahn was a German national.
Haigh, P.W., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, while crash-landing a Vampire FB52 after being hit by FRELIMO anti-aircraft fire at Vanduzi cross-roads after attacking Chimoio during Operation Dingo 23 November 1977.
Halberstadt, F.W.H., Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Hales, Christopher Allen, A/Corporal, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, murdered on leave in an ambush on the Solusi Road outside Bulawayo, 14 August 1977.
Hallett, Eric Police Reserve (Bright Lights). Killed when travelling as a passenger in
a vehicle accident. The vehicle hit the parapet of a bridge when a newspaper on the seat next to the driver blew into the driver’s face.
Hamamiti, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 26 December 1978.
Hamandishe, Vernon, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 January 1979.
Hamandishe, Zindoga, Sergeant, killed in action, 31 March 1979.
Hamp-Adams, Frank, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed when his vehicle hit a landmine, 11 June 1977.
Hancock, John Rodney, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM 119599 in the Repulse area while assisting a Three Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978..
Handson, C., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 16 January 1980.
Hanganayi, F., Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Hanunyari, Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, April 1979.
Hapelt, Basil Carl Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 8 January 1977.
Hardy, Anthony John, Corporal Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 14 October 1976.
Hardy, Captain Michael Kenneth, OLM, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 12 May 1979.
Hardy, James, Captain, Support Company, First Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in the Mtoko area, 14 November 1978.
Harlow, Michael John Detective Inspector, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, on hot pursuit, 18 February 1977.
Harris, K.E., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 9 November 1979.
Harris, Mark Anthony, Trooper, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 11 October 1977.
Harrison, C., WO2, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, June 1979.
Hartley, E., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1978.
Hartley, Stephen Christopher, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 6 June 1979.
Hasani, Abel, A/Corporal, killed in action, 1 June 1979.
Havnar, Douglas Gordon Charlese, Captain, Support Company, 10 RR, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant Fynn, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Hawkes, D., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.
Hayworth, Roderick Charles, Temporary Warrant Officer, Class Two Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 14 October 1976.
Heard, A.D., Rifleman, 1 Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 17 February 1977.
Heard, R., Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Heckler, R. Lance Corporal, April 1977. Serving as a mechanic in 1 Indep Coy RR.
Killed when ambushed while travelling on the Victoria Falls Road. A Zipra insurgent managed to hit the vehicle with an RPG7 - quite a feat as the vehicle was travelling at high speed at the time.
Henry, R., Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 September 1974.
Herman, W., Captain, killed in action, December 1977.
Hess, A., National Service Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, May 1978.
Hewitt, Timothy Charles Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 22 February 1977.
Hickey, R., Temporary Sergeant, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 26 January 1978.
Hickman, Richard John Selwyn, Trooper, Special Air Service, died of wounds received in action, 7 June 1979.
Hill, A., Lance Corporal, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment 26 June 1977.
Hill, Jeffrey, Sergeant, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a ZAPU-laid landmine in the Chete Game Reserve, 28 October 1972.
Hill, M.R., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5117 near New Sarum, 1 July 1970.
Hlabiso, L., Recruit killed in action, October 1977.
Hodes, Ernest Geoffrey. Cpl. Killed in a car accident while on duty, returning from
Salisbury to Bulawayo on 3rd July, 1977. Was a corporal in military intelligence.
Born Bulawayo 27th August, 1932.
Holland, Goode, killed in action, 14 February 1976.
Holley, Michael George Preston, Rifleman, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Hollywood, Robert, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, died on duty, 15 April 1979.
Holmes, A., Lance Corporal, June 1977.
Holshausen, Jannie. Sergeant, killed in action, August 1979. Killed in action near
Mozambique border. While on a mine-clearing patrol, he stepped on an Anti-Personnel
Hope, R.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact, 11 October 1976.
Houghton, Andrew Petrie, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died of wounds received in action, 21 October 1979.
Hove, Office, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 29 September 1979.
Hudson-Beck, J.E., District Officer, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Melsetter, 12 August 1976.
Hughes, Robin S., Second Lieutenant, Tracker Combat Unit/Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, during a pseudo operation and a contact, with ZANLA, 18 October 1973.
Hukuimwe, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Hulley, Roy R., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Vampire T11 near Que Que, 21 October 1976.
Human, J.A., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 17 October 1976.
Humanikwa, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 10 March 1977.
Humbasha, Gibson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 5 May 1979.
Hungwe, Emerson, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Hunt, G.Vivian., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 16 November 1976.
Hurley, H., Rifleman, killed in action, December 1977.
Hussey, G., Rifleman, killed in action, April 1978.
Hussey, W., Private, killed in action, February 1978.
Hutchesson, Sean Richard, Corporal. 2 Eng. Sqdn. Killed in action,16th March 1978.
Hutchinson, Robert, Sergeant Special Air Service, killed in action, 30 January 1981.
Idensohn, B.T., Lance Corporal, One Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed in action, 2 September 1979.
Indebele, Doctor, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Isaac, H., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Isaac, K., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Isaki, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Ismail, Y., Private, killed in action, June 1979.
Ismail, Yussuf, Private, died of wounds received in action, 16 July 1979.
Jack, J., WO2 Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 15 February 1977.
Jack, M., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Jackman, D.J., Corporal Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 22 September 1975.
Jackman, Robert L., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 February 1980.
Jackson, Gordon, Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Jackson, Noel Richard, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 November 1977.
Jackson, P., Private, Three Protection Company, killed in action by a landmine, 11 March 1976.
Jakata, Isaac., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 13 June 1977.
Jakopo, N, Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 1 November 1979.
Jakopo, Never, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
James, D.C., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 April 1976.
James, David Robert, Detective Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 August 1979.
Jameson, Charles, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, 16 January 1978.
Jani, Mackensie, Guard Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 November 1979
January, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Jaradza, Clever, Constable, died of wounds received in action, 1 August 1978.
Jaravaza, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Jarvie, H., Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action on 12th January, 1978, in an Alouette III, the G-car in which he was the engineer. He was killed by the same insurgent as killed Fleming on 12 January 1978.
Jeary, A., Inspector, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1977.
Jeep, N., Recruit, CTD, killed in action, 29 September 1979.
Jeffery, John Genry, DSO, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in a terrorist incident in Luveve Township, Bulawayo, 2 September 1976.
Jele, C., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 16 April 1979.
Jele, Christopher, Lance Corporal, died from wounds received in action, 24 April 1979.
Jelley, Leonard William, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 December 1979.
Jemna, Stanley, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, 6 June 1976.
Jennings, Clive Leslie, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers killed in action, July 1979.
Fatally wounded while trying to lift a landmine off the railway line at Bannockburn
late on the evening of 19 July 1979, and he died in the early hours of 20 July 1979.
Jobson, A., Private, Six Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 27 September 1976.
Joe, E., WO2 September 1977.
Joel, Efias, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 18 May 1978.
Johane, Gondoro Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave by terrorists, 30 October 1976.
John, M., Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 7 July 1979.
John, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 7 December 1974.
Johnson, C.F., Trooper, Grey Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 28 March 1977.
Johnson, N. Killed in action 1968.
Johnston, A.T., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, struck by the blades of a helicopter, 13 May 1969.
Jojo, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Jojo, Hofisi, Keep Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action by a landmine, 17 September 1978.
Joketera, Gervas District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 24 November 1976.
Joly, Steven Richard, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 October 1979.
Jones, E., Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Jones, Henry, Private, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Jones, J.R., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 19 November 1976.
Jones, Michael Alan, Sergeant, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Jonga, Obadiah, Constable, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 24 April 1979.
Jongwe, Elias, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Josam, C., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Joubert, Salomon., Flight Sergeant Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in a training accident after falling 400 feet while climbing the Chimanimani Mountains on an Outward Bound course, 11 December 1971.
Joule, John, Private, Tenth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, murdered by terrorists, 30 March 1979.
Juda, Lysias, Guard, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 27 June 1979.
Julius, Tshengena, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Beit Bridge 27 December 1976.
July, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
June 1979.
Juta, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Juta, Ronnie, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 16 April 1979.
Kabasa, L., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 29 June 1976.
Kabasa, M., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 27 June 1976.
Kabunu Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Kagona, Jivas, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Kagoro, G., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Kakhanga District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rushinga, 18 February 1977.
Kala, K.G., Lance Corporal, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Kamau, F., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, 10 April 1979.
Kambange, K., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Kambange, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Kamusopani, R., Private, killed in action, February 1978.
Kande Kande, J., Guard, Guard Force September 1977.
Kandeya, Geography, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 16 October 1978.
Kangayi, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 7 December 1974.
Kanjani, Michael, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 12 November 1979.
Kanosi, D., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered on leave in Gutu, 8 April 1979.
Kanyoka, Chemunhu, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 May 1979.
Kapa, O., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Kapisa, Augustine, Private, killed in action, 24 September 1978.
Kapito, Ivan, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 17 December 1978.
Karikogah, P., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Karim, F., Private, June 1977.
Karoni, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 13 August 1967.
Kasawaya, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, February 1979.
Kaschula, M.F., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 15 September 1976.
Kaseke, N., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Kasket, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Katete, F., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1978.
Katsidzira, Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Katuku, Stachio, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Kavoko, H., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Kawadza, Kenneth, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 June 1978.
Kayisa, Widi, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 31 July 1978.
Kee, T.J., Corporal, Depot, Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, on 25 October 1975.
Keith, Alan MacDonald, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 17 January 1979.
Kelly, M.J., Corporal, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 15 May 1976.
Kelly, Michael David, Sergeant, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Kembo, Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 3 August 1973.
Keni, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in an ambush, 6 May 1976.
Kerr, J.S., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Kesari, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Kesby, T.D., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 21 November 1979.
Keyter, G., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, May 1978.
Khabo, J., Recruit, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 22 October 1979.
Khanye, Private G., Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles [Deport, The Rhodesian African Rifles], killed in action, 22 October 1979.
Khola, Samuel, Private, killed in action, 25 December 1978.
Khumalo, S., Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1979.
Khupe, J., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Kildunne, G., Sergeant, killed in action, April 1979.
King, Stephen Eric, Trooper, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Kingsley-Jones, Derek John, 2/Lieutenant. 2 Indep. Coy. Killed in action on 16th June, 1977.
Kirton, T., Second Lieutenant, November 1977.
Klew, J.A., Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Knight, Patrick Charles, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 18 December 1979.
Knight, Peter James Osborne Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 17 May 1975.
Koen, F.C., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 25 November 1976.
Kohiuai, S., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 27 February 1977.
Kombora, Gladstone, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 March 1979.
Korb, J.G., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 15 November 1976.
Kriek, J.J., Rifleman, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 23 January 1976.
Kruger, David Bruce, Corporal, 1 & 4 Independent Companies, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 July 1977.
Kuba, N., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Kudzayi, Philip, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita 3 May 1976.
Kufakowenyu, Wereki Charles Mafuse, Private, Rhodesian African Rifles, 9 August 1977.
Kufazvineyi, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Kugotsi, Madziva Julius, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 9 May 1979.
Kulara, J., Private, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Kumalo, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, November 1977.
Kumalo, T., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Kupinkomo, Lot Dube, Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 18 December 1977.
Kuradu, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Kurebwa, Tarirayi, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 14 October 1977.
Kurumba, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Kurumba, Caiphs, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 26 October 1978.
Kuseni, Bob, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 11 June 1979.
Kushamba, Fanuel, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 23 January 1978.
Kutinyu, Tobias, Private, killed in action, 30 January 1979.
Kutsanzira, P., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Kwami, Marko, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Kwangwari, Josiah, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 22 May 1979.
Kwanyangara, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 26 February 1974.
Kwaramba, Patrick, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 26 November 1978.
Kwatsa, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Kwayarira, Maphios, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 8 September 1978.
Kwayarira, Maphos, Private, killed in action, 15 September 1978.
Lamb, J.B., Captain, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, 23 December 1975.
Lamb, M.C., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 7 November 1976.
Lambert, Ismail Achmed, Lance Corporal, killed in action in an ambush near Mrewa, 6 August 1977.
Lang, C.F., Trooper, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, at Chivinge in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.
Langerman, M., Lieutenant, killed in action, December 1977.
Langton, Teddy Thomas, Private, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Lapham, J.A., Bombardier, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 June 1973.
Laubscher, Constant, Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 September 1979.
Laurent, R.H., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 July 1976.
Lawler, Kevin Francis, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1979.
Lawrence, F.R., Sergeant, Two Brigade, killed in action, 2 September 1979.
Lawrence, Michael, Corporal, BCR, Corps of Rhodesian Engineers, killed in action, April 1979.
Lawton, A.D., Field Reserve Pilot, Police Reserve Air Wing, killed on active service, in an air accident, 6 May 1967.
Layton, Joseph Benjamin, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 27 October 1979.
Lazarus, Z, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 November 1979.
Lazarus, Zhanunpi, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Le Vieux, S., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died from wounds received in action, 7 February 1978.
Lee, R., Lance Corporal, May 1977.
Leonards, Clive Patrick, Private, 26 February 1978.
Lester, Jeremy Oliver 9314, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 12th October 1977. Killed by an AK-47 mounted on the rear of a BSAP Landrover parked in the Sipolilo Police Station. It was accidentally fired by a colleague during the morning vehicle maintenance check. Official BSAP records show - died in
service - accidental shooting.
Liebermann, R., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died, 1976.
Liebermann, Russell John, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, 4 June 1978.
Lilford, Warwick Powys Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 9 January 1977.
Lima, M., Guard, Guard Force January 1978.
Lindani, K., Constable, British South Africa Police, November 1977.
Little, Bradley Wade, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Livingstone, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1979.
Liwa, B., K/Sergeant Guard Force killed in action, April 1978.
Lloyd, Gary J., Corporal, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1974.
Locke, K.P., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact, 6 December 1976.
Logan, N.R., Vedette, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Marandellas, 19 January 1977.
Lomas, Ronald Robert Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 22 February 1977.
Lombard, E., NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police.
Lopes, V., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 7 March 1977.
Lord, C.Philip, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, (Kenya) killed in action in a contact, 19 September 1974.
Lot, Tagwira Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 March 1977.
Lotringer, E., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action in a contact, on Operation Mardon in Mozambique, 31 October 1976.
Lotshwa, Zefaniya, Corporal, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Plumtree District, 16 January 1978.
Lottering, C.W., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died, 29 May 1970.
Lottering, Peter Christopher, Rifleman, killed in action, 7 October 1977.
Lotz, A.P., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 16 December 1976.
Lovie, Alan Gray, Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 14 October 1976.
Loxton, William Leslie, Lieutenant, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 18 September 1979.
Lucas, Ian Scott, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Lund, Graham Desmond, Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 3 September 1979.
Lunderstedt, H., Sergeant Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Lunga, Bernard, African Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 September 1979.
Lynch, A.W., Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, when ambushed returning from a patrol north of Sinazongwe Harbour in Zambia 6 September 1978.
Mabaka, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Bikita, 19 May 1976.
Mabaleka, D., BCR, Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 2 October 1978.
Mabiba, S.M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave, 8 July 1976.
MacDonald, E., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 May 1977.
Macha, T., Recruit, CTD, killed in action, 30 October 1979.
Machimbirike, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Machingauta, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 December 1979.
Machokoto, Alios, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 December 1979.
Machona, Patrick, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered, 28 September 1978.
Machore, K., Private, Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 March 1979.
MacDonald, E. Killed in action 1977.
MacDonald, Peter, National Service BSAP. Killed in ambush in Lubimbi TTL, near
Gwaai River, Wankie area, in September either 1977 or 1978. Ex-pupil of
St. Stephens College, Balla Balla, and resident of Wankie.
MacKay, Duncan Hope, Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Chipinga area, 2 January 1977.
MacKenzie, D.G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 1 February 1977.
MacKenzie, H.H., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 26 June 1977.
MacLachlan, O., Rifleman, July 1978.
MacLaren, D., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 16 April 1977.
Macmillan, Gordon Roy, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in an accident, on Operation Inhibit in the Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 7 February 1979.
Madhende, F., Constable, British South Africa Police, Crime Protection Unit, killed on active service, murdered in Budiga African Purchase Area by an insurgent, 3 November 1976.
Madhiri, Charles, Constable, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 12 May 1978.
Madoda, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, April 1979.
Maduveko, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Madzambi, Maphios, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 16 April 1978.
Madziise, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Madziviri, Charles, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.
Madziviridzo, Denny, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 30 July 1978.
Madziwa, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.
Madzviko, Charles C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 15 November 1979.
Mafu, T., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 17 November 1979.
Mafundikwa, B., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Mafunga, N., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Magagani, Crispen, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 February 1979.
Magawise, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Magaya, K., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1978.
Magede, Nabot, Private, killed in action, 21 November 1978.
Magirazi, Waison, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 October 1978. Fatally wounded in landmine clearing incident 15-20 km from Headlands
Police Station. Was flung 25 m in the bush, but died of his wounds at the scene.
Magonda, Peter, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Maguire, Gray Viereck Merrilees, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 1 August 1979.
Maguire, R., Lance Corporal, May 1977.
Maguwaza, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rusape, 4 May 1976.
Mahanzu, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Mahaso, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 24 June 1973.
Mahlasera, Stephen, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Mahomed, Y., Private, 1 Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 25 August 1976.
Mahonde Guard, Guard Force, killed in action in a contact in the Mtoko farming area, 2 November 1978.
Maigurira, W., Private, January 1978.
Maimbo, E., Extension Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chipinga, 26 February 1977.
Majaya Sergeant August 1978.
Majoni, Aleck, Private, killed in action, 16 April 1978.
Majuta, B., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Makamure, R., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Makatore, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 7 March 1977.
Makaye, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin, 22 September 1973.
Makeche, T., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Makhondo, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Makomechi, Freddie, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, 1 March 1979.
Makonde, Elso, Private, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Makoni, B., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 6 February 1980.
Makore, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1979.
Makore, M., Private, January 1978.
Makosa, James, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 August 1978.
Makotsa, J., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Makumbe, F., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko 17 October 1976.
Makumbe, M., Reg Clerk Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Makumire, Douglas, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 23 January 1979.
Makuvaro, N.., Lance Corporal, killed in action, December 1978.
Makuwa, James, BCR Corporal, A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in an ambush, on his vehicle, 9 May 1976.
Makwanya, Clever, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 17 May 1979.
Makwelo, M., Dip Supervisor Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Malamba, M., Dip Attendant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chipinga, 21 January 1977.
Malapela Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Mallett, D.E., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, 6 January 1977.
Mamachona, Constable, British South Africa Police, 2 October 1978.
Mambume, A., Corporal, killed in action, June 1979.
Mamvura, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, October 1977.
Mamvura, J., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in a insurgent rocket attack on the police station in the Mayo TTL, 18 August 1976.
Mamvura, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Mananube, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in his Alouette III when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Manasa, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Manasa, Z., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Fort Victoria, 4 May 1976.
Mandaza, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, in an ambush, on the Mazoe River, presumed drowned, 23 December 1974.
Mandeya, C., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Mandeya, E., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Mandinda, Barnard Jongilanga, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Mandipaza, M., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Inyanga, 3 May 1976.
Mandisodza, Solomon, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.
Mandizviza, Ornard, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Manesa, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Mangezo, H., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Makoni, 11 January 1977.
Mangoro, A., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1979.
Mangoyi, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Manguni, Ndayila David Dhlodhlo, Senior District Assistant, murdered by terrorists in the Nkai District, 17 February 1978.
Mangwiro, R., Corporal, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 1 November 1979.
Mann, John Headland, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Mann, Keith Edward, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action on Operation Miracle, 29 September 1979.
Mann, S.L.P., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 31 May 1976.
Manning, G., Corporal June 1977.
Mano, K., Guard, Guard Force September 1977.
Manomano, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1977.
Mantseye, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Mantshontsho, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Manunure, Patrick, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 13 August 1977.
Manunure, Taongesayi Callisto, WO2, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 August 1977.
Manyangadze Rangirayi , District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 7 November.
Manyange, T. Private, Fourth Maintenance, killed in action, 13 September 1979.
Manyani, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Manyegna, I., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Mudzi, 9 October 1976.
Manyeka, Prince, Constable, British South Africa Police, 24 April 1978.
Manyika, Christopher, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 2 April 1979.
Mapanzuri, A., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 9 June 1976.
Mapaso, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Mapaye, Abraham, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 6 December 1979.
Mapendere, V., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, June 1977.
Mapfumo, A., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Mapfumo, Alphonce, Guard, Guard Force, died of wound received in action, 16 July 1979.
Mapfumo, Augustine, Private, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Mapfumo, L., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Mapfumo, T., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Mapise, S., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Mapita, A., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Mapiye, J., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, March 1978.
Mapiye, Stain Nemera, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.
Maponga, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Maposa, Benjamin, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 May 1979.
Maposa, Frank, Trooper, One Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed 1 February 1980.
Mapundo, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, June 1977.
Mapuranga, Ignatius, Private, died of wounds received in action, 13 September 1979.
Mapuranga, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Maradze, M., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 June 1979.
Maradze, Mahone, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police. Killed in action, 24 June 1979.
Maranduse, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Marange, M., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Maravanyika, E., Private, killed in action, March 1979.
Marenga [Mapenga], S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 July 1979.
Marhova, Francis, Lance Corporal, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, to the head when surprised by two ZANLA in a contact, north of Mrewa 12 April 1978.
Marilele, E., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Mariti, Detective Sergeant , British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Maritz, Solomon, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 December 1979.
Marnewick, John Conrad, Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 8 August 1978.
Martin, Ian, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 May 1979.
Marufu, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Marufu, Damian King, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 September 1979.
Marufu, Freddy, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Marufu, J., Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 9 July 1979.
Marufu, Tobias, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 28 July 1977.
Marumazondo, Joseph, Senior District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 18 November 1979.
Marume, P., L/Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Marunga, J., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 29 September 1979.
Maruta, F., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Masara, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Masarakufa, M., Temporary/Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, murdered on leave by insurgents, 23 March 1973.
Masarakufa, N., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Maseko, Gideon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 May 1978.
Masendeke, Rodrick, Private, killed in action, 9 June 1979.
Mashamba, C., Guard, Guard Force, November 1977.
Mashanda, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Mashanda, N., Senior District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Mashangu, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Nuanetsi, on 8 July 1976.
Mashavira, C., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 6 December 1976.
Mashimbwe, P., Sergeant, British South Africa Police, August 1977.
Mashingaidze, R., Guard, Guard Force April 1977.
Mashire, Tapera, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 March 1978.
Mashisze, Adam, Private, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Mashona, Masarakufu, Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 24 March 1977.
Mashonganyika, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 23 March 1977.
Masikati, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Masimba, K., J/Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, July 1977.
Masitake, Rwatitinda, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 August 1979.
Masiyambira, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 24 June 1975.
Mason, A., Lieutenant, killed in action, February 1979.
Mason, C, Temporary/Sergeant and sniper, Selous Scouts, killed at Malvernia during an exchange of fire with FRELIMO. He killed six. 15 March 1977.
Masuku, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Masuku, Petrus Nathaniel, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 August 1979.
Masula, B., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Masunga, T., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Masunga, W., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Masvimbo, Francis, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 26 April 1978.
Mataka, F., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Matambangwana, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1978.
Matambanivana, Noah, District Security Assistant, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Matambo, L., Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Matambo, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, : mortar and small arms attack in Chesa African Purchase Area, 26 June 1974.
Matamburigwa, E., Guard, Guard Force December 1978.
Matangira, Private, Ten Supply Platoon, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Matare, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Matare, F., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Matavire, Maxwell, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 17 August 1978.
Matebwe, Chitanda, Private, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Mateko, J., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Mateko, John., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Mathe, Gifyniso Peter., Private, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Mathe, R., Lance Corporal, killed in action, June 1979.
Matidiri, Davidson Stanford, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at his kraal in Sipolilo, 16 August 1978.
Matshalaga, L., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Matthee, William, Rifleman, 29 April 1977.
Matthews, Grant Stuart, Rifleman, Four Brigade, died of wounds received in action, 9 December 1979.
Matunduru, O., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Matunga, A., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.
Matunga, L., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.
Matutsa, Claudius, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Mavata, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Maviza, S.D., Corporal, 2 Signals Squadron, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 28 June 1975.
Mavura, L., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mawadze, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Mawire, J., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Honde Valley, 29 February 1976.
Mawire, W., Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 5 May 1976.
Maworera, Richard, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 29 June 1979.
Maxwell, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 17 March 1980.
Mayatame, Madimisa, Private, killed in action, 4 June 1979.
Mayhew, A.J., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 27 May 1975.
Maynard, J., Private, killed in action, October 1977.
Mazarire, F., Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, killed in action, April 1979.
Mazinyane, Visaya, Acting WO2, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 5 June 1978.
Mazoe, Leon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 August 1978.
Mazuihwa, F., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mazurura, Lovemore, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 16 November 1978.
Mbaiwa, P., Guard, Guard Force, November 1977.
Mbandla, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Mbasela, P., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 6 March 1978.
Mbemi, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
McCall, H.J., Acting Sergeant, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, [an American] killed in action, 16 July 1979.
McClelland, William Joseph Andrew., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 August 1978.
McDonald, M., Private, September 1977.
McGarrell, John Hamill., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 August 1979.
Mchonjomera, Leonard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.
McIver, A., Trooper, killed in action, January 1979.
McIver, A.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on operations, 1 January 1979.
McKend, Bruce John, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 16 June 1979.
McKop, D., Private, June 1977.
McLaurin, Derek John, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, 19 October 1979 in a ZIPRA ambush.
McLeod, C., Lance Corporal, Five Protection Company, killed on active service, in Kambazuma Township, 11 December 1976.
Meddows-Taylor, C.M., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 20 January 1978.
Mendes, J.P.G., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1973.
Mennigke, C.I., Lance Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 4 January 1978.
Mereki, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, April 1977.
Meyer, G.D., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, in Mozambique, 27 April 1971.
Meyer, Karl, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 9 June 1977.
Meyer, Paul Francois, Vedette Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 April 1979.
Mfitshane, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Mhaka, C., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, killed in action, April 1978.
Mhaka, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.
Mhakayakora, Daniel Brighton, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Mhando, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 5 May 1976.
Mhawo, Clever, Guard, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 16 November 1978.
Mhizha Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin, 22 September 1973.
Mhlanga, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Mhondiwa, Jonathon, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Mhuka, Z., Corporal June 1977.
Michell, Kenneth Michael, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, wounded in action while clearing contour ridges, shot at close quarters by an insurgent who stood up out of the cover of a ridge. Killed in a landmine incident on 25 June 1978.
Michell, Michael, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 28 August 1978.
Milford, Pencil, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 March 1978.
Millar, Anthony John, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 26 November 1978.
Miller, A.B., Private, 3 Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 8 October 1975.
Miller, D., Colour Sergeant May 1977.
Miller, Gavin Andrew, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 2 November 1979.
Miller, R., Rifleman, killed in action, May 1979.
Mirams, David., DC Internal Affairs, Mrewa. Killed in action, 2nd January 1979. Killed by a landmine only fifty yards from his front gate at his D.C.s residence. He had just
been promoted to Regional Commissioner and was due to commence duties the
week after he was killed. Three thousand locals attended his funeral.
Mirwane, Aleck, Private, killed in action, 11 April 1978.
Misoro, F., Lance Corporal, killed in action, February 1979.
Mkandhle, E., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Mkandla, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Mkohliso, David Boy, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 31 July 1979.
Mkwananzi, B., Constable, British South Africa Police.
Mkwebu, P., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Mlala, July, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 May 1978.
Mlalazi, Patrick, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 8 August 1977.
Mlalazi, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 December 1979.
Mlambo, Fungai Wellington, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 16 December 1979.
Mlauzi, G., Smn killed in action, February 1978.
Mleya, George., Sergeant, killed in action, 23 February 1979.
Mlilo, Robert, Trooper, killed in action, 15 April 1978.
Mlilo, Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 17 October 1979.
Mlotshwa, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Mlotswa, Z., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Mnkandla, A., Private, killed in action, February 1978.
Mollentz, H.J., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, September 79-March 1980.
Mombeyarara, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mombeyera, Gerald, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 26 October 1978.
Moorcroft, L.W.H., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, in Mozambique, 28 April 1971.
Moore, Michael Anthony ‘Little Meeces’, Trooper, Mortar Troop, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 17 April 1979.
Moore, N.D.R., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine near Altena Farm, Centenary, 29 December 1972.
Moore, P., Smn, killed in action, July 1977.
Morgan, Christopher John. 9380, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Accidentally killed by a shotgun blast from a Police Reservist, when mistaken for
the enemy during a sweep through a maize field after a reported sighting of
Moriarty, L., Sergeant, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Morris, Michael John, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident when a member of his patrol mistook him for the enemy in the dark, 31 January 1974.
Morrison, Whoteson, Private, killed in action, 30 April 1978.
Moses, M., Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 6 August 1976.
Moss, Keith, Trooper, Selous Scouts, fatally wounded in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Mostert, G., Rifleman, Recce Platoon, 1RR, was killed in action on Operation Instant in a camp attack on a ZANLA camp at Chintopo in the Tete Province of Mozambique, when burning huts exploded, 7 April 1979.
Moto, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 December 1979.
Moyo, A., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Moyo, Albert, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Moyo, Amon, Private, Four Maintenance, killed in action, 11 November 1979.
Moyo, Canaan, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, 22 December 1979.
Moyo, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 16 July 1972.
Moyo, D., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Moyo, D., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 6 January 1977.
Moyo, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Moyo, Elliot, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Moyo, Jetro, Trooper, killed in action, 24 April 1979.
Moyo, K., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Moyo, L., Private, 5 PROPL, killed in action, 18 September 1979.
Moyo, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Moyo, M., Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed, 14 February 1980.
Moyo, Patrick Constable, British South Africa Police, died, of wounds received in action, 19 January 1977.
Moyo, R., Private, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 8 January 1980.
Moyo, Reuben, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 April 1978.
Moyo, Rodwell, Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 10 April 1979.
Moyo, Rodwell, Private, died of wounds received in action, 23 April 1979.
Moyo, S., Corporal, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 17 December 1979.
Moyo, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Moyo, Tamusanga, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 March 1979.
Mozica, Chokosi, Private, killed in action, 1 June 1979.
Mpala, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Wankie, 1 January 1977.
Mpofu, Cephas, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 27 May 1978.
Mpofu, E., Private, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 25 September 1979.
Mpofu, Frank, Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 February 1980.
Mpofu, G., Private, School of Infantry, killed in action, 7 November 1979.
Mpofu, Henry, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Mpofu, Leonard, Private, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 27 June 1978.
Mpofu, N., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 September 1979.
Mpofu, Phinias, Private, First Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 December 1979.
Mpofu, Royal, Private, died of wounds received in action, 27 March 1978.
Mtandwa, C., Rifleman , Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, March 1978.
Mthekli, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Mtinsi, M., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 February 1980.
Mtisi, Nyika, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Mtsombe, C., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Mtupane, A., K/Corporal Guard Force August 1978.
Mubaiwa, Makasi Mubayi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 1 August 1979.
Mubaywa, W., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 1 March 1977.
Mubondera, J., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Muchabi, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Muchada, R., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 10 May 1976.
Muchakbarwa, C., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 6 May 1976.
Muchechwa Constable, British South Africa Police/Selous Scouts, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 28 April 1975.
Mucheka, Tadios, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 17 April 1977.
Muchemwa, Marufu, Sergeant, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 20 January 1977.
Muchemwa, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, November 1977.
Muchena, M., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 3 January 1980.
Muchenje, F., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 29 April 1975.
Muchenje, Richard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 7 November 1978.
Muchenje, W., Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 5 May 1976.
Muchini, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Bikita, 27 August 1976.
Muchona, S., Guard, Guard Force July 1978.
Mudavanhu, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Mudhomodozi, Happy, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 February 1979.
Mudimu, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Muduve, G., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, Nyamapanda Police, Camp, 15 August 1976.
Mudzete, Patrick, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Mudzi, D., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed on active service, Accident training exercise, 2 September 1976.
Mudzimiri, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, died of wounds received in action, 21 October 1976.
Mudzingwa, P., Trooper, July 1978.
Mudzwidza, N., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Mufachiva Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva, 28 August 1974.
Mufaro, R., Lance Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 August 1978.
Mugabe, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Muganiwa, Rodgers, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 3 July 1979.
Mugoni, J., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Mugumbate, Musarari Johannes, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Mugwaga, N., Sergeant, November 1977.
Mugwaga, W., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Muir, Douglas Sydney, Trooper, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact in the Enterprise area, 12 May 1979.
Mujeki, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, Abducted & murdered in Bikita District by CTs, 2 January 1977.
Mujere, Levy, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 7 December 1978.
Mujero, T., J/Corporal Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mukandatsa Ma, Munikwi, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Mukandatsama, Munhikwi, Private, killed in action, 1 March 1979.
Mukandiona, Ruwayi, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 30 April 1979.
Mukapanda, Aaron, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 5 November 1977.
Mukaro, C., Lance Corporal, killed in action, December 1978.
Mukaro, Clements, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 25 December 1978.
Mukonora, P., WDW Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Mukucha, Sergeant British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Mukuinwe, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Mukundwa, D., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, December 1977.
Mukuruva, Elliot, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 13 June 1979.
Mukwaira, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1978.
Mullin, M., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 March 1968.
Munangwa, C., Sergeant First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 28 November 1976.
Mundingi, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1979.
Munemo, O., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 January 1980.
Munemo, O., Guard, Guard Force, November 1977.
Munemo, P., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 2 April 1975.
Munemo, R., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Munetsi, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 June 1978.
Munetsi, Peter James, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 November 1978.
Mungazi, G., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed on active service, in an accident, in the Wedza area, 21 November 1976.
Mungenge, Morgan, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 August 1979.
Munton-Jackson, G., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5077 near Gwelo, 17 January 1972.
Munyani, E., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Munyorwa, C, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 May 1979.
Mupambwa, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Mupandagwara, N., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Mupeti, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Mupita, J.L., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave in Penhalonga by insurgents on 26 June 1976.
Murambi, Timothy, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Muramboduro, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Muranda, J., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Murawa, J., Sapper Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, December 1978.
Murdoch, B., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying Trojan R4326 at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974.
Murdoch, D. Killed in action 1977.
Murdock, Timothy Joseph, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 28 November 1978.
Muredzi, J., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, 24 April 1976.
Mureza, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Muringani, Arthur, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 December 1979.
Murozvi, A., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Murphy, A.C., Lance Corporal, Six Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 20 December 1976.
Murphy, James Firman, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Murray, Colin McLeod, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush, 1 February 1978
Murray, I.A., Lance Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 8 April 1976.
Murudzwa, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Murungweni, G., Guard, Guard Force September 1977.
Murungweni, Lawrence, Constable, British South Africa Police, 17 July 1979.
Murwira, G., Signaller 1 Sig Sqn, killed, .
Murwisi, Fainosi, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Musa, Cladius, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 8 July 1979
Musafare, E., Private, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 29 April 1975.
Musaruwa, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Musaruwa, P., Private, July 1978.
Musasa, J., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Musekiwa, Martin, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 27 June 1979.
Mushambi, Winston, Junior Corporal Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 17 December 1978.
Mushani, T., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Mushaya, J., Corporal, killed in action, December 1978.
Mushonga, N., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 15 January 1980.
Mushonga, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1978.
Mushure, Anderson. DSA. Killed in action 26th October 1979,.
Mushure, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Musina, K., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Musindo, Maxwell, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 10 March 1979.
Musiyiwa, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Gutu 18 March 1977.
Musodzah, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, Chiduku TTL, 20 October 1976.
Musondo, T., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, September 1978.
Musonza, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Mutamangira, M.G., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Melsetter, 25 May 1976.
Mutamburi, Killian, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 December 1979.
Mutandi, Leonard, Private, Four Maintenance, killed in action, 11 November 1979.
Mutanga, M., Private, Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 23 January 1979.
Mutanga, Mastaff, Private, died of wounds received in action, 8 February 1979.
Mutargoza, Toperson, Acting Lance Corporal, 'A' Company Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, when his vehicle was ambushed by 30 ZANLA in the Mshawasha African Purchase Area 29 December 1977.
Mutasa, Pineal, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 15 October 1979.
Mutasan, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1977.
Mutava, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Mutema, Tinarwo, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, 3 May 1977.
Mutengani, S., Lance Corporal, killed in action, June 1979.
Mutengani, Samuel, Lance Corporal, died of wounds received in action, 16 July 1979.
Mutero, J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chiredzi, 11 January 1977.
Muteta, Watson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by insurgents, 29 November 1978.
Muteyaunga, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Mutimbanyoka, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 27 January 1977.
Mutindindi, J., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Mutiziri, T., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Mutongi, N., Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, in the Honde Valley, 8 April 1976.
Mutova, C., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave in Soswe TTL by insurgents, 20 October 1976.
Mutrase, L., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 2 October 1978.
Mutumhe, Philip, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1978.
Muvungani, Gideon, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Muyambi, Obadiah, Guard, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 13 September 1979.
Muyezwa, Rufu Charles, Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 October 1978.
Muyotcha, W., Extension Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Muzenda, Dzimba, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 28 November 1978.
Muzenda, E., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, May 1979.
Muzingi, Reuben, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 27 February 1979.
Muzingi, Ruben, Private, died of wounds received in action, 1 March 1979.
Muzkuzha, Stanselous, Keep Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Muzondiwa, Sani Jekanyika, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave in the Sipolilo District, 16 October 1978.
Muzondo, K., Trooper, killed in action, April 1979.
Muzwondiwa, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Mviyo, T., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles killed in action in a contact, 5 May 1976.
Mwale, Maunda Gilbert, Private, killed in action, 2 April 1979.
Mwanagumbi, Daniel, Junior Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, 18 December 1977.
Mwasireni, M., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Mweneziko, Mudzingwa, Sergeant, killed in action, 2 November 1978.
Mweneziko, Mudzingwa, Sergeant, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 25.October 1978.
Mwenya, Sanderson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 May 1979.
Mxotsewa, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Myburgh, Kenneth Herman, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 16 May 1979.
Myhhardt, B.J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 24 November 1976.
Nago, Nicholas, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Nahove, R., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva 29 January 1974.
Nahwire, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 24 November 1976.
Naison, Hanky, Corporal, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Nash, A., Private, 1 Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 March 1975.
Nasho, M.M., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Mudzi, March 1976.
Ncube, A., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 14 February 1976.
Ncube, Ambrose Sanyama, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 August 1979.
Ncube, C., Sapper, SME, killed in action, 23 February 1980.
Ncube, Charles, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 February 1979.
Ncube, Colins, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 April 1978.
Ncube, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in his Alouette III when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Ncube, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Ncube, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, murdered in Wankie TTL, by insurgents, 17 January 1977.
Ncube, Geogre Makore, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 February 1979.
Ncube, Kesari, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 17 April 1979.
Ncube, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Ncube, M., Private, killed in action, February 1979.
Ncube, Meta Richard, District Security Assistant, 29, of Plumtree, murdered by insurgents, 10 January 1978.
Ncube, N., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 26 November 1979.
Ncube, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Ncube, P., Private, killed in action, February 1979.
Ncube, Reason, Private, killed in action 16 November 1978.
Ncube, S., Private, June 1977.
Ncupe, Jenamiso, Private, killed in action, 15 April 1978.
Ndava, Tapera Martin, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, 7 December 1978.
Ndebele, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Ndebele, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Ndeke, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Ndhelele, J., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Ndhlovu, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.
Ndhlovu, Calvin Chikandiwa Jobe, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 April 1979.
Ndhlovu, J., FR British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Binga 20 December 1976.
Ndhlovu, Jack, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 15 January 1979.
Ndhlovu, Morgan, Private, killed in action, 28 August 1977.
Ndhlovu, Phahlani, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 November 1978.
Ndhlovu, W., Private, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 March 1980.
Ndimande, Bhiyeni Luka, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 6 February 1979.
Ndlovu, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 9 March 1977.
Ndlovu, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Ndlovu, C., Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Ndlovu, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Ndlovu, Cossum, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 June 1978.
Ndlovu, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1978.
Ndlovu, E., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 27 October 1979.
Ndlovu, G., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 15 February 1977.
Ndlovu, J., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Ndlovu, John Bajilla, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 9 May 1979.
Ndlovu, M., Dip Supervisor Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Ndlovu, Peter, Private, killed in action, 16 July 1978.
Ndlovu, T., Private, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 November 1979.
Ndlovu, Z., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Ndogwedu, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Ndokanga, P., Corporal Grey Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 15 February 1977.
Ndou, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Ndou, L, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 October 1979.
Neasham, Colin Graham, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Nedza, Edson, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Needham, Steven, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action when escorting a convoy from Beit Bridge, 11 May 1979.
Nel, E.F., Lance Corporal, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, at Chivinge in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.
Nel, F., Trooper, November 1977.
Nel, F.J., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound, to the head while advancing in a sweep line against the ZANLA camp at Chimoio on Operation Dingo 23 November 1977.
Nel, Jan Andries, MLM, WO2, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 26 June 1976.
Nel, P., Sergeant killed in action, June 1979.
Nelson, K., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when flying an Alouette III which was hit by an RPG7 in Mozambique, 28 July 1978.
Nelson, R., Senior Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when hit by ground fire while trooping in an Alouette IIIB piloted by Flight Lieutenant R.J. Watt, 18 May 1977.
Nemachena, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, June 1977.
Nemachewa, Shusha, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 10July 1979.
Nemanwa, I., Private, killed in action, September 1978.
Nemutambwe, L., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, November 1977.
Nettleton, G.E., Squadron Leader, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5117 near New Sarum, 1 July 1970.
Nevermind, K., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 10 April 1976.
Newman, A.C., Temporary Corporal, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 14 October 1976.
Ngandu, H., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Ngeni, M.N., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Umtali, 19 May 1976.
Ngomanyoni, Crispen, Lance Corporal, 'A' Company Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, when his vehicle was ambushed by 30 ZANLA in the Mshawasha African Purchase Area 29 December 1977.
Ngoshi, Ephraim, Guard, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 22 November 1977.
Ngube, I., Private, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 9 September 1979.
Ngulube, Isaac, Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 5 August 1978.
Ngulube, Simangaliso, Private, Third Maintenance, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Ngwarayi, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Ngwenya, Abednigo, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 10 September 1978.
Ngwenya, Livingstone, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 1 March 1979.
Ngwenya, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 July 1979.
Ngwenya, S., Tracker, African Field Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 July 1979.
Nharo, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 9 May 1973.
Nhawo, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Nicholas, E., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in a vehicle ambush, ten kilometres from Chipinga when acting as front gunner for a convoy, May 1977.
Nielson, Michael Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, in the Mukwichi TTL, 17 January 1977.
Nikisi, R., Private, Second Maintenance, killed in action, 21 March 1979.
Njanina, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Njekela, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin, brother of Chief Nkalakata, 8 April 1976.
Njenge, Maxwell, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 31 July 1979.
Njenjera, P., Senior District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Njoli, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Njunube, (Headman), Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, CID, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Plumtree area, 6 August 1976.
Nkala, C., Private, killed in action, October 1978.
Nkala, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 9 March 1977.
Nkandla, Helkamah, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Nkiwane, Samziza, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 26 December 1978.
Nkomo, G., Keep Commander Guard Force killed in action, October 1978.
Nkomo, Jacob, Private, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Nkomo, V., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 1 March 1978.
Nkono, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Ntini, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, abducted and murdered in the Wankie TTL, 17 January 1977.
Nugent, S.R., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, on 18 July 1976.
Nyabadza, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Nyabotso, Kudzayi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Nyadute, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Nyagano, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1977.
Nyakaza, Corporal, General Service Unit, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by a landmine, 19 November 1973.
Nyakuchemwa, D., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Nyakudaya, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, in an ambush, 1 February 1976.
Nyakwishira, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Nyamayaro, Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 1 October 1979.
Nyamayaro, Evans, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 15 September 1979.
Nyamayaro, Joram, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.
Nyamayovo, F., Private, killed in action, September 1978.
Nyamazana, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Nyambira, Elliot, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 17 April 1979.
Nyamsayi, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Nyamuzinga, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Nyandoro, Bernard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died from wounds received in action, 25 September 1979.
Nyangani, H., Rifleman, killed in action, March 1978.
Nyapfumbi, Willard, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Nyarendaha, H., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Nyathi, Day, Private, School of Infantry, killed in action, 7 November 1979.
Nyathi, L., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Nyati, Benzenie, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Nyati, M., Field Reservist, Scout, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, north west Matabeleland, 6 August 1976.
Nydam, Wilhemus Errivs, Rifleman, killed in action, 12 September 1978.
Nyenye, Clemence, Private, killed in action, 20 February 1978.
Nyiahuye, D., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 13 September 1974.
Nyika, L., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 27 September 1979.
Nyika, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 24 September 1967.
Nyiwana, P., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Belingwe, 4 May 1976.
Nyoni, B., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Nyoni, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Nyoni, J., ADF Driver Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Nyoni, K., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Binga, 20 December 1976.
Nyoni, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Nyoni, Raphael, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Nyoni, Tanson, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 24 October 1979.
Nzumana, Thomas, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, 16 January 1978.
O’Neill, Gert Stephanus., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed on Operation Miracle, 27 September 1979.
O'Brien, John, Rifleman, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 15 November 1979.
O'Driscoll, A., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 23 August 1977.
O'Neill, K., Private, 3 Protection Company, killed in action by a landmine, 17 March 1977.
Oostindien, Johannes Eric, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 August 1979.
Orchard, Roy C.C., Corporal, 1 & 4 Independent Companies, Rhodesia Regiment killed in action, 22 July 1977.
O'Reilly, P.M., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 15 September 1976.
Osteni, Toto, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 5 May 1979.
Overbeek, Martin, Lance Corporal, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a contact, on 4 April 1979.
Pakayi, A., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 5 March 1975.
Pakayi, I.P., Private, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 29 April 1975.
Panganayi, J., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Paradza, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, 16 July 1972.
Park, J.K, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, 30 January 1981.
Parker, D.G., Colonel, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, 23 December 1975.
Parker, T.M., Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, or in an air accident, while flying in Trojan R4326 at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974.
Parkin, G.J., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 24 February 1976.
Parkinson, J.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 27 April 1976.
Partridge, Derek, Field Reservist, died during training, 23 September 1977.
Partridge, W.M., Lance Corporal, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1974.
Pascoe, Andrew John, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1979.
Pasina, Munyaradzi, Private, killed in action, 16 July 1978.
Pasine, R., Private, One Independent Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 October 1979.
Pasipamire, Felix Chingozha, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 April 1979.
Patireki, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, July 1977.
Patrol, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Payne, N.G., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 26 January 1977.
Pearse, Martin, Captain, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accident involving a bunker bomb on Operation Carpet in Lusaka, Zambia, 26 June 1979.
Pedley, C., Asst Commander Guard Force, killed in action, July 1977.
Penton, C.B., Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 4 September 1974.
Perkins, William John, Army Officer Cadet, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Petros, S., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 22 February 1977.
Pfeil, H.G., Lance Corporal, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 20 August 1975.
Pferedzai, N., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Phede, Henzlet, Sergeant, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Phillips, Dennis, Junior Commandant, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 15 April 1979. Was formerly a Patrol Officer in the BSAP. Left the Police to join
Rhodesia Railways as a Safety Officer in Matabeleland. He was conscripted into
the Guard Force (Intake GFR/3) and subsequently underwent the first Guard Force
Officer Cadet training course. He served in various operational areas :- Chipinga,
Chiredzi, Honde Valley, Mount Darwin and Gwelo. In 1979, while riding in an
unprotected Landrover near Gwelo, he was ambushed by a group of insurgents and
sustained fatal injuries, from which he died on 19th April, 1979.
Phillips, P., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Phiri, Macdonald, Private, died of wounds received in action, 27 June 1978.
Phiri, Mohamede, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 25 September 1979.
Phiri, Y., Private, July 1978.
Phone, A., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Pienke, K.L., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Canberra B2, 3 October 1979.
Pierson, K., Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 22 August 1967.
Pillow, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Pinda, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, 9 September 1973.
Pindura, C., Sapper Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, December 1978.
Pinge, H., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Piringondo, E., SCR, Lieutenant, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 14 February 1980.
Pitch, L.P., Captain, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 17 May 1976.
Pittaway, K., Rifleman, May 1977.
Plant, M., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 23 August 1974.
Poole, Russel, Trooper, Mortar Troop, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a contact, on 19 April 1979.
Posi, G., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Posthumus, G.,(N.S.) Keep Commander Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Whilst in the PV, he seemingly confiscated cards from the Guards as they were gambling - they promptly shot him.
Potgeiter, C., Corporal, May 1977.
Potgeiter, E., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
Potgeiter, J.J., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 January 1973.
Povey, Roger.J., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, wounded in a landmine incident, at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974. Was injured in the landmine incident, and while being casevaced died in an aircraft accident. The Trojan aircraft casevacing him had to take off in the dark. The unit on the ground had no flares to light up the runway, so they parked two Landrovers at the end of the airstrip with their
headlights pointed down the runway. Unfortunately, one of the Trojan’s wheels
clipped one of the Landrovers and flipped the plane into the ground killing Povey,
the pilot and the medic. (Air Lt Murdoch and Cpl Parker).
Powell, N., Major, killed in action, February 1979.
Prezent, Silas, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Price, Francis Gavin. Cpl. Killed in action. Op Hurricane, north of Mount Darwin.
Prince, Norman Hedley Egerton, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 March 1978.
Pritchard, John Stephen, Lieutenant, killed in action, 16 August 1978.
Procter, Ian, Field Reservist, Bulawayo PATU, British South Africa Police, killed in action beyond Tjolotjo after stopping a bus full of abductees, 13 September 1977.
Prosser, David Rex, Trooper, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Puncheon, A.G., Rifleman, One Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 6 May 1976.
Pungwe, Martin, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Quinn, Gary Demaine, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 29 December 1977.
Rabie, Andre P., MLM, Sergeant, Special Air Service/Selous Scouts, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, through a map reading error, 16 September 1973.
Rafu, R., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, January 1979.
Rafu, Raja, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 January 1978.
Rakayos, Furnawu, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Ralston, David Mann, 22., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 September 1977.
Ramjee, A.L., Lance Corporal, HQ 3 Brigade, killed in action, 24 March 1980.
Randel, S., Corporal killed in action, April 1978.
Rangarirayi, O., Private, July 1978.
Rangarirayi, Oliver, Private, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Ranjisi, A., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Ranjisi, Aaron, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 21 March 1979.
Rawstrone, B.H., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 30 January 1977.
Reay, A.E., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, on 19 July 1976.
Rees, G., Staff LSO British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Regenaas, B.G., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, by drowning, 4 February 1976.
Reid, James, Field Reservist BSAP. Killed in action near Siya Dam, Bikita TTL on
24th August, 1977, in same action in which Jim Cross, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps
lost his life.
Reveai, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 23 November 1976.
Revill, John, Police Reserve Observer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28
Rewayi, Charles, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Reyani, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Beit Bridge 27 December 1976.
Reynolds, K., Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 12 February 1970.
Rice, P.O., Corporal. 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, at Chivinge in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.
Riekert, D.J. 726202 Sgt. 1 RLI. Killed in action 01.08.81 GSW. Accident.
Ridge, E.N.F., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 18 March 1968.
Ringisai, Chiutsi, Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Robert, Titus, Auxiliary Section Leader, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 15 November 1979.
Robertshaw, James Kendall, Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978. Very fine friend of the local populace.
Robertson, G.N., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Canberra B2 near New Sarum, 16 November 1971.
Robertson, I.A.B., Captain, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire , 23 December 1975.
Robey, John Dorrel Egleton, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Killed in ambush on a river crossing near Dett - was on his way to investigate a
mortar attack on a farmhouse at 2100 hrs. He was firing over the top of the
Landrover when he was hit by three rounds of RPD fire.
Robinson, Rodney, killed in action, 8 August 1978.
Roboho, Jona Shadreck, District Security Assistant, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978
Rosedale, D.D., Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 7 May 1973.
Rosenfels, Desmond Charles, BCR Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, in the Manica Province of Mozambique, in an ground and air operation on a ZANLA camp, 8 February 1979.
Rosenfels, Ian, Trooper, Selous Scouts killed in action, 29 March 1978.
Ross, Gerald, District Commissioner, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Roughhead, Alexander Gilbert, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Canberra B2 near New Sarum, 16 November 1977.
Rouse, P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin 18 February 1974.
Routledge, G.A., Squadron Leader, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, on 16 February 1976.
Rowland, Michael Geoffrey., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Rubva, Musikwa, Private, killed in action, 2 August 1979.
Rugg, Christopher Stanley, Lance Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Rujada, Honda, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 16 March 1978.
Rukara, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Rukara, Martin Rudo. DSA. Cpl. Was attached to the D.C.s office at Bikita, but spent
much of his time at Ground Coverage Base in Matsai TTL, south of Bikita, as the
Senior Intaf member there, and was a good, loyal and courageous man. When the
D.C. at Chiredzi asked for temporary reinforcements in October, 1979, the Bikita
D.C. sent RUKARA. Most D.C.s, when asked for reinforcements, sent their worst
members to get them out of the way for a while. Not so the D.C. at Bikita - he did
not want the Bikita District held in low esteem by other areas, so he sent the best.
Cpl. Rukara was killed when his Puma vehicle was hit by 9 RPG-7 rockets, down
south of Chiredzi. There were not many survivors. Combined Ops spread out the
casualty list over a few weeks.
Rungano, M., Sergeant First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a landmine, 3 March 1975.
Rungiue, M., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 16 February 1978.
Runodada, Chibomba, Private, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Rusere, T., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Rushinga, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.
Rutunga, P., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Ruveve, Lackson, Private, killed in action, 1 May 1978.
Ruwana, F., Private, May 1977.
Ruwana, Fanny Kudakwayshe, Private, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 August 1977.
Ruza, Morgan, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Ruzive, Z., Private, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 24 October 1974.
Ruzvidzo, O., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1979.
Rwakuzhura, T., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Rwawuya, Rabson, Private, killed in action, 12 April 1978.
Sadler, Mervyn, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 29 December 1978.
Saimwemba, B., African Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 December 1979.
Sainsbury, Andrew McGregor, Assistant District Commissioner, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 7 March 1979.
Saladi, Jimmy, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 29 December 1978.
Saltiel, Z., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 2 April 1975.
Sambulo, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 July 1979.
Samson, Lavert, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Samson, S., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, July 1979.
Samukute, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Sanderson-Smith, Richard Lionel, Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died from wounds received in action, 18 April 1979.
Sandi, Comitee, Guard Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 4 September 1979.
Sandi, G., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Sandi, Godfrey, Guard, Guard Force, murdered by insurgents, 1 January 1979.
Sanduka, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, July 1979.
Sango, John, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Sanhani, Private, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed on active service, by a gunshot wound, murdered by CTs, 31 October 1976.
Sani, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Chipinga, 31 December 1976.
Saraoga, F., Private, killed in action, February 1979.
Sarutani, C., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Inyanga, 3 May 1976.
Saulos, Peter, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 20 February 1979.
Schickerling, W., Temporary Sergeant, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 4 December 1979.
Schoeman, J., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 27 April 1979.
Schonnberg, G., Gunner, One Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, 20 November 1966.
Schoultz, C.J., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 13 February 1973.
Scott, P., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 26 October 1979.
Scott, Walter Robert Ian, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 21 November 1978.
Seager, A.R., Rifleman, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed in action by a landmine, 1 October 1974.
Seager, National Serviceman, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 3 September 1974.
Sealy, R.B., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 8 November 1973.
Senekal, A., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, flying an Alouette III near Umtali, 25 December 1979.
Sengerayi, M.M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Marandellas, 19 January 1977.
Sengu, E., Private, November 1977.
Sengu, Elaja, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 5 September 1977.
Seremwe, Moffat, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.
Severino, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 16 January 1976.
Seymour, Steve, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action in a contact, 22 December 1976. Was a native of Jersey, in the Channel Islands.
Shadrack, S., Private, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 29 October 1979.
Shadreck, Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 5 July 1973.
Shadreck, Misheck, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Buhera District, 1 February 1978.
Shaibu, Guard, murdered by insurgents, 11 May 1979.
Shaibu, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Shakespeare, Lawrence, Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 August 1977.
Shalovsky, Mike. Asst. District Commissioner at Mudzi. Was travelling in a Puma after
nightfall, and hit another Puma that had been in a previous landmine explosion.
He was driving the vehicle and was killed on impact. Others in the vehicle were :-
Mike Knowles, Reg Goddard, Phil von Memerty, Brian Leftbridge and one other
(Name unknown).
Shapley, Mark Peter, Keep Commander, Guard Force killed in action, 17 September 1978.
Shaw, J.R., Major General, Army Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, . 23 December 1975.
Shaw, T.G.C., Prov Inspector, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in an air accident, 19 July 1969.
Shereni, P., Corporal, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in the Matibi II TTL, in a mortar attack, 22 December 1976.
Shereni, Thomas, Acting Sergeant, killed in action, 20 February 1979.
Shipley, Tom, Rifleman, 1 & 4 Independent Companies, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 July 1977.
Shoniwa, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Shora, W., Detective Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, killed in action, January 1979.
Shumbyawonda, N., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Shuro, O., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Sibanda, Alec, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 January 1979.
Sibanda, B., Sapper, One Engineer Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 18 October 1978.
Sibanda, C., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 November 1977.
Sibanda, Cain, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 September 1979.
Sibanda, Casper., Private, killed in action, 24 June 1979.
Sibanda, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 December 1979.
Sibanda, David, Trooper, killed in action, 14 May 1979.
Sibanda, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Sibanda, Edward, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered while on leave, 30 June 1977.
Sibanda, J., Private, July 1978.
Sibanda, Jonart, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, 15 August 1977.
Sibanda, Likwa, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 8 February 1979.
Sibanda, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Sibanda, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Sibanda, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Sibanda, M., Rifleman, HQ 3 Brigade, killed in action, 29 March 1980.
Sibanda, Mandla Boy, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Sibanda, Michael Younger, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 June 1978.
Sibanda, Notice, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 March 1979.
Sibanda, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Sibanda, R., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Sibanda, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, abducted and murdered in Tuli, by CTs 6 July 1976.
Sibanda, S., Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 November 1979.
Sibanda, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Sibanda, S., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Sibanda, S., Sapper, SME, killed in action, 29 January 1980.
Sibanda, T., Private, Third Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 14 March 1980.
Sidambe, Dick., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 17 December 1976.
Sikandavire, E., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Sikirita, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Sikwangwa, F., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 April 1979.
Sikwekwete, J., Extension Assistant Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rusape, 19 May 1976.
Silvesta, T., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 27 February 1977.
Simburashe, C., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Simburashe, Chawatama, Private, 19, killed in action, 4 January 1978.
Sithole, Fireyi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 23 January 1979.
Sithole, Simon, Private, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Sithole, T.J., Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, 22 November 1979.
Siyamagonde, Z., Sapper, Two Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 25 October 1979.
Siziba, C., Private, killed in action, March 1979.
Slingsby, Robert James, Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, 11 April 1979.
Small, Charles David, Captain, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Small, Thomas McLeod, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service, by an accidental explosion, 23 December 1978.
Smart, J.E., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying an Alouette IIIB R7500 near Rushinga, 21 February 1973.
Smith, D., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Smith, David Herbert, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Smith, G., Vedette Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Smith, J.W., Temporary Corporal, One Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 26 March 1977.
Smith, Kenneth.R., Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, (from Australia) wounded in action by a landmine, losing a leg, died from a fatty embolism in the blood stream, 8 June 1974.
Smith, M.H., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 11 March 1977.
Smith, Mark Langton, Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in Glen Norah Township, Salisbury, 28 August 1978.
Smith, Nicholas. John, Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 22 August 1967. Killed along with WO 2 TIMITIYA.
Smith, Richard M., Sergeant, One Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 28 February 1976.
Smith, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed.
Smithdorff, K., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying an Alouette IIIB R7500 near Rushinga, 21 February 1973.
Smuts, J., A/Sergeant January 1978.
Smythe, P., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Snelgar, Bruce Miles, Major, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an air accident, when his Alouette III hit power lines near Umtali, 26 September 1979.
Soka, Godfrey, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action at the Beit Bridge Rural Council Beerhall, 18 September 1977.
Sparkes, David, Colour Sergeant, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 7 February 1980.
Sparks, M. Killed in action 1966.
Speight, Trevor John, Corporal, killed in action, 18 July 1979.
Spink, Simon Alexander, Rifleman, 26th November 1977. 6 Indep. Coy RR.
Springer, W.J., Field Reservist Pilot, British South Africa Police, Air Wing, killed on active service, in an air accident, 19 July 1969.
Stacey, D.M., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 9 March 1977
Stacey, M. Killed in action 1973. .
Stainthorpe, A., Officer Cadet, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 October 1976.
Standers, K., SO British South Africa Police, September 1977.
Stanley, A., Trooper, Support Commando, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 20 April 1979.
Steane, N.D., (21) Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in an ambush, 2 April 1975.
Stephen, S., Guard Force, September 1979.
Steven, Samson, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 June 1979.
Stevens, H.W.H., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in his Lynx when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Steyl, Johann William, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, (Support Unit) killed in action, 14 June 1978.
Stidston-Broadbent, D., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 22 May 1976.
Stockhill-Gill, R.V., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 27 October 1974. He drowned when the RL he was
driving overturned while crossing a very low bridge that was nearly under water and
his ankle got trapped under the accelerator.
Storie, K., J., Corporal Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on the Luia River in Mozambique, 2 September 1975.
Strydom, J.J., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Canberra B2, 3 October 1979.
Suikepi, M.C., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Sullivan, M.G., D Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, when a Police, launch on Zambezi River was fired on from the Zambian bank, 17 September 1976.
Summers, G., Rifleman, June 1977.
Sungayi, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Sutherland, C.G., Lance Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 31 January 1977.
Svibe, Gibson, Guard, killed in action, 6 August 1979.
Swan, G., Corporal June 1977.
Swemmer, Roy Allan, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Swondo, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 17 May 1967.
Sybert, Coffee, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 15 October 1979.
Tachiona, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Tafireye, J., Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, in the Honde Valley, 9 April 1976.
Tafura, S., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 November 1979.
Takaindisa, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, July 1979.
Takanzwa, Ebson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Takaruvinga, Rabson, Private, killed in action, 29 November 1978.
Takendesa, E., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Takendesa, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1977
Takonde, B., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Takundwa, Cletos, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 9 June 1979.
Tambe, J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 31 August 1974.
Tani, P., Detective Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Tapambwa, John, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.
Tapson, D., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 28 November 1976.
Tapson, Obert, Private, killed in action, 23 April 1979.
Tarugarira, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1978.
Tarupuwa, Corporal, killed in action, March 1979.
Tarusari, J., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 October 1976.
Tarwireyi, J., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Tasapamari, G.C., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 28 October 1976.
Tasker, P., NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Tataway, Siriro, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 15 October 1979.
Tatton, N., Diesel Mechanic, British South Africa Police, killed in action, at Kanyemba, 10 November 1976.
Taugara, Murura F., Temporary Corporal Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 4 June 1976.
Taurayi, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Tauro, June, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave at Mount Darwin, 11 October 1978.
Tauya, David., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, 3 May 1977.
Tavengegweyi, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Tavengwa, D., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, 8 February 1976.
Tawonateshe, Samson, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Taylor, David John, Lieutenant, killed on active service, killed by one of his own men, 3 January 1979.
Taylor, G., Ac Rhodesian Air Force killed in action, February 1978.
Taylor, Maurice, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action during Operation Inhibit in the Malvernia/Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 17 December 1978.
Tazviziva, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Tekenende, Lewisan, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 23 January 1979.
Temple-Miller, R., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva 1 March 1977.
Tennant, A., Temporary/Corporal November 1977.
Tennent, Kevin Hugh, Second Lieutenant, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 2 October 1979.
Terblanche, J.G., Detective Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 March 1977.
Thebe, S., Ex Ass Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Thembikile, Shabani, Private, killed in action, 11 February 1979.
Theron, N.J., BCR Lieutenant, Special Air Service, killed in action, 20 January 1978.
Thomas, P., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Thomas, S.T.M., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, Dog Section, killed in action, 23 August 1967.
Thompson, Bruce, SCR Second Lieutenant, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 27 June 1978.
Thompson, James Frazer, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Thornley, M.E., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 10 April 1968.
Threadingham, National Service Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Binga area, 20 December 1976.
Tichadvigadzira, R., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Timitiya, WO2, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 22 August 1967.
Timothy, J., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Tinariua, P., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 19 December 1977.
Tinarwo, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered by terrorists, 8 January 1974.
Tirivangani, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Titlestad, P., Corporal Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in a helicopter during a contact, 17 August 1976.
Titlestad, T., Keep Commander Guard Force, killed in action, April 1979.
Tivavone, H.P., Agric Demo Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Bikita, 27 November 1976.
Tobias, G., Staff Sergeant, killed in action, January 1979.
Tomborayi, G., Private, killed in action, October 1978.
Tonderayi, K., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed August 1978.
Tongayi, B., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Tonhora, F., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa 15 October 1976.
Topdlesu, G., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chiredzi, 31 January 1977.
Topham, Arthur Stockwell, Sergeant, killed in action, 7 November 1978.
Torrington, M., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 15 June 1976.
Totohwiyo, Lovemore, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 29 December 1978.
Tourle, A.K., BCR Lieutenant, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service by a lion, 9 April 1972.
Travers, R., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 December 1977.
Traynor, Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 11 February 1980.
Trigg, Alan Meredith, Corporal, killed on active service, in training, 22 January 1978.
Troddyn, Thomas Arthur C., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 20 February 1980.
Truter, A., Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Tsarara, Good, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Tsaurayi, Masunga, District Security Assistant, 23, of Buhera, murdered by terrorists, 8 January 1978.
Tshababa, Dick., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 6 January 1977.
Tshuma, Buyisa, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Tshuma, J., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Tshuma, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Tjolotjo District, 7 February 1978.
Tshuma, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Tshuma, T., Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Tshuma, Teddy, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Tsikira, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Tsikuyadzi, P., Private, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Tsoka, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Tsveta, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1977.
Tucker, B.K., Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 1 September 1979.
Tunhuru, S., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Turkington, G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 August 1977.
Turnbull, M.A.C., Gunner, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 1 September 1975.
Turner, Anthony Hugh Whichcotte, Corporal, K-Car Gunner, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant R., Bolton, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Tutani, A.G., Detective Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, CID, killed on active service, by a landmine, (his wife was killed with him), 26 April 1976.
Tuzayi, Boniface, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 8 April 1978.
Tzekel, K., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Buhera, 18 February 1977.
Underwood, J.S., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when his pilot had target fixation while attacking a ground target while flying a Lynx 2 September 1977.
Underwood, S., National Service, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 16 November 1978.
Urayayi, Fanuel, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 November 1978.
Urayayi, L., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 November 1979.
Ushendibaba, Obadiah, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 8 February 1979.
Vachi, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 November 1979.
Valentine, O.P., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Van Aarde, Andries G., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Van Aswegen, Eric Leon, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Van Blomestein, Clive, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 16 February 1978.
Van der Brugge, Nicolaas, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 April 1979.
Van der Horn, K.L., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 26 February 1977.
Van der Mark, R., Rifleman, January 1978.
Van der Merwe, J.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 October 1979.
Van Hess, Rifleman J., Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 7 December 1978.
Van Niekerk, Nicolaas Johannes, Corporal, BCR, One Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Van Oudtshoorn, P., Cadet Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Van Rooyen, M.B., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 21 June 1976.
Van Slageren, C.J.P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 9 March 1977.
Van Staden, E., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine, when returning from Mozambique, 16 December 1976.
Van Staden, J.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 15 March 1974.
Van Tonder, T.J., Corporal, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 12 May 1976.
Van Wijk, A., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 11 August 1977.
Van Zyl, Clarence, Rifleman, killed in action, 7 October 1977.
Vangani, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Chibi, 21 December 1976.
Vaughan, E., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 17 February 1977.
Vazhure, J., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Vengisayi, H., Private, August 1977.
Venter, J.L., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 18 February 1980.
Venturas, G., NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action, in an ambush, 15 January 1977.
Verbeek, Arie Mannix, MLM, District Commissioner, killed on active service, mistaken for the enemy by an Army unit, 22 April 1978
Vermaak, C.T., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 20 January 1978.
Vermaak, C.W., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 6 November 1976.
Vhudzijena, Weston, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 October 1978.
Victor, H.G., Private, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Vieira, L., Capt, July 1978.
Viljoen, Charl, Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, drowned, 28 February 1968.
Vincent, D.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 3 April 1973.
Visser, B., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 11 May 1971.
Viya, S., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Volker, Ephriam A., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 August 1979.
Vorster, Johannes Lodewikus Stephanus, Rifleman, died of wounds received in action, 23 January 1978.
Vrachas, A.M., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 4 May 1976.
Vuma, James Amon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Vushangwe, Ernest., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 March 1978.
Wall, M., Lance Corporal, killed in action, April 1978.
Walsch, J.G., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 3 September 1974.
Walters, John W., Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action on operations, 27 May 1979.
Walton, W.R., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in the Zambezi Valley, 14 March 1975.
Ward, F., Private, May 1977.
Warner, F.C., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 19 August 1978.
Warwick, Edgar Stephen, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 9 April 1977.
Warraker, R.S.S., SCR, Captain, Selous Scouts, killed in action, while flying in a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.
Washington, Desmond Kenneth, Rifleman, killed in action, 19 February 1979.
Watch, Dumai, Private, killed in action, 23 April 1979.
Waters, Nevill R., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 5 March 1977.
Watson, D., Temporary/Capt January 1978.
Watts, Trevor George, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 January 1978. Killed in a mortar pit at Vila Salazar when a mortar round from
Malvernia landed in the pit. Several others involved in this incident, including Sgt Ian Wood.
Webb, A., Trooper, killed in action, April 1979.
Webber, Godfrey, Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 7 September 1977.
Weinman, B.C., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3244, when shot down by an SAM7 near Rushinga, 14 April 1974.
Weitsz, William, killed in action, 31 August 1971.
Wells, Michael Broad, Sergeant, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 15 June 1973.
Wentzel, T.H.C., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, in Mozambique, 27 April 1971.
Wessels, C.D., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 26 March 1968.
Wesson, A.J.C., Aircraftsman, killed in action, during Operation Uric when an RPG7 hit the boss of the rotors of his Augusta Bell 206, flown by Flight Lieutenant R. Paxton, at Barragem, on Operation Uric, 5 September 1979.
West, G.J., Sergeant, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 12 November 1976.
Wevell, M., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 29 July 1976.
Whami, M., Private, killed in action, January 1979.
White, Deon McAllister, Rifleman [posthumous] BCR, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died of a wound sustained in action on 30 October 1976.
White, H., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
White, Peter C. O'Brien, BCR, Temporary Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 28 February 1976.
Whitefield, John Barry, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Whitehead, J.V., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed on active service, 18 May 1976.
Whitehead-Wilson, Vaughan, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 June 1979.
Wickenden, John. Supt. Reg. No. 3990. BSAP. Killed on duty 12th October, 1966, in the same incident involving Col/Sgt M.P Cahill, MCM. Noted that WO Bouch, Cahill and
Wright died the same day. The group was loading canoes on the Zambezi river
when there was an accidental explosion.
Wienand, C., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 27 May 1976.
Wiggill, Frank Robert, Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 30 October 1979.
Wilkinson, N., Rifleman, killed in action, July 1977.
Willemse, Johannes Steyl, Sergeant, killed in action, killed in action, 1 December 1978.
Williams, B., Private, August 1978.
Williams, Fammly, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 9 December 1979.
Williams, Russell, Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 12 January 1978.
Willie, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Willis, Nigel, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, in an ambush, in Mozambique, 14 February 1974.
Wilmot, F.L., Acting Sergeant Special Air Service, killed on a night drop into Mozambique, in Rhodesia's first airborne operation since 'C' Squadron, SAS had operated in Malaya, 19 January 1973.
Wilson, A., Rifleman, June 1977.
Wilson, A.G., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Wankie, 10 August 1976.
Wilson, P., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, July 1979.
Wilson, R.J., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3427, when shot down by an SAM7 near Rushinga while looking for Flight Lieutenant Weinman's shot down aircraft. Weinman's aircraft had been camouflaged by the enemy, 20 April 1974.
Wixley, William Robert, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action on Operation Murex, 2 November 1979.
Wolfenden, C., Lance Corporal, killed in action, October 1978.
Wollner, M., Rifleman, killed in action, August 1979.
Wood, D., Corporal, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 November 1979.
Wood, Ian Douglas, Sergeant, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 January 1978.
Wood, Stephen John, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 December 1978.
Wright, Denis Keith, Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 8 November 1973.
Wright, J., MCM, Colour Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966.
Killed in the same incident as Supt John Wickenden, BSAP.
Wright, Victor William. 1 RLI. KIA 8th June, 1975.
Wunganayi, A., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 3 October 1974.
Wuranda, Head, Sergeant, SCR, BCR, Selous Scouts, killed, 1979.
Wuranda, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed, .
Wurayai, T., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, February 1979.
Yates, J.B., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 March 1977.
Yeates, Philip A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 16 March 1977.
Young, C.A.S., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, encounter with an insurgent at a road block, 29 April 1975.
Young, D., Woman Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, September 1978.
Young, H.D., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 26 March 1971.
Young, O., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police. August 1978.
Youroukelis, Steven Peter, Corporal, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 18 May 1976. .
Yuncker, K.G., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 29 September 1972.
Zamba, Godfrey, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 3 November 1979.
Zambara, P. Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 16 February 1978.
Zambarah, P., Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Zaranik Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch/Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 28 April 1975.
Zarura, Peter, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 9 May 1978.
Zawaira, S., Private, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 24 December 1979.
Zhonja, B., Lance Corporal, killed in action, January 1979.
Zhonja, Bethrod, Lance Corporal, murdered on leave, 28 February 1979.
Ziegler, S., Lance Corporal, January 1978.
Zietsman, Andrew I., Trooper, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 11 May 1978.
Zikali, N., Private, Three Maintenance, killed in action, 15 March 1980.
Zikuyoma, C., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 9 July 1978.
Zimbango, Augustine, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 October 1978.
Zimuna, F., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, October 1977.
Zinjera, Andries, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Zinyakatiri, Onias, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 15 January 1978.
Zinyemba, S., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 2 April 1975.
Zirobwa, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Zivura, A., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Ziyambe, Lovemore, Trooper, First Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, died of wounds received in action, 15 September 1979.
Zizania, S., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Zombu, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Gokwe, 11 February 1977.
Zondo, Tuesday, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered at Filabusi, 30 May 1978.
Zowah, W., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 11 February 1977.
Zvechibwe, Obert, Signalman, killed in action in a ZANLA attack on Grand Reef, 17 December 1977.
Zvidzai, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, April 1978.
Zvidzai, Medicine, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 14 April 1979.
Zvikaramba, J., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Zvirevo, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, Abducted and murdered by insurgents, 31 December 1976.
Zvirewo, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1978.
Zvirime, M., Guard, Guard Force June 1977.
Zvokuvenda, John, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Eggleston, P.B., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, drowned in Zambezi River, 15 February 1966.
Bouch, R.A., MCM, WO2, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966.
Cahill, M.P., MCM, Colour Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966.
Wright, J., MCM, Colour Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966.
Schonnberg, G., Gunner, One Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, 20 November 1966.
Lawton, A.D., Field Reserve Pilot, Police Reserve Air Wing, killed on active service, in an air accident, 6 May 1967.
Swondo, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 17 May 1967.
Dennis, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 3 July 1967.
Davison, Acting/Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 13 August 1967.
Karoni, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 13 August 1967.
Pierson, K., Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 22 August 1967.
Smith, N.J., Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 22 August 1967.
Timitiya, WO2, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 22 August 1967.
Cosmas, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 23 August 1967.
Thomas, S.T.M., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, Dog Section, killed in action, 23 August 1967.
Nyika, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 24 September 1967.
Viljoen, Charl, Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, drowned, 28 February 1968.
Erisha, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 18 March 1968.
Ridge, E.N.F., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 18 March 1968.
Binks, R.A., Recruit, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 26 March 1968.
Mullin, M., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 March 1968.
Wessels, C.D., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 26 March 1968.
Thornley, M.E., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 10 April 1968.
Annandale, D., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, flying a Cessna 185 at Kutanga Range near Que Que, 7 January 1969.
Cary, J.B., Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 29 January 1969.
Johnston, A.T., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, struck by the blades of a helicopter, 13 May 1969.
Shaw, T.G.C., Prov Inspector, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in an air accident, 19 July 1969.
Springer, W.J., Field Reservist Pilot, British South Africa Police, Air Wing, killed on active service, in an air accident, 19 July 1969.
Anasi, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact on Operation Teak south of the Victoria Falls, 22 January 1970.
Brading, Anthony J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 22 January 1970.
Reynolds, K., Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 12 February 1970.
Blundell, L.T., Rifleman, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, 24 February 1970.
Edwards, N., Sergeant, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 24 February 1970.
Fleming, J.M., Rifleman, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 24 February 1970.
Allan, B.J.F., Rifleman, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 26 February 1970.
Campbell, C., Acting Corporal, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 28 March 1970.
Covarr, P.T., Signaller, Rhodesian Signals Corps, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 28 March 1970.
Gibson, R.R., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, died, 8 May 1970.
Lottering, C.W., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died, 29 May 1970.
Hill, M.R., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5117 near New Sarum, 1 July 1970.
Nettleton, G.E., Squadron Leader, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5117 near New Sarum, 1 July 1970.
Bornman, H.J., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, shot at Binga by a sentry after failing to answer a challenge, 4 December 1970.
Young, H.D., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 26 March 1971.
Meyer, G.D., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, in Mozambique, 27 April 1971.
Wentzel, T.H.C., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, in Mozambique, 27 April 1971.
Moorcroft, L.W.H., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, in Mozambique, 28 April 1971.
Visser, B., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 11 May 1971.
Weitsz, William, killed in action, 31 August 1971.
Robertson, G.N., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Canberra B2 near New Sarum, 16 November 1971.
Roughhead, A.G., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Canberra B2 near New Sarum, 16 November 1971.
Joubert, Salomon., Flight Sergeant Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in a training accident after falling 400 feet while climbing the Chimanimani Mountains on an Outward Bound course, 11 December 1971.
Munton-Jackson, G., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5077 near Gwelo, 17 January 1972.
Garden, P.J., Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5077 near Gwelo, 17 January 1972.
Tourle, A.K., BCR Lieutenant, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service by a lion, 9 April 1972.
Moyo, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 16 July 1972.
Paradza, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, 16 July 1972.
Brown, D.D., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in an air accident, when flying a Vampire T11 near Thornhill, 4 August 1972.
Hill, Jeffrey, Sergeant, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a ZAPU-laid landmine in the Chete Game Reserve, 28 October 1972.
Yuncker, K.G., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 29 September 1972.
Moore, N.D.R., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine near Altena Farm, Centenary, 29 December 1972.
Potgeiter, J.J., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 January 1973.
Wilmot, F.L., Acting Sergeant Special Air Service, killed on a night drop into Mozambique, in Rhodesia's first airborne operation since 'C' Squadron, SAS had operated in Malaya, 19 January 1973.
Schoultz, C.J., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 13 February 1973.
Smart, J.E., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying an Alouette IIIB R7500 near Rushinga, 21 February 1973.
Smithdorff, K., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying an Alouette IIIB R7500 near Rushinga, 21 February 1973.
George, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 20 March 1973.
Birkett, H., WO1, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 March 1973.
Masarakufa, M., Temporary/Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, murdered on leave by terrorists, 23 March 1973.
Vincent, D.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 3 April 1973.
Davison, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 8 April 1973.
Cockroft, M.B., Lance Corporal, OPA, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Davison, B., Corporal, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Forbes, J.T.V., Rifleman, OPA, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Matangira, Private, Ten Supply Platoon, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Rosedale, D.D., Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 7 May 1973.
Clinton, Y., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on operations, 8 May 1973.
Nharo, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 9 May 1973.
George, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 2 June 1973.
Cooksley, C.A.C., Gunner, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 June 1973.
Lapham, J.A., Bombadier, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 June 1973.
Wells, M.B., Sergeant, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 15 June 1973.
Mahaso, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 24 June 1973.
Shadreck, Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 5 July 1973.
Kembo, Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 3 August 1973.
Mendes, J.P.G., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1973.
Pinda, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, 9 September 1973.
Rabie, Andre P., MLM, Sergeant, Special Air Service/Selous Scouts, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, through a map reading error, 16 September 1973.
Donegan, K.A., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 18 September 1973.
Makaye, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin, 22 September 1973.
Mhizha Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin, 22 September 1973.
Hughes, Robin S., Second Lieutenant, Tracker Combat Unit/Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, during a pseudo operation and a contact, with ZANLA, 18 October 1973.
Anstruther, R.D., Lance Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 October 1973.
Casal, C.A., de A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 24 October 1973.
Sealy, R.B., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 8 November 1973.
Wright, Denis Keith, Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 8 November 1973.
Nyakaza, Corporal, General Service Unit, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by a landmine, 19 November 1973.
Brown, K.R., Corporal, 2 Signals Squadron, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 20 November 1973.
Tinarwo, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered by terrorists, 8 January 1974.
Nahove, R., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva 29 January 1974.
Morris, M.J., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident when a member of his patrol mistook him for the enemy in the dark, 31 January 1974.
Willis, Nigel, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, in an ambush, in Mozambique, 14 February 1974.
Rouse, P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin 18 February 1974.
Kwanyangara, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 26 February 1974.
Van Staden, J.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 15 March 1974.
Airey, W.R., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying a Canberra B2 near Musengedzi, 4 April 1974.
Goddard, K.W., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying a Canberra B2 near Musengedzi, 4 April 1974.
Cracknell, A., Sergeant, 1 Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 5 April 1974.
Enias Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 11 April 1974.
Durrett, P.R., Senior Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3244, when shot down by an SAM7 near Rushinga, 14 April 1974.
Weinman, B.C., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3244, when shot down by an SAM7 near Rushinga, 14 April 1974.
Andrews, R.S., Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3427, when shot down by a SAM7 near Rushinga, 20 April 1974.
Wilson, R.J., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3427, when shot down by an SAM7 near Rushinga while looking for Flight Lieutenant Weinman's shot down aircraft. Weinman's aircraft had been camouflaged by the enemy, 20 April 1974.
Dambusa, Joseph, Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 30 April 1974.
Banga, David Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, on Launch P16, Zambezi, by Zambian troops, 5 May 1974.
Smith, Kenneth.R., Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, (from Australia) wounded in action by a landmine, losing a leg, died from a fatty embolism in the blood stream, 8 June 1974.
Matambo, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, : mortar and small arms attack in Chesa African Purchase Area, 26 June 1974.
Addams, E.C., Major, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed in action by an insurgent hiding in a tree when deployed with Major Peter Burford's D Company, First Battalion the Rhodesian African Rifles, near Madziwa, 14 August 1974.
Lloyd, Gary J., Corporal, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1974.
Partridge, W.M., Lance Corporal, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1974.
Plant, M., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 23 August 1974.
Mufachiva Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva, 28 August 1974.
Tambe, J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 31 August 1974.
Seager, National Serviceman, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 3 September 1974.
Walsch, J.G., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 3 September 1974.
Penton, C.B., Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 4 September 1974.
Nyiahuye, D., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 13 September 1974.
Lord, C.Philip, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, (Kenya) killed in action in a contact, 19 September 1974.
Henry, R., Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 September 1974.
Seager, A.R., Rifleman, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed in action by a landmine, 1 October 1974.
Wunganayi, A., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 3 October 1974.
Charsley, R., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 13 October 1974.
Ruzive, Z., Private, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 24 October 1974.
Stockhill-Gill, R.V., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 27 October 1974.
Aves, M.A., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 31 October 1974.
John, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 7 December 1974.
Kangayi, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 7 December 1974.
Murdoch, B., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying Trojan R4326 at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974.
Parker, T.M., Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, injured in a landmine blast, subsequently killed in an aircrash whilst being casevaced in Trojan R4326 at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974.
Povey, R.J., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, injured in a landmine blast, subsequently killed in an aircrash whilst being casevaced in Trojan R4326 at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974.
Mandaza, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, in an ambush, on the Mazoe River, presumed drowned, 23 December 1974.
Rungano, M., Sergeant First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a landmine, 3 March 1975.
Nash, A., Private, 1 Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 March 1975.
Pakayi, A., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 5 March 1975.
Davy, C.J., Officer Cadet, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 6 March 1975.
Chitsunge, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in Mount Darwin area, 8 March 1975.
Walton, W.R., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in the Zambezi Valley, 14 March 1975.
Boncean, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 2 April 1975.
Munemo, P., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 2 April 1975.
Saltiel, Z., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 2 April 1975.
Steane, N.D., (21) Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in an ambush, 2 April 1975.
Zinyemba, S., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 2 April 1975.
Benjamin, F., Acting Lance Corporal, Two Protection Company, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 24 April 1975.
Muchechwa Constable, British South Africa Police/Selous Scouts, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 28 April 1975.
Zaranik Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch/Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 28 April 1975.
Muchenje, F., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 29 April 1975.
Musafare, E., Private, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 29 April 1975.
Pakayi, I.P., Private, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 29 April 1975.
Young, C.A.S., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, encounter with a terrorist at a road block, 29 April 1975.
Knight, Peter James Osborne Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 17 May 1975.
Mayhew, A.J., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 27 May 1975.
Delport, B.M., Officer Cadet, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Vampire T11 near Gwelo, 3 June 1975.
Boulter, R.J., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, flying a Provost T52 near Gwelo, 19 June 1975.
Masiyambira, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 24 June 1975.
Maviza, S.D., Corporal, 2 Signals Squadron, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 28 June 1975.
Emerick, W.G.C., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accident, 4 July 1975.
Bain, T.G., Temporary WO2, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
de Beer, M.J., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
Coey, John Alan, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
Potgeiter, E., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
Celestino, B., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 3 August 1975.
Pfeil, H.G., Lance Corporal, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 20 August 1975.
Turnbull, M.A.C., Gunner, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 1 September 1975.
Storie, K., J., Corporal Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on the Luia River in Mozambique, 2 September 1975.
Jackman, D.J., Corporal Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 22 September 1975.
Miller, A.B., Private, 3 Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 8 October 1975.
Kee, T.J., Corporal, Depot, Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, on 25 October 1975.
Graham, J.B., Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 13 November 1975.
Lamb, J.B., Captain, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, 23 December 1975.
Parker, D.G., Colonel, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, 23 December 1975.
Robertson, I.A.B., Captain, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire , 23 December 1975.
Shaw, J.R., Major General, Army Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, . 23 December 1975.
Liebermann, R., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died, 1976.
Ben, N., Dip Supervisor, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Inyanga, 6 January 1976.
Severino, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 16 January 1976.
Kriek, J.J., Rifleman, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 23 January 1976.
Nyakudaya, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, in an ambush, 1 February 1976.
Regenaas, B.G., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, by drowning, 4 February 1976.
Fararira, P., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 7 February 1976.
Baker, B.M., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Nyamapanda area, 8 February 1976.
Tavengwa, D., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, 8 February 1976.
Billing, David A.M., Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on 14 February 1976.
Holland, Goode, killed in action, 14 February 1976.
Ncube, A., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 14 February 1976.
Routledge, G.A., Squadron Leader, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, on 16 February 1976.
Parkin, G.J., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 24 February 1976.
Cookson, D.J., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on 28 February 1976.
Diedericks, C., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on 28 February 1976.
Smith, Richard M., Sergeant, One Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 28 February 1976.
White, Peter C. O'Brien, BCR, Temporary Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 28 February 1976.
Chatiza, D.A., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Honde Valley, 28 February 1976.
Chikwaka, Lancelot, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Honde Valley, 29 February 1976.
Mawire, J., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Honde Valley, 29 February 1976.
Nasho, M.M., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Mudzi, March 1976.
Gift, M., Private, Three Brigade Support Company, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 7 March 1976.
Jackson, P., Private, Three Protection Company, killed in action by a landmine, 11 March 1976.
de Klerk, W.C., Lance Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 16 March 1976.
Chandiwana, J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin on 17 March 1976.
Ainslie, M., Major First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in a helicopter, while commanding a fire force action by a gunshot wound, from ground fire, 27 March 1976.
Black, R.A., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 6 April 1976.
Murray, I.A., Lance Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 8 April 1976.
Mutongi, N., Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, in the Honde Valley, 8 April 1976.
Njekela, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin, brother of Chief Nkalakata, 8 April 1976.
Abrahams, H.J., Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 9 April 1976.
Tafireye, J., Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, in the Honde Valley, 9 April 1976.
Nevermind, K., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 10 April 1976.
Chinoyi, E.T., Extension Assistant Supervisor, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 15 April 1976.
Bennett, I., Corporal, 4 Protection Company, killed on active service, 21 April 1976.
Botha, G., Rifleman, One Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 23 April 1976.
Muredzi, J., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, 24 April 1976.
Donald, J.S., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 April 1976.
Tutani, A.G., Detective Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, CID, killed on active service, by a landmine, (his wife was killed with him), 26 April 1976.
James, D.C., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 April 1976.
Parkinson, J.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 27 April 1976.
Kudzayi, Philip, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita 3 May 1976.
Mandipaza, M., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Inyanga, 3 May 1976.
Sarutani, C., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Inyanga, 3 May 1976.
Maguwaza, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rusape, 4 May 1976.
Manasa, Z., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Fort Victoria, 4 May 1976.
Nyiwana, P., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Belingwe, 4 May 1976.
Vrachas, A.M., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 4 May 1976.
Mawire, W., Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 5 May 1976.
Mhando, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 5 May 1976.
Muchenje, W., Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 5 May 1976.
Mviyo, T., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles killed in action in a contact, 5 May 1976.
Keni, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in an ambush, 6 May 1976.
Muchakbarwa, C., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 6 May 1976.
Puncheon, A.G., Rifleman, One Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 6 May 1976.
Makuwa, James, BCR Corporal, A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in an ambush, on his vehicle, 9 May 1976.
Chivere, F., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 10 May 1976.
Muchada, R., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 10 May 1976.
Bint, F.W.E., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on in a vehicle ambush, 12 May 1976.
Blignaut, P.W., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 12 May 1976.
Van Tonder, T.J., Corporal, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 12 May 1976.
Dzingirayi, M., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 13 May 1976.
Kelly, M.J., Corporal, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 15 May 1976.
Da Silva-Chalheiros, N.A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 17 May 1976.
Edwards, B.J., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 17 May 1976.
Pitch, L.P., Captain, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 17 May 1976.
Whitehead, J.V., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed on active service, 18 May 1976.
Yourkelis, S.P., Temporary Corporal, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 18 May 1976.
Mabaka, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Bikita, 19 May 1976.
Ngeni, M.N., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Umtali, 19 May 1976.
Sikwekwete, J., Extension Assistant Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rusape, 19 May 1976.
Ebiza, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 20 May 1976.
Stidston-Broadbent, D., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 22 May 1976.
Campbell, N.C., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 23 May 1976.
Mutamangira, M.G., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Melsetter, 25 May 1976.
Wienand, C., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 27 May 1976.
Mann, S.L.P., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 31 May 1976.
Taugara, Murura F., Temporary Corporal Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 4 June 1976.
Jemna, Stanley, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, 6 June 1976.
Mapanzuri, A., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 9 June 1976.
Chako, E., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 13 June 1976.
Bates, D.I., Sapper Three Engineers Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 15 June 1976.
Crewe, J.G., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 15 June 1976.
Torrington, M., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 15 June 1976.
Van Rooyen, M.B., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 21 June 1976.
Mupita, J.L., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave in Penhalonga by CTs, 26 June 1976.
Nel, Jan Andries, MLM, WO2, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 26 June 1976.
Kabasa, M., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 27 June 1976.
Kabasa, L., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 29 June 1976.
Sibanda, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, abducted and murdered in Tuli, by CTs 6 July 1976.
Laurent, R.H., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 July 1976.
Mabiba, S.M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave, 8 July 1976.
Mashangu, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Nuanetsi, on 8 July 1976.
Ginyilitshe, A., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, on 9 July 1976.
Graham, J.P., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by ground fire while flying in an Alouette IIIB in the Inyanga area, on 18 July 1976.
Nugent, S.R., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, on 18 July 1976.
Reay, A.E., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, on 19 July 1976.
Byrne, S.P., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 25 July 1976.
Chiri, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, Abducted, murdered, in the Mutasa South TTL, 25 July 1976.
Wevell, M., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 29 July 1976.
Moses, M., Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 6 August 1976.
Njunube, (Headman), Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, CID, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Plumtree area, 6 August 1976.
Nyati, M., Field Reservist, Scout, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, north west Matabeleland, 6 August 1976.
Bredenkamp, M., Lance Corporal, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Clipston, M.W., WO2 Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Halberstadt, F.W.H., Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Klew, J.A., Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Lunderstedt, H., Sergeant Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Wilson, A.G., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Wankie, 10 August 1976.
Hudson-Beck, J.E., District Officer, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Melsetter, 12 August 1976.
Brittland, Peter Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Nyamapanda Police, Camp, 15 August 1976.
Muduve, G., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, Nyamapanda Police, Camp, 15 August 1976.
Crane, A.G., Lance Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 17 August 1976.
Titlestad, P., Corporal Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in a helicopter during a contact, 17 August 1976.
Mamvura, J., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in a terrorist rocket attack on the police station in the Mayo TTL, 18 August 1976.
Gamble, F.S., A/Corporal, 1 Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 19 August 1976.
Grierson, J.H., Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, Wankie 25 August 1976.
Mahomed, Y., Private, 1 Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 25 August 1976.
Gorojenia, P.N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Concession 25 August 1976.
Carshalton, D.A., Trooper, Grey Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 27 August 1976.
Muchini, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Bikita, 27 August 1976.
Austen, Ronald Rhodes Walter., Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 31 August 1976.
Stevens, H.W.H., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in his Alouette III R7524 when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Belstead, H.F., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in his Alouette III when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Mananube, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in his Alouette III when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Ncube, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in his Alouette III when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Jeffery, John Genry, DSO, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in a terrorist incident in Luveve Township, Bulawayo, 2 September 1976.
Mudzi, D., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed on active service, Accident training exercise, 2 September 1976.
Groom, Peter John, Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 3 September 1976.
Abudu, A., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 13 September 1976.
Frank, R., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Kala, K.G., Lance Corporal, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Smythe, P., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Valentine, O.P., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Kaschula, M.F., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 15 September 1976.
O'Reilly, P.M., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 15 September 1976.
Sullivan, M.G., D Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, when a Police, launch on Zambezi River was fired on from the Zambian bank, 17 September 1976.
Darck, R.C., Corporal, A(National Service) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 25 September 1976.
Gutza, Richard Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, Chiduku TTL, 25 September 1976.
Jobson, A., Private, Six Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 27 September 1976.
Fulton, D.K., Gunner, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 October 1976.
Stainthorpe, A., Officer Cadet, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 October 1976.
Manyegna, I., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Mudzi, 9 October 1976.
Hope, R.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact, 11 October 1976.
Hardy, A.J., Corporal Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 14 October 1976.
Hayworth, Roderick Charles, Temporary Warrant Officer, Class Two Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 14 October 1976.
Lovie, A.G., Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 14 October 1976.
Newman, A.C., Temporary Corporal, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 14 October 1976.
Tonhora, F., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa 15 October 1976.
Human, J.A., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 17 October 1976.
Makumbe, F., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko 17 October 1976.
Chipara, Issaac Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, in Inyanga North TTL, 20 October 1976.
Musodzah, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, Chiduku TTL, 20 October 1976.
Mutova, C., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave in Soswe TTL by CTs, 20 October 1976.
Chaneara, N.E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Marandellas, 21 October 1976.
Hulley, Roy R., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Vampire T11 near Que Que, 21 October 1976.
Mudzimiri, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, died of wounds received in action, 21 October 1976.
Tarusari, J., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 October 1976.
Armstrong, Phillip John, Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 27 October 1976.
Chivendra, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in the Charter District, 27 October 1976.
Tasapamari, G.C., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 28 October 1976.
Johane, Gondoro Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave by terrorists, 30 October 1976.
White, Deon M., Rifleman [posthumous] BCR, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died of a wound sustained in action on 28 October, 30 October 1976.
Fanner, Graeme Richard, Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, on Operation Mardon in Mozambique, 31 October 1976.
Lotringer, E., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action in a contact, on Operation Mardon in Mozambique, 31 October 1976.
Sanhani, Private, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed on active service, by a gunshot wound, murdered by CTs, 31 October 1976.
Madhende, F., Constable, British South Africa Police, Crime Protection Unit, killed on active service, murdered in Budiga African Purchase Area by a terrorist, 3 November 1976.
Vermaak, C.W., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 6 November 1976.
Lamb, M.C., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 7 November 1976.
Gregory, Nicholas J.R., Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps-Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action in a contact, 9 November 1976.
Dongo, Zacariah, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, in the Chikore TTL, 10 November 1976.
Tatton, N., Diesel Mechanic, British South Africa Police, killed in action, at Kanyemba, 10 November 1976.
Conrad, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave by terrorists, 12 November 1976.
West, G.J., Sergeant, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 12 November 1976.
Bayayi, B., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Chakananka, N.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Chinoya, Willie, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Inyanga, 13 November 1976.
Coghill, A.R., Lance Corporal, 4 Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 13 November 1976.
Kuba, N., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Mwasireni, M., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Suikepi, M.C., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Da Costa, F.D., Trooper, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact, 15 November 1976.
Korb, J.G., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 15 November 1976.
Chikasma, Clarius, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, in Mount Darwin, 16 November 1976.
Hunt, G.Vivian., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 16 November 1976.
Bepe, Agrippa District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Chimere, All-weak, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Indebele, Doctor, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Moyo, Albert, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Nyoni, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Ferreira, A.J., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 18 November 1976.
Jones, J.R., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 19 November 1976.
Mungazi, G., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed on active service, in an accident, in the Wedza area, 21 November 1976.
Reveai, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 23 November 1976.
Chichuronea, F., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 24 November 1976.
Joketera, Gervas District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 24 November 1976.
Myhhardt, B.J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 24 November 1976.
Nahwire, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 24 November 1976.
Koen, F.C., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 25 November 1976.
Tivavone, H.P., Agric Demo Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Bikita, 27 November 1976.
Munangwa, C., Sergeant First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 28 November 1976.
Tapson, D., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 28 November 1976.
Dzingayi, Sampson District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Bikita, 6 December 1976.
Locke, K.P., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact, 6 December 1976.
Mashavira, C., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 6 December 1976.
McLeod, C., Lance Corporal, Five Protection Company, killed on active service, in Kambazuma Township, 11 December 1976.
Alexander, R.E., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, in Mozambique, 16 December 1976.
Burrell, B., Second Lieutenant, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine, when returning from Mozambique, 16 December 1976.
Van Staden, E., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine, when returning from Mozambique, 16 December 1976.
Lotz, A.P., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 16 December 1976.
Carr, A.J., Second Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 17 December 1976.
Crouch, Paul E., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 17 December 1976.
Sidambe, Dick., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 17 December 1976.
Murphy, A.C., Lance Corporal, Six Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 20 December 1976.
Ndhlovu, J., FR British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Binga 20 December 1976.
Nyoni, K., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Binga, 20 December 1976.
Threadingham, National Service Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Binga area, 20 December 1976.
Connolly, Kevin, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Binga area, 21 December 1976.
Vangani, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Chibi, 21 December 1976.
Seymour, S., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action in a contact, 22 December 1976.
Shereni, P., Corporal, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in the Matibi II TTL, in a mortar attack, 22 December 1976.
Ali, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 23 December 1976.
Bashford, D.P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 24 December 1976.
Bathhurst, Arnold, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 December 1976.
Julius, Tshengena, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Beit Bridge 27 December 1976.
Reyani, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Beit Bridge 27 December 1976.
Artford, Dube, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Nuanetsi 31 December 1976.
Sani, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Chipinga, 31 December 1976.
Zvirevo, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, Abducted and murdered by CTs, 31 December 1976.
Mpala, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Wankie, 1 January 1977.
MacKay, Duncan Hope, Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Chipinga area, 2 January 1977.
Mujeki, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, Abducted & murdered in Bikita District by CTs, 2 January 1977.
Moyo, D., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 6 January 1977.
Tshababa, Dick., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 6 January 1977.
Barnett, P.A., Sqn Ldr, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, which he disliked, 6 January 1977.
Mallett, D.E., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, 6 January 1977.
Bradley, A., Corporal, HQ(Mash) killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying in hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, 6 January 1977.
Calder, Basil, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 8 January 1977.
Gough, R.F., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a landmine, 8 January 1977.
Hapelt, Basil Carl Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 8 January 1977.
Lilford, Warwick Powys Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 9 January 1977.
Chanowa District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Sipolio, 10 January 1977.
Chitima, Petros, Agricultural Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Melsetter, 10 January 1977.
Mangezo, H., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Makoni, 11 January 1977.
Mutero, J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chiredzi, 11 January 1977.
Donaldson, I.H., Flight Lieut Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.
Hawkes, D., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.
Warraker, R.S.S., SCR, Captain, Selous Scouts, killed in action, while flying in a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.
Venturas, G., NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action, in an ambush, 15 January 1977.
Ncube, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, murdered in Wankie TTL, by CTs, 17 January 1977.
Nielson, Michael Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, in the Mukwichi TTL, 17 January 1977.
Ntini, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, abducted and murdered in the Wankie TTL, 17 January 1977.
Logan, N.R., Vedette, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Marandellas, 19 January 1977.
Moyo, Patrick Constable, British South Africa Police, died, of wounds received in action, 19 January 1977.
Sengerayi, M.M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Marandellas, 19 January 1977.
Muchemwa, Marufu, Sergeant, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 20 January 1977.
Malamba, M., Dip Attendant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chipinga, 21 January 1977.
Collcutt, James Edwin Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 23 January 1977.
Cremer, William P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 26 January 1977.
Payne, N.G., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 26 January 1977.
Mutimbanyoka, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 27 January 1977.
Rawstrone, B.H., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 30 January 1977.
Sutherland, C.G., Lance Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 31 January 1977.
Topdlesu, G., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chiredzi, 31 January 1977.
MacKenzie, D.G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 1 February 1977.
Alexander, W.R., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 5 February 1977.
Madziwa, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.
Matunga, A., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.
Matunga, L., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.
Zombu, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Gokwe, 11 February 1977.
Zowah, W., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 11 February 1977.
Jack, J., WO2 Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 15 February 1977.
Ndlovu, G., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 15 February 1977.
Ndokanga, P., Corporal Grey Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 15 February 1977.
Vaughan, E., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 17 February 1977.
Heard, A.D., Rifleman, 1 Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 17 February 1977.
Chawaiwa, Robson District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva, 18 February 1977.
Fourie, P.C., PDO Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Buhera, 18 February 1977.
Harlow, Michael John Detective Inspector, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, on hot pursuit, 18 February 1977.
Kakhanga District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rushinga, 18 February 1977.
Tzekel, K., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Buhera, 18 February 1977.
Hewitt, Timothy Charles Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 22 February 1977.
Lomas, Ronald Robert Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 22 February 1977.
Petros, S., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 22 February 1977.
Maimbo, E., Extension Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chipinga, 26 February 1977.
Van der Horn, K.L., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 26 February 1977.
Silvesta, T., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 27 February 1977.
Kohiuai, S., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 27 February 1977.
Dube, Stanford, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 1 March 1977.
Mubaywa, W., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 1 March 1977.
Temple-Miller, R., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva 1 March 1977.
Lot, Tagwira Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 March 1977.
Gwenda, Patrick, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 March 1977.
Waters, Nevill R., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 5 March 1977.
Buranda, J., D., Constable, British South Africa Police, died, of wound, s received in action 7 March 1977.
Crouch, G., Corporal, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 7 March 1977.
Cunningham, N.A., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chibi, 7 March 1977.
Lopes, V., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 7 March 1977.
Makatore, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 7 March 1977.
Capel, Colin Andrew, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 9 March 1977.
Ndlovu, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 9 March 1977.
Nkala, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 9 March 1977.
Stacey, D.M., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 9 March 1977.
Van Slageren, C.J.P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 9 March 1977.
Bramford, A.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 10 March 1977.
Humanikwa, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 10 March 1977.
Botha, P.P., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 11 March 1977.
Brewer, R.M., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 11 March 1977.
Smith, M.H., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 11 March 1977.
Mason, C, Temporary/Sergeant and sniper, Selous Scouts, killed at Malvernia during an exchange of fire with FRELIMO, he killed six, 15 March 1977.
Yeates, Philip A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 16 March 1977.
Argent, H.W.A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 17 March 1977.
O'Neill, K., Private, 3 Protection Company, killed in action by a landmine, 17 March 1977.
Musiyiwa, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Gutu 18 March 1977.
Chimuphose, Alec, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Sipolilo 20 March 1977.
Chizengwe, Pearson, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 22 March 1977.
Clarke, E.C., Corporal, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 March 1977.
Evanson, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 23 March 1977.
Mashonganyika, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 23 March 1977.
Terblanche, J.G., Detective Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 March 1977.
Chait, A., MLM, Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed in action in a contact, 24 March 1977.
Mashona, Masarakufu, Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 24 March 1977.
Smith, J.W., Temporary Corporal, One Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 26 March 1977.
Johnson, C.F., Trooper, Grey Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 28 March 1977.
Yates, J.B., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 March 1977.
Bungwe, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chipinga, 31 March 1977.
Warnick, E., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 9 April 1977.
MacLaren, D., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 16 April 1977.
Mucheka, Tadios, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 17 April 1977.
Matthee, William, Rifleman, 29 April 1977.
Barton, R., Rifleman, April 1977.
Chaza, D., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, April 1977.
Chigwededza, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, April 1977.
Dunezwe, B., Guard, Guard Force April 1977.
Heckler, R., Lance Corporal, April 1977.
Madziise, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Mapuranga, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Mashingaidze, R., Guard, Guard Force April 1977.
Masuku, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Mereki, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, April 1977.
Morgan, C., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Moyo, K., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Zirobwa, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Mutema, Tinarwo, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, 3 May 1977.
Tauya, David., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, 3 May 1977.
Brown, C., Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, 4 May 1977.
Clarke, G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 May 1977.
MacDonald, E., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 May 1977.
Nelson, R., Senior Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when hit by ground fire while trooping in an Alouette IIIB piloted by Flight Lieutenant R.J. Watt, 18 May 1977.
Clack, NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in an amush, 19 May 1977.
Collocott, B., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, taking off at Mapai during Operation Aztec in a Dakota when hit by small arms fire, the starboard engine was hit by an RPG7 rocket, 30 May 1977.
Edmunds, C., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 30 May 1977
Boyina, R., Corporal May 1977.
Chakanetsa, L., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Charindapanze, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Chikonzo, U., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Chikwavira, T., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Dube, K., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Habakkuk, E., Rifleman, May 1977.
January, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Kagoro, G., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Kutsanzira, P., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Lee, R., Lance Corporal, May 1977.
Machimbirike, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Maguire, R., Lance Corporal, May 1977.
Malapela Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Masunga, W., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Miller, D., Colour Sergeant May 1977.
Mukucha, Sergeant British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Ncube, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Nicholas, E., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in a vehicle ambush, ten kilometres from Chipinga when acting as front gunner for a convoy, May 1977.
Pittaway, K., Rifleman, May 1977.
Potgeiter, C., Corporal, May 1977.
Ruwana, F., Private, May 1977.
Ward, F., Private, May 1977.
Meyer, Karl, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 9 June 1977.
Hamp-Adams, Frank, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed when his vehicle hit a landmine, 11 June 1977.
Jakata, Isaac., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 13 June 1977.
Brown, Ian, Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 26 June 1977.
Hill, A., Lance Corporal, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment 26 June 1977.
MacKenzie, H.H., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 26 June 1977.
Sibanda, Edward, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered while on leave, 30 June 1977.
Chihwayi, M., Private, June 1977.
Coleman, A., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, June 1977.
Dzingai, V., Guard, Guard Force June 1977.
Edwards, V., Corporal June 1977.
Holmes, A., Lance Corporal, June 1977.
Karim, F., Private, June 1977.
Kingsley-Jones, D., 2/Lieutenant, June 1977.
Manning, G., Corporal June 1977.
Mapendere, V., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, June 1977.
Mapundo, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, June 1977.
McKop, D., Private, June 1977.
Mhuka, Z., Corporal June 1977.
Ncube, S., Private, June 1977.
Nemachena, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, June 1977.
Summers, G., Rifleman, June 1977.
Swan, G., Corporal June 1977.
Wilson, A., Rifleman, June 1977.
Zvirime, M., Guard, Guard Force June 1977.
Barclay, D., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 7 July 1977.
Kruger, David Bruce, Corporal, 1 & 4 Independent Companies, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 July 1977.
Orchard, Roy C.C., Corporal, 1 & 4 Independent Companies, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 July 1977.
Shipley, Tom, Rifleman, 1 & 4 Independent Companies, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 July 1977.
Chikozho, Michael, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 24 July 1977.
Marufu, Tobias, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 28 July 1977.
Dzimba, Fibion, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 31 July 1977.
Bosch, M., Rifleman, killed in action, July 1977.
Brackely, N., Vedette Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Chitanga, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Dube, A., Smn, killed in action, July 1977.
Erasmus, F., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Gwanyanya, A., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Kabunu Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Mahanzu, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Masara, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Masimba, K., J/Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, July 1977.
Mhlanga, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Moore, P., Smn, killed in action, July 1977.
Mugabe, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Mutiziri, T., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Njanina, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Njenjera, P., Senior District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Njoli, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Nyakwishira, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Patireki, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, July 1977.
Pedley, C., Asst Commander Guard Force, killed in action, July 1977.
Shuro, O., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Sibanda, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Wilkinson, N., Rifleman, killed in action, July 1977.
Lambert, Ismail Achmed, Lance Corporal, killed in action in an ambush near Mrewa, 6 August 1977.
Mlalazi, Patrick, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 8 August 1977.
Kufakowenyu, Wereki Charles Mafuse, Private, Rhodesian African Rifles, 9 August 1977.
Manunure, Taongesayi Callisto, WO2, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 August 1977.
Ruwana, Fanny Kudakwayshe, Private, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 August 1977.
Fouche, C., Second Lieutenant, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 11 August 1977.
Van Wijk, A., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 11 August 1977.
Manunure, Patrick, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 13 August 1977.
Hales, Christopher Allen, A/Corporal, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, murdered on leave in an ambush on the Solusi Road outside Bulawayo, 14 August 1977.
Sibanda, Jonart, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, 15 August 1977.
Turkington, G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 August 1977.
O'Driscoll, A., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 23 August 1977.
Shakespeare, Lawrence, Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 August 1977.
Cross, James, WO2, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 24 August 1977.
Ndhlovu, Morgan, Private, killed in action, 28 August 1977.
Benyu, J., Private, August 1977.
Chakayingeni, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Francis, Robert, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, August 1977.
Manomano, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1977.
Mashimbwe, P., Sergeant, British South Africa Police, August 1977.
Muyotcha, W., Extension Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Ndebele, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Nyagano, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1977.
Takonde, B., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Vengisayi, H., Private, August 1977.
Du Plessis, D. Leon, Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by target fixation while attacking a ground target while flying a Lynx. 2 September 1977.
Underwood, J.S., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when his pilot had target fixation while attacking a ground target while flying a Lynx 2 September 1977.
Sengu, Elaja, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 5 September 1977.
Webber, Godfrey, Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 7 September 1977.
Procter, Ian, Field Reservist, Bulawayo PATU, British South Africa Police, killed in action beyond Tjolotjo after stopping a bus full of abductees, 13 September 1977.
Ralston, David Mann, 22., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 September 1977.
Soka, Godfrey, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action at the Beit Bridge Rural Council Beerhall, 18 September 1977.
Partridge, Derek, Field Reservist, died during training, 23 September 1977.
Fisher, Jeremy Lionel, Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 28 September 1977.
Allen, P., Section Officer, British South Africa Police, September 1977.
Chiramba, T., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Francis, P., Private, September 1977.
Joe, E., WO2 September 1977.
Kande Kande, J., Guard, Guard Force September 1977.
Mafundikwa, B., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Makwelo, M., Dip Supervisor Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Mano, K., Guard, Guard Force September 1977.
McDonald, M., Private, September 1977.
Murungweni, G., Guard, Guard Force September 1977.
Panganayi, J., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Standers, K., SO British South Africa Police, September 1977.
Takendesa, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1977
Gamble, Leroy Everard, Sergeant, killed in action, 2 October 1977.
Adams, David, Private, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.
de Arbreau, James Albert, Private, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.
Fynn, Edward Lewis, Corporal, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.
Banga, Thomas., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 4 October 1977.
Garnett, P., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 4 October 1977.
Lottering, Peter Christopher, Rifleman, killed in action, 7 October 1977.
Van Zyl, Clarence, Rifleman, killed in action, 7 October 1977.
Greig, William, Rifleman, killed in action, 11 October 1977.
Harris, Mark Anthony, Trooper, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 11 October 1977.
Kurebwa, Tarirayi, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 14 October 1977.
Beattie, D., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1977.
Chianike, B., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1977.
Chorwadza, Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1977.
Dube, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Duri, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Fungura, A., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Grobbelaar, C., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1977.
Hlabiso, L., Recruit killed in action, October 1977.
Lester, J., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1977.
Mamvura, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, October 1977.
Mashanda, N., Senior District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Mawadze, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Maynard, J., Private, killed in action, October 1977.
Moyo, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Murozvi, A., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Ndlovu, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Ndou, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Nkono, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Zimuna, F., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, October 1977.
Mukapanda, Aaron, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 5 November 1977.
Sibanda, C., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 November 1977.
Jackson, Noel Richard, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 November 1977.
Dube, Amos, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Mpofu, Henry, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Ngoshi, Ephraim, Guard, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 22 November 1977.
Nyati, Benzenie, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Tshuma, Buyisa, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Tshuma, Teddy, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Haigh, P.W., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, while crash-landing a Vampire FB52 after being hit by FRELIMO anti-aircraft fire at Vanduzi cross-roads after attacking Chimoio during Operation Dingo 23 November 1977.
Nel, F.J., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound, to the head while advancing in a sweep line against the ZANLA camp at Chimoio on Operation Dingo 23 November 1977.
Bento, E., Rifleman, November 1977.
Coom, N., Rifleman, November 1977.
Davidson, S. R., WO11, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, November 1977.
Geoffrey, C., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, November 1977.
Guest, O., Private, November 1977.
Kirton, T., Second Lieutenant, November 1977.
Kumalo, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, November 1977.
Lindani, K., Constable, British South Africa Police, November 1977.
Mashamba, C., Guard, Guard Force, November 1977.
Mbaiwa, P., Guard, Guard Force, November 1977.
Muchemwa, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, November 1977.
Mugwaga, N., Sergeant, November 1977.
Munemo, O., Guard, Guard Force, November 1977.
Nel, F., Trooper, November 1977.
Nemutambwe, L., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, November 1977.
Sengu, E., Private, November 1977.
Spink, S., Rifleman, November 1977.
Tennant, A., Temporary/Corporal November 1977.
Barnes, A., WO1 Rhodesian Air Force November 1977.
Biederman, Richard L., Sergeant, Special Air Service, died on active service in an accidental shooting in Mozambique, 6 December 1977.
Betts, M., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 13 December 1977.
Zvechibwe, Obert, Signalman, killed in action in a ZANLA attack on Grand Reef, 17 December 1977.
Travers, R., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 December 1977.
Chivinge, Michael, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 18 December 1977.
Mwanagumbi, Daniel, Junior Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, 18 December 1977.
Courtney, P., Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 24 December 1977.
Kupinkomo, Lot Dube, Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 18 December 1977.
Tinariua, P., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 19 December 1977.
Elifon, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 December 1977.
Mutargoza, Toperson, Acting Lance Corporal, 'A' Company Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, when his vehicle was ambushed by 30 ZANLA in the Mshawasha African Purchase Area 29 December 1977.
Ngomanyoni, Crispen, Lance Corporal, 'A' Company Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, when his vehicle was ambushed by 30 ZANLA in the Mshawasha African Purchase Area 29 December 1977.
Quinn, Gary Demaine, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 29 December 1977.
Bickle, A., Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifes, killed in action, December 1977.
Chaukura, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Chirambadare, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Dawkins, S., Rifleman, killed in action, December 1977.
Eeson, J., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Heard, R., Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Herman, W., Captain, killed in action, December 1977.
Hurley, H., Rifleman, killed in action, December 1977.
Jeary, A., Inspector, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1977.
Langerman, M., Lieutenant, killed in action, December 1977.
Magawise, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Mamvura, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Marange, M., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Marufu, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Masunga, T., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Mugwaga, W., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Mukundwa, D., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, December 1977.
Mutasan, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1977.
Mutava, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Ncube, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Nyarendaha, H., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Sibanda, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Sibanda, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Simburashe, C., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Tsveta, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1977.
Zivura, A., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Simburashe, Chawatama, Private, 19, killed in action, 4 January 1978.
De Wilzem, C., Lance Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 4 January 1978.
Mennigke, C.I., Lance Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 4 January 1978.
Tsaurayi, Masunga, District Security Assistant, 23, of Buhera, murdered by terrorists, 8 January 1978.
Ncube, Meta Richard, District Security Assistant, 29, of Plumtree, murdered by terrorists, 10 January 1978.
Bvucherayi, Elliot, WOII, murdered by terrorists, 12 January 1978.
Chidembo, Selous Scout, killed in action, 12 January 1978.
Fleming, A., Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying an Alouette III, killed by the same insurgent as. Jarvie 12 January 1978.
Jarvie, H., Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying an Alouette III, killed by the same insurgent as. Fleming 12 January 1978.
Williams, Russell, Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 12 January 1978.
Zinyakatiri, Onias, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 15 January 1978.
Jameson, Charles, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, 16 January 1978.
Lotshwa, Zefaniya, Corporal, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Plumtree District, 16 January 1978.
Nzumana, Thomas, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, 16 January 1978.
Elliot, Eland, Private, killed in action, 18 January 1978.
Meddows-Taylor, C.M., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 20 January 1978.
Theron, N.J., BCR Lieutenant, Special Air Service, killed in action, 20 January 1978.
Vermaak, C.T., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 20 January 1978.
Trigg, Alan Meredith, Corporal, killed on active service, in training, 22 January 1978.
Kushamba, Fanuel, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 23 January 1978.
Watts, Trevor George, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 January 1978.
Wood, Ian Douglas, Sergeant, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 January 1978.
Vorster, Johannes Lodewikus Stephanus, Rifleman, died of wounds received in action, 23 January 1978.
Hickey, R., Temporary Sergeant, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 26 January 1978.
Ganhao, M.A.I., Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 28 January 1978.
Alibaba, M., Private, January 1978.
Bain, E., Private, January 1978.
Berejena, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Bokosha, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Camacho, A., Trooper, January 1978.
Chinemhute, W., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Chipangura, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Dyson, G., Rifleman, January 1978.
Lima, M., Guard, Guard Force January 1978.
Maigurira, W., Private, January 1978.
Makore, M., Private, January 1978.
Makumbe, M., Reg Clerk Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Mapfumo, T., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Mlotswa, Z., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Moyo, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Ndlovu, C., Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Nyamsayi, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Robey, J., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Sibanda, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Smuts, J., A/Sergeant January 1978.
Thebe, S., Ex Ass Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Van der Mark, R., Rifleman, January 1978.
Van Oudtshoorn, P., Cadet Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Viya, S., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Watson, D., Temporary/Capt January 1978.
Ziegler, S., Lance Corporal, January 1978.
Shadreck, Misheck, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Buhera District, 1 February 1978.
Alpium, Jose, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a vehicle ambush, 1 February 1978
Berrington, Andrew Arthur, Sergeant, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush, 1 February 1978.
Murray, Colin McLeod, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush, 1 February 1978
Cook, Richard George, Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February, 1978.
Moss, Keith, Trooper, Selous Scouts, fatally wounded in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Pungwe, Martin, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Ringisai, Chiutsi, Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Whitefield, John Barry, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Zambarah, P., Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
De Barreto, A., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 7 February 1978.
Le Vieux, S., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died from wounds received in action, 7 February 1978.
Chanuhwa, Roy Patrick, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Tjolotjo District, 7 February 1978.
Tshuma, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Tjolotjo District, 7 February 1978.
Du Toit, J.H., D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 11 February 1978.
Rungiue, M., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 16 February 1978.
Van Blomestein, Clive, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 16 February 1978.
Zambara, P. Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 16 February 1978.
Manguni, Ndayila David Dhlodhlo, Senior District Assistant, murdered by terrorists in the Nkai District, 17 February 1978.
Mandisodza, Solomon, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.
Seremwe, Moffat, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.
Tapambwa, John, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.
Nyenye, Clemence, Private, killed in action, 20 February 1978.
Berman, Harry Anthony, Private, killed in action, 26 February 1978.
Chikeya, S., Private, killed in action, 26 February 1978.
Dombo, I., Private, killed in action, 26 February 1978.
Leonards, Clive Patrick, Private, 26 February 1978.
Chinyama, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Cowan, P., Lance Corporal, killed in action, February 1978.
Hussey, W., Private, killed in action, February 1978.
Kamusopani, R., Private, killed in action, February 1978.
Katete, F., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1978.
Magaya, K., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1978.
Mantseye, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Mlauzi, G., Smn killed in action, February 1978.
Mnkandla, A., Private, killed in action, February 1978.
Mukwaira, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1978.
Ndlovu, M., Dip Supervisor Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Takendesa, E., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Taylor, G., Ac Rhodesian Air Force killed in action, February 1978.
Nkomo, V., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 1 March 1978.
Ellis, M., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 3 March 1978.
Chimbikayi, Rashaikayi, Corporal, killed in action, 3 March.
Battaglia, F., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action on Operation Turmoil, 6 March 1978.
Mbasela, P., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 6 March 1978.
Banda, Wilson, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 March 1978.
Froud, Kenneth James, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 March 1978.
Chitsoko, Cholas, Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered in the Zhombe TTL, 9 March 1978.
Clayton, Clifford Thomas, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 10 March 1978.
Francis, Thomas, Private, killed in action, 14 March 1978.
Rujada, Honda, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 16 March 1978.
Asby, Gavin Warwick, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers killed in action, 20 March 1978.
Makonde, Elso, Private, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Nkomo, Jacob, Private, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Fergusson, George William, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Vuma, James Amon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Milford, Pencil, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 March 1978.
Mpofu, Royal, Private, died of wounds received in action, 27 March 1978.
Androuliakos, Leonidas, Corporal, BCR, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM 119599 in the Repulse area while assisting a Three Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978.
Boschin, Ugo, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM 119599 in the Repulse area while assisting a Three Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978.
Hancock, John Rodney, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM 119599 in the Repulse area while assisting a Three Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978..
Mtandwa, C., Rifleman , Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, March 1978.
Prince, Norman Hedley Egerton, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 March 1978.
Mashire, Tapera, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 March 1978.
Rosenfels, Ian, Trooper, Selous Scouts killed in action, 29 March 1978.
Vushangwe, Ernest., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 March 1978.
Cerff, R., Corporal killed in action, March 1978.
Chawatama, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Chimtasha, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Chinyadze, B., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Chitima, L., L/Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Dube, M., Dip Superintendant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1978.
Hutchesson, S., Corporal killed in action, March 1978.
Jackson, Gordon, Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Jones, E., Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Mapita, A., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Mapiye, J., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, March 1978.
Matambangwana, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1978.
Matambo, L., Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Mthekli, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Ndlovu, J., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Nyangani, H., Rifleman, killed in action, March 1978.
Swemmer, Roy Allan, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Tani, P., Detective Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Truter, A., Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Bokosha, Tafirenyika, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 4 April 1978.
Tuzayi, Boniface, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 8 April 1978.
Mirwane, Aleck, Private, killed in action, 11 April 1978.
Marhova, Francis, Lance Corporal, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, to the head when surprised by two ZANLA in a contact, north of Mrewa 12 April 1978.
Rwawuya, Rabson, Private, killed in action, 12 April 1978.
Mlilo, Robert, Trooper, killed in action, 15 April 1978.
Ncupe, Jenamiso, Private, killed in action, 15 April 1978.
Majoni, Aleck, Private, killed in action, 16 April 1978.
Madzambi, Maphios, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 16 April 1978.
Jongwe, Elias, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Nago, Nicholas, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Van Aarde, Andries G., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Zvokuvenda, John, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Ncube, Colins, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 April 1978.
Moyo, Reuben, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 April 1978.
Verbeek, Arie Mannix, MLM, District Commissioner, killed on active service, mistaken for the enemy by an Army unit, 22 April 1978.
Manyeka, Prince, Constable, British South Africa Police, 24 April 1978.
Masvimbo, Francis, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 26 April 1978.
Morrison, Whoteson, Private, killed in action, 30 April 1978.
Chayamiti, I., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, killed in action, April 1978.
Chiramba, G., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Gumbo, O., Sergeant killed in action, April 1978.
Gwafa, J., Corporal killed in action, April 1978.
Hussey, G., Rifleman, killed in action, April 1978.
Liwa, B., K/Sergeant Guard Force killed in action, April 1978.
Mandeya, E., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Mhaka, C., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, killed in action, April 1978.
Mutindindi, J., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Randel, S., Corporal killed in action, April 1978.
Tarwireyi, J., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Tshuma, J., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Wall, M., Lance Corporal, killed in action, April 1978.
Zvidzai, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, April 1978.
Ruveve, Lackson, Private, killed in action, 1 May 1978.
Zarura, Peter, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 9 May 1978.
Zietsman, Andrew I., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 11 May 1978.
Madhiri, Charles, Constable, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 12 May 1978.
Joel, Efias, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 18 May 1978.
Mpofu, Cephas, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 27 May 1978.
Maseko, Gideon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 May 1978.
Mlala, July, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 May 1978.
Zondo, Tuesday, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered at Filabusi, 30 May 1978.
Davids, P., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Ganga, K., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Hess, A., National Service Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, May 1978.
Jojo, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
July, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Keyter, G., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, May 1978.
Khupe, J., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Maduveko, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Mangoyi, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Mapfumo, L., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Mkandhle, E., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Mudzwidza, N., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Munyani, E., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Muteyaunga, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Ndebele, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Phillips, P., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Rusere, T., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Rutunga, P., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Sikandavire, E., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Carroll, Tony Charles, Corporal, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Kelly, Michael David, Sergeant, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Rugg, Christopher Stanley, Lance Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Liebermann, Russell John, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, 4 June 1978.
Mapfumo, Augustine, Private, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Mazinyane, Visaya, Acting WO2, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 5 June 1978.
Falzoi, Fabio Giovanni, Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 12 June 1978.
Kawadza, Kenneth, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 June 1978.
Steyl, Johan William, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 June 1978.
Munetsi, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 June 1978.
Botes, Andre Johan, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 22 June 1978.
Ndlovu, Cossum, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 June 1978.
Sibanda, Michael Younger, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 June 1978.
Michell, Kenneth Michael, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action while clearing contour ridges, shot at close quarters by an insurgent who stood up out of the cover of a ridge, 25 June 1978 [Medal Society, had it as 26 August 1978].
Thompson, Bruce, SCR Second Lieutenant, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 27 June 1978.
Mpofu, Leonard, Private, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 27 June 1978.
Phiri, Macdonald, Private, died of wounds received in action, 27 June 1978.
Chaparadza, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1978.
Chinyimo, N., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Dawson, J., Inspector British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
De Courpalay, D., Rifleman, killed in action, June 1978.
Dzobo, H., Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Elias, J., Corporal killed in action, June 1978.
Fani, D., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
George, P., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Josam, C., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Manasa, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Mapise, S., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Mateko, J., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Moyo, D., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Mudavanhu, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Mushonga, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1978.
Nyoni, B., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Pferedzai, N., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Pinge, H., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Sibanda, S., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Tichadvigadzira, R., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Willie, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Zvirewo, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1978.
Friedman, David, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 9 July 1978.
Zikuyoma, C., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 9 July 1978.
Ndlovu, Peter, Private, killed in action, 16 July 1978.
Pasina, Munyaradzi, Private, killed in action, 16 July 1978.
Cordell, David, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 21 July 1978.
Du Toit, G.H.F., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when flying an Alouette III which was hit by an RPG7 in Mozambique, 28 July 1978.
Nelson, K., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when flying an Alouette III which was hit by an RPG7 in Mozambique, 28 July 1978.
Madziviridzo, Denny, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 30 July 1978.
Kayisa, Widi, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 31 July 1978.
Bobo, B., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Chidziwo, O., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Chifodya, H., Constable, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Chitonga, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Dube, T., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Firi, J., Guard, Guard Force July 1978.
Gwatidzo, G., Guard, Guard Force July 1978.
Jaravaza, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
MacLachlan, O., Rifleman, July 1978.
Mbandla, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Moyo, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Muchona, S., Guard, Guard Force July 1978.
Mudzingwa, P., Trooper, July 1978.
Murudzwa, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Musaruwa, P., Private, July 1978.
Phiri, Y., Private, July 1978.
Rangarirayi, O., Private, July 1978.
Sibanda, J., Private, July 1978.
Smith, D., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Vieira, L., Capt, July 1978.
Jaradza, Clever, Constable, died of wounds received in action, 1 August 1978.
Ngulube, Isaac, Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 5 August 1978.
Fraser, Ian Lovat, Lieutenant, killed in action, 6 August 1978.
Marnewick, John Conrad, Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 8 August 1978.
Cloete, Pieter Jacobus, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 8 August 1978.
Robinson, Rodney, killed in action, 8 August 1978.
Holley, Michael George Preston, Rifleman, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Mateko, John., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Rangarirayi, Oliver, Private, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Ruza, Morgan, Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Pritchard, John Stephen, Lieutenant, killed in action, 16 August 1978.
Matidiri, Davidson Stanford, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at his kraal in Sipolilo, 16 August 1978.
Warner, F.C., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 19 August 1978.
Matavire, Maxwell, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 17 August 1978.
McClelland, William Joseph Andrew., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 August 1978.
Makosa, James, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 August 1978.
Mazoe, Leon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 August 1978.
Mufaro, R., Lance Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 August 1978.
Clark, S.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 28 August 1978.
Michell, Michael, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 28 August 1978.
Smith, Mark Langton, Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in Glen Norah Township, Salisbury, 28 August 1978.
Breza, Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1978.
Buru, L., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Carroll, C., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, August 1978.
Chifondondo, N., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Chiringwa, F., K Corporal Guard Force August 1978.
Dzimba, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Majaya Sergeant August 1978.
Matunduru, O., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Mtsombe, C., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Mtupane, A., K/Corporal Guard Force August 1978.
Mudimu, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Ndlovu, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1978.
Tarugarira, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1978.
Tonderayi, K., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed August 1978.
Tsikira, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Williams, B., Private, August 1978.
Young, O., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police. August 1978.
Buru, Lazarus, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 2 September 1978.
Fairbanks, Peter Hendrik, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 2 September 1978.
Aristotelous, Aristo, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Dicker, Michael Ian, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Chimweta, Funboy Panther, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Smith, David Herbert, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Lynch, A.W., Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, when ambushed returning from a patrol north of Sinazongwe Harbour in Zambia 6 September 1978.
Bhere, Eriazere, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 8 September 1978.
Kwayarira, Maphios, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 8 September 1978.
Chirau, Cladious, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 10 September 1978.
Ngwenya, Abednigo, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 10 September 1978.
Nydam, Wilhemus Errivs, Rifleman, killed in action, 12 September 1978.
Kwayarira, Maphos, Private, killed in action, 15 September 1978.
Bhere, Eraizere, Private, killed in action, 15 September 1978.
Chikanyambidze, Herbert, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Chiutore, Pherious Clemence, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 16 September 1978.
Grainger, Collin, Private, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Jones, Henry, Private, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Mashisze, Adam, Private, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Mupeti, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Phede, Henzlet, Sergeant, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Robertshaw, James Kendall, Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Roboho, Jona Shadreck, District Security Assistant, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978
Takanzwa, Ebson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Charingira, Edmore, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action by a landmine, 17 September 1978.
Jojo, Hofisi, Keep Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action by a landmine, 17 September 1978.
Shapley, Mark Peter, Keep Commander, Guard Force killed in action, 17 September 1978.
Gandiwa, Alexander Muvengwa, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 September 1978.
Donnelly, Stephen M.G., Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action in a 'friendly fire' incident by a Vampire FB9 on Operation Snoopy, 21 September 1978.
Connor, William Henry, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 September.
Kapisa, Augustine, Private, killed in action, 24 September 1978.
Chipanera, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Mushani, T., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Mukuinwe, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Tazviziva, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Machona, Patrick, Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered, 28 September 1978.
Bakayi, ADF Driver Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Freddy, W., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Hukuimwe, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Isaac, K., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Kapa, O., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Kavoko, H., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Kurumba, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Makamure, R., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Maponga, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Masula, B., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Mavura, L., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mazuihwa, F., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mombeyarara, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mujero, T., J/Corporal Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mukonora, P., WDW Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Munemo, R., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mureza, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Musondo, T., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, September 1978.
Muzwondiwa, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Nemanwa, I., Private, killed in action, September 1978.
Nyakuchemwa, D., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Nyamayovo, F., Private, killed in action, September 1978.
Posthumus, G., Keep Commander Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Samukute, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Shoniwa, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Sikirita, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Taurayi, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Thomas, P., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Young, D., Woman Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, September 1978.
Chihata, Peter, District Security Assistant, killed in action by a landmine, 1 October 1978.
Boer, James, Corporal, killed in action, 2 October 1978.
Mabaleka, D., BCR, Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 2 October 1978.
Mamachona, Constable, British South Africa Police, 2 October 1978.
Mutrase, L., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 2 October 1978.
Muyezwa, Rufu Charles, Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 October 1978.
Vhudzijena, Weston, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 October 1978.
Chemambo, Black, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave at Mount Darwin, 11 October 1978.
Chiyamuro, Trakisoni, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 11 October 1978.
Tauro, June, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave at Mount Darwin, 11 October 1978.
Granlund, Corporal A., Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed 14 October 1978.
Kandeya, Geography, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 16 October 1978.
Muzondiwa, Sani Jekanyika, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave in the Sipolilo District, 16 October 1978.
Sibanda, B., Sapper, One Engineer Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 18 October 1978.
Collett, Jeffrey Donald, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action on Operation Gatling in Zambia, 19 October 1978.
Coleman, Mark, Lance Corporal, Leader Training Unit, killed in action, 23 October 1978.
Bitirinyi, Zuzeyo, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 October 1978.
Magirazi, Waison, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 October 1978.
Mweneziko, Mudzingwa, Sergeant, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 25.October 1978.
Byrne, J.Patrick, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, a New Yorker, Byrne was killed in action at Lower Sabi, 26 October 1978.
Kurumba, Caiphs, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 26 October 1978.
Mombeyera, Gerald, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 26 October 1978.
Chothia, Suleman Ahmed, Colour Sergeant, killed in action, 28 October 1978.
Zimbango, Augustine, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 October 1978.
Dimingu, John, Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 October 1978.
Barry, H., Trooper, killed in action, October 1978.
Brownlee, J., Second Lieutenant, killed in action, October 1978.
Chinhakwe, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Choruwa, T., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Cripps, A., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1978.
Gandanga, S., Private, killed in action, October 1978.
Hartley, E., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1978.
Kumalo, T., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Makhondo, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Marilele, E., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Matshalaga, L., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Nkala, C., Private, killed in action, October 1978.
Nkomo, G., Keep Commander Guard Force killed in action, October 1978.
Tomborayi, G., Private, killed in action, October 1978.
Wolfenden, C., Lance Corporal, killed in action, October 1978.
Callaway, Jonathon, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, 2 November 1978.
Mahonde Guard, Guard Force, killed in action in a contact in the Mtoko farming area, 2 November 1978.
Mweneziko, Mudzingwa, Sergeant, killed in action, 2 November 1978.
Muchenje, Richard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 7 November 1978.
Topham, Arthur Stockwell, Sergeant, killed in action, 7 November 1978.
Hardy, James, Captain, Support Company, First Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in the Mtoko area, 14 November 1978.
Underwood, S., National Service, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 16 November 1978.
Ncube, Reason, Private, killed in action 16 November 1978.
Mazurura, Lovemore, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 16 November 1978.
Mhawo, Clever, Guard, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 16 November 1978.
Erekan, Richard, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 20 November 1978.
Scott, Walter Robert Ian, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 21 November 1978.
Friend, Jessie James, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 21 November 1978.
Magede, Nabot, Private, killed in action, 21 November 1978.
Madziviri, Charles, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.
Mhaka, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.
Rushinga, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.
Millar, Anthony John, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 26 November 1978.
Kwaramba, Patrick, Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 26 November 1978.
Urayayi, Fanuel, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 November 1978.
Carruthers, Robert Norman James, District Officer, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 28 November 1978.
Murdock, Timothy Joseph, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 28 November 1978.
Muzenda, Dzimba, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 28 November 1978.
Munetsi, Peter James, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 November 1978.
Muteta, Watson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 November 1978.
Ndhlovu, Phahlani, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 November 1978.
Takaruvinga, Rabson, Private, killed in action, 29 November 1978.
Ben, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Chikwinho, Z., Guard, Guard Force November 1978.
Chingozha, C., Private, killed in action, November 1978.
Gomo Private, killed in action, November 1978.
Karikogah, P., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Mafunga, N., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Makeche, T., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Makotsa, J., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Mantshontsho, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Mapaso, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Mariti, Detective Sergeant , British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Maruta, F., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Mavata, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Moyo, A., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Mupambwa, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Ngwarayi, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Nhawo, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Patrol, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Shumbyawonda, N., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Tshuma, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Tunhuru, S., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
White, H., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Zizania, S., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Zvikaramba, J., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Gumede, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 1 December 1978.
Willemse, Johannes Steyl, Sergeant, killed in action, killed in action, 1 December 1978.
Wood, Stephen John, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 December 1978.
Guvava, Vengayi Severino, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 December 1978.
Mujere, Levy, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 7 December 1978.
Ndava, Tapera Martin, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, 7 December 1978.
Van Hess, Rifleman J., Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 7 December 1978.
Chigamba, Chancee, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 December 1978.
Ewing, Ross Anthony, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 12 December 1978. [Medal Society, 12 December]
Mutumhe, Philip, Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1978.
Kapito, Ivan, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 17 December 1978.
Mushambi, Winston, Junior Corporal Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 17 December 1978.
Taylor, Maurice, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action duringOperation Inhibit in the Malvernia/Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 17 December 1978.
Small, Thomas McLeod, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service, by an accidental explosion, 23 December 1978.
Khola, Samuel, Private, killed in action, 25 December 1978.
Mukaro, Clements, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 25 December 1978.
Hamamiti, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 26 December 1978.
Nkiwane, Samziza, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 26 December 1978.
Sadler, Mervyn, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 29 December 1978.
Saladi, Jimmy, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 29 December 1978.
Totohwiyo, Lovemore, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 29 December 1978.
Caswell, P., Temporary/Capt, killed in action, December 1978.
Chakuweya, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Chamuyonga, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Dewer, D., Rifleman, killed in action, December 1978.
Donzwa, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Gillies, S., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Givemore, S., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Isaac, H., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Jack, M., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Makuvaro, N.., Lance Corporal, killed in action, December 1978.
Marume, P., L/Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Matamburigwa, E., Guard, Guard Force December 1978.
Mukaro, C., Lance Corporal, killed in action, December 1978.
Musasa, J., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Mushaya, J., Corporal, killed in action, December 1978.
Murawa, J., Sapper Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, December 1978.
Ndogwedu, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Nyoni, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Pindura, C., Sapper Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, December 1978.
Posi, G., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Sandi, G., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Sibanda, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Sibanda, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Sungayi, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Tongayi, B., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Chamunyonga, Stephen, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, on 1 January 1979.
Sandi, Godfrey, Guard, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 1 January 1979.
McIver, A.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on operations, 1 January 1979.
Cutmore, Brian Noel, Corporal, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant Fynn, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Fynn, Kerry John, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant R., Bolton, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Havnar, Douglas Gordon Charlese, Captain, Support Company, 10 RR, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant Fynn, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Turner, Anthony Hugh Whichcotte, Corporal, K-Car Gunner, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant R., Bolton, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Givemore, Stephen, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 January 1979.
Taylor, David John, Lieutentant, killed on active service, killed by one of his own men, 3 January 1979.
Binga, B., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Gonye, G., Lance Corporal, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Gwenjeri, T. Staff Sergeant, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Dube, M, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Little, Bradley Wade, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Majuta, B., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Moriarty, L., Sergeant, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Muzkuzha, Stanselous, Keep Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Nyathi, L., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Cotton, Christopher Reginald Neville, Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 7 January 1979.
Gumbo, Baron, Private, killed in action, 8 January 1979.
Cripps, C.G., Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed when ten ZANLA ambushed his patrol at Hot Springs as it was deploying for operations in the Manica Province of Mozambique, 11 January 1979.
Chivasa, M., Private, killed in action, 15 January 1979.
Ndhlovu, Jack, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 15 January 1979.
Keith, Alan MacDonald, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 17 January 1979.
Chivisi, T., Private, Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Katuku, Stachio, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Kwami, Marko, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Mathe, Gifyniso Peter., Private, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Chimambo, Erick Wise, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.
Chimbeya, Denja, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.
Mapiye, Stain Nemera, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.
Mutanga, M., Private, Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 23 January 1979.
Makumire, Douglas, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 23 January 1979.
Tekenende, Lewisan, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 23 January 1979.
Sithole, Fireyi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 23 January 1979.
Friday, Bell, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 January 1979.
Rafu, Raja, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 January 1978.
Hamandishe, Vernon, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 January 1979.
Kutinyu, Tobias, Private, killed in action, 30 January 1979.
Sibanda, Alec, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 January 1979.
Chimkonde, J., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, January 1979.
Conlon, V., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, January 1979.
Garikayi, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Kambange, K., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Kambange, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Kasket, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Lombard, E., NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police.
McIver, A., Trooper, killed in action, January 1979.
Mfitshane, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Mirams, D., DC Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Mkwananzi, B., Constable, British South Africa Police.
Mlotshwa, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Mxotsewa, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Ndeke, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Nyamazana, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Rafu, R., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, January 1979.
Rukara, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Shora, W., Detective Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, killed in action, January 1979.
Tachiona, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Tavengegweyi, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Tobias, G., Staff Sergeant, killed in action, January 1979.
Whami, M., Private, killed in action, January 1979.
Zhonja, B., Lance Corporal, killed in action, January 1979.
Chikwepe, Phone, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 February 1979.
Mudhomodozi, Happy, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 February 1979.
Ndimande, Bhiyeni Luka, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 6 February 1979.
Barber, Nicholas Edward Swannell, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in an accident, on Operation Inhibit in the Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 7 February 1979.
Macmillan, Gordon Roy, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in an accident, on Operation Inhibit in the Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 7 February 1979.
Chivisi, Tamba, Private, killed in action, 8 February 1979.
Mutanga, Mastaff, Private, died of wounds received in action, 8 February 1979.
Rosenfels, Desmond Charles, BCR Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, in the Manica Province of Mozambique, in an ground and air operation on a ZANLA camp, 8 February 1979.
Sibanda, Likwa, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 8 February 1979.
Ushendibaba, Obadiah, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 8 February 1979.
Chimukonde, John, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 11 February 1979.
Ncube, Charles, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 February 1979.
Thembikile, Shabani, Private, killed in action, 11 February 1979.
Ncube, Geogre Makore, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 February 1979.
Gardener, Byrne Rielly, ADF Pilot Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine on the runway at Mrewa, 19 February 1979.
Mchonjomera, Leonard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.
Ndhlovu, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.
Nyamayaro, Joram, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.
Washington, Desmond Kenneth, Rifleman, killed in action, 19 February 1979.
Magagani, Crispen, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 February 1979.
Saulos, Peter, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 20 February 1979.
Shereni, Thomas, Acting Sergeant, killed in action, 20 February 1979.
Chinduma, Pondai, Private, killed in action, 23 February 1979.
Chrispen, Rabson Marufu, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action on the Hulley farm at Tengwe, 23 February 1979.
Mleya, George., Sergeant, killed in action, 23 February 1979.
Clark, Charles Bernard, Sergeant, killed in action, 26 February 1979.
Muzingi, Reuben, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 27 February 1979.
Mandizviza, Ornard, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Mukandatsa Ma, Munikwi, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Murphy, James Firman, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Nyabotso, Kudzayi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Runodada, Chibomba, Private, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Samson, Lavert, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Zhonja, Bethrod, Lance Corporal, murdered on leave, 28 February 1979.
Bester, G., Rifleman, killed in action, February 1979.
Chamboko, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Gash, R., DSO British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Gillepsie, M., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Kasawaya, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, February 1979.
Livingstone, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1979.
Mason, A., Lieutenant, killed in action, February 1979.
Mataka, F., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Misoro, F., Lance Corporal, killed in action, February 1979.
Muchabi, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Ncube, M., Private, killed in action, February 1979.
Ncube, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Ncube, P., Private, killed in action, February 1979.
Nyadute, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Phone, A., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Powell, N., Major, killed in action, February 1979.
Saraoga, F., Private, killed in action, February 1979.
Tasker, P., NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Tshuma, T., Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Wurayai, T., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, February 1979.
Makomechi, Freddie, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, 1 March 1979.
Mukandatsama, Munhikwi, Private, killed in action, 1 March 1979.
Muzingi, Ruben, Private, died of wounds received in action, 1 March 1979.
Ngwenya, Livingstone, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 1 March 1979.
Sainsbury, Andrew McGregor, Assistant District Commissioner, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 7 March 1979.
Moyo, Tamusanga, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 March 1979.
Machore, K., Private, Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 March 1979.
Sibanda, Notice, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 March 1979.
Broom, David, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 March 1979.
Musindo, Maxwell, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 10 March 1979.
Marufu, Freddy, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Rakayos, Furnawu, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Murwisi, Fainosi, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Sango, John, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Ranjisi, Aaron, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 21 March 1979.
Battershill, Peter John, Junior Commandant, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 March 1979.
Brown, Ian Rowland, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 March 1979.
Kombora, Gladstone, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 March 1979.
Joule, John, Private, Tenth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, murdered by terrorists, 30 March 1979.
Hamandishe, Zindoga, Sergeant, killed in action, 31 March 1979.
Changara, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Frost, T., Private, killed in action, March 1979.
Furau, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Gumbo, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Juta, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Kaseke, N., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Kesari, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Maravanyika, E., Private, killed in action, March 1979.
Masarakufa, N., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Mashanda, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Matare, F., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Mugoni, J., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Muramboduro, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Ndlovu, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Nyabadza, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Nyoni, J., ADF Driver Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Rees, G., Staff LSO British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Siziba, C., Private, killed in action, March 1979.
Smith, G., Vedette Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Tarupuwa, Corporal, killed in action, March 1979.
Tirivangani, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Manyika, Christopher, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 2 April 1979.
Mwale, Maunda Gilbert, Private, killed in action, 2 April 1979.
Overbeek, Martin, Lance Corporal, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a contact, on 4 April 1979.
Mostert, G., Rifleman, Recce Platoon, 1RR, was killed in action on Operation Instant in a camp attack on a ZANLA camp at Chintopo in the Tete Province of Mozambique, when burning huts exploded, 7 April 1979.
Hungwe, Emerson, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Kanosi, D., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered on leave in Gutu, 8 April 1979.
Bwanacocha, Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Matebwe, Chitanda, Private, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Van Aswegen, Eric Leon, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Moyo, Rodwell, Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 10 April 1979.
Kamau, F., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, 10 April 1979.
Sikwangwa, F., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 April 1979.
Slingsby, Robert James, Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, 11 April 1979.
Zvidzai, Medicine, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 14 April 1979.
Furber, Brian, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 15 April 1979.
Phillips, Dennis, Junior Commandant, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 15 April 1979.
Hollywood, Robert, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, died on duty, 15 April 1979.
Jele, C., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 16 April 1979.
Juta, Ronnie, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 16 April 1979.
Moore, Michael Anthony ‘Little Meeces’, Trooper, Mortar Troop, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 17 April 1979.
Ncube, Kesari, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 17 April 1979.
Nyambira, Elliot, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 17 April 1979.
Darne, Jean-Claude, Gunner, Rhodesian Artillery Regiment, 18 April 1979.
Geldenhuys, Ronald Olwen, Trooper, Four Troop, One Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Matambanivana, Noah, District Security Assistant, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Ross, Gerald, District Commissioner, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Sanderson-Smith, Richard Lionel, Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died from wounds received in action, 18 April 1979.
Van Niekerk, Nicolaas Johannes, Corporal, BCR, One Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Poole, Russel, Trooper, Mortar Troop, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a contact, on 19 April 1979.
Stanley, A., Trooper, Support Commando, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 20 April 1979.
Chifuka, Jeremia, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 April 1979.
Van der Brugge, Nicolaas, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 April 1979.
Ndhlovu, Calvin Chikandiwa Jobe, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 April 1979.
Moyo, Rodwell, Private, died of wounds received in action, 23 April 1979.
Tapson, Obert, Private, killed in action, 23 April 1979.
Watch, Dumai, Private, killed in action, 23 April 1979.
Jele, Christopher, Lance Corporal, died from wounds received in action, 24 April 1979.
Jonga, Obadiah, Constable, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 24 April 1979.
Moyo, Jetro, Trooper, killed in action, 24 April 1979.
Becking, Gideon Edward, Rifleman, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Matutsa, Claudius, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Mtisi, Nyika, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Perkins, William John, Army Officer Cadet, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Schoeman, J., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 27 April 1979.
Meyer, Paul Francois, Vedette Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 April 1979.
Pasipamire, Felix Chingozha, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 April 1979.
Mukandiona, Ruwayi, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 30 April 1979.
Brown, F., Lance Corporal, killed in action, April 1979.
Chundu, A., A/Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, April 1979.
Hanunyari, Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, April 1979.
Kildunne, G., Sergeant, killed in action, April 1979.
Lawrence, Michael, Corporal, BCR, Corps of Rhodesian Engineers, killed in action, April 1979.
Madoda, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, April 1979.
Mazarire, F., Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, killed in action, April 1979.
Muzondo, K., Trooper, killed in action, April 1979.
Ndlovu, Z., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Ngandu, H., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Sibanda, R., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Titlestad, T., Keep Commander Guard Force, killed in action, April 1979.
Vazhure, J., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Webb, A., Trooper, killed in action, April 1979.
Munyorwa, C, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 May 1979.
Humbasha, Gibson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 5 May 1979.
Osteni, Toto, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 5 May 1979.
Chiwetu, Edward, Constable, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 8 May 1979.
Mwenya, Sanderson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 May 1979.
Kugotsi, Madziva Julius, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 9 May 1979.
Ndlovu, John Bajilla, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 9 May 1979.
Barnabas, Richard, Rifleman, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Boxter, Rodney, Private, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Langton, Teddy Thomas, Private, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Needham, Steven, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action when escorting a convoy from Beit Bridge, 11 May 1979.
Naison, Hanky, Corporal, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Shaibu, Guard, murdered by terrorists, 11 May 1979.
Hardy, Captain Michael Kenneth, OLM, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 12 May 1979.
Martin, Ian, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 May 1979.
Muir, Douglas Sydney, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact in the Enterprise area, 12 May 1979.
Chikandiwa, Moses, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 14 May 1979.
Sibanda, David, Trooper, killed in action, 14 May 1979.
Chance, Michael John, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 May 1979.
Myburgh, Kenneth Herman, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 16 May 1979.
Makwanya, Clever, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 17 May 1979.
Maposa, Benjamin, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 May 1979.
Kwangwari, Josiah, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 22 May 1979.
Goriath, Simon, Trooper, killed in action, 27 May 1979.
Kanyoka, Chemunhu, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 May 1979.
Walters, John W., Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action on operations, 27 May 1979.
Alegria, Lance Corporal, killed in action, May 1979.
Chitauro, D., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, May 1979.
Fred, T., J/Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Gwirize, P., Private, killed in action, May 1979.
Isaki, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Makore, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1979.
Manyani, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Miller, R., Rifleman, killed in action, May 1979.
Mkwebu, P., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Muzenda, E., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, May 1979.
Ranjisi, A., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Ruzvidzo, O., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1979.
Shaibu, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
David, Edison., Private, killed in action, 1 June 1979.
Gaze, Gerald Norman, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, 1 June 1979.
Hasani, Abel, A/Corporal, killed in action, 1 June 1979.
Mozica, Chokosi, Private, killed in action, 1 June 1979.
Dennison, A., Major Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in shooting accident, 4 June 1979.
Lang, C.F., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, at Chivinge in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.
Mayatame, Madimisa, Private, killed in action, 4 June 1979.
Nel, E.F., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, at Chivinge in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.
Rice, P.O., Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, at Chivinge in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.
Whitehead-Wilson, Vaughan, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 June 1979.
Hartley, Stephen Christopher, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 6 June 1979.
Hickman, Richard John Selwyn, Trooper, Special Air Service, died of wounds received in action, 7 June 1979.
Masendeke, Rodrick, Private, killed in action, 9 June 1979.
Takundwa, Cletos, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 9 June 1979.
Francis, Robert, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 10 June 1979.
Kuseni, Bob, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 11 June 1979.
Mukuruva, Elliot, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 13 June 1979.
Elsaesser, W.E., Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action, 16 June 1979.
McKend, Bruce John, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 16 June 1979.
Maradze, M., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 June 1979.
Sibanda, Casper., Private, killed in action, 24 June 1979.
Maradze, Mahone, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, , killed in action, 24 June 1979.
Pearse, Martin, Captain, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accident involving a bunker bomb on Operation Carpet in Lusaka, Zambia, 26 June 1979.
Chawaremera, Kuwadzama, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 27 June 1979.
Juda, Lysias, Guard, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 27 June 1979.
Musekiwa, Martin, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 27 June 1979.
Steven, Samson, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 June 1979.
Revill, John, Police Reserve Observer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28
June 1979.
Maworera, Richard, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 29 June 1979.
Chibaya, Darius, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Chirume, Beaton, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Nyapfumbi, Willard, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Tsikuyadzi, P., Private, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Batchelor, F., Sergeant, killed in action, June 1979.
Benard, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Bothma, K., Rifleman, killed in action, June 1979.
Chavunga, W., J Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Chenzara, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1979.
Chirsora, S., Private, killed in action, June 1979.
Dube, T., Clerk Typist Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Harrison, C., WO2, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, June 1979.
Ismail, Y., Private, killed in action, June 1979.
Kuradu, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Mambume, A., Corporal, killed in action, June 1979.
Manesa, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Mapfumo, A., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Matare, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Mathe, R., Lance Corporal, killed in action, June 1979.
Mbemi, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Mubondera, J., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Mupandagwara, N., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Musaruwa, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Mushure, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Mutengani, S., Lance Corporal, killed in action, June 1979.
Ndhelele, J., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Nel, P., Sergeant killed in action, June 1979.
Pillow, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Chinyere, Stewart, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Gore, Makuwire, Principal District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Gous, Benjamin Joseph, Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Mkandla, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Muganiwa, Rodgers, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 3 July 1979.
Barnett, William Nigel, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Blackadder-Wilson, Peter, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Mudzete, Patrick, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Nkandla, Helkamah, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
John, M., Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 7 July 1979.
Musa, Cladius, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 8 July 1979
Marufu, J., Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 9 July 1979.
Foster, John Robert Gretton, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 July 1979.
Nemachewa, Shusha, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 10July 1979.
Ashara, Katungura, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, murdered while on leave, 15 August 1979.
Dwyer, S.M., Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, [an American] killed in action, 16 July 1979.
McCall, H.J., Acting Sergeant, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, [an American] killed in action, 16 July 1979.
Mapfumo, Alphonce, Guard, Guard Force, died of wound received in action, 16 July 1979.
Ismail, Yussuf, Private, died of wounds received in action, 16 July 1979.
Mutengani, Samuel, Lance Corporal, died of wounds received in action, 16 July 1979.
Murungweni, Lawrence, Constable, British South Africa Police, 17 July 1979.
Speight, Trevor John, Corporal, killed in action, 18 July 1979.
Marenga [Mapenga], S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 July 1979.
Beamish, Raymond, Sergeant, killed in action, 20 July 1979.
Sambulo, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 July 1979.
Ngwenya, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 July 1979.
Ngwenya, S., Tracker, African Field Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 July 1979.
Benard, Sankley, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Mhondiwa, Jonathon, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Moyo, Elliot, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Nyoni, Raphael, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Sibanda, Mandla Boy, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Mkohliso, David Boy, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 31 July 1979.
Njenge, Maxwell, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 31 July 1979.
Chari, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1979.
Claudios, M., Lance Corporal, killed in action, July 1979.
Fyfe, I., Senior District Officer Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Jennings, C., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers killed in action, July 1979.
Khumalo, S., Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1979.
Mangoro, A., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1979.
Masikati, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Musina, K., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Musonza, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Rwakuzhura, T., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Samson, S., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, July 1979.
Sanduka, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, July 1979.
Takaindisa, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, July 1979.
Wilson, P., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, July 1979.
Maguire, Gray Viereck Merrilees, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 1 August 1979.
Mubaiwa, Makasi Mubayi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 1 August 1979.
Mungenge, Morgan, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 August 1979.
Rubva, Musikwa, Private, killed in action, 2 August 1979.
Chaka, T., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 August 1979
Volker, Ephriam A., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 August 1979.
Chirwa, Isaac, Private, killed in action, 6 August 1979.
Svibe, Gibson, Guard, killed in action, 6 August 1979.
Masitake, Rwatitinda, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 August 1979.
Bvunzanayi, Peniyasi, Stick Leader, Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action 13 August 1979.
McGarrell, John Hamill., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 August 1979.
Oostindien, Johannes Eric, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 August 1979.
Chinyama, Taengwa Norboth, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 15 August 1979.
Baker, Donald Arthur., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 August 1979.
Gumbo, Sikuta, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 19 August 1979.
Masuku, Petrus Nathaniel, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 August 1979.
Ncube, Ambrose Sanyama, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 August 1979.
James, David Robert, Detective Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 August 1979.
Bartlett, Malcolm Leslie, Special Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 31 August 1979.
Holtzhausen, J., Sergeant, killed in action, August 1979.
Kufazvineyi, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Kwatsa, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Maranduse, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Nyamuzinga, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Wollner, M., Rifleman, killed in action, August 1979.
Tucker, B.K., Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 1 September 1979.
Idensohn, B.T., Lance Corporal, One Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed in action, 2 September 1979.
Lawrence, F.R., Sergeant, Two Brigade, killed in action, 2 September 1979.
Lund, Graham Desmond, Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 3 September 1979.
Gomera, Patrick, Acting Keep Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 4 September 1979.
Marufu, Damian King, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 September 1979.
Sandi, Comitee, Guard Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 4 September 1979.
Wesson, A.J.C., Aircraftsman, killed in action, during Operation Uric when an RPG7 hit the boss of the rotors of his Augusta Bell 206, flown by Flight Lieutenant R., Paxton, at Barragem, on Operation Uric, 5 September 1979.
Briel, Jacobus Alwyn, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Burns, Bruce Frazer, Second Lieutenant, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Coleman, Aidan James, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Crow, Jeremy Mario., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Du Plooy, Johannes Matheus, Captain, School of Infantry and First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Duberley, LeRoy William, Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Enslin, Brian Louis, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Fox, Peter, Lance Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Fry, Gordon Hugh, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Jones, Michael Alan, Sergeant, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
King, Stephen Eric, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Neasham, Colin Graham, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Prosser, David Rex, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Small, Charles David, Captain, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Chitupa, Rodgers, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 7 September 1979.
Govo, D., Private, Depot, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 7 September 1979.
Laubscher, Constant, Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 September 1979.
Ngube, I., Private, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 9 September 1979.
Edridge, S.R., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 September 1979.
Arendse, M., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 12 September 1979.
Manyange, T. Private, Fourth Maintenance, killed in action, 13 September 1979.
Mapuranga, Ignatius, Private, died of wounds received in action, 13 September 1979.
Muyambi, Obadiah, Guard, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 13 September 1979.
Glen, William John Albert, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, 14 September 1979.
Buku, Kufa, Corporal, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 15 September 1979.
Nyamayaro, Evans, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 15 September 1979.
Ziyambe, Lovemore, Trooper, First Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, died of wounds received in action, 15 September 1979.
Griffiths, M.F., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 September 1979.
Loxton, William Leslie, Lieutenant, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 18 September 1979.
Moyo, L., Private, 5 PROPL, killed in action, 18 September 1979.
Fondo, Guard Danny, Guard Force, killed in action, 20 September 1979.
Floyd, K.J., Sapper, Four Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 22 September 1979.
Lunga, Bernard, African Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 September 1979.
Sibanda, Cain, Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 September 1979.
Gomo, Tafuma, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 25 September 1979.
Mpofu, E., Private, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 25 September 1979.
Nyandoro, Bernard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died from wounds received in action, 25 September 1979.
Phiri, Mohamede, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 25 September 1979.
Bate, Patrick Michael, Air Lieutenant, killed on active service, in an air accident, when his Alouette III hit power lines near Umtali, 26 September 1979.
Snelgar, Bruce Miles, Major, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an air accident, when his Alouette III hit power lines near Umtali, 26 September 1979.
Carter, Gary, Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an air accident, when his Alouette III hit power lines near Umtali, 26 September 1979.
Nyika, L., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 27 September 1979.
O’Neill, Gert Stephanus., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed on Operation Miracle, 27 September 1979.
Hove, Office, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 29 September 1979.
Jeep, N., Recruit, CTD, killed in action, 29 September 1979.
Mann, Keith Edward, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action on Operation Miracle, 29 September 1979.
Marunga, J., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 29 September 1979.
Mpofu, N., Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 September 1979.
Mundingi, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1979.
Stephen, S., Guard Force, September 1979.
Nyamayaro, Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 1 October 1979.
Tennent, Kevin Hugh, Second Lieutenant, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 2 October 1979.
Pasine, R., Private, One Independent Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 October 1979.
Pienke, K.L., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Canberra B2, 3 October 1979.
Strydom, J.J., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Canberra B2, 3 October 1979.
Gordon, B.K., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Hunter FGA9, 3 October 1979.
Gatawa, S., Lance Corporal, CTD, killed in action, 11 October 1979.
Burslem, M.H., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Mhakayakora, Daniel Brighton, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Nedza, Edson, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Tawonateshe, Samson, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Furness, Henry L.H., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 14 October 1979.
Mutasa, Pineal, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 15 October 1979.
Sybert, Coffee, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 15 October 1979.
Tataway, Siriro, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 15 October 1979.
Mlilo, Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 17 October 1979.
Chiredza, A, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 October 1979.
McLaurin, Derek John, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, 19 October 1979.
Ndou, L, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 October 1979.
Houghton, Andrew Petrie, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died of wounds received in action, 21 October 1979.
Khanye, Private G., Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles [Deport, The Rhodesian African Rifles], killed in action, 22 October 1979.
Khabo, J., Recruit, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 22 October 1979.
Fourie, L.B., Corporal, Rhodesian Corps of Signals, killed in action, 24 October 1979.
Nyoni, Tanson, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 24 October 1979.
Siyamagonde, Z., Sapper, Two Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 25 October 1979.
Scott, P., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 26 October 1979.
Joly, Steven Richard, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 October 1979.
Layton, Joseph Benjamin, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 27 October 1979.
Ndlovu, E., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 27 October 1979.
Van der Merwe, J.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 October 1979.
Chirwa, N., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 29 October 1979.
Shadrack, S., Private, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 29 October 1979.
Day, Martin L., Sapper, Five Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 30 October 1979.
Macha, T., Recruit, CTD, killed in action, 30 October 1979.
Wiggill, Frank Robert, Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 30 October 1979.
Mangwiro, R., Corporal, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 1 November 1979.
Jakopo, N, Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 1 November 1979.
Lazarus, Z, Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 November 1979.
Miller, Gavin Andrew, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 2 November 1979.
Wixley, William Robert, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action on Operation Murex, 2 November 1979.
Zamba, Godfrey, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 3 November 1979.
Chirwa, Narthan, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Chitate, A.A., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Jakopo, Never, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Jani, Mackensie, Guard Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 November 1979
Katsidzira, Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Lazarus, Zhanunpi, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Mandeya, C., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Rewayi, Charles, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Ndlovu, T., Private, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 November 1979.
Mpofu, G., Private, School of Infantry, killed in action, 7 November 1979.
Nyathi, Day, Private, School of Infantry, killed in action, 7 November 1979.
Manyangadze Rangirayi , District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 7 November.
Edwards, Benjamin Rosely, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 8 November 1979.
Harris, K.E., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 9 November 1979.
Vachi, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 November 1979.
Moyo, Amon, Private, Four Maintenance, killed in action, 11 November 1979.
Mutandi, Leonard, Private, Four Maintenance, killed in action, 11 November 1979.
Kanjani, Michael, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 12 November 1979.
Sibanda, S., Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 November 1979.
Madzviko, Charles C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 15 November 1979.
O'Brien, John, Rifleman, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 15 November 1979.
Robert, Titus, Auxiliary Section Leader, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 15 November 1979.
Chasi, S., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 November 1979.
Tafura, S., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 November 1979.
Wood, D., Corporal, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 November 1979.
Mafu, T., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 17 November 1979.
Marumazondo, Joseph, Senior District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 18 November 1979.
Dube, N., Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 20 November 1979.
Kesby, T.D., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 21 November 1979.
Bazara, Y., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Douglas, J., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Kerr, J.S., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Magonda, Peter, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Muvungani, Gideon, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Ngulube, Simangaliso, Private, Third Maintenance, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Sithole, Simon, Private, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Sithole, T.J., Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, 22 November 1979.
Urayayi, L., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 November 1979.
Chaputika, Jerifanosi, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 26 November 1979.
Ncube, N., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 26 November 1979.
Rowland, Michael Geoffrey., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Hanganayi, F., Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Mann, John Headland, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Zinjera, Andries, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Chitsuvi, B., Trooper, JOC Rusape, killed in action, June-November 1979.
Abrahams, I.D., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, 3 December 1979.
Schickerling, W., Temporary Sergeant, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 4 December 1979.
Brandt, G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 5 December 1979.
Maritz, Solomon, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 December 1979.
Mapaye, Abraham, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 6 December 1979.
Matthews, Grant Stanley, Rifleman, Four Brigade, died of wounds received in action, 9 December 1979.
Mpofu, Phinias, Private, First Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 December 1979.
Mutamburi, Killian, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 December 1979.
Williams, Fammly, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 9 December 1979.
Chinuyemba, Kenneth, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 December 1979.
Lawler, Kevin Francis, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1979.
Pascoe, Andrew John, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1979.
Jelley, Leonard William, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 December 1979.
Saimwemba, B., African Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 December 1979.
Greyvesteyn, A.W., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 December 1979.
Mlambo, Fungai Wellington, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 16 December 1979.
Belstead, Christopher John, Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died of wounds received in action, 17 December 1979.
Moyo, S., Corporal, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 17 December 1979.
Knight, Patrick Charles, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 18 December 1979.
Machokoto, Alios, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 December 1979.
Chirume, J.M. [Private], Five Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Lucas, Ian Scott, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Mahlasera, Stephen, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Murambi, Timothy, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Thompson, James Frazer, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Tsoka, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Chatikobo, Livingstone Simba, Corporal District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Mugumbate, Musarari Johannes, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Tsarara, Good, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Victor, H.G., Private, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Chioneso, Peter, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Goko, Felix, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Kagona, Jivas, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Kulara, J., Private, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Mandinda, Barnard Jongilanga, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Moyo, Canaan, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, 22 December 1979.
Prezent, Silas, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Timothy, J., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Machingauta, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 December 1979.
Mlalazi, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 December 1979.
Moto, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 December 1979.
Sibanda, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 December 1979.
Zawaira, S., Private, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 24 December 1979.
Muringani, Arthur, Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 December 1979.
Senekal, A., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, flying an Alouette III near Umtali, 25 December 1979.
Duncan, Alexander, Major, Army HQ, killed in action, 26 December 1979.
Chaka, Ephraim, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Du Toit, Andrew Jameson, Second Lieutenant, Three Independent Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Muranda, J., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Chikoki, Augusten, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Banks, Gary Thomas, Trooper, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 28 December 1979.
Francis, Kenneth Layton E., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 31 December 1979.
Wuranda, Head, Sergeant, SCR, BCR, Selous Scouts, killed, 1979.
Cherrington, Thomas Sanderson, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 2 January 1980.
Muchena, M., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 3 January 1980.
Davies, J., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, 7 January 1979.
Moyo, R., Private, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 8 January 1980.
Munemo, O., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 January 1980.
Mushonga, N., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 15 January 1980.
Handson, C., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 16 January 1980.
Fynn, S., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 26 January 1980.
Sibanda, S., Sapper, SME, killed in action, 29 January 1980.
Maposa, Frank, Trooper, One Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed 1 February 1980.
Mpofu, Frank, Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 February 1980.
Makoni, B., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 6 February 1980.
Mtinsi, M., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 February 1980.
Sparkes, D., Colour Sergeant, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 7 February 1980.
Traynor, Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 11 February 1980.
Jackman, Robert L., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 February 1980.
Piringondo, E., SCR, Lieutenant, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 14 February 1980.
Moyo, M., Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed, 14 February 1980.
Venter, J.L., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 18 February 1980.
Troddyn, Thomas Arthur C., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 20 February 1980.
Ncube, C., Sapper, SME, killed in action, 23 February 1980.
Choto, C., Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 25 February 1980.
Ferguson, L., WO1, Army HQ, killed in action, 5 March 1980.
Ndhlovu, W., Private, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 March 1980.
Dhale, C., Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed, 13 March 1980.
Sibanda, T., Private, Third Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 14 March 1980.
Zikali, N., Private, Three Maintenance, killed in action, 15 March 1980.
Maxwell, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 17 March 1980.
Chibondera, S., Private, HQ Three Brigade, 19 March 1979.
Nikisi, R., Private, Second Maintenance, killed in action, 21 March 1979.
Ramjee, A.L., Lance Corporal, HQ 3 Brigade, killed in action, 24 March 1980.
Betoman, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 28 March 1980.
Sibanda, M., Rifleman, HQ 3 Brigade, killed in action, 29 March 1980.
Wuranda, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed, .
Smith, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed, .
Murwira, G., Signaller 1 Sig Sqn, killed, .
Hutchinson, R., Sergeant Special Air Service, killed in action, 30 January 1981.
Park, J.K, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, 30 January 1981.
Suttil, Ian, Sergeant, Special Air Service, ex-Royal Marine, killed on cross-border raid into Mozambique with the SADF, 30 January 1981.
Mollentz, H.J., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, September 79-March 1980.
Roll of Shame.
11 November 1965 - 30 March 1980.
Abrahams, H.J., Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 9 April 1976.
Abrahams, I.D., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, 3 December 1979.
Abudu, A., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 13 September 1976.
Adams, David, Private, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.
Addams, E.C., Major, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed in action by an insurgent hiding in a tree when deployed with Major Peter Burford's D Company, First Battalion the Rhodesian African Rifles, near Madziwa, 14 August 1974.
Ainslie, M., Major First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in a helicopter, while commanding a fire force action by a gunshot wound, from ground fire, 27 March 1976.
Airey, W.R., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying a Canberra B2 near Musengedzi, 4 April 1974.
Alegria, Lance Corporal, killed in action, May 1979.
Alexander, Ronald Eugene, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, in Mozambique, 16 December 1976.
Alexander, W.R., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 5 February 1977.
Ali, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 23 December 1976.
Alibaba, M., Private, January 1978.
Allan, B.J.F., Rifleman, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 26 February 1970.
Allen, P., Section Officer, British South Africa Police, September 1977.
Alpium, Jose, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a vehicle ambush, 1 February 1978
Anasi, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact on Operation Teak south of the Victoria Falls, 22 January 1970.
Andrews, R.S., Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3427, when shot down by a SAM7 near Rushinga, 20 April 1974.
Androuliakos, Leonidas, Corporal, BCR, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM 119599 in the Repulse area while assisting a Three Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978.
Annandale, D., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, flying a Cessna 185 at Kutanga Range near Que Que, 7 January 1969.
Anstruther, R.D., Lance Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 October 1973.
Arendse, M., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 12 September 1979.
Argent, H.W.A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 17 March 1977.
Aristotelous, Aristo, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Armstrong, Phillip John, Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 27 October 1976.
Artford, Dube, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Nuanetsi 31 December 1976.
Ashby, Gavin Warwick, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers killed in action, 20 March 1978.
Ashara, Katungura, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, murdered while on leave, 15 August 1979.
Austen, Ronald Rhodes Walter., Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 31 August 1976.
Aves, M.A., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 31 October 1974.
Bain, E., Private, January 1978.
Bain, T.G., Temporary WO2, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
Bakayi, ADF Driver Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Baker, B.M., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Nyamapanda area, 8 February 1976.
Baker, Donald Arthur., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 August 1979.
Banda, Wilson, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 March 1978.
Banga, David Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, on Launch P16, Zambezi, by Zambian troops, 5 May 1974.
Banga, Thomas., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 4 October 1977.
Banks, Gary Thomas, Trooper, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 28 December 1979.
Barber, Nicholas Edward Swannell, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in an accident, on Operation Inhibit in the Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 7 February 1979.
Barclay, D., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 7 July 1977.
Barnabas, Richard, Private, Killed in action, 11 May 1979.1 RDR
Barnes, A., WO1 Rhodesian Air Force November 1977.
Barnett, P.A., Sqn Ldr, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, which he disliked, 6 January 1977.
Barnett, Nigel William, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Killed in an ambush on the vehicle in which he was travelling.
Barry, H., Trooper, killed in action, October 1978.
Bartlett, Malcolm Leslie, Special Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 31 August 1979.
Barton, R., Rifleman, April 1977.
Bashford, D.P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 24 December 1976.
Batchelor, F., Sergeant, killed in action, June 1979.
Bate, Patrick Michael, Air Lieutenant, killed on active service, in an air accident, when his Alouette III hit power lines near Umtali, 26 September 1979.
Bates, D.I., Sapper Three Engineers Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 15 June 1976.
Bathhurst, Arnold, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 December 1976.
Battaglia, F., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action on Operation Turmoil, 6 March 1978. Was a citizen of the United States of America.
Battershill, Peter John, Junior Commandant, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 March 1979.
Bayayi, B., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Bazara, Y., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Beamish, Raymond, Sergeant, killed in action, 20 July 1979.
Beattie, D., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1977.
Becking, Gideon Edward, Rifleman, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Belstead, Christopher John, Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died of wounds received in action, 17 December 1979.
Belstead, H.F., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in his Alouette III when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Ben, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Ben, N., Dip Supervisor, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Inyanga, 6 January 1976.
Benard, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Benard, Sankley, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Benjamin, F., Acting Lance Corporal, Two Protection Company, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 24 April 1975.
Bennett, I., Corporal, 4 Protection Company, killed on active service, 21 April 1976.
Bento, E., Rifleman, November 1977.
Benyu, J., Private, August 1977.
Bepe, Agrippa District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Berejena, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Berman, Harry Anthony, Private, killed in action, 26 February 1978.
Berrington, Andrew Arthur, Sergeant, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush, 1 February 1978.
Bester, G., Rifleman, killed in action, February 1979.
Betoman, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 28 March 1980.
Betts, M., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 13 December 1977.
Bhere, Eraizere, Private, killed in action, 15 September 1978.
Bhere, Eriazere, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 8 September 1978.
Bickle, A., Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, December 1977.
Bicknell, Kevin Howard, Sgt. Killed 10th April, 1978. Was killed by one of his own
men who went berserk. Four or five others may have died in the same scene.
Biederman, Richard L., Sergeant, Special Air Service, died on active service in an accidental shooting in Mozambique, 6 December 1977.
Billing, David A.M., Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on 14 February 1976.
Binga, B., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Binks, R.A., Recruit, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 26 March 1968.
Bint, F.W.E., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on in a vehicle ambush, 12 May 1976.
Birkett, H., WO1, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 March 1973.
Bitirinyi, Zuzeyo, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 October 1978, in a landmine clearing incident 15-20 km from Headlands Police Station.
Black, R.A., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 6 April 1976.
Blackadder-Wilson, Peter, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Blignaut, P.W., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 12 May 1976.
Blundell, L.T., Rifleman, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, 24 February 1970.
Bobo, B., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Boer, James, Corporal, killed in action, 2 October 1978.
Bokosha, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Bokosha, Tafirenyika, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 4 April 1978.
Bolton, Derek, Vedette Snr W/Officer. Killed on active service. Contracted cerebral
malaria while on training camp in the Shamva area 2nd June, 1979. Member of
Internal Affairs Department.
Boncean, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 2 April 1975.
Bornman, H.J., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, shot at Binga by a sentry after failing to answer a challenge, 4 December 1970.
Bosch, M., Rifleman, killed in action, July 1977.
Boschin, Ugo, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM 119599 in the Repulse area while assisting a Three Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978.
Botes, Andre Johan, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 22 June 1978.
Botha, G., Rifleman, One Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 23 April 1976.
Botha, P.P., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 11 March 1977.
Bothma, Kevin Peter, Rifleman, killed in action, 4th June 1979.
Bouch, R.A., MCM, WO2, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966. The
accidental explosion which killed him was as a result of weeping gelignite, which
he and two others were transporting to a safe place for detonation.
Boulter, R.J., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, flying a Provost T52 near Gwelo, 19 June 1975.
Boxter, Rodney, Private, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Boyina, R., Corporal May 1977.
Brackely, N., Vedette Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Brading, Anthony J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 22 January 1970.
Bradley, A., Corporal, HQ(Mash) killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying in hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, 6 January 1977.
Bramford, A.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 10 March 1977.
Brandt, G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 5 December 1979.
Bredenkamp, M., Lance Corporal, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Brewer, R.M., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 11 March 1977.
Breza, Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1978.
Briel, Jacobus Alwyn, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Brittland, Peter Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Nyamapanda Police, Camp, 15 August 1976.
Brook-Mee, M. Killed in 1979.
Brooks, Matthew C.T. PATU Killed in action in ambush near Fort Victoria in June 1977
Broom, David, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 March 1979.
Brown, C., Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, 4 May 1977.
Brown, D.D., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in an air accident, when flying a Vampire T11 near Thornhill, 4 August 1972.
Brown, F., Lance Corporal, killed in action, April 1979.
Brown, Ian Rowland, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 March 1979.
Brown, Ian Keith, Rifleman, 2 Ind.. Coy, Rhodesia Regiment, 26 June 1977.
Brown, Kevin Robert, Corporal, 2 Signals Squadron, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 20 November 1973.
Brown, William Compton, Rh AF. KIA 4th May, 1977.
Brownlee, J., Second Lieutenant, killed in action, October 1978.
Buku, Kufa, Corporal, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 15 September 1979.
Bungwe, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chipinga, 31 March 1977.
Buranda, J., D., Constable, British South Africa Police, died, of wound, s received in action 7 March 1977.
Burns, Bruce Frazer, Second Lieutenant, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Burrell, B., Second Lieutenant, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine, when returning from Mozambique, 16 December 1976.
Burslem, M.H., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Buru, L., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Buru, Lazarus, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 2 September 1978.
Bvucherayi, Elliot, WOII, murdered by terrorists, 12 January 1978.
Bvunzanayi, Peniyasi, Stick Leader, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action 13 August 1979.
Bwanacocha, Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Byrne, J. Patrick, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, a New Yorker, Byrne was killed in action at Lower Sabi, 26 October 1978.
Byrne, S.P., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 25 July 1976.
Cahill, Michael Patric, MCM, Colour Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966. The accidental explosion which killed him was a result of weeping gelignite, which he and two others were transporting to a safe place for detonation.
Calder, Basil, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a landmine, incident 8th January 1977.
Callaway, Jonathon, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, 2 November 1978.
Camacho, A., Trooper, January 1978. Shooting accident.
Campbell, C., Acting Corporal, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 28 March 1970.
Campbell, N.C., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 23 May 1976.
Capel, Colin Andrew, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 9 March 1977.
Carr, A.J., Second Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 17 December 1976.
Carroll, C., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, August 1978.
Carroll, Tony Charles, Corporal, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Carruthers, Robert Norman James, District Officer, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 28 November 1978.
Carshalton, D.A., Trooper, Grey Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 27 August 1976.
Carter, Gary, Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an air accident, when an Alouette III hit power lines near Umtali, 26 September 1979.
Cary, James Bernard, Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 29 January 1969.
Casal, C.A., de A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 24 October 1973.
Caswell, P., Temporary/Capt, killed in action, December 1978.
Celestino, B., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 3 August 1975.
Cerff, R., Corporal killed in action, March 1978.
Chait, A., MLM, Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed in action in a contact, 24 March 1977.
Chaka, Ephraim, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Chaka, T., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 August 1979
Chakananka, N.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Chakanetsa, L., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Chakayingeni, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Chako, E., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 13 June 1976.
Chakuweya, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Chamboko, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Chamunyonga, Stephen, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, on 1 January 1979.
Chamuyonga, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Chance, Michael John, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 May 1979.
Chandiwana, J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin on 17 March 1976.
Chaneara, N.E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Marandellas, 21 October 1976.
Changara, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Chanowa District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Sipolio, 10 January 1977.
Chanuhwa, Roy Patrick, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Tjolotjo District, 7 February 1978.
Chaparadza, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1978.
Chaputika, Jerifanosi, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 26 November 1979.
Chari, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1979.
Charindapanze, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Charingira, Edmore, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action by a landmine, 17 September 1978.
Charsley, R., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 13 October 1974.
Chasi, S., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 November 1979.
Chatikobo, Livingstone Simba, Corporal District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Chatiza, D.A., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Honde Valley, 28 February 1976.
Chaukura, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Chavunga, W., J Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Chawaiwa, Robson District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva, 18 February 1977.
Chawaremera, Kuwadzama, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 27 June 1979.
Chawatama, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Chayamiti, I., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, killed in action, April 1978.
Chaza, D., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, April 1977.
Chemambo, Black, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave at Mount Darwin, 11 October 1978.
Chenzara, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1979.
Cherrington, Thomas Sanderson, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 2 January 1980.
Chianike, B., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1977.
Chibaya, Darius, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Chibondera, S., Private, HQ Three Brigade, 19 March 1979.
Chichuronea, F., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 24 November 1976.
Chidembo, Selous Scout, killed in action, 12 January 1978.
Chidziwo, O., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Chifodya, H., Constable, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Chifondondo, N., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Chifuka, Jeremia, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 April 1979.
Chigamba, Chancee, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 December 1978.
Chigwededza, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, April 1977.
Chihata, Peter, District Security Assistant, killed in action by a landmine, 1 October 1978.
Chihwayi, M., Private, June 1977.
Chikandiwa, Moses, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 14 May 1979.
Chikanyambidze, Herbert, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Chikasma, Clarius, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, in Mount Darwin, 16 November 1976.
Chikeya, S., Private, killed in action, 26 February 1978.
Chikoki, Augusten, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Chikonzo, U., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Chikozho, Michael, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 24 July 1977.
Chikwaka, Lancelot, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Honde Valley, 29 February 1976.
Chikwavira, T., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Chikwepe, Phone, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 February 1979.
Chikwinho, Z., Guard, Guard Force November 1978.
Chimambo, Erick Wise, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.
Chimbeya, Denja, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.
Chimbikayi, Rashaikayi, Corporal, killed in action, 3 March.
Chimere, All-weak, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Chimkonde, J., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, January 1979.
Chimtasha, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Chimukonde, John, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 11 February 1979.
Chimuphose, Alec, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Sipolilo 20 March 1977.
Chimweta, Funboy Panther, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Chinduma, Pondai, Private, killed in action, 23 February 1979.
Chinemhute, W., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Chingozha, C., Private, killed in action, November 1978.
Chinhakwe, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Chinoya, Willie, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Inyanga, 13 November 1976.
Chinoyi, E.T., Extension Assistant Supervisor, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 15 April 1976.
Chinuyemba, Kenneth, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 December 1979.
Chinyadze, B., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Chinyama, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Chinyama, Taengwa Norboth, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 15 August 1979.
Chinyere, Stewart, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Chinyimo, N., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Chioneso, Peter, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Chipanera, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Chipangura, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Chipara, Issaac Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, in Inyanga North TTL, 20 October 1976.
Chiramba, G., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Chiramba, T., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Chirambadare, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Chirau, Cladious, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 10 September 1978.
Chiredza, A, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 October 1979.
Chiri, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, Abducted, murdered, in the Mutasa South TTL, 25 July 1976.
Chiringwa, F., K Corporal Guard Force August 1978.
Chirsora, S., Private, killed in action, June 1979.
Chirume, Beaton, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Chirume, J.M. [Private], Five Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Chirwa, Isaac, Private, killed in action, 6 August 1979.
Chirwa, N., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 29 October 1979.
Chirwa, Narthan, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Chitanga, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Chitate, A.A., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Chitauro, D., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, May 1979.
Chitima, L., L/Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Chitima, Petros, Agricultural Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Melsetter, 10 January 1977.
Chitonga, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Chitsoko, Cholas, Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered in the Zhombe TTL, 9 March 1978.
Chitsunge, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in Mount Darwin area, 8 March 1975.
Chitsuvi, B., Trooper, JOC Rusape, killed in action, June-November 1979.
Chitupa, Rodgers, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 7 September 1979.
Chiutore, Pherious Clemence, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by insurgents, 16 September 1978.
Chivasa, M., Private, killed in action, 15 January 1979.
Chivendra, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in the Charter District, 27 October 1976.
Chivere, F., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 10 May 1976.
Chivinge, Michael, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 18 December 1977.
Chivisi, T., Private, Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Chivisi, Tamba, Private, killed in action, 8 February 1979.
Chiwetu, Edward, Constable, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 8 May 1979.
Chiyamuro, Trakisoni, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 11 October 1978.
Chizengwe, Pearson, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 22 March 1977.
Choruwa, T., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Chorwadza, Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1977.
Chothia, Suleman Ahmed, Colour Sergeant, killed in action, 28 October 1978.
Choto, C., Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 25 February 1980.
Chrispen, Rabson Marufu, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action on the Hulley farm at Tengwe, 23 February 1979.
Chundu, A., A/Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, April 1979.
Clack, NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in an ambush, 19 May 1977.
Clark, Charles Bernard, Sergeant, killed in action, 26 February 1979.
Clark, S.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 28 August 1978.
Clarke, E.C., Corporal, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 March 1977.
Clarke, G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 May 1977.
Claudios, M., Lance Corporal, killed in action, July 1979.
Clayton, Clifford Thomas, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 10 March 1978.
Clinton, Y., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on operations, 8 May 1973.
Clipston, M.W., WO2 Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Cloete, Pieter Jacobus, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 8 August 1978.
Cockroft, M.B., Lance Corporal, OPA, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Coey, John Alan, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
Coghill, A.R., Lance Corporal, 4 Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 13 November 1976.
Coleman, Andrew Roy., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police. KIA in ambush in the Sinoia Region 21 June 1977
Coleman, Aidan James, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Coleman, Mark, Lance Corporal, Leader Training Unit, killed in action, 23 October 1978.
Collcutt, James Edwin Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 23 January 1977.
Collett, Jeffrey Donald, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action on Operation Gatling in Zambia, 19 October 1978.
Collocott, B., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, taking off at Mapai during Operation Aztec in a Dakota when hit by small arms fire, the starboard engine was hit by an RPG7 rocket, 30 May 1977.
Conlon, V., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, January 1979.
Connolly, Kevin, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Binga area, 21 December 1976.
Connor, William Henry, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 September.
Conrad, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave by terrorists, 12 November 1976.
Cook, Richard George, Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February, 1978.
Cooksley, C.A.C., Gunner, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 June 1973.
Cookson, D.J., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on 28 February 1976.
Coom, N., Rifleman, November 1977.
Cordell, David, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 21 July 1978.
Cosmas, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 23 August 1967.
Cotton, Christopher Reginald Neville, Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 January 1979.
Courtney, D Killed in action 1978.
Courtney, P., Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 24 December 1977.
Covarr, P.T., Signaller, Rhodesian Signals Corps, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 28 March 1970.
Cowan, P., Lance Corporal, killed in action, February 1978.
Cracknell, A., Sergeant, 1 Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 5 April 1974.
Crane, A.G., Lance Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 17 August 1976.
Cremer, William P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 26 January 1977.
Crewe, J.G., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 15 June 1976.
Cripps, A., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1978.
Cripps, C.G., Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed when ten ZANLA ambushed his patrol at Hot Springs as it was deploying for operations in the Manica Province of Mozambique, 11 January 1979.
Cross, James, WO2, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 24 August 1977.
Crouch, Gaetano, Corporal, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 7 March 1977.
Crouch, Paul E., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 17 December 1976.
Crow, Jeremy Mark, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Cunningham, N.A., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chibi, 7 March 1977.
Cutmore, Brian Noel, Corporal, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant Fynn, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Da Costa, F.D., Trooper, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact, 15 November 1976.
Da Silva-Chalheiros, N.A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 17 May 1976.
Dambusa, Joseph, Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 30 April 1974.
Darck, R.C., Corporal, A(National Service) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 25 September 1976.
Darne, Jean-Claude, Gunner, Rhodesian Artillery Regiment, 18 April 1979.
David, Edison., Private, killed in action, 1 June 1979.
Davids, P., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Davidson, S. R., WO11, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, November 1977.
Davies, J., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, 7 January 1979.
Davison, Acting/Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 13 August 1967.
Davison, B., Corporal, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Davison, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 8 April 1973.
Davy, C.J., Officer Cadet, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 6 March 1975.
Dawkins, S., Rifleman, killed in action, December 1977.
Dawson, J., Inspector British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Day, Martin L., Sapper, Five Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 30 October 1979.
de Arbreau, James Albert, Private, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.
De Barreto, A., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 7 February 1978.
de Beer, M.J., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
De Courpalay, D., Rifleman, killed on active service. June 1978. 3 Indep Coy RR.
3 sticks were given incorrect map references. Died of resulting friendly fire.
de Klerk, W.C., Lance Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 16 March 1976.
De Wilzem, C., Lance Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 4 January 1978.
Delport, Barry Maurice, Officer Cadet, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Vampire T11 near Gwelo, 3 June 1975.
Dennis, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 3 July 1967.
Dennison, A., Major Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in shooting accident, 4 June 1979.
Dewer, D., Rifleman, killed in action, December 1978.
Dhale, C., Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed, 13 March 1980.
Dicker, Michael Ian, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Diedericks, C., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on 28 February 1976.
Dimingu, John, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 October 1978.
Dombo, I., Private, killed in action, 26 February 1978.
Dodd, D. Killed in action 1977.
Donald, J.S., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 April 1976.
Donaldson, I.H., Flight Lieut Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.
Donegan, Kevin Anthony, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 18 March, 1973.
Dongo, Zacariah, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, in the Chikore TTL, 10 November 1976.
Donnelly, Stephen M.G., Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action in a 'friendly fire' incident by a Vampire FB9 on Operation Snoopy, 21 September 1978.
Donzwa, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Douglas, J., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Du Plessis, D. Leon, Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by target fixation while attacking a ground target while flying a Lynx. 2 September 1977.
Du Plooy, Johannes Matheus, Captain, School of Infantry and First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Du Toit, Andrew Jameson, Second Lieutenant, Three Independent Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Du Toit, G.H.F., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when flying an Alouette III which was hit by an RPG7 in Mozambique, 28 July 1978.
Du Toit, J.H., D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 11 February 1978.
Dube, A., Smn, killed in action, July 1977.
Dube, Amos, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Dube, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Dube, K., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Dube, M, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Dube, M., Dip Superintendant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1978.
Dube, N., Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 20 November 1979.
Dube, Stanford, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 1 March 1977.
Dube, T., Clerk Typist Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Dube, T., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Duberley, LeRoy William, Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Duncan, Alexander, Major, Army HQ, killed in action, 26 December 1979.
Dunezwe, B., Guard, Guard Force April 1977.
Duri, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Durrett, P.R., Senior Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3244, when shot down by an SAM7 near Rushinga, 14 April 1974.
Dwyer, S.M., Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, [an American] killed in action, 16 July 1979.
Dyson, G., Rifleman, January 1978.
Dzimba, Fibion, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 31 July 1977.
Dzimba, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Dzingai, V., Guard, Guard Force June 1977.
Dzingayi, Sampson District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Bikita, 6 December 1976.
Dzingirayi, M., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 13 May 1976.
Dzobo, H., Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Ebiza, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 20 May 1976.
Edmunds, C., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 30 May 1977
Edridge, S.R., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 September 1979.
Edwards, B.J., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 17 May 1976.
Edwards, Benjamin Rosely, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 8 November 1979.
Edwards, N., Sergeant, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 24 February 1970.
Edwards, V., Corporal June 1977.
Eeson, J., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Eggleston, P.B., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, drowned in Zambezi River, 15 February 1966.
Elias, J., Corporal killed in action, June 1978.
Elifon, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 December 1977.
Elliot, Eland, Private, killed in action, 18 January 1978.
Ellis, M., Trooper, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 3 March 1978.
Elsaesser, W.E., Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action, 16 June 1979.
Emerick, W.G.C., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accident, 4 July 1975.
Enias Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 11 April 1974.
Enslin, Brian Louis, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Erasmus, F., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Erekan, Richard, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 20 November 1978.
Erisha, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 18 March 1968.
Evanson, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 23 March 1977.
Ewing, Ross Anthony, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 12 December 1978. [Medal Society, 12 December]
Fairbanks, Peter Hendrik, Lance Corporal. Killed in action, 2 September 1978. Service No. 110590 2 Platoon No. 5 Ind. Coy, Rhodesia Regiment.
Falzoi, Fabio Giovanni, Second Lieutenant, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 12 June 1978.
Fani, D., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Fanner, Graeme Richard, Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, on Operation Mardon in Mozambique, 31 October 1976.
Farai, Cpl. Killed in January, 1980, during an attack on the D.C.s camp at Mudzi - was
returning fire from the side of his married quarters when a RPG rocket hit and
exploded inside his home. He had been warned, several times during the action, not to load his magazines exclusively with tracer rounds as it would draw fire to him.
Fararira, P. Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 7 February 1976.
Ferguson, L., WO1, Army HQ, killed in action, 5 March 1980.
Fergusson, George William, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Ferreira, A.J., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 18 November 1976.
Firi, J., Guard, Guard Force July 1978.
Fisher, Jeremy Lionel, Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 28 September 1977.
Fleming, Ian, Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action on 12th January, 1978, in an Alouette III, the K-car on which he was the engineer. Killed by the same insurgent who killed Henry Jarvie on 12 January 1978.
Fleming, J.M., Rifleman, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 24 February 1970.
Floyd, K.J., Sapper, Four Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 22 September 1979.
Fondo, Guard Danny, Guard Force, killed in action, 20 September 1979.
Forbes, J.T.V., Rifleman, OPA, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Foster, John Robert Gretton, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 July 1979.
Fouche, C., Second Lieutenant, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 11 August 1977.
Fourie, L.B., Corporal, Rhodesian Corps of Signals, killed in action, 24 October 1979.
Fourie, P.C., PDO Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Buhera, 18 February 1977.
Fox, Peter, Lance Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Francis, Kenneth Layton E., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 31 December 1979.
Francis, P., Private, September 1977.
Francis, Robert, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, August 1977.
Francis, Robert, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 10 June 1979.
Francis, Thomas, Private, killed in action, 14 March 1978.
Frank, R., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Fraser, Iain Lovat, Lieutenant, killed in action, 6 August 1978.
Fred, T., J/Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Freddy, W., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Friday, Bell, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 January 1979.
Friedman, David, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 9 July 1978.
Friend, Jessie James, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 21 November 1978.
Frost, T., Private, killed in action, March 1979.
Froud, Kenneth James, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 March 1978.
Fry, Gordon Hugh, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Fulton, D.K., Gunner, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 October 1976.
Fungura, A., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Furau, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Furber, Brian, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 15 April 1979.
Furness, Henry L.H., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 14 October 1979.
Fyfe, I., Senior District Officer Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Fynn, Edward Lewis, Corporal, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.
Fynn, Kerry John, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant R., Bolton, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Fynn, S., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 26 January 1980.
Gamble, F.S., A/Corporal, 1 Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 19 August 1976.
Gamble, Leroy Everard, Sergeant, killed in action, 2 October 1977.
Gandanga, S., Private, killed in action, October 1978.
Gandiwa, Alexander Muvengwa, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 September 1978.
Ganga, K., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Ganhao, M.A.I., Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 28 January 1978.
Garden, Peter John, Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5077 near Gwelo, 17 January 1972.
Gardener, Byrne Rielly, ADF Pilot Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine on the runway at Mrewa, 19 February 1979.
Garikayi, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Garnett, P., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 4 October 1977.
Gash, R., DSO British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Gatawa, S., Lance Corporal, CTD, killed in action, 11 October 1979.
Gaze, Gerald Norman, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, 1 June 1979.
Geldenhuys, Ronald Olwen, Trooper, Four Troop, One Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Geoffrey, C., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, November 1977.
George, P., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
George, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 20 March 1973.
George, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 2 June 1973.
Gibson, R.R., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, died, 8 May 1970.
Gift, M., Private, Three Brigade Support Company, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 7 March 1976.
Gildenhuys, R, Killed in action 1979.
Gillepsie, M., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Gillies, S., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Ginyilitshe, A., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, on 9 July 1976.
Givemore, S., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Givemore, Stephen, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 January 1979.
Glen, William John Albert, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, 14 September 1979.
Goddard, K.W., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying a Canberra B2 near Musengedzi, 4 April 1974.
Goko, Felix, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Gomera, Patrick, Acting Keep Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 4 September 1979.
Gomo Private, killed in action, November 1978.
Gomo, Tafuma, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 25 September 1979.
Gonye, G., Lance Corporal, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Gordon, B.K., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Hunter FGA9, 3 October 1979.
Gore, Makuwire, Principal District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Goriath, Simon, Trooper, killed in action, 27 May 1979.
Gorojenia, P.N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Concession 25 August 1976.
Gough, R.F., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a landmine, 8 January 1977.
Gous, Benjamin Joseph, Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Govo, D., Private, Depot, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 7 September 1979.
Graham, J.B., Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 13 November 1975.
Graham, J.P., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by ground fire while flying in an Alouette IIIB in the Inyanga area, on 18 July 1976.
Grainger, Collin, Private, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Granlund, Corporal A., Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed 14 September 1978.
Gregory, Nicholas J.R., Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps-Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action in a contact, 9 November 1976.
Greig, William, Rifleman, killed in action, 11 October 1977.
Greyvesteyn, A.W., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 December 1979.
Grierson, J.H., Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, Wankie 25 August 1976.
Griffiths, M.F., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 September 1979.
Grobbelaar, C., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1977.
Groom, Peter John, Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 3 September 1976.
Guest, O., Private, November 1977.
Gumbo, Baron, Private, killed in action, 8 January 1979.
Gumbo, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Gumbo, O., Sergeant killed in action, April 1978.
Gumbo, Sikuta, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 19 August 1979.
Gumede, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 1 December 1978.
Gutza, Richard Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, Chiduku TTL, 25 September 1976.
Guvava, Vengayi Severino, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 December 1978.
Gwafa, J., Corporal killed in action, April 1978.
Gwanyanya, A., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Gwatidzo, G., Guard, Guard Force July 1978.
Gwenda, Patrick, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 March 1977.
Gwenjeri, T. Staff Sergeant, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Gwirize, P., Private, killed in action, May 1979.
Habakkuk, E., Rifleman, May 1977.
Hahn, Manfred. Police Reserve (Bright Lights). Killed in error by another P/R while
guarding a farmhouse. Hahn was a German national.
Haigh, P.W., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, while crash-landing a Vampire FB52 after being hit by FRELIMO anti-aircraft fire at Vanduzi cross-roads after attacking Chimoio during Operation Dingo 23 November 1977.
Halberstadt, F.W.H., Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Hales, Christopher Allen, A/Corporal, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, murdered on leave in an ambush on the Solusi Road outside Bulawayo, 14 August 1977.
Hallett, Eric Police Reserve (Bright Lights). Killed when travelling as a passenger in
a vehicle accident. The vehicle hit the parapet of a bridge when a newspaper on the seat next to the driver blew into the driver’s face.
Hamamiti, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 26 December 1978.
Hamandishe, Vernon, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 January 1979.
Hamandishe, Zindoga, Sergeant, killed in action, 31 March 1979.
Hamp-Adams, Frank, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed when his vehicle hit a landmine, 11 June 1977.
Hancock, John Rodney, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM 119599 in the Repulse area while assisting a Three Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978..
Handson, C., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 16 January 1980.
Hanganayi, F., Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Hanunyari, Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, April 1979.
Hapelt, Basil Carl Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 8 January 1977.
Hardy, Anthony John, Corporal Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 14 October 1976.
Hardy, Captain Michael Kenneth, OLM, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 12 May 1979.
Hardy, James, Captain, Support Company, First Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in the Mtoko area, 14 November 1978.
Harlow, Michael John Detective Inspector, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, on hot pursuit, 18 February 1977.
Harris, K.E., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 9 November 1979.
Harris, Mark Anthony, Trooper, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 11 October 1977.
Harrison, C., WO2, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, June 1979.
Hartley, E., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1978.
Hartley, Stephen Christopher, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 6 June 1979.
Hasani, Abel, A/Corporal, killed in action, 1 June 1979.
Havnar, Douglas Gordon Charlese, Captain, Support Company, 10 RR, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant Fynn, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Hawkes, D., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.
Hayworth, Roderick Charles, Temporary Warrant Officer, Class Two Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 14 October 1976.
Heard, A.D., Rifleman, 1 Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 17 February 1977.
Heard, R., Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Heckler, R. Lance Corporal, April 1977. Serving as a mechanic in 1 Indep Coy RR.
Killed when ambushed while travelling on the Victoria Falls Road. A Zipra insurgent managed to hit the vehicle with an RPG7 - quite a feat as the vehicle was travelling at high speed at the time.
Henry, R., Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 September 1974.
Herman, W., Captain, killed in action, December 1977.
Hess, A., National Service Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, May 1978.
Hewitt, Timothy Charles Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 22 February 1977.
Hickey, R., Temporary Sergeant, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 26 January 1978.
Hickman, Richard John Selwyn, Trooper, Special Air Service, died of wounds received in action, 7 June 1979.
Hill, A., Lance Corporal, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment 26 June 1977.
Hill, Jeffrey, Sergeant, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a ZAPU-laid landmine in the Chete Game Reserve, 28 October 1972.
Hill, M.R., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5117 near New Sarum, 1 July 1970.
Hlabiso, L., Recruit killed in action, October 1977.
Hodes, Ernest Geoffrey. Cpl. Killed in a car accident while on duty, returning from
Salisbury to Bulawayo on 3rd July, 1977. Was a corporal in military intelligence.
Born Bulawayo 27th August, 1932.
Holland, Goode, killed in action, 14 February 1976.
Holley, Michael George Preston, Rifleman, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Hollywood, Robert, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, died on duty, 15 April 1979.
Holmes, A., Lance Corporal, June 1977.
Holshausen, Jannie. Sergeant, killed in action, August 1979. Killed in action near
Mozambique border. While on a mine-clearing patrol, he stepped on an Anti-Personnel
Hope, R.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact, 11 October 1976.
Houghton, Andrew Petrie, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died of wounds received in action, 21 October 1979.
Hove, Office, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 29 September 1979.
Hudson-Beck, J.E., District Officer, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Melsetter, 12 August 1976.
Hughes, Robin S., Second Lieutenant, Tracker Combat Unit/Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, during a pseudo operation and a contact, with ZANLA, 18 October 1973.
Hukuimwe, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Hulley, Roy R., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Vampire T11 near Que Que, 21 October 1976.
Human, J.A., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 17 October 1976.
Humanikwa, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 10 March 1977.
Humbasha, Gibson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 5 May 1979.
Hungwe, Emerson, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Hunt, G.Vivian., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 16 November 1976.
Hurley, H., Rifleman, killed in action, December 1977.
Hussey, G., Rifleman, killed in action, April 1978.
Hussey, W., Private, killed in action, February 1978.
Hutchesson, Sean Richard, Corporal. 2 Eng. Sqdn. Killed in action,16th March 1978.
Hutchinson, Robert, Sergeant Special Air Service, killed in action, 30 January 1981.
Idensohn, B.T., Lance Corporal, One Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed in action, 2 September 1979.
Indebele, Doctor, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Isaac, H., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Isaac, K., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Isaki, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Ismail, Y., Private, killed in action, June 1979.
Ismail, Yussuf, Private, died of wounds received in action, 16 July 1979.
Jack, J., WO2 Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 15 February 1977.
Jack, M., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Jackman, D.J., Corporal Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 22 September 1975.
Jackman, Robert L., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 February 1980.
Jackson, Gordon, Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Jackson, Noel Richard, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 November 1977.
Jackson, P., Private, Three Protection Company, killed in action by a landmine, 11 March 1976.
Jakata, Isaac., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 13 June 1977.
Jakopo, N, Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 1 November 1979.
Jakopo, Never, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
James, D.C., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 April 1976.
James, David Robert, Detective Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 August 1979.
Jameson, Charles, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, 16 January 1978.
Jani, Mackensie, Guard Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 November 1979
January, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Jaradza, Clever, Constable, died of wounds received in action, 1 August 1978.
Jaravaza, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Jarvie, H., Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action on 12th January, 1978, in an Alouette III, the G-car in which he was the engineer. He was killed by the same insurgent as killed Fleming on 12 January 1978.
Jeary, A., Inspector, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1977.
Jeep, N., Recruit, CTD, killed in action, 29 September 1979.
Jeffery, John Genry, DSO, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in a terrorist incident in Luveve Township, Bulawayo, 2 September 1976.
Jele, C., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 16 April 1979.
Jele, Christopher, Lance Corporal, died from wounds received in action, 24 April 1979.
Jelley, Leonard William, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 December 1979.
Jemna, Stanley, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, 6 June 1976.
Jennings, Clive Leslie, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers killed in action, July 1979.
Fatally wounded while trying to lift a landmine off the railway line at Bannockburn
late on the evening of 19 July 1979, and he died in the early hours of 20 July 1979.
Jobson, A., Private, Six Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 27 September 1976.
Joe, E., WO2 September 1977.
Joel, Efias, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 18 May 1978.
Johane, Gondoro Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave by terrorists, 30 October 1976.
John, M., Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 7 July 1979.
John, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 7 December 1974.
Johnson, C.F., Trooper, Grey Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 28 March 1977.
Johnson, N. Killed in action 1968.
Johnston, A.T., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, struck by the blades of a helicopter, 13 May 1969.
Jojo, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Jojo, Hofisi, Keep Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action by a landmine, 17 September 1978.
Joketera, Gervas District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 24 November 1976.
Joly, Steven Richard, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 October 1979.
Jones, E., Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Jones, Henry, Private, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Jones, J.R., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 19 November 1976.
Jones, Michael Alan, Sergeant, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Jonga, Obadiah, Constable, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 24 April 1979.
Jongwe, Elias, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Josam, C., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Joubert, Salomon., Flight Sergeant Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in a training accident after falling 400 feet while climbing the Chimanimani Mountains on an Outward Bound course, 11 December 1971.
Joule, John, Private, Tenth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, murdered by terrorists, 30 March 1979.
Juda, Lysias, Guard, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 27 June 1979.
Julius, Tshengena, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Beit Bridge 27 December 1976.
July, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
June 1979.
Juta, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Juta, Ronnie, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 16 April 1979.
Kabasa, L., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 29 June 1976.
Kabasa, M., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 27 June 1976.
Kabunu Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Kagona, Jivas, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Kagoro, G., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Kakhanga District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rushinga, 18 February 1977.
Kala, K.G., Lance Corporal, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Kamau, F., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, 10 April 1979.
Kambange, K., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Kambange, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Kamusopani, R., Private, killed in action, February 1978.
Kande Kande, J., Guard, Guard Force September 1977.
Kandeya, Geography, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 16 October 1978.
Kangayi, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 7 December 1974.
Kanjani, Michael, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 12 November 1979.
Kanosi, D., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered on leave in Gutu, 8 April 1979.
Kanyoka, Chemunhu, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 May 1979.
Kapa, O., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Kapisa, Augustine, Private, killed in action, 24 September 1978.
Kapito, Ivan, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 17 December 1978.
Karikogah, P., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Karim, F., Private, June 1977.
Karoni, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 13 August 1967.
Kasawaya, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, February 1979.
Kaschula, M.F., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 15 September 1976.
Kaseke, N., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Kasket, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Katete, F., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1978.
Katsidzira, Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Katuku, Stachio, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Kavoko, H., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Kawadza, Kenneth, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 June 1978.
Kayisa, Widi, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 31 July 1978.
Kee, T.J., Corporal, Depot, Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, on 25 October 1975.
Keith, Alan MacDonald, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 17 January 1979.
Kelly, M.J., Corporal, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 15 May 1976.
Kelly, Michael David, Sergeant, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Kembo, Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 3 August 1973.
Keni, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in an ambush, 6 May 1976.
Kerr, J.S., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Kesari, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Kesby, T.D., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 21 November 1979.
Keyter, G., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, May 1978.
Khabo, J., Recruit, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 22 October 1979.
Khanye, Private G., Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles [Deport, The Rhodesian African Rifles], killed in action, 22 October 1979.
Khola, Samuel, Private, killed in action, 25 December 1978.
Khumalo, S., Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1979.
Khupe, J., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Kildunne, G., Sergeant, killed in action, April 1979.
King, Stephen Eric, Trooper, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Kingsley-Jones, Derek John, 2/Lieutenant. 2 Indep. Coy. Killed in action on 16th June, 1977.
Kirton, T., Second Lieutenant, November 1977.
Klew, J.A., Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Knight, Patrick Charles, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 18 December 1979.
Knight, Peter James Osborne Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 17 May 1975.
Koen, F.C., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 25 November 1976.
Kohiuai, S., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 27 February 1977.
Kombora, Gladstone, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 March 1979.
Korb, J.G., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 15 November 1976.
Kriek, J.J., Rifleman, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 23 January 1976.
Kruger, David Bruce, Corporal, 1 & 4 Independent Companies, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 July 1977.
Kuba, N., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Kudzayi, Philip, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita 3 May 1976.
Kufakowenyu, Wereki Charles Mafuse, Private, Rhodesian African Rifles, 9 August 1977.
Kufazvineyi, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Kugotsi, Madziva Julius, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 9 May 1979.
Kulara, J., Private, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Kumalo, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, November 1977.
Kumalo, T., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Kupinkomo, Lot Dube, Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 18 December 1977.
Kuradu, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Kurebwa, Tarirayi, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 14 October 1977.
Kurumba, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Kurumba, Caiphs, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 26 October 1978.
Kuseni, Bob, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 11 June 1979.
Kushamba, Fanuel, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 23 January 1978.
Kutinyu, Tobias, Private, killed in action, 30 January 1979.
Kutsanzira, P., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Kwami, Marko, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Kwangwari, Josiah, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 22 May 1979.
Kwanyangara, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 26 February 1974.
Kwaramba, Patrick, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 26 November 1978.
Kwatsa, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Kwayarira, Maphios, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 8 September 1978.
Kwayarira, Maphos, Private, killed in action, 15 September 1978.
Lamb, J.B., Captain, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, 23 December 1975.
Lamb, M.C., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 7 November 1976.
Lambert, Ismail Achmed, Lance Corporal, killed in action in an ambush near Mrewa, 6 August 1977.
Lang, C.F., Trooper, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, at Chivinge in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.
Langerman, M., Lieutenant, killed in action, December 1977.
Langton, Teddy Thomas, Private, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Lapham, J.A., Bombardier, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 June 1973.
Laubscher, Constant, Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 September 1979.
Laurent, R.H., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 July 1976.
Lawler, Kevin Francis, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1979.
Lawrence, F.R., Sergeant, Two Brigade, killed in action, 2 September 1979.
Lawrence, Michael, Corporal, BCR, Corps of Rhodesian Engineers, killed in action, April 1979.
Lawton, A.D., Field Reserve Pilot, Police Reserve Air Wing, killed on active service, in an air accident, 6 May 1967.
Layton, Joseph Benjamin, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 27 October 1979.
Lazarus, Z, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 November 1979.
Lazarus, Zhanunpi, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Le Vieux, S., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died from wounds received in action, 7 February 1978.
Lee, R., Lance Corporal, May 1977.
Leonards, Clive Patrick, Private, 26 February 1978.
Lester, Jeremy Oliver 9314, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 12th October 1977. Killed by an AK-47 mounted on the rear of a BSAP Landrover parked in the Sipolilo Police Station. It was accidentally fired by a colleague during the morning vehicle maintenance check. Official BSAP records show - died in
service - accidental shooting.
Liebermann, R., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died, 1976.
Liebermann, Russell John, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, 4 June 1978.
Lilford, Warwick Powys Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 9 January 1977.
Lima, M., Guard, Guard Force January 1978.
Lindani, K., Constable, British South Africa Police, November 1977.
Little, Bradley Wade, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Livingstone, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1979.
Liwa, B., K/Sergeant Guard Force killed in action, April 1978.
Lloyd, Gary J., Corporal, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1974.
Locke, K.P., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact, 6 December 1976.
Logan, N.R., Vedette, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Marandellas, 19 January 1977.
Lomas, Ronald Robert Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 22 February 1977.
Lombard, E., NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police.
Lopes, V., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 7 March 1977.
Lord, C.Philip, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, (Kenya) killed in action in a contact, 19 September 1974.
Lot, Tagwira Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 March 1977.
Lotringer, E., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action in a contact, on Operation Mardon in Mozambique, 31 October 1976.
Lotshwa, Zefaniya, Corporal, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Plumtree District, 16 January 1978.
Lottering, C.W., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died, 29 May 1970.
Lottering, Peter Christopher, Rifleman, killed in action, 7 October 1977.
Lotz, A.P., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 16 December 1976.
Lovie, Alan Gray, Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 14 October 1976.
Loxton, William Leslie, Lieutenant, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 18 September 1979.
Lucas, Ian Scott, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Lund, Graham Desmond, Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 3 September 1979.
Lunderstedt, H., Sergeant Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Lunga, Bernard, African Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 September 1979.
Lynch, A.W., Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, when ambushed returning from a patrol north of Sinazongwe Harbour in Zambia 6 September 1978.
Mabaka, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Bikita, 19 May 1976.
Mabaleka, D., BCR, Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 2 October 1978.
Mabiba, S.M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave, 8 July 1976.
MacDonald, E., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 May 1977.
Macha, T., Recruit, CTD, killed in action, 30 October 1979.
Machimbirike, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Machingauta, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 December 1979.
Machokoto, Alios, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 December 1979.
Machona, Patrick, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered, 28 September 1978.
Machore, K., Private, Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 March 1979.
MacDonald, E. Killed in action 1977.
MacDonald, Peter, National Service BSAP. Killed in ambush in Lubimbi TTL, near
Gwaai River, Wankie area, in September either 1977 or 1978. Ex-pupil of
St. Stephens College, Balla Balla, and resident of Wankie.
MacKay, Duncan Hope, Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Chipinga area, 2 January 1977.
MacKenzie, D.G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 1 February 1977.
MacKenzie, H.H., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 26 June 1977.
MacLachlan, O., Rifleman, July 1978.
MacLaren, D., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 16 April 1977.
Macmillan, Gordon Roy, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in an accident, on Operation Inhibit in the Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 7 February 1979.
Madhende, F., Constable, British South Africa Police, Crime Protection Unit, killed on active service, murdered in Budiga African Purchase Area by an insurgent, 3 November 1976.
Madhiri, Charles, Constable, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 12 May 1978.
Madoda, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, April 1979.
Maduveko, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Madzambi, Maphios, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 16 April 1978.
Madziise, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Madziviri, Charles, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.
Madziviridzo, Denny, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 30 July 1978.
Madziwa, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.
Madzviko, Charles C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 15 November 1979.
Mafu, T., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 17 November 1979.
Mafundikwa, B., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Mafunga, N., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Magagani, Crispen, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 February 1979.
Magawise, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Magaya, K., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1978.
Magede, Nabot, Private, killed in action, 21 November 1978.
Magirazi, Waison, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 October 1978. Fatally wounded in landmine clearing incident 15-20 km from Headlands
Police Station. Was flung 25 m in the bush, but died of his wounds at the scene.
Magonda, Peter, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Maguire, Gray Viereck Merrilees, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 1 August 1979.
Maguire, R., Lance Corporal, May 1977.
Maguwaza, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rusape, 4 May 1976.
Mahanzu, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Mahaso, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 24 June 1973.
Mahlasera, Stephen, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Mahomed, Y., Private, 1 Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 25 August 1976.
Mahonde Guard, Guard Force, killed in action in a contact in the Mtoko farming area, 2 November 1978.
Maigurira, W., Private, January 1978.
Maimbo, E., Extension Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chipinga, 26 February 1977.
Majaya Sergeant August 1978.
Majoni, Aleck, Private, killed in action, 16 April 1978.
Majuta, B., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Makamure, R., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Makatore, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 7 March 1977.
Makaye, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin, 22 September 1973.
Makeche, T., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Makhondo, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Makomechi, Freddie, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, 1 March 1979.
Makonde, Elso, Private, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Makoni, B., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 6 February 1980.
Makore, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1979.
Makore, M., Private, January 1978.
Makosa, James, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 August 1978.
Makotsa, J., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Makumbe, F., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko 17 October 1976.
Makumbe, M., Reg Clerk Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Makumire, Douglas, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 23 January 1979.
Makuvaro, N.., Lance Corporal, killed in action, December 1978.
Makuwa, James, BCR Corporal, A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in an ambush, on his vehicle, 9 May 1976.
Makwanya, Clever, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 17 May 1979.
Makwelo, M., Dip Supervisor Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Malamba, M., Dip Attendant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chipinga, 21 January 1977.
Malapela Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Mallett, D.E., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, 6 January 1977.
Mamachona, Constable, British South Africa Police, 2 October 1978.
Mambume, A., Corporal, killed in action, June 1979.
Mamvura, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, October 1977.
Mamvura, J., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in a insurgent rocket attack on the police station in the Mayo TTL, 18 August 1976.
Mamvura, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Mananube, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in his Alouette III when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Manasa, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Manasa, Z., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Fort Victoria, 4 May 1976.
Mandaza, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, in an ambush, on the Mazoe River, presumed drowned, 23 December 1974.
Mandeya, C., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Mandeya, E., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Mandinda, Barnard Jongilanga, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Mandipaza, M., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Inyanga, 3 May 1976.
Mandisodza, Solomon, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.
Mandizviza, Ornard, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Manesa, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Mangezo, H., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Makoni, 11 January 1977.
Mangoro, A., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1979.
Mangoyi, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Manguni, Ndayila David Dhlodhlo, Senior District Assistant, murdered by terrorists in the Nkai District, 17 February 1978.
Mangwiro, R., Corporal, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 1 November 1979.
Mann, John Headland, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Mann, Keith Edward, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action on Operation Miracle, 29 September 1979.
Mann, S.L.P., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 31 May 1976.
Manning, G., Corporal June 1977.
Mano, K., Guard, Guard Force September 1977.
Manomano, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1977.
Mantseye, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Mantshontsho, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Manunure, Patrick, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 13 August 1977.
Manunure, Taongesayi Callisto, WO2, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 August 1977.
Manyangadze Rangirayi , District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 7 November.
Manyange, T. Private, Fourth Maintenance, killed in action, 13 September 1979.
Manyani, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Manyegna, I., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Mudzi, 9 October 1976.
Manyeka, Prince, Constable, British South Africa Police, 24 April 1978.
Manyika, Christopher, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 2 April 1979.
Mapanzuri, A., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 9 June 1976.
Mapaso, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Mapaye, Abraham, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 6 December 1979.
Mapendere, V., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, June 1977.
Mapfumo, A., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Mapfumo, Alphonce, Guard, Guard Force, died of wound received in action, 16 July 1979.
Mapfumo, Augustine, Private, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Mapfumo, L., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Mapfumo, T., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Mapise, S., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Mapita, A., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Mapiye, J., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, March 1978.
Mapiye, Stain Nemera, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.
Maponga, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Maposa, Benjamin, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 May 1979.
Maposa, Frank, Trooper, One Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed 1 February 1980.
Mapundo, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, June 1977.
Mapuranga, Ignatius, Private, died of wounds received in action, 13 September 1979.
Mapuranga, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Maradze, M., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 June 1979.
Maradze, Mahone, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police. Killed in action, 24 June 1979.
Maranduse, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Marange, M., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Maravanyika, E., Private, killed in action, March 1979.
Marenga [Mapenga], S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 July 1979.
Marhova, Francis, Lance Corporal, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, to the head when surprised by two ZANLA in a contact, north of Mrewa 12 April 1978.
Marilele, E., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Mariti, Detective Sergeant , British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Maritz, Solomon, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 December 1979.
Marnewick, John Conrad, Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 8 August 1978.
Martin, Ian, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 May 1979.
Marufu, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Marufu, Damian King, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 September 1979.
Marufu, Freddy, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Marufu, J., Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 9 July 1979.
Marufu, Tobias, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 28 July 1977.
Marumazondo, Joseph, Senior District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 18 November 1979.
Marume, P., L/Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Marunga, J., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 29 September 1979.
Maruta, F., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Masara, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Masarakufa, M., Temporary/Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, murdered on leave by insurgents, 23 March 1973.
Masarakufa, N., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Maseko, Gideon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 May 1978.
Masendeke, Rodrick, Private, killed in action, 9 June 1979.
Mashamba, C., Guard, Guard Force, November 1977.
Mashanda, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Mashanda, N., Senior District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Mashangu, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Nuanetsi, on 8 July 1976.
Mashavira, C., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 6 December 1976.
Mashimbwe, P., Sergeant, British South Africa Police, August 1977.
Mashingaidze, R., Guard, Guard Force April 1977.
Mashire, Tapera, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 March 1978.
Mashisze, Adam, Private, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Mashona, Masarakufu, Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 24 March 1977.
Mashonganyika, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 23 March 1977.
Masikati, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Masimba, K., J/Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, July 1977.
Masitake, Rwatitinda, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 August 1979.
Masiyambira, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 24 June 1975.
Mason, A., Lieutenant, killed in action, February 1979.
Mason, C, Temporary/Sergeant and sniper, Selous Scouts, killed at Malvernia during an exchange of fire with FRELIMO. He killed six. 15 March 1977.
Masuku, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Masuku, Petrus Nathaniel, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 August 1979.
Masula, B., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Masunga, T., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Masunga, W., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Masvimbo, Francis, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 26 April 1978.
Mataka, F., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Matambangwana, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1978.
Matambanivana, Noah, District Security Assistant, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Matambo, L., Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Matambo, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, : mortar and small arms attack in Chesa African Purchase Area, 26 June 1974.
Matamburigwa, E., Guard, Guard Force December 1978.
Matangira, Private, Ten Supply Platoon, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Matare, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Matare, F., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Matavire, Maxwell, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 17 August 1978.
Matebwe, Chitanda, Private, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Mateko, J., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Mateko, John., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Mathe, Gifyniso Peter., Private, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Mathe, R., Lance Corporal, killed in action, June 1979.
Matidiri, Davidson Stanford, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at his kraal in Sipolilo, 16 August 1978.
Matshalaga, L., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Matthee, William, Rifleman, 29 April 1977.
Matthews, Grant Stuart, Rifleman, Four Brigade, died of wounds received in action, 9 December 1979.
Matunduru, O., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Matunga, A., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.
Matunga, L., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.
Matutsa, Claudius, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Mavata, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Maviza, S.D., Corporal, 2 Signals Squadron, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 28 June 1975.
Mavura, L., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mawadze, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Mawire, J., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Honde Valley, 29 February 1976.
Mawire, W., Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 5 May 1976.
Maworera, Richard, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 29 June 1979.
Maxwell, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 17 March 1980.
Mayatame, Madimisa, Private, killed in action, 4 June 1979.
Mayhew, A.J., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 27 May 1975.
Maynard, J., Private, killed in action, October 1977.
Mazarire, F., Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, killed in action, April 1979.
Mazinyane, Visaya, Acting WO2, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 5 June 1978.
Mazoe, Leon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 August 1978.
Mazuihwa, F., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mazurura, Lovemore, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 16 November 1978.
Mbaiwa, P., Guard, Guard Force, November 1977.
Mbandla, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Mbasela, P., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 6 March 1978.
Mbemi, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
McCall, H.J., Acting Sergeant, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, [an American] killed in action, 16 July 1979.
McClelland, William Joseph Andrew., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 August 1978.
McDonald, M., Private, September 1977.
McGarrell, John Hamill., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 August 1979.
Mchonjomera, Leonard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.
McIver, A., Trooper, killed in action, January 1979.
McIver, A.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on operations, 1 January 1979.
McKend, Bruce John, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 16 June 1979.
McKop, D., Private, June 1977.
McLaurin, Derek John, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, 19 October 1979 in a ZIPRA ambush.
McLeod, C., Lance Corporal, Five Protection Company, killed on active service, in Kambazuma Township, 11 December 1976.
Meddows-Taylor, C.M., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 20 January 1978.
Mendes, J.P.G., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1973.
Mennigke, C.I., Lance Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 4 January 1978.
Mereki, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, April 1977.
Meyer, G.D., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, in Mozambique, 27 April 1971.
Meyer, Karl, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 9 June 1977.
Meyer, Paul Francois, Vedette Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 April 1979.
Mfitshane, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Mhaka, C., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, killed in action, April 1978.
Mhaka, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.
Mhakayakora, Daniel Brighton, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Mhando, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 5 May 1976.
Mhawo, Clever, Guard, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 16 November 1978.
Mhizha Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin, 22 September 1973.
Mhlanga, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Mhondiwa, Jonathon, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Mhuka, Z., Corporal June 1977.
Michell, Kenneth Michael, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, wounded in action while clearing contour ridges, shot at close quarters by an insurgent who stood up out of the cover of a ridge. Killed in a landmine incident on 25 June 1978.
Michell, Michael, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 28 August 1978.
Milford, Pencil, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 March 1978.
Millar, Anthony John, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 26 November 1978.
Miller, A.B., Private, 3 Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 8 October 1975.
Miller, D., Colour Sergeant May 1977.
Miller, Gavin Andrew, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 2 November 1979.
Miller, R., Rifleman, killed in action, May 1979.
Mirams, David., DC Internal Affairs, Mrewa. Killed in action, 2nd January 1979. Killed by a landmine only fifty yards from his front gate at his D.C.s residence. He had just
been promoted to Regional Commissioner and was due to commence duties the
week after he was killed. Three thousand locals attended his funeral.
Mirwane, Aleck, Private, killed in action, 11 April 1978.
Misoro, F., Lance Corporal, killed in action, February 1979.
Mkandhle, E., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Mkandla, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Mkohliso, David Boy, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 31 July 1979.
Mkwananzi, B., Constable, British South Africa Police.
Mkwebu, P., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Mlala, July, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 May 1978.
Mlalazi, Patrick, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 8 August 1977.
Mlalazi, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 December 1979.
Mlambo, Fungai Wellington, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 16 December 1979.
Mlauzi, G., Smn killed in action, February 1978.
Mleya, George., Sergeant, killed in action, 23 February 1979.
Mlilo, Robert, Trooper, killed in action, 15 April 1978.
Mlilo, Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 17 October 1979.
Mlotshwa, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Mlotswa, Z., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Mnkandla, A., Private, killed in action, February 1978.
Mollentz, H.J., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, September 79-March 1980.
Mombeyarara, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mombeyera, Gerald, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 26 October 1978.
Moorcroft, L.W.H., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, in Mozambique, 28 April 1971.
Moore, Michael Anthony ‘Little Meeces’, Trooper, Mortar Troop, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 17 April 1979.
Moore, N.D.R., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine near Altena Farm, Centenary, 29 December 1972.
Moore, P., Smn, killed in action, July 1977.
Morgan, Christopher John. 9380, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Accidentally killed by a shotgun blast from a Police Reservist, when mistaken for
the enemy during a sweep through a maize field after a reported sighting of
Moriarty, L., Sergeant, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Morris, Michael John, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident when a member of his patrol mistook him for the enemy in the dark, 31 January 1974.
Morrison, Whoteson, Private, killed in action, 30 April 1978.
Moses, M., Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 6 August 1976.
Moss, Keith, Trooper, Selous Scouts, fatally wounded in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Mostert, G., Rifleman, Recce Platoon, 1RR, was killed in action on Operation Instant in a camp attack on a ZANLA camp at Chintopo in the Tete Province of Mozambique, when burning huts exploded, 7 April 1979.
Moto, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 December 1979.
Moyo, A., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Moyo, Albert, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Moyo, Amon, Private, Four Maintenance, killed in action, 11 November 1979.
Moyo, Canaan, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, 22 December 1979.
Moyo, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 16 July 1972.
Moyo, D., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Moyo, D., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 6 January 1977.
Moyo, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Moyo, Elliot, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Moyo, Jetro, Trooper, killed in action, 24 April 1979.
Moyo, K., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Moyo, L., Private, 5 PROPL, killed in action, 18 September 1979.
Moyo, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Moyo, M., Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed, 14 February 1980.
Moyo, Patrick Constable, British South Africa Police, died, of wounds received in action, 19 January 1977.
Moyo, R., Private, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 8 January 1980.
Moyo, Reuben, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 April 1978.
Moyo, Rodwell, Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 10 April 1979.
Moyo, Rodwell, Private, died of wounds received in action, 23 April 1979.
Moyo, S., Corporal, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 17 December 1979.
Moyo, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Moyo, Tamusanga, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 March 1979.
Mozica, Chokosi, Private, killed in action, 1 June 1979.
Mpala, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Wankie, 1 January 1977.
Mpofu, Cephas, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 27 May 1978.
Mpofu, E., Private, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 25 September 1979.
Mpofu, Frank, Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 February 1980.
Mpofu, G., Private, School of Infantry, killed in action, 7 November 1979.
Mpofu, Henry, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Mpofu, Leonard, Private, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 27 June 1978.
Mpofu, N., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 September 1979.
Mpofu, Phinias, Private, First Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 December 1979.
Mpofu, Royal, Private, died of wounds received in action, 27 March 1978.
Mtandwa, C., Rifleman , Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, March 1978.
Mthekli, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Mtinsi, M., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 February 1980.
Mtisi, Nyika, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Mtsombe, C., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Mtupane, A., K/Corporal Guard Force August 1978.
Mubaiwa, Makasi Mubayi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 1 August 1979.
Mubaywa, W., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 1 March 1977.
Mubondera, J., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Muchabi, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Muchada, R., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 10 May 1976.
Muchakbarwa, C., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 6 May 1976.
Muchechwa Constable, British South Africa Police/Selous Scouts, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 28 April 1975.
Mucheka, Tadios, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 17 April 1977.
Muchemwa, Marufu, Sergeant, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 20 January 1977.
Muchemwa, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, November 1977.
Muchena, M., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 3 January 1980.
Muchenje, F., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 29 April 1975.
Muchenje, Richard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 7 November 1978.
Muchenje, W., Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 5 May 1976.
Muchini, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Bikita, 27 August 1976.
Muchona, S., Guard, Guard Force July 1978.
Mudavanhu, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Mudhomodozi, Happy, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 February 1979.
Mudimu, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Muduve, G., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, Nyamapanda Police, Camp, 15 August 1976.
Mudzete, Patrick, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Mudzi, D., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed on active service, Accident training exercise, 2 September 1976.
Mudzimiri, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, died of wounds received in action, 21 October 1976.
Mudzingwa, P., Trooper, July 1978.
Mudzwidza, N., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Mufachiva Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva, 28 August 1974.
Mufaro, R., Lance Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 August 1978.
Mugabe, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Muganiwa, Rodgers, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 3 July 1979.
Mugoni, J., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Mugumbate, Musarari Johannes, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Mugwaga, N., Sergeant, November 1977.
Mugwaga, W., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Muir, Douglas Sydney, Trooper, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact in the Enterprise area, 12 May 1979.
Mujeki, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, Abducted & murdered in Bikita District by CTs, 2 January 1977.
Mujere, Levy, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 7 December 1978.
Mujero, T., J/Corporal Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mukandatsa Ma, Munikwi, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Mukandatsama, Munhikwi, Private, killed in action, 1 March 1979.
Mukandiona, Ruwayi, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 30 April 1979.
Mukapanda, Aaron, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 5 November 1977.
Mukaro, C., Lance Corporal, killed in action, December 1978.
Mukaro, Clements, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 25 December 1978.
Mukonora, P., WDW Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Mukucha, Sergeant British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Mukuinwe, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Mukundwa, D., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, December 1977.
Mukuruva, Elliot, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 13 June 1979.
Mukwaira, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1978.
Mullin, M., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 March 1968.
Munangwa, C., Sergeant First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 28 November 1976.
Mundingi, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1979.
Munemo, O., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 January 1980.
Munemo, O., Guard, Guard Force, November 1977.
Munemo, P., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 2 April 1975.
Munemo, R., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Munetsi, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 June 1978.
Munetsi, Peter James, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 November 1978.
Mungazi, G., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed on active service, in an accident, in the Wedza area, 21 November 1976.
Mungenge, Morgan, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 August 1979.
Munton-Jackson, G., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5077 near Gwelo, 17 January 1972.
Munyani, E., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Munyorwa, C, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 May 1979.
Mupambwa, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Mupandagwara, N., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Mupeti, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Mupita, J.L., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave in Penhalonga by insurgents on 26 June 1976.
Murambi, Timothy, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Muramboduro, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Muranda, J., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Murawa, J., Sapper Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, December 1978.
Murdoch, B., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying Trojan R4326 at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974.
Murdoch, D. Killed in action 1977.
Murdock, Timothy Joseph, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 28 November 1978.
Muredzi, J., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, 24 April 1976.
Mureza, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Muringani, Arthur, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 December 1979.
Murozvi, A., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Murphy, A.C., Lance Corporal, Six Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 20 December 1976.
Murphy, James Firman, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Murray, Colin McLeod, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush, 1 February 1978
Murray, I.A., Lance Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 8 April 1976.
Murudzwa, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Murungweni, G., Guard, Guard Force September 1977.
Murungweni, Lawrence, Constable, British South Africa Police, 17 July 1979.
Murwira, G., Signaller 1 Sig Sqn, killed, .
Murwisi, Fainosi, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Musa, Cladius, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 8 July 1979
Musafare, E., Private, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 29 April 1975.
Musaruwa, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Musaruwa, P., Private, July 1978.
Musasa, J., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Musekiwa, Martin, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 27 June 1979.
Mushambi, Winston, Junior Corporal Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 17 December 1978.
Mushani, T., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Mushaya, J., Corporal, killed in action, December 1978.
Mushonga, N., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 15 January 1980.
Mushonga, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1978.
Mushure, Anderson. DSA. Killed in action 26th October 1979,.
Mushure, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Musina, K., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Musindo, Maxwell, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 10 March 1979.
Musiyiwa, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Gutu 18 March 1977.
Musodzah, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, Chiduku TTL, 20 October 1976.
Musondo, T., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, September 1978.
Musonza, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Mutamangira, M.G., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Melsetter, 25 May 1976.
Mutamburi, Killian, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 December 1979.
Mutandi, Leonard, Private, Four Maintenance, killed in action, 11 November 1979.
Mutanga, M., Private, Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 23 January 1979.
Mutanga, Mastaff, Private, died of wounds received in action, 8 February 1979.
Mutargoza, Toperson, Acting Lance Corporal, 'A' Company Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, when his vehicle was ambushed by 30 ZANLA in the Mshawasha African Purchase Area 29 December 1977.
Mutasa, Pineal, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 15 October 1979.
Mutasan, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1977.
Mutava, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Mutema, Tinarwo, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, 3 May 1977.
Mutengani, S., Lance Corporal, killed in action, June 1979.
Mutengani, Samuel, Lance Corporal, died of wounds received in action, 16 July 1979.
Mutero, J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chiredzi, 11 January 1977.
Muteta, Watson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by insurgents, 29 November 1978.
Muteyaunga, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Mutimbanyoka, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 27 January 1977.
Mutindindi, J., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Mutiziri, T., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Mutongi, N., Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, in the Honde Valley, 8 April 1976.
Mutova, C., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave in Soswe TTL by insurgents, 20 October 1976.
Mutrase, L., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 2 October 1978.
Mutumhe, Philip, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1978.
Muvungani, Gideon, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Muyambi, Obadiah, Guard, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 13 September 1979.
Muyezwa, Rufu Charles, Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 October 1978.
Muyotcha, W., Extension Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Muzenda, Dzimba, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 28 November 1978.
Muzenda, E., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, May 1979.
Muzingi, Reuben, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 27 February 1979.
Muzingi, Ruben, Private, died of wounds received in action, 1 March 1979.
Muzkuzha, Stanselous, Keep Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Muzondiwa, Sani Jekanyika, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave in the Sipolilo District, 16 October 1978.
Muzondo, K., Trooper, killed in action, April 1979.
Muzwondiwa, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Mviyo, T., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles killed in action in a contact, 5 May 1976.
Mwale, Maunda Gilbert, Private, killed in action, 2 April 1979.
Mwanagumbi, Daniel, Junior Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, 18 December 1977.
Mwasireni, M., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Mweneziko, Mudzingwa, Sergeant, killed in action, 2 November 1978.
Mweneziko, Mudzingwa, Sergeant, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 25.October 1978.
Mwenya, Sanderson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 May 1979.
Mxotsewa, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Myburgh, Kenneth Herman, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 16 May 1979.
Myhhardt, B.J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 24 November 1976.
Nago, Nicholas, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Nahove, R., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva 29 January 1974.
Nahwire, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 24 November 1976.
Naison, Hanky, Corporal, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Nash, A., Private, 1 Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 March 1975.
Nasho, M.M., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Mudzi, March 1976.
Ncube, A., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 14 February 1976.
Ncube, Ambrose Sanyama, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 August 1979.
Ncube, C., Sapper, SME, killed in action, 23 February 1980.
Ncube, Charles, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 February 1979.
Ncube, Colins, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 April 1978.
Ncube, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in his Alouette III when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Ncube, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Ncube, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, murdered in Wankie TTL, by insurgents, 17 January 1977.
Ncube, Geogre Makore, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 February 1979.
Ncube, Kesari, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 17 April 1979.
Ncube, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Ncube, M., Private, killed in action, February 1979.
Ncube, Meta Richard, District Security Assistant, 29, of Plumtree, murdered by insurgents, 10 January 1978.
Ncube, N., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 26 November 1979.
Ncube, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Ncube, P., Private, killed in action, February 1979.
Ncube, Reason, Private, killed in action 16 November 1978.
Ncube, S., Private, June 1977.
Ncupe, Jenamiso, Private, killed in action, 15 April 1978.
Ndava, Tapera Martin, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, 7 December 1978.
Ndebele, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Ndebele, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Ndeke, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Ndhelele, J., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Ndhlovu, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.
Ndhlovu, Calvin Chikandiwa Jobe, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 April 1979.
Ndhlovu, J., FR British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Binga 20 December 1976.
Ndhlovu, Jack, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 15 January 1979.
Ndhlovu, Morgan, Private, killed in action, 28 August 1977.
Ndhlovu, Phahlani, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 November 1978.
Ndhlovu, W., Private, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 March 1980.
Ndimande, Bhiyeni Luka, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 6 February 1979.
Ndlovu, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 9 March 1977.
Ndlovu, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Ndlovu, C., Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Ndlovu, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Ndlovu, Cossum, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 June 1978.
Ndlovu, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1978.
Ndlovu, E., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 27 October 1979.
Ndlovu, G., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 15 February 1977.
Ndlovu, J., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Ndlovu, John Bajilla, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 9 May 1979.
Ndlovu, M., Dip Supervisor Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Ndlovu, Peter, Private, killed in action, 16 July 1978.
Ndlovu, T., Private, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 November 1979.
Ndlovu, Z., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Ndogwedu, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Ndokanga, P., Corporal Grey Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 15 February 1977.
Ndou, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Ndou, L, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 October 1979.
Neasham, Colin Graham, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Nedza, Edson, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Needham, Steven, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action when escorting a convoy from Beit Bridge, 11 May 1979.
Nel, E.F., Lance Corporal, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, at Chivinge in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.
Nel, F., Trooper, November 1977.
Nel, F.J., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound, to the head while advancing in a sweep line against the ZANLA camp at Chimoio on Operation Dingo 23 November 1977.
Nel, Jan Andries, MLM, WO2, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 26 June 1976.
Nel, P., Sergeant killed in action, June 1979.
Nelson, K., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when flying an Alouette III which was hit by an RPG7 in Mozambique, 28 July 1978.
Nelson, R., Senior Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when hit by ground fire while trooping in an Alouette IIIB piloted by Flight Lieutenant R.J. Watt, 18 May 1977.
Nemachena, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, June 1977.
Nemachewa, Shusha, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 10July 1979.
Nemanwa, I., Private, killed in action, September 1978.
Nemutambwe, L., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, November 1977.
Nettleton, G.E., Squadron Leader, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5117 near New Sarum, 1 July 1970.
Nevermind, K., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 10 April 1976.
Newman, A.C., Temporary Corporal, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 14 October 1976.
Ngandu, H., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Ngeni, M.N., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Umtali, 19 May 1976.
Ngomanyoni, Crispen, Lance Corporal, 'A' Company Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, when his vehicle was ambushed by 30 ZANLA in the Mshawasha African Purchase Area 29 December 1977.
Ngoshi, Ephraim, Guard, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 22 November 1977.
Ngube, I., Private, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 9 September 1979.
Ngulube, Isaac, Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 5 August 1978.
Ngulube, Simangaliso, Private, Third Maintenance, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Ngwarayi, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Ngwenya, Abednigo, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 10 September 1978.
Ngwenya, Livingstone, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 1 March 1979.
Ngwenya, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 July 1979.
Ngwenya, S., Tracker, African Field Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 July 1979.
Nharo, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 9 May 1973.
Nhawo, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Nicholas, E., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in a vehicle ambush, ten kilometres from Chipinga when acting as front gunner for a convoy, May 1977.
Nielson, Michael Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, in the Mukwichi TTL, 17 January 1977.
Nikisi, R., Private, Second Maintenance, killed in action, 21 March 1979.
Njanina, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Njekela, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin, brother of Chief Nkalakata, 8 April 1976.
Njenge, Maxwell, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 31 July 1979.
Njenjera, P., Senior District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Njoli, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Njunube, (Headman), Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, CID, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Plumtree area, 6 August 1976.
Nkala, C., Private, killed in action, October 1978.
Nkala, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 9 March 1977.
Nkandla, Helkamah, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Nkiwane, Samziza, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 26 December 1978.
Nkomo, G., Keep Commander Guard Force killed in action, October 1978.
Nkomo, Jacob, Private, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Nkomo, V., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 1 March 1978.
Nkono, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Ntini, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, abducted and murdered in the Wankie TTL, 17 January 1977.
Nugent, S.R., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, on 18 July 1976.
Nyabadza, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Nyabotso, Kudzayi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Nyadute, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Nyagano, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1977.
Nyakaza, Corporal, General Service Unit, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by a landmine, 19 November 1973.
Nyakuchemwa, D., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Nyakudaya, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, in an ambush, 1 February 1976.
Nyakwishira, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Nyamayaro, Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 1 October 1979.
Nyamayaro, Evans, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 15 September 1979.
Nyamayaro, Joram, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.
Nyamayovo, F., Private, killed in action, September 1978.
Nyamazana, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Nyambira, Elliot, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 17 April 1979.
Nyamsayi, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Nyamuzinga, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Nyandoro, Bernard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died from wounds received in action, 25 September 1979.
Nyangani, H., Rifleman, killed in action, March 1978.
Nyapfumbi, Willard, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Nyarendaha, H., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Nyathi, Day, Private, School of Infantry, killed in action, 7 November 1979.
Nyathi, L., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Nyati, Benzenie, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Nyati, M., Field Reservist, Scout, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, north west Matabeleland, 6 August 1976.
Nydam, Wilhemus Errivs, Rifleman, killed in action, 12 September 1978.
Nyenye, Clemence, Private, killed in action, 20 February 1978.
Nyiahuye, D., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 13 September 1974.
Nyika, L., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 27 September 1979.
Nyika, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 24 September 1967.
Nyiwana, P., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Belingwe, 4 May 1976.
Nyoni, B., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Nyoni, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Nyoni, J., ADF Driver Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Nyoni, K., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Binga, 20 December 1976.
Nyoni, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Nyoni, Raphael, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Nyoni, Tanson, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 24 October 1979.
Nzumana, Thomas, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, 16 January 1978.
O’Neill, Gert Stephanus., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed on Operation Miracle, 27 September 1979.
O'Brien, John, Rifleman, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 15 November 1979.
O'Driscoll, A., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 23 August 1977.
O'Neill, K., Private, 3 Protection Company, killed in action by a landmine, 17 March 1977.
Oostindien, Johannes Eric, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 August 1979.
Orchard, Roy C.C., Corporal, 1 & 4 Independent Companies, Rhodesia Regiment killed in action, 22 July 1977.
O'Reilly, P.M., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 15 September 1976.
Osteni, Toto, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 5 May 1979.
Overbeek, Martin, Lance Corporal, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a contact, on 4 April 1979.
Pakayi, A., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 5 March 1975.
Pakayi, I.P., Private, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 29 April 1975.
Panganayi, J., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Paradza, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, 16 July 1972.
Park, J.K, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, 30 January 1981.
Parker, D.G., Colonel, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, 23 December 1975.
Parker, T.M., Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, or in an air accident, while flying in Trojan R4326 at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974.
Parkin, G.J., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 24 February 1976.
Parkinson, J.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 27 April 1976.
Partridge, Derek, Field Reservist, died during training, 23 September 1977.
Partridge, W.M., Lance Corporal, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1974.
Pascoe, Andrew John, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1979.
Pasina, Munyaradzi, Private, killed in action, 16 July 1978.
Pasine, R., Private, One Independent Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 October 1979.
Pasipamire, Felix Chingozha, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 April 1979.
Patireki, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, July 1977.
Patrol, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Payne, N.G., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 26 January 1977.
Pearse, Martin, Captain, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accident involving a bunker bomb on Operation Carpet in Lusaka, Zambia, 26 June 1979.
Pedley, C., Asst Commander Guard Force, killed in action, July 1977.
Penton, C.B., Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 4 September 1974.
Perkins, William John, Army Officer Cadet, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Petros, S., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 22 February 1977.
Pfeil, H.G., Lance Corporal, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 20 August 1975.
Pferedzai, N., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Phede, Henzlet, Sergeant, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Phillips, Dennis, Junior Commandant, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 15 April 1979. Was formerly a Patrol Officer in the BSAP. Left the Police to join
Rhodesia Railways as a Safety Officer in Matabeleland. He was conscripted into
the Guard Force (Intake GFR/3) and subsequently underwent the first Guard Force
Officer Cadet training course. He served in various operational areas :- Chipinga,
Chiredzi, Honde Valley, Mount Darwin and Gwelo. In 1979, while riding in an
unprotected Landrover near Gwelo, he was ambushed by a group of insurgents and
sustained fatal injuries, from which he died on 19th April, 1979.
Phillips, P., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Phiri, Macdonald, Private, died of wounds received in action, 27 June 1978.
Phiri, Mohamede, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 25 September 1979.
Phiri, Y., Private, July 1978.
Phone, A., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Pienke, K.L., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Canberra B2, 3 October 1979.
Pierson, K., Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 22 August 1967.
Pillow, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Pinda, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, 9 September 1973.
Pindura, C., Sapper Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, December 1978.
Pinge, H., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Piringondo, E., SCR, Lieutenant, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 14 February 1980.
Pitch, L.P., Captain, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 17 May 1976.
Pittaway, K., Rifleman, May 1977.
Plant, M., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 23 August 1974.
Poole, Russel, Trooper, Mortar Troop, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a contact, on 19 April 1979.
Posi, G., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Posthumus, G.,(N.S.) Keep Commander Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Whilst in the PV, he seemingly confiscated cards from the Guards as they were gambling - they promptly shot him.
Potgeiter, C., Corporal, May 1977.
Potgeiter, E., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
Potgeiter, J.J., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 January 1973.
Povey, Roger.J., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, wounded in a landmine incident, at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974. Was injured in the landmine incident, and while being casevaced died in an aircraft accident. The Trojan aircraft casevacing him had to take off in the dark. The unit on the ground had no flares to light up the runway, so they parked two Landrovers at the end of the airstrip with their
headlights pointed down the runway. Unfortunately, one of the Trojan’s wheels
clipped one of the Landrovers and flipped the plane into the ground killing Povey,
the pilot and the medic. (Air Lt Murdoch and Cpl Parker).
Powell, N., Major, killed in action, February 1979.
Prezent, Silas, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Price, Francis Gavin. Cpl. Killed in action. Op Hurricane, north of Mount Darwin.
Prince, Norman Hedley Egerton, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 March 1978.
Pritchard, John Stephen, Lieutenant, killed in action, 16 August 1978.
Procter, Ian, Field Reservist, Bulawayo PATU, British South Africa Police, killed in action beyond Tjolotjo after stopping a bus full of abductees, 13 September 1977.
Prosser, David Rex, Trooper, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Puncheon, A.G., Rifleman, One Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 6 May 1976.
Pungwe, Martin, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Quinn, Gary Demaine, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 29 December 1977.
Rabie, Andre P., MLM, Sergeant, Special Air Service/Selous Scouts, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, through a map reading error, 16 September 1973.
Rafu, R., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, January 1979.
Rafu, Raja, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 January 1978.
Rakayos, Furnawu, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Ralston, David Mann, 22., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 September 1977.
Ramjee, A.L., Lance Corporal, HQ 3 Brigade, killed in action, 24 March 1980.
Randel, S., Corporal killed in action, April 1978.
Rangarirayi, O., Private, July 1978.
Rangarirayi, Oliver, Private, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Ranjisi, A., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Ranjisi, Aaron, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 21 March 1979.
Rawstrone, B.H., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 30 January 1977.
Reay, A.E., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, on 19 July 1976.
Rees, G., Staff LSO British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Regenaas, B.G., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, by drowning, 4 February 1976.
Reid, James, Field Reservist BSAP. Killed in action near Siya Dam, Bikita TTL on
24th August, 1977, in same action in which Jim Cross, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps
lost his life.
Reveai, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 23 November 1976.
Revill, John, Police Reserve Observer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28
Rewayi, Charles, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Reyani, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Beit Bridge 27 December 1976.
Reynolds, K., Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 12 February 1970.
Rice, P.O., Corporal. 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, at Chivinge in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.
Riekert, D.J. 726202 Sgt. 1 RLI. Killed in action 01.08.81 GSW. Accident.
Ridge, E.N.F., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 18 March 1968.
Ringisai, Chiutsi, Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Robert, Titus, Auxiliary Section Leader, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 15 November 1979.
Robertshaw, James Kendall, Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978. Very fine friend of the local populace.
Robertson, G.N., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Canberra B2 near New Sarum, 16 November 1971.
Robertson, I.A.B., Captain, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire , 23 December 1975.
Robey, John Dorrel Egleton, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Killed in ambush on a river crossing near Dett - was on his way to investigate a
mortar attack on a farmhouse at 2100 hrs. He was firing over the top of the
Landrover when he was hit by three rounds of RPD fire.
Robinson, Rodney, killed in action, 8 August 1978.
Roboho, Jona Shadreck, District Security Assistant, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978
Rosedale, D.D., Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 7 May 1973.
Rosenfels, Desmond Charles, BCR Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, in the Manica Province of Mozambique, in an ground and air operation on a ZANLA camp, 8 February 1979.
Rosenfels, Ian, Trooper, Selous Scouts killed in action, 29 March 1978.
Ross, Gerald, District Commissioner, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Roughhead, Alexander Gilbert, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Canberra B2 near New Sarum, 16 November 1977.
Rouse, P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin 18 February 1974.
Routledge, G.A., Squadron Leader, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, on 16 February 1976.
Rowland, Michael Geoffrey., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Rubva, Musikwa, Private, killed in action, 2 August 1979.
Rugg, Christopher Stanley, Lance Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Rujada, Honda, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 16 March 1978.
Rukara, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Rukara, Martin Rudo. DSA. Cpl. Was attached to the D.C.s office at Bikita, but spent
much of his time at Ground Coverage Base in Matsai TTL, south of Bikita, as the
Senior Intaf member there, and was a good, loyal and courageous man. When the
D.C. at Chiredzi asked for temporary reinforcements in October, 1979, the Bikita
D.C. sent RUKARA. Most D.C.s, when asked for reinforcements, sent their worst
members to get them out of the way for a while. Not so the D.C. at Bikita - he did
not want the Bikita District held in low esteem by other areas, so he sent the best.
Cpl. Rukara was killed when his Puma vehicle was hit by 9 RPG-7 rockets, down
south of Chiredzi. There were not many survivors. Combined Ops spread out the
casualty list over a few weeks.
Rungano, M., Sergeant First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a landmine, 3 March 1975.
Rungiue, M., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 16 February 1978.
Runodada, Chibomba, Private, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Rusere, T., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Rushinga, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.
Rutunga, P., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Ruveve, Lackson, Private, killed in action, 1 May 1978.
Ruwana, F., Private, May 1977.
Ruwana, Fanny Kudakwayshe, Private, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 August 1977.
Ruza, Morgan, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Ruzive, Z., Private, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 24 October 1974.
Ruzvidzo, O., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1979.
Rwakuzhura, T., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Rwawuya, Rabson, Private, killed in action, 12 April 1978.
Sadler, Mervyn, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 29 December 1978.
Saimwemba, B., African Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 December 1979.
Sainsbury, Andrew McGregor, Assistant District Commissioner, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 7 March 1979.
Saladi, Jimmy, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 29 December 1978.
Saltiel, Z., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 2 April 1975.
Sambulo, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 July 1979.
Samson, Lavert, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Samson, S., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, July 1979.
Samukute, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Sanderson-Smith, Richard Lionel, Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died from wounds received in action, 18 April 1979.
Sandi, Comitee, Guard Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 4 September 1979.
Sandi, G., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Sandi, Godfrey, Guard, Guard Force, murdered by insurgents, 1 January 1979.
Sanduka, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, July 1979.
Sango, John, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Sanhani, Private, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed on active service, by a gunshot wound, murdered by CTs, 31 October 1976.
Sani, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Chipinga, 31 December 1976.
Saraoga, F., Private, killed in action, February 1979.
Sarutani, C., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Inyanga, 3 May 1976.
Saulos, Peter, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 20 February 1979.
Schickerling, W., Temporary Sergeant, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 4 December 1979.
Schoeman, J., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 27 April 1979.
Schonnberg, G., Gunner, One Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, 20 November 1966.
Schoultz, C.J., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 13 February 1973.
Scott, P., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 26 October 1979.
Scott, Walter Robert Ian, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 21 November 1978.
Seager, A.R., Rifleman, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed in action by a landmine, 1 October 1974.
Seager, National Serviceman, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 3 September 1974.
Sealy, R.B., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 8 November 1973.
Senekal, A., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, flying an Alouette III near Umtali, 25 December 1979.
Sengerayi, M.M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Marandellas, 19 January 1977.
Sengu, E., Private, November 1977.
Sengu, Elaja, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 5 September 1977.
Seremwe, Moffat, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.
Severino, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 16 January 1976.
Seymour, Steve, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action in a contact, 22 December 1976. Was a native of Jersey, in the Channel Islands.
Shadrack, S., Private, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 29 October 1979.
Shadreck, Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 5 July 1973.
Shadreck, Misheck, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Buhera District, 1 February 1978.
Shaibu, Guard, murdered by insurgents, 11 May 1979.
Shaibu, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Shakespeare, Lawrence, Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 August 1977.
Shalovsky, Mike. Asst. District Commissioner at Mudzi. Was travelling in a Puma after
nightfall, and hit another Puma that had been in a previous landmine explosion.
He was driving the vehicle and was killed on impact. Others in the vehicle were :-
Mike Knowles, Reg Goddard, Phil von Memerty, Brian Leftbridge and one other
(Name unknown).
Shapley, Mark Peter, Keep Commander, Guard Force killed in action, 17 September 1978.
Shaw, J.R., Major General, Army Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, . 23 December 1975.
Shaw, T.G.C., Prov Inspector, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in an air accident, 19 July 1969.
Shereni, P., Corporal, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in the Matibi II TTL, in a mortar attack, 22 December 1976.
Shereni, Thomas, Acting Sergeant, killed in action, 20 February 1979.
Shipley, Tom, Rifleman, 1 & 4 Independent Companies, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 July 1977.
Shoniwa, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Shora, W., Detective Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, killed in action, January 1979.
Shumbyawonda, N., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Shuro, O., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Sibanda, Alec, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 January 1979.
Sibanda, B., Sapper, One Engineer Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 18 October 1978.
Sibanda, C., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 November 1977.
Sibanda, Cain, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 September 1979.
Sibanda, Casper., Private, killed in action, 24 June 1979.
Sibanda, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 December 1979.
Sibanda, David, Trooper, killed in action, 14 May 1979.
Sibanda, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Sibanda, Edward, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered while on leave, 30 June 1977.
Sibanda, J., Private, July 1978.
Sibanda, Jonart, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, 15 August 1977.
Sibanda, Likwa, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 8 February 1979.
Sibanda, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Sibanda, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Sibanda, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Sibanda, M., Rifleman, HQ 3 Brigade, killed in action, 29 March 1980.
Sibanda, Mandla Boy, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Sibanda, Michael Younger, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 June 1978.
Sibanda, Notice, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 March 1979.
Sibanda, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Sibanda, R., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Sibanda, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, abducted and murdered in Tuli, by CTs 6 July 1976.
Sibanda, S., Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 November 1979.
Sibanda, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Sibanda, S., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Sibanda, S., Sapper, SME, killed in action, 29 January 1980.
Sibanda, T., Private, Third Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 14 March 1980.
Sidambe, Dick., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 17 December 1976.
Sikandavire, E., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Sikirita, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Sikwangwa, F., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 April 1979.
Sikwekwete, J., Extension Assistant Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rusape, 19 May 1976.
Silvesta, T., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 27 February 1977.
Simburashe, C., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Simburashe, Chawatama, Private, 19, killed in action, 4 January 1978.
Sithole, Fireyi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 23 January 1979.
Sithole, Simon, Private, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Sithole, T.J., Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, 22 November 1979.
Siyamagonde, Z., Sapper, Two Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 25 October 1979.
Siziba, C., Private, killed in action, March 1979.
Slingsby, Robert James, Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, 11 April 1979.
Small, Charles David, Captain, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Small, Thomas McLeod, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service, by an accidental explosion, 23 December 1978.
Smart, J.E., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying an Alouette IIIB R7500 near Rushinga, 21 February 1973.
Smith, D., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Smith, David Herbert, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Smith, G., Vedette Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Smith, J.W., Temporary Corporal, One Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 26 March 1977.
Smith, Kenneth.R., Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, (from Australia) wounded in action by a landmine, losing a leg, died from a fatty embolism in the blood stream, 8 June 1974.
Smith, M.H., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 11 March 1977.
Smith, Mark Langton, Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in Glen Norah Township, Salisbury, 28 August 1978.
Smith, Nicholas. John, Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 22 August 1967. Killed along with WO 2 TIMITIYA.
Smith, Richard M., Sergeant, One Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 28 February 1976.
Smith, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed.
Smithdorff, K., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying an Alouette IIIB R7500 near Rushinga, 21 February 1973.
Smuts, J., A/Sergeant January 1978.
Smythe, P., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Snelgar, Bruce Miles, Major, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an air accident, when his Alouette III hit power lines near Umtali, 26 September 1979.
Soka, Godfrey, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action at the Beit Bridge Rural Council Beerhall, 18 September 1977.
Sparkes, David, Colour Sergeant, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 7 February 1980.
Sparks, M. Killed in action 1966.
Speight, Trevor John, Corporal, killed in action, 18 July 1979.
Spink, Simon Alexander, Rifleman, 26th November 1977. 6 Indep. Coy RR.
Springer, W.J., Field Reservist Pilot, British South Africa Police, Air Wing, killed on active service, in an air accident, 19 July 1969.
Stacey, D.M., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 9 March 1977
Stacey, M. Killed in action 1973. .
Stainthorpe, A., Officer Cadet, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 October 1976.
Standers, K., SO British South Africa Police, September 1977.
Stanley, A., Trooper, Support Commando, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 20 April 1979.
Steane, N.D., (21) Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in an ambush, 2 April 1975.
Stephen, S., Guard Force, September 1979.
Steven, Samson, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 June 1979.
Stevens, H.W.H., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in his Lynx when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Steyl, Johann William, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, (Support Unit) killed in action, 14 June 1978.
Stidston-Broadbent, D., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 22 May 1976.
Stockhill-Gill, R.V., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 27 October 1974. He drowned when the RL he was
driving overturned while crossing a very low bridge that was nearly under water and
his ankle got trapped under the accelerator.
Storie, K., J., Corporal Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on the Luia River in Mozambique, 2 September 1975.
Strydom, J.J., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Canberra B2, 3 October 1979.
Suikepi, M.C., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Sullivan, M.G., D Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, when a Police, launch on Zambezi River was fired on from the Zambian bank, 17 September 1976.
Summers, G., Rifleman, June 1977.
Sungayi, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Sutherland, C.G., Lance Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 31 January 1977.
Svibe, Gibson, Guard, killed in action, 6 August 1979.
Swan, G., Corporal June 1977.
Swemmer, Roy Allan, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Swondo, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 17 May 1967.
Sybert, Coffee, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 15 October 1979.
Tachiona, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Tafireye, J., Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, in the Honde Valley, 9 April 1976.
Tafura, S., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 November 1979.
Takaindisa, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, July 1979.
Takanzwa, Ebson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Takaruvinga, Rabson, Private, killed in action, 29 November 1978.
Takendesa, E., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Takendesa, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1977
Takonde, B., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Takundwa, Cletos, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 9 June 1979.
Tambe, J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 31 August 1974.
Tani, P., Detective Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Tapambwa, John, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.
Tapson, D., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 28 November 1976.
Tapson, Obert, Private, killed in action, 23 April 1979.
Tarugarira, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1978.
Tarupuwa, Corporal, killed in action, March 1979.
Tarusari, J., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 October 1976.
Tarwireyi, J., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Tasapamari, G.C., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 28 October 1976.
Tasker, P., NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Tataway, Siriro, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 15 October 1979.
Tatton, N., Diesel Mechanic, British South Africa Police, killed in action, at Kanyemba, 10 November 1976.
Taugara, Murura F., Temporary Corporal Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 4 June 1976.
Taurayi, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Tauro, June, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave at Mount Darwin, 11 October 1978.
Tauya, David., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, 3 May 1977.
Tavengegweyi, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Tavengwa, D., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, 8 February 1976.
Tawonateshe, Samson, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Taylor, David John, Lieutenant, killed on active service, killed by one of his own men, 3 January 1979.
Taylor, G., Ac Rhodesian Air Force killed in action, February 1978.
Taylor, Maurice, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action during Operation Inhibit in the Malvernia/Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 17 December 1978.
Tazviziva, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Tekenende, Lewisan, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 23 January 1979.
Temple-Miller, R., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva 1 March 1977.
Tennant, A., Temporary/Corporal November 1977.
Tennent, Kevin Hugh, Second Lieutenant, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 2 October 1979.
Terblanche, J.G., Detective Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 March 1977.
Thebe, S., Ex Ass Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Thembikile, Shabani, Private, killed in action, 11 February 1979.
Theron, N.J., BCR Lieutenant, Special Air Service, killed in action, 20 January 1978.
Thomas, P., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Thomas, S.T.M., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, Dog Section, killed in action, 23 August 1967.
Thompson, Bruce, SCR Second Lieutenant, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 27 June 1978.
Thompson, James Frazer, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Thornley, M.E., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 10 April 1968.
Threadingham, National Service Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Binga area, 20 December 1976.
Tichadvigadzira, R., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Timitiya, WO2, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 22 August 1967.
Timothy, J., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Tinariua, P., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 19 December 1977.
Tinarwo, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered by terrorists, 8 January 1974.
Tirivangani, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Titlestad, P., Corporal Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in a helicopter during a contact, 17 August 1976.
Titlestad, T., Keep Commander Guard Force, killed in action, April 1979.
Tivavone, H.P., Agric Demo Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Bikita, 27 November 1976.
Tobias, G., Staff Sergeant, killed in action, January 1979.
Tomborayi, G., Private, killed in action, October 1978.
Tonderayi, K., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed August 1978.
Tongayi, B., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Tonhora, F., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa 15 October 1976.
Topdlesu, G., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chiredzi, 31 January 1977.
Topham, Arthur Stockwell, Sergeant, killed in action, 7 November 1978.
Torrington, M., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 15 June 1976.
Totohwiyo, Lovemore, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 29 December 1978.
Tourle, A.K., BCR Lieutenant, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service by a lion, 9 April 1972.
Travers, R., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 December 1977.
Traynor, Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 11 February 1980.
Trigg, Alan Meredith, Corporal, killed on active service, in training, 22 January 1978.
Troddyn, Thomas Arthur C., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 20 February 1980.
Truter, A., Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Tsarara, Good, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Tsaurayi, Masunga, District Security Assistant, 23, of Buhera, murdered by terrorists, 8 January 1978.
Tshababa, Dick., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 6 January 1977.
Tshuma, Buyisa, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Tshuma, J., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Tshuma, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Tjolotjo District, 7 February 1978.
Tshuma, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Tshuma, T., Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Tshuma, Teddy, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Tsikira, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Tsikuyadzi, P., Private, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Tsoka, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Tsveta, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1977.
Tucker, B.K., Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 1 September 1979.
Tunhuru, S., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Turkington, G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 August 1977.
Turnbull, M.A.C., Gunner, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 1 September 1975.
Turner, Anthony Hugh Whichcotte, Corporal, K-Car Gunner, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant R., Bolton, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Tutani, A.G., Detective Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, CID, killed on active service, by a landmine, (his wife was killed with him), 26 April 1976.
Tuzayi, Boniface, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 8 April 1978.
Tzekel, K., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Buhera, 18 February 1977.
Underwood, J.S., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when his pilot had target fixation while attacking a ground target while flying a Lynx 2 September 1977.
Underwood, S., National Service, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 16 November 1978.
Urayayi, Fanuel, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 November 1978.
Urayayi, L., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 November 1979.
Ushendibaba, Obadiah, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 8 February 1979.
Vachi, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 November 1979.
Valentine, O.P., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Van Aarde, Andries G., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Van Aswegen, Eric Leon, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Van Blomestein, Clive, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 16 February 1978.
Van der Brugge, Nicolaas, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 April 1979.
Van der Horn, K.L., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 26 February 1977.
Van der Mark, R., Rifleman, January 1978.
Van der Merwe, J.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 October 1979.
Van Hess, Rifleman J., Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 7 December 1978.
Van Niekerk, Nicolaas Johannes, Corporal, BCR, One Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Van Oudtshoorn, P., Cadet Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Van Rooyen, M.B., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 21 June 1976.
Van Slageren, C.J.P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 9 March 1977.
Van Staden, E., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine, when returning from Mozambique, 16 December 1976.
Van Staden, J.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 15 March 1974.
Van Tonder, T.J., Corporal, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 12 May 1976.
Van Wijk, A., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 11 August 1977.
Van Zyl, Clarence, Rifleman, killed in action, 7 October 1977.
Vangani, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Chibi, 21 December 1976.
Vaughan, E., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 17 February 1977.
Vazhure, J., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Vengisayi, H., Private, August 1977.
Venter, J.L., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 18 February 1980.
Venturas, G., NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action, in an ambush, 15 January 1977.
Verbeek, Arie Mannix, MLM, District Commissioner, killed on active service, mistaken for the enemy by an Army unit, 22 April 1978
Vermaak, C.T., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 20 January 1978.
Vermaak, C.W., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 6 November 1976.
Vhudzijena, Weston, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 October 1978.
Victor, H.G., Private, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Vieira, L., Capt, July 1978.
Viljoen, Charl, Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, drowned, 28 February 1968.
Vincent, D.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 3 April 1973.
Visser, B., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 11 May 1971.
Viya, S., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Volker, Ephriam A., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 August 1979.
Vorster, Johannes Lodewikus Stephanus, Rifleman, died of wounds received in action, 23 January 1978.
Vrachas, A.M., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 4 May 1976.
Vuma, James Amon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Vushangwe, Ernest., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 March 1978.
Wall, M., Lance Corporal, killed in action, April 1978.
Walsch, J.G., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 3 September 1974.
Walters, John W., Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action on operations, 27 May 1979.
Walton, W.R., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in the Zambezi Valley, 14 March 1975.
Ward, F., Private, May 1977.
Warner, F.C., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 19 August 1978.
Warwick, Edgar Stephen, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 9 April 1977.
Warraker, R.S.S., SCR, Captain, Selous Scouts, killed in action, while flying in a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.
Washington, Desmond Kenneth, Rifleman, killed in action, 19 February 1979.
Watch, Dumai, Private, killed in action, 23 April 1979.
Waters, Nevill R., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 5 March 1977.
Watson, D., Temporary/Capt January 1978.
Watts, Trevor George, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 January 1978. Killed in a mortar pit at Vila Salazar when a mortar round from
Malvernia landed in the pit. Several others involved in this incident, including Sgt Ian Wood.
Webb, A., Trooper, killed in action, April 1979.
Webber, Godfrey, Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 7 September 1977.
Weinman, B.C., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3244, when shot down by an SAM7 near Rushinga, 14 April 1974.
Weitsz, William, killed in action, 31 August 1971.
Wells, Michael Broad, Sergeant, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 15 June 1973.
Wentzel, T.H.C., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, in Mozambique, 27 April 1971.
Wessels, C.D., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 26 March 1968.
Wesson, A.J.C., Aircraftsman, killed in action, during Operation Uric when an RPG7 hit the boss of the rotors of his Augusta Bell 206, flown by Flight Lieutenant R. Paxton, at Barragem, on Operation Uric, 5 September 1979.
West, G.J., Sergeant, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 12 November 1976.
Wevell, M., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 29 July 1976.
Whami, M., Private, killed in action, January 1979.
White, Deon McAllister, Rifleman [posthumous] BCR, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died of a wound sustained in action on 30 October 1976.
White, H., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
White, Peter C. O'Brien, BCR, Temporary Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 28 February 1976.
Whitefield, John Barry, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Whitehead, J.V., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed on active service, 18 May 1976.
Whitehead-Wilson, Vaughan, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 June 1979.
Wickenden, John. Supt. Reg. No. 3990. BSAP. Killed on duty 12th October, 1966, in the same incident involving Col/Sgt M.P Cahill, MCM. Noted that WO Bouch, Cahill and
Wright died the same day. The group was loading canoes on the Zambezi river
when there was an accidental explosion.
Wienand, C., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 27 May 1976.
Wiggill, Frank Robert, Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 30 October 1979.
Wilkinson, N., Rifleman, killed in action, July 1977.
Willemse, Johannes Steyl, Sergeant, killed in action, killed in action, 1 December 1978.
Williams, B., Private, August 1978.
Williams, Fammly, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 9 December 1979.
Williams, Russell, Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 12 January 1978.
Willie, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Willis, Nigel, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, in an ambush, in Mozambique, 14 February 1974.
Wilmot, F.L., Acting Sergeant Special Air Service, killed on a night drop into Mozambique, in Rhodesia's first airborne operation since 'C' Squadron, SAS had operated in Malaya, 19 January 1973.
Wilson, A., Rifleman, June 1977.
Wilson, A.G., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Wankie, 10 August 1976.
Wilson, P., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, July 1979.
Wilson, R.J., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3427, when shot down by an SAM7 near Rushinga while looking for Flight Lieutenant Weinman's shot down aircraft. Weinman's aircraft had been camouflaged by the enemy, 20 April 1974.
Wixley, William Robert, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action on Operation Murex, 2 November 1979.
Wolfenden, C., Lance Corporal, killed in action, October 1978.
Wollner, M., Rifleman, killed in action, August 1979.
Wood, D., Corporal, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 November 1979.
Wood, Ian Douglas, Sergeant, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 January 1978.
Wood, Stephen John, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 December 1978.
Wright, Denis Keith, Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 8 November 1973.
Wright, J., MCM, Colour Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966.
Killed in the same incident as Supt John Wickenden, BSAP.
Wright, Victor William. 1 RLI. KIA 8th June, 1975.
Wunganayi, A., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 3 October 1974.
Wuranda, Head, Sergeant, SCR, BCR, Selous Scouts, killed, 1979.
Wuranda, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed, .
Wurayai, T., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, February 1979.
Yates, J.B., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 March 1977.
Yeates, Philip A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 16 March 1977.
Young, C.A.S., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, encounter with an insurgent at a road block, 29 April 1975.
Young, D., Woman Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, September 1978.
Young, H.D., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 26 March 1971.
Young, O., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police. August 1978.
Youroukelis, Steven Peter, Corporal, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 18 May 1976. .
Yuncker, K.G., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 29 September 1972.
Zamba, Godfrey, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 3 November 1979.
Zambara, P. Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 16 February 1978.
Zambarah, P., Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Zaranik Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch/Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 28 April 1975.
Zarura, Peter, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 9 May 1978.
Zawaira, S., Private, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 24 December 1979.
Zhonja, B., Lance Corporal, killed in action, January 1979.
Zhonja, Bethrod, Lance Corporal, murdered on leave, 28 February 1979.
Ziegler, S., Lance Corporal, January 1978.
Zietsman, Andrew I., Trooper, 1 Cdo, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 11 May 1978.
Zikali, N., Private, Three Maintenance, killed in action, 15 March 1980.
Zikuyoma, C., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 9 July 1978.
Zimbango, Augustine, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 October 1978.
Zimuna, F., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, October 1977.
Zinjera, Andries, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Zinyakatiri, Onias, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 15 January 1978.
Zinyemba, S., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 2 April 1975.
Zirobwa, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Zivura, A., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Ziyambe, Lovemore, Trooper, First Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, died of wounds received in action, 15 September 1979.
Zizania, S., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Zombu, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Gokwe, 11 February 1977.
Zondo, Tuesday, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered at Filabusi, 30 May 1978.
Zowah, W., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 11 February 1977.
Zvechibwe, Obert, Signalman, killed in action in a ZANLA attack on Grand Reef, 17 December 1977.
Zvidzai, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, April 1978.
Zvidzai, Medicine, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 14 April 1979.
Zvikaramba, J., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Zvirevo, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, Abducted and murdered by insurgents, 31 December 1976.
Zvirewo, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1978.
Zvirime, M., Guard, Guard Force June 1977.
Zvokuvenda, John, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Eggleston, P.B., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, drowned in Zambezi River, 15 February 1966.
Bouch, R.A., MCM, WO2, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966.
Cahill, M.P., MCM, Colour Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966.
Wright, J., MCM, Colour Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966.
Schonnberg, G., Gunner, One Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, 20 November 1966.
Lawton, A.D., Field Reserve Pilot, Police Reserve Air Wing, killed on active service, in an air accident, 6 May 1967.
Swondo, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 17 May 1967.
Dennis, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 3 July 1967.
Davison, Acting/Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 13 August 1967.
Karoni, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 13 August 1967.
Pierson, K., Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 22 August 1967.
Smith, N.J., Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 22 August 1967.
Timitiya, WO2, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 22 August 1967.
Cosmas, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 23 August 1967.
Thomas, S.T.M., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, Dog Section, killed in action, 23 August 1967.
Nyika, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 24 September 1967.
Viljoen, Charl, Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, drowned, 28 February 1968.
Erisha, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 18 March 1968.
Ridge, E.N.F., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 18 March 1968.
Binks, R.A., Recruit, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 26 March 1968.
Mullin, M., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 March 1968.
Wessels, C.D., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 26 March 1968.
Thornley, M.E., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 10 April 1968.
Annandale, D., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, flying a Cessna 185 at Kutanga Range near Que Que, 7 January 1969.
Cary, J.B., Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 29 January 1969.
Johnston, A.T., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, struck by the blades of a helicopter, 13 May 1969.
Shaw, T.G.C., Prov Inspector, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in an air accident, 19 July 1969.
Springer, W.J., Field Reservist Pilot, British South Africa Police, Air Wing, killed on active service, in an air accident, 19 July 1969.
Anasi, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact on Operation Teak south of the Victoria Falls, 22 January 1970.
Brading, Anthony J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 22 January 1970.
Reynolds, K., Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 12 February 1970.
Blundell, L.T., Rifleman, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, 24 February 1970.
Edwards, N., Sergeant, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 24 February 1970.
Fleming, J.M., Rifleman, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 24 February 1970.
Allan, B.J.F., Rifleman, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 26 February 1970.
Campbell, C., Acting Corporal, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 28 March 1970.
Covarr, P.T., Signaller, Rhodesian Signals Corps, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 28 March 1970.
Gibson, R.R., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, died, 8 May 1970.
Lottering, C.W., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died, 29 May 1970.
Hill, M.R., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5117 near New Sarum, 1 July 1970.
Nettleton, G.E., Squadron Leader, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5117 near New Sarum, 1 July 1970.
Bornman, H.J., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, shot at Binga by a sentry after failing to answer a challenge, 4 December 1970.
Young, H.D., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 26 March 1971.
Meyer, G.D., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, in Mozambique, 27 April 1971.
Wentzel, T.H.C., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, in Mozambique, 27 April 1971.
Moorcroft, L.W.H., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, in Mozambique, 28 April 1971.
Visser, B., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 11 May 1971.
Weitsz, William, killed in action, 31 August 1971.
Robertson, G.N., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Canberra B2 near New Sarum, 16 November 1971.
Roughhead, A.G., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Canberra B2 near New Sarum, 16 November 1971.
Joubert, Salomon., Flight Sergeant Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in a training accident after falling 400 feet while climbing the Chimanimani Mountains on an Outward Bound course, 11 December 1971.
Munton-Jackson, G., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5077 near Gwelo, 17 January 1972.
Garden, P.J., Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5077 near Gwelo, 17 January 1972.
Tourle, A.K., BCR Lieutenant, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service by a lion, 9 April 1972.
Moyo, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 16 July 1972.
Paradza, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, 16 July 1972.
Brown, D.D., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in an air accident, when flying a Vampire T11 near Thornhill, 4 August 1972.
Hill, Jeffrey, Sergeant, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a ZAPU-laid landmine in the Chete Game Reserve, 28 October 1972.
Yuncker, K.G., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 29 September 1972.
Moore, N.D.R., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine near Altena Farm, Centenary, 29 December 1972.
Potgeiter, J.J., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 January 1973.
Wilmot, F.L., Acting Sergeant Special Air Service, killed on a night drop into Mozambique, in Rhodesia's first airborne operation since 'C' Squadron, SAS had operated in Malaya, 19 January 1973.
Schoultz, C.J., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 13 February 1973.
Smart, J.E., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying an Alouette IIIB R7500 near Rushinga, 21 February 1973.
Smithdorff, K., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying an Alouette IIIB R7500 near Rushinga, 21 February 1973.
George, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 20 March 1973.
Birkett, H., WO1, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 March 1973.
Masarakufa, M., Temporary/Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, murdered on leave by terrorists, 23 March 1973.
Vincent, D.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 3 April 1973.
Davison, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 8 April 1973.
Cockroft, M.B., Lance Corporal, OPA, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Davison, B., Corporal, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Forbes, J.T.V., Rifleman, OPA, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Matangira, Private, Ten Supply Platoon, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 23 April 1973.
Rosedale, D.D., Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 7 May 1973.
Clinton, Y., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on operations, 8 May 1973.
Nharo, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 9 May 1973.
George, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 2 June 1973.
Cooksley, C.A.C., Gunner, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 June 1973.
Lapham, J.A., Bombadier, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 June 1973.
Wells, M.B., Sergeant, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 15 June 1973.
Mahaso, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 24 June 1973.
Shadreck, Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 5 July 1973.
Kembo, Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 3 August 1973.
Mendes, J.P.G., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1973.
Pinda, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, 9 September 1973.
Rabie, Andre P., MLM, Sergeant, Special Air Service/Selous Scouts, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, through a map reading error, 16 September 1973.
Donegan, K.A., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 18 September 1973.
Makaye, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin, 22 September 1973.
Mhizha Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin, 22 September 1973.
Hughes, Robin S., Second Lieutenant, Tracker Combat Unit/Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, during a pseudo operation and a contact, with ZANLA, 18 October 1973.
Anstruther, R.D., Lance Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 October 1973.
Casal, C.A., de A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 24 October 1973.
Sealy, R.B., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 8 November 1973.
Wright, Denis Keith, Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 8 November 1973.
Nyakaza, Corporal, General Service Unit, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by a landmine, 19 November 1973.
Brown, K.R., Corporal, 2 Signals Squadron, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 20 November 1973.
Tinarwo, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered by terrorists, 8 January 1974.
Nahove, R., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva 29 January 1974.
Morris, M.J., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident when a member of his patrol mistook him for the enemy in the dark, 31 January 1974.
Willis, Nigel, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, in an ambush, in Mozambique, 14 February 1974.
Rouse, P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin 18 February 1974.
Kwanyangara, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 26 February 1974.
Van Staden, J.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 15 March 1974.
Airey, W.R., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying a Canberra B2 near Musengedzi, 4 April 1974.
Goddard, K.W., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying a Canberra B2 near Musengedzi, 4 April 1974.
Cracknell, A., Sergeant, 1 Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 5 April 1974.
Enias Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 11 April 1974.
Durrett, P.R., Senior Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3244, when shot down by an SAM7 near Rushinga, 14 April 1974.
Weinman, B.C., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3244, when shot down by an SAM7 near Rushinga, 14 April 1974.
Andrews, R.S., Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3427, when shot down by a SAM7 near Rushinga, 20 April 1974.
Wilson, R.J., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3427, when shot down by an SAM7 near Rushinga while looking for Flight Lieutenant Weinman's shot down aircraft. Weinman's aircraft had been camouflaged by the enemy, 20 April 1974.
Dambusa, Joseph, Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 30 April 1974.
Banga, David Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, on Launch P16, Zambezi, by Zambian troops, 5 May 1974.
Smith, Kenneth.R., Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, (from Australia) wounded in action by a landmine, losing a leg, died from a fatty embolism in the blood stream, 8 June 1974.
Matambo, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, : mortar and small arms attack in Chesa African Purchase Area, 26 June 1974.
Addams, E.C., Major, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed in action by an insurgent hiding in a tree when deployed with Major Peter Burford's D Company, First Battalion the Rhodesian African Rifles, near Madziwa, 14 August 1974.
Lloyd, Gary J., Corporal, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1974.
Partridge, W.M., Lance Corporal, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1974.
Plant, M., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 23 August 1974.
Mufachiva Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva, 28 August 1974.
Tambe, J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 31 August 1974.
Seager, National Serviceman, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 3 September 1974.
Walsch, J.G., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 3 September 1974.
Penton, C.B., Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 4 September 1974.
Nyiahuye, D., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 13 September 1974.
Lord, C.Philip, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, (Kenya) killed in action in a contact, 19 September 1974.
Henry, R., Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 September 1974.
Seager, A.R., Rifleman, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed in action by a landmine, 1 October 1974.
Wunganayi, A., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 3 October 1974.
Charsley, R., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 13 October 1974.
Ruzive, Z., Private, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 24 October 1974.
Stockhill-Gill, R.V., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 27 October 1974.
Aves, M.A., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 31 October 1974.
John, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 7 December 1974.
Kangayi, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 7 December 1974.
Murdoch, B., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying Trojan R4326 at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974.
Parker, T.M., Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, injured in a landmine blast, subsequently killed in an aircrash whilst being casevaced in Trojan R4326 at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974.
Povey, R.J., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, injured in a landmine blast, subsequently killed in an aircrash whilst being casevaced in Trojan R4326 at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974.
Mandaza, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, in an ambush, on the Mazoe River, presumed drowned, 23 December 1974.
Rungano, M., Sergeant First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a landmine, 3 March 1975.
Nash, A., Private, 1 Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 March 1975.
Pakayi, A., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 5 March 1975.
Davy, C.J., Officer Cadet, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 6 March 1975.
Chitsunge, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in Mount Darwin area, 8 March 1975.
Walton, W.R., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in the Zambezi Valley, 14 March 1975.
Boncean, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 2 April 1975.
Munemo, P., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 2 April 1975.
Saltiel, Z., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 2 April 1975.
Steane, N.D., (21) Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in an ambush, 2 April 1975.
Zinyemba, S., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 2 April 1975.
Benjamin, F., Acting Lance Corporal, Two Protection Company, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 24 April 1975.
Muchechwa Constable, British South Africa Police/Selous Scouts, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 28 April 1975.
Zaranik Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch/Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 28 April 1975.
Muchenje, F., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 29 April 1975.
Musafare, E., Private, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 29 April 1975.
Pakayi, I.P., Private, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 29 April 1975.
Young, C.A.S., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, encounter with a terrorist at a road block, 29 April 1975.
Knight, Peter James Osborne Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 17 May 1975.
Mayhew, A.J., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 27 May 1975.
Delport, B.M., Officer Cadet, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Vampire T11 near Gwelo, 3 June 1975.
Boulter, R.J., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, flying a Provost T52 near Gwelo, 19 June 1975.
Masiyambira, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 24 June 1975.
Maviza, S.D., Corporal, 2 Signals Squadron, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 28 June 1975.
Emerick, W.G.C., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accident, 4 July 1975.
Bain, T.G., Temporary WO2, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
de Beer, M.J., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
Coey, John Alan, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
Potgeiter, E., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975.
Celestino, B., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 3 August 1975.
Pfeil, H.G., Lance Corporal, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 20 August 1975.
Turnbull, M.A.C., Gunner, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 1 September 1975.
Storie, K., J., Corporal Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on the Luia River in Mozambique, 2 September 1975.
Jackman, D.J., Corporal Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 22 September 1975.
Miller, A.B., Private, 3 Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 8 October 1975.
Kee, T.J., Corporal, Depot, Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, on 25 October 1975.
Graham, J.B., Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 13 November 1975.
Lamb, J.B., Captain, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, 23 December 1975.
Parker, D.G., Colonel, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, 23 December 1975.
Robertson, I.A.B., Captain, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire , 23 December 1975.
Shaw, J.R., Major General, Army Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, . 23 December 1975.
Liebermann, R., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died, 1976.
Ben, N., Dip Supervisor, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Inyanga, 6 January 1976.
Severino, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 16 January 1976.
Kriek, J.J., Rifleman, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 23 January 1976.
Nyakudaya, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, in an ambush, 1 February 1976.
Regenaas, B.G., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, by drowning, 4 February 1976.
Fararira, P., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 7 February 1976.
Baker, B.M., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Nyamapanda area, 8 February 1976.
Tavengwa, D., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, 8 February 1976.
Billing, David A.M., Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on 14 February 1976.
Holland, Goode, killed in action, 14 February 1976.
Ncube, A., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 14 February 1976.
Routledge, G.A., Squadron Leader, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, on 16 February 1976.
Parkin, G.J., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 24 February 1976.
Cookson, D.J., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on 28 February 1976.
Diedericks, C., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on 28 February 1976.
Smith, Richard M., Sergeant, One Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 28 February 1976.
White, Peter C. O'Brien, BCR, Temporary Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 28 February 1976.
Chatiza, D.A., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Honde Valley, 28 February 1976.
Chikwaka, Lancelot, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Honde Valley, 29 February 1976.
Mawire, J., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Honde Valley, 29 February 1976.
Nasho, M.M., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Mudzi, March 1976.
Gift, M., Private, Three Brigade Support Company, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 7 March 1976.
Jackson, P., Private, Three Protection Company, killed in action by a landmine, 11 March 1976.
de Klerk, W.C., Lance Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 16 March 1976.
Chandiwana, J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin on 17 March 1976.
Ainslie, M., Major First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in a helicopter, while commanding a fire force action by a gunshot wound, from ground fire, 27 March 1976.
Black, R.A., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 6 April 1976.
Murray, I.A., Lance Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 8 April 1976.
Mutongi, N., Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, in the Honde Valley, 8 April 1976.
Njekela, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin, brother of Chief Nkalakata, 8 April 1976.
Abrahams, H.J., Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 9 April 1976.
Tafireye, J., Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action, in the Honde Valley, 9 April 1976.
Nevermind, K., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 10 April 1976.
Chinoyi, E.T., Extension Assistant Supervisor, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 15 April 1976.
Bennett, I., Corporal, 4 Protection Company, killed on active service, 21 April 1976.
Botha, G., Rifleman, One Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 23 April 1976.
Muredzi, J., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, 24 April 1976.
Donald, J.S., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 April 1976.
Tutani, A.G., Detective Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, CID, killed on active service, by a landmine, (his wife was killed with him), 26 April 1976.
James, D.C., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 April 1976.
Parkinson, J.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 27 April 1976.
Kudzayi, Philip, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita 3 May 1976.
Mandipaza, M., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Inyanga, 3 May 1976.
Sarutani, C., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Inyanga, 3 May 1976.
Maguwaza, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rusape, 4 May 1976.
Manasa, Z., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Fort Victoria, 4 May 1976.
Nyiwana, P., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Belingwe, 4 May 1976.
Vrachas, A.M., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 4 May 1976.
Mawire, W., Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 5 May 1976.
Mhando, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 5 May 1976.
Muchenje, W., Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 5 May 1976.
Mviyo, T., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles killed in action in a contact, 5 May 1976.
Keni, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in an ambush, 6 May 1976.
Muchakbarwa, C., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 6 May 1976.
Puncheon, A.G., Rifleman, One Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 6 May 1976.
Makuwa, James, BCR Corporal, A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in an ambush, on his vehicle, 9 May 1976.
Chivere, F., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 10 May 1976.
Muchada, R., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 10 May 1976.
Bint, F.W.E., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, on in a vehicle ambush, 12 May 1976.
Blignaut, P.W., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 12 May 1976.
Van Tonder, T.J., Corporal, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 12 May 1976.
Dzingirayi, M., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 13 May 1976.
Kelly, M.J., Corporal, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 15 May 1976.
Da Silva-Chalheiros, N.A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 17 May 1976.
Edwards, B.J., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 17 May 1976.
Pitch, L.P., Captain, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 17 May 1976.
Whitehead, J.V., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed on active service, 18 May 1976.
Yourkelis, S.P., Temporary Corporal, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 18 May 1976.
Mabaka, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Bikita, 19 May 1976.
Ngeni, M.N., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Umtali, 19 May 1976.
Sikwekwete, J., Extension Assistant Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rusape, 19 May 1976.
Ebiza, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 20 May 1976.
Stidston-Broadbent, D., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 22 May 1976.
Campbell, N.C., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 23 May 1976.
Mutamangira, M.G., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Melsetter, 25 May 1976.
Wienand, C., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 27 May 1976.
Mann, S.L.P., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 31 May 1976.
Taugara, Murura F., Temporary Corporal Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 4 June 1976.
Jemna, Stanley, Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, 6 June 1976.
Mapanzuri, A., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 9 June 1976.
Chako, E., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 13 June 1976.
Bates, D.I., Sapper Three Engineers Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 15 June 1976.
Crewe, J.G., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 15 June 1976.
Torrington, M., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 15 June 1976.
Van Rooyen, M.B., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 21 June 1976.
Mupita, J.L., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave in Penhalonga by CTs, 26 June 1976.
Nel, Jan Andries, MLM, WO2, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 26 June 1976.
Kabasa, M., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 27 June 1976.
Kabasa, L., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 29 June 1976.
Sibanda, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, abducted and murdered in Tuli, by CTs 6 July 1976.
Laurent, R.H., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 July 1976.
Mabiba, S.M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave, 8 July 1976.
Mashangu, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Nuanetsi, on 8 July 1976.
Ginyilitshe, A., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, on 9 July 1976.
Graham, J.P., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by ground fire while flying in an Alouette IIIB in the Inyanga area, on 18 July 1976.
Nugent, S.R., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, on 18 July 1976.
Reay, A.E., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, on 19 July 1976.
Byrne, S.P., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 25 July 1976.
Chiri, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, Abducted, murdered, in the Mutasa South TTL, 25 July 1976.
Wevell, M., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 29 July 1976.
Moses, M., Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 6 August 1976.
Njunube, (Headman), Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, CID, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Plumtree area, 6 August 1976.
Nyati, M., Field Reservist, Scout, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, north west Matabeleland, 6 August 1976.
Bredenkamp, M., Lance Corporal, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Clipston, M.W., WO2 Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Halberstadt, F.W.H., Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Klew, J.A., Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Lunderstedt, H., Sergeant Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 August 1976.
Wilson, A.G., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Wankie, 10 August 1976.
Hudson-Beck, J.E., District Officer, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Melsetter, 12 August 1976.
Brittland, Peter Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Nyamapanda Police, Camp, 15 August 1976.
Muduve, G., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, Nyamapanda Police, Camp, 15 August 1976.
Crane, A.G., Lance Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 17 August 1976.
Titlestad, P., Corporal Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in a helicopter during a contact, 17 August 1976.
Mamvura, J., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in a terrorist rocket attack on the police station in the Mayo TTL, 18 August 1976.
Gamble, F.S., A/Corporal, 1 Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 19 August 1976.
Grierson, J.H., Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, Wankie 25 August 1976.
Mahomed, Y., Private, 1 Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 25 August 1976.
Gorojenia, P.N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Concession 25 August 1976.
Carshalton, D.A., Trooper, Grey Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 27 August 1976.
Muchini, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Bikita, 27 August 1976.
Austen, Ronald Rhodes Walter., Corporal, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 31 August 1976.
Stevens, H.W.H., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in his Alouette III R7524 when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Belstead, H.F., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in his Alouette III when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Mananube, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in his Alouette III when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Ncube, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in his Alouette III when it was hit by ground fire in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.
Jeffery, John Genry, DSO, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in a terrorist incident in Luveve Township, Bulawayo, 2 September 1976.
Mudzi, D., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed on active service, Accident training exercise, 2 September 1976.
Groom, Peter John, Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 3 September 1976.
Abudu, A., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 13 September 1976.
Frank, R., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Kala, K.G., Lance Corporal, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Smythe, P., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Valentine, O.P., Private, Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 13 September 1976.
Kaschula, M.F., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 15 September 1976.
O'Reilly, P.M., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush, 15 September 1976.
Sullivan, M.G., D Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, when a Police, launch on Zambezi River was fired on from the Zambian bank, 17 September 1976.
Darck, R.C., Corporal, A(National Service) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 25 September 1976.
Gutza, Richard Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, Chiduku TTL, 25 September 1976.
Jobson, A., Private, Six Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 27 September 1976.
Fulton, D.K., Gunner, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 4 October 1976.
Stainthorpe, A., Officer Cadet, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 October 1976.
Manyegna, I., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Mudzi, 9 October 1976.
Hope, R.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact, 11 October 1976.
Hardy, A.J., Corporal Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 14 October 1976.
Hayworth, Roderick Charles, Temporary Warrant Officer, Class Two Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 14 October 1976.
Lovie, A.G., Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 14 October 1976.
Newman, A.C., Temporary Corporal, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 14 October 1976.
Tonhora, F., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa 15 October 1976.
Human, J.A., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 17 October 1976.
Makumbe, F., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko 17 October 1976.
Chipara, Issaac Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact, in Inyanga North TTL, 20 October 1976.
Musodzah, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, Chiduku TTL, 20 October 1976.
Mutova, C., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave in Soswe TTL by CTs, 20 October 1976.
Chaneara, N.E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Marandellas, 21 October 1976.
Hulley, Roy R., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Vampire T11 near Que Que, 21 October 1976.
Mudzimiri, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, died of wounds received in action, 21 October 1976.
Tarusari, J., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 October 1976.
Armstrong, Phillip John, Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 27 October 1976.
Chivendra, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in the Charter District, 27 October 1976.
Tasapamari, G.C., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 28 October 1976.
Johane, Gondoro Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave by terrorists, 30 October 1976.
White, Deon M., Rifleman [posthumous] BCR, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died of a wound sustained in action on 28 October, 30 October 1976.
Fanner, Graeme Richard, Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, on Operation Mardon in Mozambique, 31 October 1976.
Lotringer, E., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action in a contact, on Operation Mardon in Mozambique, 31 October 1976.
Sanhani, Private, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed on active service, by a gunshot wound, murdered by CTs, 31 October 1976.
Madhende, F., Constable, British South Africa Police, Crime Protection Unit, killed on active service, murdered in Budiga African Purchase Area by a terrorist, 3 November 1976.
Vermaak, C.W., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 6 November 1976.
Lamb, M.C., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 7 November 1976.
Gregory, Nicholas J.R., Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps-Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action in a contact, 9 November 1976.
Dongo, Zacariah, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, in the Chikore TTL, 10 November 1976.
Tatton, N., Diesel Mechanic, British South Africa Police, killed in action, at Kanyemba, 10 November 1976.
Conrad, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave by terrorists, 12 November 1976.
West, G.J., Sergeant, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 12 November 1976.
Bayayi, B., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Chakananka, N.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Chinoya, Willie, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Inyanga, 13 November 1976.
Coghill, A.R., Lance Corporal, 4 Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 13 November 1976.
Kuba, N., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Mwasireni, M., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Suikepi, M.C., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 13 November 1976.
Da Costa, F.D., Trooper, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact, 15 November 1976.
Korb, J.G., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 15 November 1976.
Chikasma, Clarius, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, in Mount Darwin, 16 November 1976.
Hunt, G.Vivian., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 16 November 1976.
Bepe, Agrippa District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Chimere, All-weak, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Indebele, Doctor, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Moyo, Albert, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Nyoni, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Wankie, 17 November 1976.
Ferreira, A.J., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 18 November 1976.
Jones, J.R., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 19 November 1976.
Mungazi, G., Constable, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed on active service, in an accident, in the Wedza area, 21 November 1976.
Reveai, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 23 November 1976.
Chichuronea, F., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 24 November 1976.
Joketera, Gervas District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 24 November 1976.
Myhhardt, B.J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 24 November 1976.
Nahwire, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 24 November 1976.
Koen, F.C., Rifleman, Three Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 25 November 1976.
Tivavone, H.P., Agric Demo Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Bikita, 27 November 1976.
Munangwa, C., Sergeant First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 28 November 1976.
Tapson, D., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 28 November 1976.
Dzingayi, Sampson District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Bikita, 6 December 1976.
Locke, K.P., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact, 6 December 1976.
Mashavira, C., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 6 December 1976.
McLeod, C., Lance Corporal, Five Protection Company, killed on active service, in Kambazuma Township, 11 December 1976.
Alexander, R.E., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, in Mozambique, 16 December 1976.
Burrell, B., Second Lieutenant, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine, when returning from Mozambique, 16 December 1976.
Van Staden, E., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine, when returning from Mozambique, 16 December 1976.
Lotz, A.P., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 16 December 1976.
Carr, A.J., Second Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 17 December 1976.
Crouch, Paul E., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 17 December 1976.
Sidambe, Dick., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 17 December 1976.
Murphy, A.C., Lance Corporal, Six Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 20 December 1976.
Ndhlovu, J., FR British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Binga 20 December 1976.
Nyoni, K., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Binga, 20 December 1976.
Threadingham, National Service Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Binga area, 20 December 1976.
Connolly, Kevin, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Binga area, 21 December 1976.
Vangani, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Chibi, 21 December 1976.
Seymour, S., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action in a contact, 22 December 1976.
Shereni, P., Corporal, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in the Matibi II TTL, in a mortar attack, 22 December 1976.
Ali, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 23 December 1976.
Bashford, D.P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 24 December 1976.
Bathhurst, Arnold, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 December 1976.
Julius, Tshengena, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Beit Bridge 27 December 1976.
Reyani, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Beit Bridge 27 December 1976.
Artford, Dube, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Nuanetsi 31 December 1976.
Sani, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Chipinga, 31 December 1976.
Zvirevo, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, Abducted and murdered by CTs, 31 December 1976.
Mpala, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Wankie, 1 January 1977.
MacKay, Duncan Hope, Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, in the Chipinga area, 2 January 1977.
Mujeki, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, Abducted & murdered in Bikita District by CTs, 2 January 1977.
Moyo, D., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 6 January 1977.
Tshababa, Dick., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 6 January 1977.
Barnett, P.A., Sqn Ldr, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, which he disliked, 6 January 1977.
Mallett, D.E., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, 6 January 1977.
Bradley, A., Corporal, HQ(Mash) killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying in hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, 6 January 1977.
Calder, Basil, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 8 January 1977.
Gough, R.F., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a landmine, 8 January 1977.
Hapelt, Basil Carl Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 8 January 1977.
Lilford, Warwick Powys Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 9 January 1977.
Chanowa District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Sipolio, 10 January 1977.
Chitima, Petros, Agricultural Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Melsetter, 10 January 1977.
Mangezo, H., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Makoni, 11 January 1977.
Mutero, J., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chiredzi, 11 January 1977.
Donaldson, I.H., Flight Lieut Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.
Hawkes, D., Air Sub Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.
Warraker, R.S.S., SCR, Captain, Selous Scouts, killed in action, while flying in a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.
Venturas, G., NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action, in an ambush, 15 January 1977.
Ncube, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, murdered in Wankie TTL, by CTs, 17 January 1977.
Nielson, Michael Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, in the Mukwichi TTL, 17 January 1977.
Ntini, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, abducted and murdered in the Wankie TTL, 17 January 1977.
Logan, N.R., Vedette, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Marandellas, 19 January 1977.
Moyo, Patrick Constable, British South Africa Police, died, of wounds received in action, 19 January 1977.
Sengerayi, M.M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Marandellas, 19 January 1977.
Muchemwa, Marufu, Sergeant, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 20 January 1977.
Malamba, M., Dip Attendant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chipinga, 21 January 1977.
Collcutt, James Edwin Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 23 January 1977.
Cremer, William P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 26 January 1977.
Payne, N.G., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a contact, 26 January 1977.
Mutimbanyoka, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 27 January 1977.
Rawstrone, B.H., Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 30 January 1977.
Sutherland, C.G., Lance Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, 31 January 1977.
Topdlesu, G., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chiredzi, 31 January 1977.
MacKenzie, D.G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 1 February 1977.
Alexander, W.R., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush, 5 February 1977.
Madziwa, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.
Matunga, A., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.
Matunga, L., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.
Zombu, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Gokwe, 11 February 1977.
Zowah, W., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 11 February 1977.
Jack, J., WO2 Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 15 February 1977.
Ndlovu, G., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 15 February 1977.
Ndokanga, P., Corporal Grey Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 15 February 1977.
Vaughan, E., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 17 February 1977.
Heard, A.D., Rifleman, 1 Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 17 February 1977.
Chawaiwa, Robson District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva, 18 February 1977.
Fourie, P.C., PDO Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Buhera, 18 February 1977.
Harlow, Michael John Detective Inspector, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action, on hot pursuit, 18 February 1977.
Kakhanga District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rushinga, 18 February 1977.
Tzekel, K., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Buhera, 18 February 1977.
Hewitt, Timothy Charles Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 22 February 1977.
Lomas, Ronald Robert Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 22 February 1977.
Petros, S., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 22 February 1977.
Maimbo, E., Extension Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chipinga, 26 February 1977.
Van der Horn, K.L., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 26 February 1977.
Silvesta, T., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 27 February 1977.
Kohiuai, S., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 27 February 1977.
Dube, Stanford, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 1 March 1977.
Mubaywa, W., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 1 March 1977.
Temple-Miller, R., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva 1 March 1977.
Lot, Tagwira Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 March 1977.
Gwenda, Patrick, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 March 1977.
Waters, Nevill R., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 5 March 1977.
Buranda, J., D., Constable, British South Africa Police, died, of wound, s received in action 7 March 1977.
Crouch, G., Corporal, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 7 March 1977.
Cunningham, N.A., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chibi, 7 March 1977.
Lopes, V., Rifleman, Five Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 7 March 1977.
Makatore, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 7 March 1977.
Capel, Colin Andrew, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 9 March 1977.
Ndlovu, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 9 March 1977.
Nkala, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 9 March 1977.
Stacey, D.M., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 9 March 1977.
Van Slageren, C.J.P., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 9 March 1977.
Bramford, A.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, on 10 March 1977.
Humanikwa, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 10 March 1977.
Botha, P.P., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 11 March 1977.
Brewer, R.M., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 11 March 1977.
Smith, M.H., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 11 March 1977.
Mason, C, Temporary/Sergeant and sniper, Selous Scouts, killed at Malvernia during an exchange of fire with FRELIMO, he killed six, 15 March 1977.
Yeates, Philip A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 16 March 1977.
Argent, H.W.A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 17 March 1977.
O'Neill, K., Private, 3 Protection Company, killed in action by a landmine, 17 March 1977.
Musiyiwa, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Gutu 18 March 1977.
Chimuphose, Alec, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Sipolilo 20 March 1977.
Chizengwe, Pearson, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 22 March 1977.
Clarke, E.C., Corporal, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 March 1977.
Evanson, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 23 March 1977.
Mashonganyika, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 23 March 1977.
Terblanche, J.G., Detective Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 March 1977.
Chait, A., MLM, Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed in action in a contact, 24 March 1977.
Mashona, Masarakufu, Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 24 March 1977.
Smith, J.W., Temporary Corporal, One Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 26 March 1977.
Johnson, C.F., Trooper, Grey Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 28 March 1977.
Yates, J.B., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 March 1977.
Bungwe, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chipinga, 31 March 1977.
Warnick, E., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 9 April 1977.
MacLaren, D., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 16 April 1977.
Mucheka, Tadios, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 17 April 1977.
Matthee, William, Rifleman, 29 April 1977.
Barton, R., Rifleman, April 1977.
Chaza, D., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, April 1977.
Chigwededza, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, April 1977.
Dunezwe, B., Guard, Guard Force April 1977.
Heckler, R., Lance Corporal, April 1977.
Madziise, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Mapuranga, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Mashingaidze, R., Guard, Guard Force April 1977.
Masuku, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Mereki, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, April 1977.
Morgan, C., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Moyo, K., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Zirobwa, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, April 1977.
Mutema, Tinarwo, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, 3 May 1977.
Tauya, David., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, 3 May 1977.
Brown, C., Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, 4 May 1977.
Clarke, G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 May 1977.
MacDonald, E., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 May 1977.
Nelson, R., Senior Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when hit by ground fire while trooping in an Alouette IIIB piloted by Flight Lieutenant R.J. Watt, 18 May 1977.
Clack, NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in an amush, 19 May 1977.
Collocott, B., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, taking off at Mapai during Operation Aztec in a Dakota when hit by small arms fire, the starboard engine was hit by an RPG7 rocket, 30 May 1977.
Edmunds, C., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 30 May 1977
Boyina, R., Corporal May 1977.
Chakanetsa, L., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Charindapanze, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Chikonzo, U., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Chikwavira, T., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Dube, K., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Habakkuk, E., Rifleman, May 1977.
January, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Kagoro, G., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Kutsanzira, P., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Lee, R., Lance Corporal, May 1977.
Machimbirike, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Maguire, R., Lance Corporal, May 1977.
Malapela Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Masunga, W., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Miller, D., Colour Sergeant May 1977.
Mukucha, Sergeant British South Africa Police, May 1977.
Ncube, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, May 1977.
Nicholas, E., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in a vehicle ambush, ten kilometres from Chipinga when acting as front gunner for a convoy, May 1977.
Pittaway, K., Rifleman, May 1977.
Potgeiter, C., Corporal, May 1977.
Ruwana, F., Private, May 1977.
Ward, F., Private, May 1977.
Meyer, Karl, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 9 June 1977.
Hamp-Adams, Frank, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed when his vehicle hit a landmine, 11 June 1977.
Jakata, Isaac., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 13 June 1977.
Brown, Ian, Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 26 June 1977.
Hill, A., Lance Corporal, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment 26 June 1977.
MacKenzie, H.H., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 26 June 1977.
Sibanda, Edward, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered while on leave, 30 June 1977.
Chihwayi, M., Private, June 1977.
Coleman, A., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, June 1977.
Dzingai, V., Guard, Guard Force June 1977.
Edwards, V., Corporal June 1977.
Holmes, A., Lance Corporal, June 1977.
Karim, F., Private, June 1977.
Kingsley-Jones, D., 2/Lieutenant, June 1977.
Manning, G., Corporal June 1977.
Mapendere, V., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, June 1977.
Mapundo, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, June 1977.
McKop, D., Private, June 1977.
Mhuka, Z., Corporal June 1977.
Ncube, S., Private, June 1977.
Nemachena, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, June 1977.
Summers, G., Rifleman, June 1977.
Swan, G., Corporal June 1977.
Wilson, A., Rifleman, June 1977.
Zvirime, M., Guard, Guard Force June 1977.
Barclay, D., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 7 July 1977.
Kruger, David Bruce, Corporal, 1 & 4 Independent Companies, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 July 1977.
Orchard, Roy C.C., Corporal, 1 & 4 Independent Companies, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 July 1977.
Shipley, Tom, Rifleman, 1 & 4 Independent Companies, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 July 1977.
Chikozho, Michael, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 24 July 1977.
Marufu, Tobias, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 28 July 1977.
Dzimba, Fibion, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 31 July 1977.
Bosch, M., Rifleman, killed in action, July 1977.
Brackely, N., Vedette Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Chitanga, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Dube, A., Smn, killed in action, July 1977.
Erasmus, F., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Gwanyanya, A., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Kabunu Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Mahanzu, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Masara, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Masimba, K., J/Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, July 1977.
Mhlanga, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Moore, P., Smn, killed in action, July 1977.
Mugabe, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Mutiziri, T., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Njanina, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Njenjera, P., Senior District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.
Njoli, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Nyakwishira, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Patireki, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, July 1977.
Pedley, C., Asst Commander Guard Force, killed in action, July 1977.
Shuro, O., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Sibanda, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1977.
Wilkinson, N., Rifleman, killed in action, July 1977.
Lambert, Ismail Achmed, Lance Corporal, killed in action in an ambush near Mrewa, 6 August 1977.
Mlalazi, Patrick, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 8 August 1977.
Kufakowenyu, Wereki Charles Mafuse, Private, Rhodesian African Rifles, 9 August 1977.
Manunure, Taongesayi Callisto, WO2, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 August 1977.
Ruwana, Fanny Kudakwayshe, Private, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 August 1977.
Fouche, C., Second Lieutenant, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 11 August 1977.
Van Wijk, A., Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 11 August 1977.
Manunure, Patrick, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 13 August 1977.
Hales, Christopher Allen, A/Corporal, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, murdered on leave in an ambush on the Solusi Road outside Bulawayo, 14 August 1977.
Sibanda, Jonart, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, 15 August 1977.
Turkington, G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 August 1977.
O'Driscoll, A., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 23 August 1977.
Shakespeare, Lawrence, Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 August 1977.
Cross, James, WO2, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 24 August 1977.
Ndhlovu, Morgan, Private, killed in action, 28 August 1977.
Benyu, J., Private, August 1977.
Chakayingeni, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Francis, Robert, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, August 1977.
Manomano, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1977.
Mashimbwe, P., Sergeant, British South Africa Police, August 1977.
Muyotcha, W., Extension Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Ndebele, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Nyagano, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1977.
Takonde, B., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, August 1977.
Vengisayi, H., Private, August 1977.
Du Plessis, D. Leon, Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by target fixation while attacking a ground target while flying a Lynx. 2 September 1977.
Underwood, J.S., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when his pilot had target fixation while attacking a ground target while flying a Lynx 2 September 1977.
Sengu, Elaja, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 5 September 1977.
Webber, Godfrey, Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 7 September 1977.
Procter, Ian, Field Reservist, Bulawayo PATU, British South Africa Police, killed in action beyond Tjolotjo after stopping a bus full of abductees, 13 September 1977.
Ralston, David Mann, 22., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 September 1977.
Soka, Godfrey, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action at the Beit Bridge Rural Council Beerhall, 18 September 1977.
Partridge, Derek, Field Reservist, died during training, 23 September 1977.
Fisher, Jeremy Lionel, Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 28 September 1977.
Allen, P., Section Officer, British South Africa Police, September 1977.
Chiramba, T., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Francis, P., Private, September 1977.
Joe, E., WO2 September 1977.
Kande Kande, J., Guard, Guard Force September 1977.
Mafundikwa, B., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Makwelo, M., Dip Supervisor Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Mano, K., Guard, Guard Force September 1977.
McDonald, M., Private, September 1977.
Murungweni, G., Guard, Guard Force September 1977.
Panganayi, J., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, September 1977.
Standers, K., SO British South Africa Police, September 1977.
Takendesa, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1977
Gamble, Leroy Everard, Sergeant, killed in action, 2 October 1977.
Adams, David, Private, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.
de Arbreau, James Albert, Private, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.
Fynn, Edward Lewis, Corporal, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.
Banga, Thomas., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 4 October 1977.
Garnett, P., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 4 October 1977.
Lottering, Peter Christopher, Rifleman, killed in action, 7 October 1977.
Van Zyl, Clarence, Rifleman, killed in action, 7 October 1977.
Greig, William, Rifleman, killed in action, 11 October 1977.
Harris, Mark Anthony, Trooper, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 11 October 1977.
Kurebwa, Tarirayi, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 14 October 1977.
Beattie, D., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1977.
Chianike, B., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1977.
Chorwadza, Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1977.
Dube, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Duri, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Fungura, A., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Grobbelaar, C., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1977.
Hlabiso, L., Recruit killed in action, October 1977.
Lester, J., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1977.
Mamvura, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, October 1977.
Mashanda, N., Senior District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Mawadze, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Maynard, J., Private, killed in action, October 1977.
Moyo, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Murozvi, A., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Ndlovu, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Ndou, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Nkono, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.
Zimuna, F., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, October 1977.
Mukapanda, Aaron, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 5 November 1977.
Sibanda, C., Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 November 1977.
Jackson, Noel Richard, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 November 1977.
Dube, Amos, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Mpofu, Henry, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Ngoshi, Ephraim, Guard, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 22 November 1977.
Nyati, Benzenie, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Tshuma, Buyisa, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Tshuma, Teddy, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.
Haigh, P.W., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, while crash-landing a Vampire FB52 after being hit by FRELIMO anti-aircraft fire at Vanduzi cross-roads after attacking Chimoio during Operation Dingo 23 November 1977.
Nel, F.J., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound, to the head while advancing in a sweep line against the ZANLA camp at Chimoio on Operation Dingo 23 November 1977.
Bento, E., Rifleman, November 1977.
Coom, N., Rifleman, November 1977.
Davidson, S. R., WO11, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, November 1977.
Geoffrey, C., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, November 1977.
Guest, O., Private, November 1977.
Kirton, T., Second Lieutenant, November 1977.
Kumalo, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, November 1977.
Lindani, K., Constable, British South Africa Police, November 1977.
Mashamba, C., Guard, Guard Force, November 1977.
Mbaiwa, P., Guard, Guard Force, November 1977.
Muchemwa, S., Constable, British South Africa Police, November 1977.
Mugwaga, N., Sergeant, November 1977.
Munemo, O., Guard, Guard Force, November 1977.
Nel, F., Trooper, November 1977.
Nemutambwe, L., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, November 1977.
Sengu, E., Private, November 1977.
Spink, S., Rifleman, November 1977.
Tennant, A., Temporary/Corporal November 1977.
Barnes, A., WO1 Rhodesian Air Force November 1977.
Biederman, Richard L., Sergeant, Special Air Service, died on active service in an accidental shooting in Mozambique, 6 December 1977.
Betts, M., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 13 December 1977.
Zvechibwe, Obert, Signalman, killed in action in a ZANLA attack on Grand Reef, 17 December 1977.
Travers, R., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 December 1977.
Chivinge, Michael, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 18 December 1977.
Mwanagumbi, Daniel, Junior Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, 18 December 1977.
Courtney, P., Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 24 December 1977.
Kupinkomo, Lot Dube, Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 18 December 1977.
Tinariua, P., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 19 December 1977.
Elifon, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 December 1977.
Mutargoza, Toperson, Acting Lance Corporal, 'A' Company Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, when his vehicle was ambushed by 30 ZANLA in the Mshawasha African Purchase Area 29 December 1977.
Ngomanyoni, Crispen, Lance Corporal, 'A' Company Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, when his vehicle was ambushed by 30 ZANLA in the Mshawasha African Purchase Area 29 December 1977.
Quinn, Gary Demaine, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 29 December 1977.
Bickle, A., Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifes, killed in action, December 1977.
Chaukura, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Chirambadare, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Dawkins, S., Rifleman, killed in action, December 1977.
Eeson, J., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Heard, R., Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Herman, W., Captain, killed in action, December 1977.
Hurley, H., Rifleman, killed in action, December 1977.
Jeary, A., Inspector, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1977.
Langerman, M., Lieutenant, killed in action, December 1977.
Magawise, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Mamvura, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Marange, M., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Marufu, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Masunga, T., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Mugwaga, W., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Mukundwa, D., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, December 1977.
Mutasan, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1977.
Mutava, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Ncube, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Nyarendaha, H., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.
Sibanda, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Sibanda, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.
Simburashe, C., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Tsveta, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1977.
Zivura, A., Private, killed in action, December 1977.
Simburashe, Chawatama, Private, 19, killed in action, 4 January 1978.
De Wilzem, C., Lance Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 4 January 1978.
Mennigke, C.I., Lance Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 4 January 1978.
Tsaurayi, Masunga, District Security Assistant, 23, of Buhera, murdered by terrorists, 8 January 1978.
Ncube, Meta Richard, District Security Assistant, 29, of Plumtree, murdered by terrorists, 10 January 1978.
Bvucherayi, Elliot, WOII, murdered by terrorists, 12 January 1978.
Chidembo, Selous Scout, killed in action, 12 January 1978.
Fleming, A., Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying an Alouette III, killed by the same insurgent as. Jarvie 12 January 1978.
Jarvie, H., Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying an Alouette III, killed by the same insurgent as. Fleming 12 January 1978.
Williams, Russell, Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 12 January 1978.
Zinyakatiri, Onias, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 15 January 1978.
Jameson, Charles, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, 16 January 1978.
Lotshwa, Zefaniya, Corporal, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Plumtree District, 16 January 1978.
Nzumana, Thomas, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, 16 January 1978.
Elliot, Eland, Private, killed in action, 18 January 1978.
Meddows-Taylor, C.M., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 20 January 1978.
Theron, N.J., BCR Lieutenant, Special Air Service, killed in action, 20 January 1978.
Vermaak, C.T., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 20 January 1978.
Trigg, Alan Meredith, Corporal, killed on active service, in training, 22 January 1978.
Kushamba, Fanuel, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 23 January 1978.
Watts, Trevor George, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 January 1978.
Wood, Ian Douglas, Sergeant, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 January 1978.
Vorster, Johannes Lodewikus Stephanus, Rifleman, died of wounds received in action, 23 January 1978.
Hickey, R., Temporary Sergeant, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 26 January 1978.
Ganhao, M.A.I., Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 28 January 1978.
Alibaba, M., Private, January 1978.
Bain, E., Private, January 1978.
Berejena, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Bokosha, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Camacho, A., Trooper, January 1978.
Chinemhute, W., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Chipangura, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Dyson, G., Rifleman, January 1978.
Lima, M., Guard, Guard Force January 1978.
Maigurira, W., Private, January 1978.
Makore, M., Private, January 1978.
Makumbe, M., Reg Clerk Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Mapfumo, T., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Mlotswa, Z., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Moyo, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Ndlovu, C., Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Nyamsayi, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Robey, J., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, January 1978.
Sibanda, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Smuts, J., A/Sergeant January 1978.
Thebe, S., Ex Ass Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Van der Mark, R., Rifleman, January 1978.
Van Oudtshoorn, P., Cadet Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Viya, S., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, January 1978.
Watson, D., Temporary/Capt January 1978.
Ziegler, S., Lance Corporal, January 1978.
Shadreck, Misheck, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Buhera District, 1 February 1978.
Alpium, Jose, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a vehicle ambush, 1 February 1978
Berrington, Andrew Arthur, Sergeant, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush, 1 February 1978.
Murray, Colin McLeod, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush, 1 February 1978
Cook, Richard George, Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February, 1978.
Moss, Keith, Trooper, Selous Scouts, fatally wounded in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Pungwe, Martin, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Ringisai, Chiutsi, Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Whitefield, John Barry, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
Zambarah, P., Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.
De Barreto, A., Rifleman, Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 7 February 1978.
Le Vieux, S., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died from wounds received in action, 7 February 1978.
Chanuhwa, Roy Patrick, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Tjolotjo District, 7 February 1978.
Tshuma, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Tjolotjo District, 7 February 1978.
Du Toit, J.H., D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 11 February 1978.
Rungiue, M., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 16 February 1978.
Van Blomestein, Clive, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 16 February 1978.
Zambara, P. Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 16 February 1978.
Manguni, Ndayila David Dhlodhlo, Senior District Assistant, murdered by terrorists in the Nkai District, 17 February 1978.
Mandisodza, Solomon, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.
Seremwe, Moffat, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.
Tapambwa, John, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.
Nyenye, Clemence, Private, killed in action, 20 February 1978.
Berman, Harry Anthony, Private, killed in action, 26 February 1978.
Chikeya, S., Private, killed in action, 26 February 1978.
Dombo, I., Private, killed in action, 26 February 1978.
Leonards, Clive Patrick, Private, 26 February 1978.
Chinyama, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Cowan, P., Lance Corporal, killed in action, February 1978.
Hussey, W., Private, killed in action, February 1978.
Kamusopani, R., Private, killed in action, February 1978.
Katete, F., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1978.
Magaya, K., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1978.
Mantseye, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Mlauzi, G., Smn killed in action, February 1978.
Mnkandla, A., Private, killed in action, February 1978.
Mukwaira, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1978.
Ndlovu, M., Dip Supervisor Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Takendesa, E., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.
Taylor, G., Ac Rhodesian Air Force killed in action, February 1978.
Nkomo, V., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 1 March 1978.
Ellis, M., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 3 March 1978.
Chimbikayi, Rashaikayi, Corporal, killed in action, 3 March.
Battaglia, F., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action on Operation Turmoil, 6 March 1978.
Mbasela, P., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 6 March 1978.
Banda, Wilson, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 March 1978.
Froud, Kenneth James, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 March 1978.
Chitsoko, Cholas, Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered in the Zhombe TTL, 9 March 1978.
Clayton, Clifford Thomas, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 10 March 1978.
Francis, Thomas, Private, killed in action, 14 March 1978.
Rujada, Honda, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 16 March 1978.
Asby, Gavin Warwick, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers killed in action, 20 March 1978.
Makonde, Elso, Private, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Nkomo, Jacob, Private, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Fergusson, George William, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Vuma, James Amon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 March 1978.
Milford, Pencil, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 March 1978.
Mpofu, Royal, Private, died of wounds received in action, 27 March 1978.
Androuliakos, Leonidas, Corporal, BCR, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM 119599 in the Repulse area while assisting a Three Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978.
Boschin, Ugo, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM 119599 in the Repulse area while assisting a Three Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978.
Hancock, John Rodney, Rifleman, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM 119599 in the Repulse area while assisting a Three Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978..
Mtandwa, C., Rifleman , Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, March 1978.
Prince, Norman Hedley Egerton, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 March 1978.
Mashire, Tapera, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 March 1978.
Rosenfels, Ian, Trooper, Selous Scouts killed in action, 29 March 1978.
Vushangwe, Ernest., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 March 1978.
Cerff, R., Corporal killed in action, March 1978.
Chawatama, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Chimtasha, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Chinyadze, B., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Chitima, L., L/Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Dube, M., Dip Superintendant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1978.
Hutchesson, S., Corporal killed in action, March 1978.
Jackson, Gordon, Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Jones, E., Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Mapita, A., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Mapiye, J., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, March 1978.
Matambangwana, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1978.
Matambo, L., Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Mthekli, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Ndlovu, J., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.
Nyangani, H., Rifleman, killed in action, March 1978.
Swemmer, Roy Allan, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Tani, P., Detective Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1978.
Truter, A., Private, killed in action, March 1978.
Bokosha, Tafirenyika, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 4 April 1978.
Tuzayi, Boniface, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 8 April 1978.
Mirwane, Aleck, Private, killed in action, 11 April 1978.
Marhova, Francis, Lance Corporal, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, to the head when surprised by two ZANLA in a contact, north of Mrewa 12 April 1978.
Rwawuya, Rabson, Private, killed in action, 12 April 1978.
Mlilo, Robert, Trooper, killed in action, 15 April 1978.
Ncupe, Jenamiso, Private, killed in action, 15 April 1978.
Majoni, Aleck, Private, killed in action, 16 April 1978.
Madzambi, Maphios, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 16 April 1978.
Jongwe, Elias, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Nago, Nicholas, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Van Aarde, Andries G., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Zvokuvenda, John, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another Army unit, 19 April 1978.
Ncube, Colins, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 April 1978.
Moyo, Reuben, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 April 1978.
Verbeek, Arie Mannix, MLM, District Commissioner, killed on active service, mistaken for the enemy by an Army unit, 22 April 1978.
Manyeka, Prince, Constable, British South Africa Police, 24 April 1978.
Masvimbo, Francis, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 26 April 1978.
Morrison, Whoteson, Private, killed in action, 30 April 1978.
Chayamiti, I., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, killed in action, April 1978.
Chiramba, G., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Gumbo, O., Sergeant killed in action, April 1978.
Gwafa, J., Corporal killed in action, April 1978.
Hussey, G., Rifleman, killed in action, April 1978.
Liwa, B., K/Sergeant Guard Force killed in action, April 1978.
Mandeya, E., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Mhaka, C., Ext Ass Internal Affairs, killed in action, April 1978.
Mutindindi, J., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Randel, S., Corporal killed in action, April 1978.
Tarwireyi, J., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Tshuma, J., Private, killed in action, April 1978.
Wall, M., Lance Corporal, killed in action, April 1978.
Zvidzai, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, April 1978.
Ruveve, Lackson, Private, killed in action, 1 May 1978.
Zarura, Peter, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 9 May 1978.
Zietsman, Andrew I., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 11 May 1978.
Madhiri, Charles, Constable, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 12 May 1978.
Joel, Efias, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 18 May 1978.
Mpofu, Cephas, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 27 May 1978.
Maseko, Gideon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 May 1978.
Mlala, July, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 May 1978.
Zondo, Tuesday, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered at Filabusi, 30 May 1978.
Davids, P., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Ganga, K., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Hess, A., National Service Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, May 1978.
Jojo, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
July, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Keyter, G., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, May 1978.
Khupe, J., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Maduveko, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Mangoyi, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Mapfumo, L., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Mkandhle, E., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Mudzwidza, N., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Munyani, E., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Muteyaunga, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.
Ndebele, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Phillips, P., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Rusere, T., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Rutunga, P., Private, killed in action, May 1978.
Sikandavire, E., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.
Carroll, Tony Charles, Corporal, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Kelly, Michael David, Sergeant, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Rugg, Christopher Stanley, Lance Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Liebermann, Russell John, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, 4 June 1978.
Mapfumo, Augustine, Private, killed in action, 4 June 1978.
Mazinyane, Visaya, Acting WO2, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 5 June 1978.
Falzoi, Fabio Giovanni, Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 12 June 1978.
Kawadza, Kenneth, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 June 1978.
Steyl, Johan William, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 June 1978.
Munetsi, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 June 1978.
Botes, Andre Johan, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 22 June 1978.
Ndlovu, Cossum, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 June 1978.
Sibanda, Michael Younger, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 June 1978.
Michell, Kenneth Michael, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action while clearing contour ridges, shot at close quarters by an insurgent who stood up out of the cover of a ridge, 25 June 1978 [Medal Society, had it as 26 August 1978].
Thompson, Bruce, SCR Second Lieutenant, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 27 June 1978.
Mpofu, Leonard, Private, 'A' Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 27 June 1978.
Phiri, Macdonald, Private, died of wounds received in action, 27 June 1978.
Chaparadza, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1978.
Chinyimo, N., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Dawson, J., Inspector British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
De Courpalay, D., Rifleman, killed in action, June 1978.
Dzobo, H., Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Elias, J., Corporal killed in action, June 1978.
Fani, D., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
George, P., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Josam, C., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Manasa, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Mapise, S., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Mateko, J., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Moyo, D., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Mudavanhu, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1978.
Mushonga, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1978.
Nyoni, B., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Pferedzai, N., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Pinge, H., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Sibanda, S., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Tichadvigadzira, R., Private, killed in action, June 1978.
Willie, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1978.
Zvirewo, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1978.
Friedman, David, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 9 July 1978.
Zikuyoma, C., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 9 July 1978.
Ndlovu, Peter, Private, killed in action, 16 July 1978.
Pasina, Munyaradzi, Private, killed in action, 16 July 1978.
Cordell, David, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 21 July 1978.
Du Toit, G.H.F., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when flying an Alouette III which was hit by an RPG7 in Mozambique, 28 July 1978.
Nelson, K., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when flying an Alouette III which was hit by an RPG7 in Mozambique, 28 July 1978.
Madziviridzo, Denny, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 30 July 1978.
Kayisa, Widi, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 31 July 1978.
Bobo, B., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Chidziwo, O., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Chifodya, H., Constable, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Chitonga, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Dube, T., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Firi, J., Guard, Guard Force July 1978.
Gwatidzo, G., Guard, Guard Force July 1978.
Jaravaza, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
MacLachlan, O., Rifleman, July 1978.
Mbandla, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Moyo, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Muchona, S., Guard, Guard Force July 1978.
Mudzingwa, P., Trooper, July 1978.
Murudzwa, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, July 1978.
Musaruwa, P., Private, July 1978.
Phiri, Y., Private, July 1978.
Rangarirayi, O., Private, July 1978.
Sibanda, J., Private, July 1978.
Smith, D., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, July 1978.
Vieira, L., Capt, July 1978.
Jaradza, Clever, Constable, died of wounds received in action, 1 August 1978.
Ngulube, Isaac, Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 5 August 1978.
Fraser, Ian Lovat, Lieutenant, killed in action, 6 August 1978.
Marnewick, John Conrad, Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 8 August 1978.
Cloete, Pieter Jacobus, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 8 August 1978.
Robinson, Rodney, killed in action, 8 August 1978.
Holley, Michael George Preston, Rifleman, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Mateko, John., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Rangarirayi, Oliver, Private, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Ruza, Morgan, Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 August 1978.
Pritchard, John Stephen, Lieutenant, killed in action, 16 August 1978.
Matidiri, Davidson Stanford, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at his kraal in Sipolilo, 16 August 1978.
Warner, F.C., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 19 August 1978.
Matavire, Maxwell, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 17 August 1978.
McClelland, William Joseph Andrew., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 August 1978.
Makosa, James, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 August 1978.
Mazoe, Leon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 August 1978.
Mufaro, R., Lance Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 August 1978.
Clark, S.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 28 August 1978.
Michell, Michael, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 28 August 1978.
Smith, Mark Langton, Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in Glen Norah Township, Salisbury, 28 August 1978.
Breza, Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1978.
Buru, L., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Carroll, C., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, August 1978.
Chifondondo, N., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Chiringwa, F., K Corporal Guard Force August 1978.
Dzimba, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Majaya Sergeant August 1978.
Matunduru, O., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Mtsombe, C., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Mtupane, A., K/Corporal Guard Force August 1978.
Mudimu, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Ndlovu, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1978.
Tarugarira, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1978.
Tonderayi, K., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed August 1978.
Tsikira, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.
Williams, B., Private, August 1978.
Young, O., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police. August 1978.
Buru, Lazarus, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 2 September 1978.
Fairbanks, Peter Hendrik, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 2 September 1978.
Aristotelous, Aristo, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Dicker, Michael Ian, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Chimweta, Funboy Panther, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Smith, David Herbert, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978.
Lynch, A.W., Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, when ambushed returning from a patrol north of Sinazongwe Harbour in Zambia 6 September 1978.
Bhere, Eriazere, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 8 September 1978.
Kwayarira, Maphios, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 8 September 1978.
Chirau, Cladious, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 10 September 1978.
Ngwenya, Abednigo, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 10 September 1978.
Nydam, Wilhemus Errivs, Rifleman, killed in action, 12 September 1978.
Kwayarira, Maphos, Private, killed in action, 15 September 1978.
Bhere, Eraizere, Private, killed in action, 15 September 1978.
Chikanyambidze, Herbert, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Chiutore, Pherious Clemence, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 16 September 1978.
Grainger, Collin, Private, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Jones, Henry, Private, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Mashisze, Adam, Private, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Mupeti, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Phede, Henzlet, Sergeant, killed in action, 16 September 1978.
Robertshaw, James Kendall, Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Roboho, Jona Shadreck, District Security Assistant, killed in action by a landmine, 16 September 1978
Takanzwa, Ebson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, by a landmine, 16 September 1978.
Charingira, Edmore, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action by a landmine, 17 September 1978.
Jojo, Hofisi, Keep Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action by a landmine, 17 September 1978.
Shapley, Mark Peter, Keep Commander, Guard Force killed in action, 17 September 1978.
Gandiwa, Alexander Muvengwa, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 September 1978.
Donnelly, Stephen M.G., Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action in a 'friendly fire' incident by a Vampire FB9 on Operation Snoopy, 21 September 1978.
Connor, William Henry, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 September.
Kapisa, Augustine, Private, killed in action, 24 September 1978.
Chipanera, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Mushani, T., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Mukuinwe, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Tazviziva, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.
Machona, Patrick, Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered, 28 September 1978.
Bakayi, ADF Driver Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Freddy, W., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Hukuimwe, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Isaac, K., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Kapa, O., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Kavoko, H., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Kurumba, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Makamure, R., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Maponga, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Masula, B., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Mavura, L., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mazuihwa, F., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mombeyarara, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mujero, T., J/Corporal Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mukonora, P., WDW Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Munemo, R., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Mureza, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Musondo, T., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, September 1978.
Muzwondiwa, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Nemanwa, I., Private, killed in action, September 1978.
Nyakuchemwa, D., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Nyamayovo, F., Private, killed in action, September 1978.
Posthumus, G., Keep Commander Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Samukute, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Shoniwa, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Sikirita, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Taurayi, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.
Thomas, P., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.
Young, D., Woman Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, September 1978.
Chihata, Peter, District Security Assistant, killed in action by a landmine, 1 October 1978.
Boer, James, Corporal, killed in action, 2 October 1978.
Mabaleka, D., BCR, Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 2 October 1978.
Mamachona, Constable, British South Africa Police, 2 October 1978.
Mutrase, L., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 2 October 1978.
Muyezwa, Rufu Charles, Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 October 1978.
Vhudzijena, Weston, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 October 1978.
Chemambo, Black, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave at Mount Darwin, 11 October 1978.
Chiyamuro, Trakisoni, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 11 October 1978.
Tauro, June, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave at Mount Darwin, 11 October 1978.
Granlund, Corporal A., Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed 14 October 1978.
Kandeya, Geography, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 16 October 1978.
Muzondiwa, Sani Jekanyika, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave in the Sipolilo District, 16 October 1978.
Sibanda, B., Sapper, One Engineer Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 18 October 1978.
Collett, Jeffrey Donald, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action on Operation Gatling in Zambia, 19 October 1978.
Coleman, Mark, Lance Corporal, Leader Training Unit, killed in action, 23 October 1978.
Bitirinyi, Zuzeyo, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 October 1978.
Magirazi, Waison, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 October 1978.
Mweneziko, Mudzingwa, Sergeant, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 25.October 1978.
Byrne, J.Patrick, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, a New Yorker, Byrne was killed in action at Lower Sabi, 26 October 1978.
Kurumba, Caiphs, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 26 October 1978.
Mombeyera, Gerald, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 26 October 1978.
Chothia, Suleman Ahmed, Colour Sergeant, killed in action, 28 October 1978.
Zimbango, Augustine, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 October 1978.
Dimingu, John, Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 October 1978.
Barry, H., Trooper, killed in action, October 1978.
Brownlee, J., Second Lieutenant, killed in action, October 1978.
Chinhakwe, L., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Choruwa, T., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Cripps, A., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1978.
Gandanga, S., Private, killed in action, October 1978.
Hartley, E., Rifleman, killed in action, October 1978.
Kumalo, T., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Makhondo, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Marilele, E., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Matshalaga, L., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, October 1978.
Nkala, C., Private, killed in action, October 1978.
Nkomo, G., Keep Commander Guard Force killed in action, October 1978.
Tomborayi, G., Private, killed in action, October 1978.
Wolfenden, C., Lance Corporal, killed in action, October 1978.
Callaway, Jonathon, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, 2 November 1978.
Mahonde Guard, Guard Force, killed in action in a contact in the Mtoko farming area, 2 November 1978.
Mweneziko, Mudzingwa, Sergeant, killed in action, 2 November 1978.
Muchenje, Richard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 7 November 1978.
Topham, Arthur Stockwell, Sergeant, killed in action, 7 November 1978.
Hardy, James, Captain, Support Company, First Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in the Mtoko area, 14 November 1978.
Underwood, S., National Service, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 16 November 1978.
Ncube, Reason, Private, killed in action 16 November 1978.
Mazurura, Lovemore, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 16 November 1978.
Mhawo, Clever, Guard, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 16 November 1978.
Erekan, Richard, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 20 November 1978.
Scott, Walter Robert Ian, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 21 November 1978.
Friend, Jessie James, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 21 November 1978.
Magede, Nabot, Private, killed in action, 21 November 1978.
Madziviri, Charles, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.
Mhaka, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.
Rushinga, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.
Millar, Anthony John, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 26 November 1978.
Kwaramba, Patrick, Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 26 November 1978.
Urayayi, Fanuel, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 November 1978.
Carruthers, Robert Norman James, District Officer, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 28 November 1978.
Murdock, Timothy Joseph, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 28 November 1978.
Muzenda, Dzimba, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 28 November 1978.
Munetsi, Peter James, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 November 1978.
Muteta, Watson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 November 1978.
Ndhlovu, Phahlani, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 November 1978.
Takaruvinga, Rabson, Private, killed in action, 29 November 1978.
Ben, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Chikwinho, Z., Guard, Guard Force November 1978.
Chingozha, C., Private, killed in action, November 1978.
Gomo Private, killed in action, November 1978.
Karikogah, P., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Mafunga, N., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Makeche, T., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Makotsa, J., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Mantshontsho, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Mapaso, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Mariti, Detective Sergeant , British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Maruta, F., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Mavata, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Moyo, A., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Mupambwa, G., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Ngwarayi, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Nhawo, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Patrol, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, November 1978.
Shumbyawonda, N., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.
Tshuma, N., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Tunhuru, S., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
White, H., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Zizania, S., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Zvikaramba, J., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, November 1978.
Gumede, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 1 December 1978.
Willemse, Johannes Steyl, Sergeant, killed in action, killed in action, 1 December 1978.
Wood, Stephen John, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 December 1978.
Guvava, Vengayi Severino, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 December 1978.
Mujere, Levy, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 7 December 1978.
Ndava, Tapera Martin, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, 7 December 1978.
Van Hess, Rifleman J., Two Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 7 December 1978.
Chigamba, Chancee, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 December 1978.
Ewing, Ross Anthony, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 12 December 1978. [Medal Society, 12 December]
Mutumhe, Philip, Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1978.
Kapito, Ivan, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 17 December 1978.
Mushambi, Winston, Junior Corporal Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 17 December 1978.
Taylor, Maurice, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action duringOperation Inhibit in the Malvernia/Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 17 December 1978.
Small, Thomas McLeod, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service, by an accidental explosion, 23 December 1978.
Khola, Samuel, Private, killed in action, 25 December 1978.
Mukaro, Clements, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 25 December 1978.
Hamamiti, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 26 December 1978.
Nkiwane, Samziza, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 26 December 1978.
Sadler, Mervyn, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 29 December 1978.
Saladi, Jimmy, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 29 December 1978.
Totohwiyo, Lovemore, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 29 December 1978.
Caswell, P., Temporary/Capt, killed in action, December 1978.
Chakuweya, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Chamuyonga, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Dewer, D., Rifleman, killed in action, December 1978.
Donzwa, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Gillies, S., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Givemore, S., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Isaac, H., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Jack, M., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Makuvaro, N.., Lance Corporal, killed in action, December 1978.
Marume, P., L/Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, December 1978.
Matamburigwa, E., Guard, Guard Force December 1978.
Mukaro, C., Lance Corporal, killed in action, December 1978.
Musasa, J., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Mushaya, J., Corporal, killed in action, December 1978.
Murawa, J., Sapper Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, December 1978.
Ndogwedu, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Nyoni, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Pindura, C., Sapper Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, December 1978.
Posi, G., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Sandi, G., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Sibanda, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Sibanda, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1978.
Sungayi, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.
Tongayi, B., Private, killed in action, December 1978.
Chamunyonga, Stephen, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, on 1 January 1979.
Sandi, Godfrey, Guard, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 1 January 1979.
McIver, A.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on operations, 1 January 1979.
Cutmore, Brian Noel, Corporal, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant Fynn, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Fynn, Kerry John, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant R., Bolton, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Havnar, Douglas Gordon Charlese, Captain, Support Company, 10 RR, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant Fynn, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Turner, Anthony Hugh Whichcotte, Corporal, K-Car Gunner, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant R., Bolton, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.
Givemore, Stephen, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 January 1979.
Taylor, David John, Lieutentant, killed on active service, killed by one of his own men, 3 January 1979.
Binga, B., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Gonye, G., Lance Corporal, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Gwenjeri, T. Staff Sergeant, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Dube, M, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Little, Bradley Wade, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Majuta, B., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Moriarty, L., Sergeant, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Muzkuzha, Stanselous, Keep Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Nyathi, L., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 January 1979.
Cotton, Christopher Reginald Neville, Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 7 January 1979.
Gumbo, Baron, Private, killed in action, 8 January 1979.
Cripps, C.G., Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed when ten ZANLA ambushed his patrol at Hot Springs as it was deploying for operations in the Manica Province of Mozambique, 11 January 1979.
Chivasa, M., Private, killed in action, 15 January 1979.
Ndhlovu, Jack, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 15 January 1979.
Keith, Alan MacDonald, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 17 January 1979.
Chivisi, T., Private, Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Katuku, Stachio, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Kwami, Marko, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Mathe, Gifyniso Peter., Private, killed in action, 21 January 1979.
Chimambo, Erick Wise, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.
Chimbeya, Denja, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.
Mapiye, Stain Nemera, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.
Mutanga, M., Private, Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 23 January 1979.
Makumire, Douglas, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 23 January 1979.
Tekenende, Lewisan, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 23 January 1979.
Sithole, Fireyi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 23 January 1979.
Friday, Bell, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 January 1979.
Rafu, Raja, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 January 1978.
Hamandishe, Vernon, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 January 1979.
Kutinyu, Tobias, Private, killed in action, 30 January 1979.
Sibanda, Alec, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 January 1979.
Chimkonde, J., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, January 1979.
Conlon, V., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, January 1979.
Garikayi, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Kambange, K., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Kambange, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Kasket, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Lombard, E., NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police.
McIver, A., Trooper, killed in action, January 1979.
Mfitshane, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Mirams, D., DC Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Mkwananzi, B., Constable, British South Africa Police.
Mlotshwa, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Mxotsewa, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Ndeke, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Nyamazana, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Rafu, R., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, January 1979.
Rukara, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Shora, W., Detective Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, killed in action, January 1979.
Tachiona, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.
Tavengegweyi, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.
Tobias, G., Staff Sergeant, killed in action, January 1979.
Whami, M., Private, killed in action, January 1979.
Zhonja, B., Lance Corporal, killed in action, January 1979.
Chikwepe, Phone, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 February 1979.
Mudhomodozi, Happy, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 February 1979.
Ndimande, Bhiyeni Luka, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 6 February 1979.
Barber, Nicholas Edward Swannell, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in an accident, on Operation Inhibit in the Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 7 February 1979.
Macmillan, Gordon Roy, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in an accident, on Operation Inhibit in the Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 7 February 1979.
Chivisi, Tamba, Private, killed in action, 8 February 1979.
Mutanga, Mastaff, Private, died of wounds received in action, 8 February 1979.
Rosenfels, Desmond Charles, BCR Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, in the Manica Province of Mozambique, in an ground and air operation on a ZANLA camp, 8 February 1979.
Sibanda, Likwa, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 8 February 1979.
Ushendibaba, Obadiah, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 8 February 1979.
Chimukonde, John, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 11 February 1979.
Ncube, Charles, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 February 1979.
Thembikile, Shabani, Private, killed in action, 11 February 1979.
Ncube, Geogre Makore, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 February 1979.
Gardener, Byrne Rielly, ADF Pilot Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine on the runway at Mrewa, 19 February 1979.
Mchonjomera, Leonard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.
Ndhlovu, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.
Nyamayaro, Joram, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.
Washington, Desmond Kenneth, Rifleman, killed in action, 19 February 1979.
Magagani, Crispen, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 February 1979.
Saulos, Peter, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 20 February 1979.
Shereni, Thomas, Acting Sergeant, killed in action, 20 February 1979.
Chinduma, Pondai, Private, killed in action, 23 February 1979.
Chrispen, Rabson Marufu, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action on the Hulley farm at Tengwe, 23 February 1979.
Mleya, George., Sergeant, killed in action, 23 February 1979.
Clark, Charles Bernard, Sergeant, killed in action, 26 February 1979.
Muzingi, Reuben, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 27 February 1979.
Mandizviza, Ornard, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Mukandatsa Ma, Munikwi, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Murphy, James Firman, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Nyabotso, Kudzayi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Runodada, Chibomba, Private, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Samson, Lavert, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 28 February 1979.
Zhonja, Bethrod, Lance Corporal, murdered on leave, 28 February 1979.
Bester, G., Rifleman, killed in action, February 1979.
Chamboko, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Gash, R., DSO British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Gillepsie, M., Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Kasawaya, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, February 1979.
Livingstone, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1979.
Mason, A., Lieutenant, killed in action, February 1979.
Mataka, F., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Misoro, F., Lance Corporal, killed in action, February 1979.
Muchabi, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Ncube, M., Private, killed in action, February 1979.
Ncube, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Ncube, P., Private, killed in action, February 1979.
Nyadute, P., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Phone, A., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Powell, N., Major, killed in action, February 1979.
Saraoga, F., Private, killed in action, February 1979.
Tasker, P., NS Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Tshuma, T., Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.
Wurayai, T., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, February 1979.
Makomechi, Freddie, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, 1 March 1979.
Mukandatsama, Munhikwi, Private, killed in action, 1 March 1979.
Muzingi, Ruben, Private, died of wounds received in action, 1 March 1979.
Ngwenya, Livingstone, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 1 March 1979.
Sainsbury, Andrew McGregor, Assistant District Commissioner, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 7 March 1979.
Moyo, Tamusanga, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 March 1979.
Machore, K., Private, Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 March 1979.
Sibanda, Notice, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 March 1979.
Broom, David, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 March 1979.
Musindo, Maxwell, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 10 March 1979.
Marufu, Freddy, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Rakayos, Furnawu, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Murwisi, Fainosi, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Sango, John, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 March 1979.
Ranjisi, Aaron, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 21 March 1979.
Battershill, Peter John, Junior Commandant, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 March 1979.
Brown, Ian Rowland, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 March 1979.
Kombora, Gladstone, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 March 1979.
Joule, John, Private, Tenth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, murdered by terrorists, 30 March 1979.
Hamandishe, Zindoga, Sergeant, killed in action, 31 March 1979.
Changara, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Frost, T., Private, killed in action, March 1979.
Furau, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Gumbo, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Juta, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Kaseke, N., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Kesari, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Maravanyika, E., Private, killed in action, March 1979.
Masarakufa, N., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Mashanda, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Matare, F., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Mugoni, J., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Muramboduro, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.
Ndlovu, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Nyabadza, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Nyoni, J., ADF Driver Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Rees, G., Staff LSO British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.
Siziba, C., Private, killed in action, March 1979.
Smith, G., Vedette Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Tarupuwa, Corporal, killed in action, March 1979.
Tirivangani, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.
Manyika, Christopher, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 2 April 1979.
Mwale, Maunda Gilbert, Private, killed in action, 2 April 1979.
Overbeek, Martin, Lance Corporal, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a contact, on 4 April 1979.
Mostert, G., Rifleman, Recce Platoon, 1RR, was killed in action on Operation Instant in a camp attack on a ZANLA camp at Chintopo in the Tete Province of Mozambique, when burning huts exploded, 7 April 1979.
Hungwe, Emerson, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Kanosi, D., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered on leave in Gutu, 8 April 1979.
Bwanacocha, Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Matebwe, Chitanda, Private, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Van Aswegen, Eric Leon, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 8 April 1979.
Moyo, Rodwell, Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 10 April 1979.
Kamau, F., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, 10 April 1979.
Sikwangwa, F., Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 April 1979.
Slingsby, Robert James, Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, 11 April 1979.
Zvidzai, Medicine, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 14 April 1979.
Furber, Brian, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 15 April 1979.
Phillips, Dennis, Junior Commandant, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 15 April 1979.
Hollywood, Robert, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, died on duty, 15 April 1979.
Jele, C., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 16 April 1979.
Juta, Ronnie, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 16 April 1979.
Moore, Michael Anthony ‘Little Meeces’, Trooper, Mortar Troop, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 17 April 1979.
Ncube, Kesari, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 17 April 1979.
Nyambira, Elliot, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 17 April 1979.
Darne, Jean-Claude, Gunner, Rhodesian Artillery Regiment, 18 April 1979.
Geldenhuys, Ronald Olwen, Trooper, Four Troop, One Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Matambanivana, Noah, District Security Assistant, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Ross, Gerald, District Commissioner, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Sanderson-Smith, Richard Lionel, Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died from wounds received in action, 18 April 1979.
Van Niekerk, Nicolaas Johannes, Corporal, BCR, One Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 April 1979.
Poole, Russel, Trooper, Mortar Troop, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a contact, on 19 April 1979.
Stanley, A., Trooper, Support Commando, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 20 April 1979.
Chifuka, Jeremia, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 April 1979.
Van der Brugge, Nicolaas, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 April 1979.
Ndhlovu, Calvin Chikandiwa Jobe, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 April 1979.
Moyo, Rodwell, Private, died of wounds received in action, 23 April 1979.
Tapson, Obert, Private, killed in action, 23 April 1979.
Watch, Dumai, Private, killed in action, 23 April 1979.
Jele, Christopher, Lance Corporal, died from wounds received in action, 24 April 1979.
Jonga, Obadiah, Constable, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 24 April 1979.
Moyo, Jetro, Trooper, killed in action, 24 April 1979.
Becking, Gideon Edward, Rifleman, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Matutsa, Claudius, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Mtisi, Nyika, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Perkins, William John, Army Officer Cadet, killed in action, 25 April 1979.
Schoeman, J., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 27 April 1979.
Meyer, Paul Francois, Vedette Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 April 1979.
Pasipamire, Felix Chingozha, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 April 1979.
Mukandiona, Ruwayi, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 30 April 1979.
Brown, F., Lance Corporal, killed in action, April 1979.
Chundu, A., A/Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, April 1979.
Hanunyari, Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, April 1979.
Kildunne, G., Sergeant, killed in action, April 1979.
Lawrence, Michael, Corporal, BCR, Corps of Rhodesian Engineers, killed in action, April 1979.
Madoda, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, April 1979.
Mazarire, F., Sergeant Major, British South Africa Police, killed in action, April 1979.
Muzondo, K., Trooper, killed in action, April 1979.
Ndlovu, Z., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Ngandu, H., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Sibanda, R., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Titlestad, T., Keep Commander Guard Force, killed in action, April 1979.
Vazhure, J., Private, killed in action, April 1979.
Webb, A., Trooper, killed in action, April 1979.
Munyorwa, C, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 May 1979.
Humbasha, Gibson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 5 May 1979.
Osteni, Toto, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 5 May 1979.
Chiwetu, Edward, Constable, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 8 May 1979.
Mwenya, Sanderson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 May 1979.
Kugotsi, Madziva Julius, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 9 May 1979.
Ndlovu, John Bajilla, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 9 May 1979.
Barnabas, Richard, Rifleman, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Boxter, Rodney, Private, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Langton, Teddy Thomas, Private, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Needham, Steven, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action when escorting a convoy from Beit Bridge, 11 May 1979.
Naison, Hanky, Corporal, killed in action, 11 May 1979.
Shaibu, Guard, murdered by terrorists, 11 May 1979.
Hardy, Captain Michael Kenneth, OLM, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 12 May 1979.
Martin, Ian, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 May 1979.
Muir, Douglas Sydney, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact in the Enterprise area, 12 May 1979.
Chikandiwa, Moses, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 14 May 1979.
Sibanda, David, Trooper, killed in action, 14 May 1979.
Chance, Michael John, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 May 1979.
Myburgh, Kenneth Herman, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 16 May 1979.
Makwanya, Clever, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 17 May 1979.
Maposa, Benjamin, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 May 1979.
Kwangwari, Josiah, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 22 May 1979.
Goriath, Simon, Trooper, killed in action, 27 May 1979.
Kanyoka, Chemunhu, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 May 1979.
Walters, John W., Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action on operations, 27 May 1979.
Alegria, Lance Corporal, killed in action, May 1979.
Chitauro, D., Sergeant British South Africa Police, killed in action, May 1979.
Fred, T., J/Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Gwirize, P., Private, killed in action, May 1979.
Isaki, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Makore, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1979.
Manyani, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Miller, R., Rifleman, killed in action, May 1979.
Mkwebu, P., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Muzenda, E., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, May 1979.
Ranjisi, A., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
Ruzvidzo, O., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1979.
Shaibu, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.
David, Edison., Private, killed in action, 1 June 1979.
Gaze, Gerald Norman, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, 1 June 1979.
Hasani, Abel, A/Corporal, killed in action, 1 June 1979.
Mozica, Chokosi, Private, killed in action, 1 June 1979.
Dennison, A., Major Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in shooting accident, 4 June 1979.
Lang, C.F., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, at Chivinge in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.
Mayatame, Madimisa, Private, killed in action, 4 June 1979.
Nel, E.F., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, at Chivinge in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.
Rice, P.O., Corporal First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, at Chivinge in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.
Whitehead-Wilson, Vaughan, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 June 1979.
Hartley, Stephen Christopher, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 6 June 1979.
Hickman, Richard John Selwyn, Trooper, Special Air Service, died of wounds received in action, 7 June 1979.
Masendeke, Rodrick, Private, killed in action, 9 June 1979.
Takundwa, Cletos, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 9 June 1979.
Francis, Robert, Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 10 June 1979.
Kuseni, Bob, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 11 June 1979.
Mukuruva, Elliot, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 13 June 1979.
Elsaesser, W.E., Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action, 16 June 1979.
McKend, Bruce John, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 16 June 1979.
Maradze, M., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 June 1979.
Sibanda, Casper., Private, killed in action, 24 June 1979.
Maradze, Mahone, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, , killed in action, 24 June 1979.
Pearse, Martin, Captain, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accident involving a bunker bomb on Operation Carpet in Lusaka, Zambia, 26 June 1979.
Chawaremera, Kuwadzama, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 27 June 1979.
Juda, Lysias, Guard, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 27 June 1979.
Musekiwa, Martin, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 27 June 1979.
Steven, Samson, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 June 1979.
Revill, John, Police Reserve Observer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28
June 1979.
Maworera, Richard, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 29 June 1979.
Chibaya, Darius, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Chirume, Beaton, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Nyapfumbi, Willard, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Tsikuyadzi, P., Private, killed in action, 30 June 1979.
Batchelor, F., Sergeant, killed in action, June 1979.
Benard, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Bothma, K., Rifleman, killed in action, June 1979.
Chavunga, W., J Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Chenzara, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, June 1979.
Chirsora, S., Private, killed in action, June 1979.
Dube, T., Clerk Typist Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Harrison, C., WO2, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, June 1979.
Ismail, Y., Private, killed in action, June 1979.
Kuradu, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Mambume, A., Corporal, killed in action, June 1979.
Manesa, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Mapfumo, A., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Matare, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Mathe, R., Lance Corporal, killed in action, June 1979.
Mbemi, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Mubondera, J., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.
Mupandagwara, N., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Musaruwa, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Mushure, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Mutengani, S., Lance Corporal, killed in action, June 1979.
Ndhelele, J., Dip Attendant Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.
Nel, P., Sergeant killed in action, June 1979.
Pillow, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, June 1979.
Chinyere, Stewart, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Gore, Makuwire, Principal District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Gous, Benjamin Joseph, Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Mkandla, E., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 July 1979.
Muganiwa, Rodgers, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 3 July 1979.
Barnett, William Nigel, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Blackadder-Wilson, Peter, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Mudzete, Patrick, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
Nkandla, Helkamah, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 July 1979.
John, M., Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 7 July 1979.
Musa, Cladius, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 8 July 1979
Marufu, J., Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 9 July 1979.
Foster, John Robert Gretton, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 July 1979.
Nemachewa, Shusha, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 10July 1979.
Ashara, Katungura, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, murdered while on leave, 15 August 1979.
Dwyer, S.M., Trooper, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, [an American] killed in action, 16 July 1979.
McCall, H.J., Acting Sergeant, Three Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, [an American] killed in action, 16 July 1979.
Mapfumo, Alphonce, Guard, Guard Force, died of wound received in action, 16 July 1979.
Ismail, Yussuf, Private, died of wounds received in action, 16 July 1979.
Mutengani, Samuel, Lance Corporal, died of wounds received in action, 16 July 1979.
Murungweni, Lawrence, Constable, British South Africa Police, 17 July 1979.
Speight, Trevor John, Corporal, killed in action, 18 July 1979.
Marenga [Mapenga], S., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 July 1979.
Beamish, Raymond, Sergeant, killed in action, 20 July 1979.
Sambulo, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 July 1979.
Ngwenya, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 July 1979.
Ngwenya, S., Tracker, African Field Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 July 1979.
Benard, Sankley, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Mhondiwa, Jonathon, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Moyo, Elliot, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Nyoni, Raphael, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Sibanda, Mandla Boy, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.
Mkohliso, David Boy, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 31 July 1979.
Njenge, Maxwell, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 31 July 1979.
Chari, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1979.
Claudios, M., Lance Corporal, killed in action, July 1979.
Fyfe, I., Senior District Officer Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Jennings, C., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers killed in action, July 1979.
Khumalo, S., Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1979.
Mangoro, A., Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, July 1979.
Masikati, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Musina, K., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Musonza, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Rwakuzhura, T., Comm Adv Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1979.
Samson, S., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, July 1979.
Sanduka, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, July 1979.
Takaindisa, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, July 1979.
Wilson, P., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, July 1979.
Maguire, Gray Viereck Merrilees, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, 1 August 1979.
Mubaiwa, Makasi Mubayi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 1 August 1979.
Mungenge, Morgan, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 August 1979.
Rubva, Musikwa, Private, killed in action, 2 August 1979.
Chaka, T., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 August 1979
Volker, Ephriam A., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 August 1979.
Chirwa, Isaac, Private, killed in action, 6 August 1979.
Svibe, Gibson, Guard, killed in action, 6 August 1979.
Masitake, Rwatitinda, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 August 1979.
Bvunzanayi, Peniyasi, Stick Leader, Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action 13 August 1979.
McGarrell, John Hamill., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 August 1979.
Oostindien, Johannes Eric, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 August 1979.
Chinyama, Taengwa Norboth, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 15 August 1979.
Baker, Donald Arthur., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 August 1979.
Gumbo, Sikuta, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 19 August 1979.
Masuku, Petrus Nathaniel, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 August 1979.
Ncube, Ambrose Sanyama, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 August 1979.
James, David Robert, Detective Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 August 1979.
Bartlett, Malcolm Leslie, Special Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 31 August 1979.
Holtzhausen, J., Sergeant, killed in action, August 1979.
Kufazvineyi, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Kwatsa, C., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Maranduse, M., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Nyamuzinga, R., Constable, British South Africa Police, August 1979.
Wollner, M., Rifleman, killed in action, August 1979.
Tucker, B.K., Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 1 September 1979.
Idensohn, B.T., Lance Corporal, One Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed in action, 2 September 1979.
Lawrence, F.R., Sergeant, Two Brigade, killed in action, 2 September 1979.
Lund, Graham Desmond, Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 3 September 1979.
Gomera, Patrick, Acting Keep Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 4 September 1979.
Marufu, Damian King, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 September 1979.
Sandi, Comitee, Guard Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 4 September 1979.
Wesson, A.J.C., Aircraftsman, killed in action, during Operation Uric when an RPG7 hit the boss of the rotors of his Augusta Bell 206, flown by Flight Lieutenant R., Paxton, at Barragem, on Operation Uric, 5 September 1979.
Briel, Jacobus Alwyn, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Burns, Bruce Frazer, Second Lieutenant, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Coleman, Aidan James, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Crow, Jeremy Mario., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Du Plooy, Johannes Matheus, Captain, School of Infantry and First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Duberley, LeRoy William, Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Enslin, Brian Louis, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Fox, Peter, Lance Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Fry, Gordon Hugh, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Jones, Michael Alan, Sergeant, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
King, Stephen Eric, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Neasham, Colin Graham, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Prosser, David Rex, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Small, Charles David, Captain, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.
Chitupa, Rodgers, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 7 September 1979.
Govo, D., Private, Depot, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 7 September 1979.
Laubscher, Constant, Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 September 1979.
Ngube, I., Private, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 9 September 1979.
Edridge, S.R., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 September 1979.
Arendse, M., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 12 September 1979.
Manyange, T. Private, Fourth Maintenance, killed in action, 13 September 1979.
Mapuranga, Ignatius, Private, died of wounds received in action, 13 September 1979.
Muyambi, Obadiah, Guard, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 13 September 1979.
Glen, William John Albert, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, 14 September 1979.
Buku, Kufa, Corporal, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 15 September 1979.
Nyamayaro, Evans, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 15 September 1979.
Ziyambe, Lovemore, Trooper, First Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, died of wounds received in action, 15 September 1979.
Griffiths, M.F., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 September 1979.
Loxton, William Leslie, Lieutenant, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 18 September 1979.
Moyo, L., Private, 5 PROPL, killed in action, 18 September 1979.
Fondo, Guard Danny, Guard Force, killed in action, 20 September 1979.
Floyd, K.J., Sapper, Four Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 22 September 1979.
Lunga, Bernard, African Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 September 1979.
Sibanda, Cain, Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 September 1979.
Gomo, Tafuma, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 25 September 1979.
Mpofu, E., Private, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 25 September 1979.
Nyandoro, Bernard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died from wounds received in action, 25 September 1979.
Phiri, Mohamede, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 25 September 1979.
Bate, Patrick Michael, Air Lieutenant, killed on active service, in an air accident, when his Alouette III hit power lines near Umtali, 26 September 1979.
Snelgar, Bruce Miles, Major, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an air accident, when his Alouette III hit power lines near Umtali, 26 September 1979.
Carter, Gary, Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an air accident, when his Alouette III hit power lines near Umtali, 26 September 1979.
Nyika, L., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 27 September 1979.
O’Neill, Gert Stephanus., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed on Operation Miracle, 27 September 1979.
Hove, Office, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 29 September 1979.
Jeep, N., Recruit, CTD, killed in action, 29 September 1979.
Mann, Keith Edward, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action on Operation Miracle, 29 September 1979.
Marunga, J., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 29 September 1979.
Mpofu, N., Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 September 1979.
Mundingi, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1979.
Stephen, S., Guard Force, September 1979.
Nyamayaro, Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 1 October 1979.
Tennent, Kevin Hugh, Second Lieutenant, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 2 October 1979.
Pasine, R., Private, One Independent Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 October 1979.
Pienke, K.L., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Canberra B2, 3 October 1979.
Strydom, J.J., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Canberra B2, 3 October 1979.
Gordon, B.K., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Hunter FGA9, 3 October 1979.
Gatawa, S., Lance Corporal, CTD, killed in action, 11 October 1979.
Burslem, M.H., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Mhakayakora, Daniel Brighton, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Nedza, Edson, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Tawonateshe, Samson, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 12 October 1979.
Furness, Henry L.H., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 14 October 1979.
Mutasa, Pineal, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 15 October 1979.
Sybert, Coffee, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 15 October 1979.
Tataway, Siriro, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 15 October 1979.
Mlilo, Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 17 October 1979.
Chiredza, A, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 October 1979.
McLaurin, Derek John, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, 19 October 1979.
Ndou, L, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 October 1979.
Houghton, Andrew Petrie, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died of wounds received in action, 21 October 1979.
Khanye, Private G., Two (Independent) Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles [Deport, The Rhodesian African Rifles], killed in action, 22 October 1979.
Khabo, J., Recruit, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 22 October 1979.
Fourie, L.B., Corporal, Rhodesian Corps of Signals, killed in action, 24 October 1979.
Nyoni, Tanson, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 24 October 1979.
Siyamagonde, Z., Sapper, Two Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 25 October 1979.
Scott, P., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 26 October 1979.
Joly, Steven Richard, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 October 1979.
Layton, Joseph Benjamin, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 27 October 1979.
Ndlovu, E., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 27 October 1979.
Van der Merwe, J.J., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 October 1979.
Chirwa, N., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 29 October 1979.
Shadrack, S., Private, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 29 October 1979.
Day, Martin L., Sapper, Five Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 30 October 1979.
Macha, T., Recruit, CTD, killed in action, 30 October 1979.
Wiggill, Frank Robert, Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 30 October 1979.
Mangwiro, R., Corporal, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 1 November 1979.
Jakopo, N, Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 1 November 1979.
Lazarus, Z, Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 November 1979.
Miller, Gavin Andrew, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 2 November 1979.
Wixley, William Robert, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action on Operation Murex, 2 November 1979.
Zamba, Godfrey, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 3 November 1979.
Chirwa, Narthan, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Chitate, A.A., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Jakopo, Never, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Jani, Mackensie, Guard Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 November 1979
Katsidzira, Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Lazarus, Zhanunpi, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Mandeya, C., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Rewayi, Charles, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 November 1979.
Ndlovu, T., Private, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 November 1979.
Mpofu, G., Private, School of Infantry, killed in action, 7 November 1979.
Nyathi, Day, Private, School of Infantry, killed in action, 7 November 1979.
Manyangadze Rangirayi , District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 7 November.
Edwards, Benjamin Rosely, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 8 November 1979.
Harris, K.E., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 9 November 1979.
Vachi, A., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 November 1979.
Moyo, Amon, Private, Four Maintenance, killed in action, 11 November 1979.
Mutandi, Leonard, Private, Four Maintenance, killed in action, 11 November 1979.
Kanjani, Michael, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 12 November 1979.
Sibanda, S., Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 November 1979.
Madzviko, Charles C., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 15 November 1979.
O'Brien, John, Rifleman, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 15 November 1979.
Robert, Titus, Auxiliary Section Leader, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 15 November 1979.
Chasi, S., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 November 1979.
Tafura, S., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 November 1979.
Wood, D., Corporal, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 November 1979.
Mafu, T., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 17 November 1979.
Marumazondo, Joseph, Senior District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 18 November 1979.
Dube, N., Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 20 November 1979.
Kesby, T.D., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 21 November 1979.
Bazara, Y., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Douglas, J., Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Kerr, J.S., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Magonda, Peter, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Muvungani, Gideon, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Ngulube, Simangaliso, Private, Third Maintenance, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Sithole, Simon, Private, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.
Sithole, T.J., Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, 22 November 1979.
Urayayi, L., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 November 1979.
Chaputika, Jerifanosi, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 26 November 1979.
Ncube, N., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 26 November 1979.
Rowland, Michael Geoffrey., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Hanganayi, F., Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Mann, John Headland, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Zinjera, Andries, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 November 1979.
Chitsuvi, B., Trooper, JOC Rusape, killed in action, June-November 1979.
Abrahams, I.D., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, 3 December 1979.
Schickerling, W., Temporary Sergeant, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 4 December 1979.
Brandt, G., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 5 December 1979.
Maritz, Solomon, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 December 1979.
Mapaye, Abraham, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 6 December 1979.
Matthews, Grant Stanley, Rifleman, Four Brigade, died of wounds received in action, 9 December 1979.
Mpofu, Phinias, Private, First Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 December 1979.
Mutamburi, Killian, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 December 1979.
Williams, Fammly, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 9 December 1979.
Chinuyemba, Kenneth, Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 December 1979.
Lawler, Kevin Francis, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1979.
Pascoe, Andrew John, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1979.
Jelley, Leonard William, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 December 1979.
Saimwemba, B., African Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 December 1979.
Greyvesteyn, A.W., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 15 December 1979.
Mlambo, Fungai Wellington, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 16 December 1979.
Belstead, Christopher John, Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died of wounds received in action, 17 December 1979.
Moyo, S., Corporal, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 17 December 1979.
Knight, Patrick Charles, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 18 December 1979.
Machokoto, Alios, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 December 1979.
Chirume, J.M. [Private], Five Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Lucas, Ian Scott, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Mahlasera, Stephen, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Murambi, Timothy, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Thompson, James Frazer, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Tsoka, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.
Chatikobo, Livingstone Simba, Corporal District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Mugumbate, Musarari Johannes, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Tsarara, Good, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Victor, H.G., Private, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 21 December 1979.
Chioneso, Peter, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Goko, Felix, Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Kagona, Jivas, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Kulara, J., Private, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Mandinda, Barnard Jongilanga, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Moyo, Canaan, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, 22 December 1979.
Prezent, Silas, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Timothy, J., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 December 1979.
Machingauta, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 December 1979.
Mlalazi, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 December 1979.
Moto, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 December 1979.
Sibanda, Constable, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 December 1979.
Zawaira, S., Private, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 24 December 1979.
Muringani, Arthur, Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 December 1979.
Senekal, A., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, flying an Alouette III near Umtali, 25 December 1979.
Duncan, Alexander, Major, Army HQ, killed in action, 26 December 1979.
Chaka, Ephraim, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Du Toit, Andrew Jameson, Second Lieutenant, Three Independent Company, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Muranda, J., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Chikoki, Augusten, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 27 December 1979.
Banks, Gary Thomas, Trooper, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 28 December 1979.
Francis, Kenneth Layton E., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 31 December 1979.
Wuranda, Head, Sergeant, SCR, BCR, Selous Scouts, killed, 1979.
Cherrington, Thomas Sanderson, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 2 January 1980.
Muchena, M., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 3 January 1980.
Davies, J., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, 7 January 1979.
Moyo, R., Private, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 8 January 1980.
Munemo, O., Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 January 1980.
Mushonga, N., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 15 January 1980.
Handson, C., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 16 January 1980.
Fynn, S., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 26 January 1980.
Sibanda, S., Sapper, SME, killed in action, 29 January 1980.
Maposa, Frank, Trooper, One Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed 1 February 1980.
Mpofu, Frank, Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 February 1980.
Makoni, B., Private, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 6 February 1980.
Mtinsi, M., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 7 February 1980.
Sparkes, D., Colour Sergeant, Grey Scouts, killed in action, 7 February 1980.
Traynor, Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 11 February 1980.
Jackman, Robert L., Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 February 1980.
Piringondo, E., SCR, Lieutenant, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 14 February 1980.
Moyo, M., Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed, 14 February 1980.
Venter, J.L., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 18 February 1980.
Troddyn, Thomas Arthur C., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 20 February 1980.
Ncube, C., Sapper, SME, killed in action, 23 February 1980.
Choto, C., Corporal, Second Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 25 February 1980.
Ferguson, L., WO1, Army HQ, killed in action, 5 March 1980.
Ndhlovu, W., Private, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 March 1980.
Dhale, C., Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed, 13 March 1980.
Sibanda, T., Private, Third Battalion, The Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 14 March 1980.
Zikali, N., Private, Three Maintenance, killed in action, 15 March 1980.
Maxwell, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 17 March 1980.
Chibondera, S., Private, HQ Three Brigade, 19 March 1979.
Nikisi, R., Private, Second Maintenance, killed in action, 21 March 1979.
Ramjee, A.L., Lance Corporal, HQ 3 Brigade, killed in action, 24 March 1980.
Betoman, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 28 March 1980.
Sibanda, M., Rifleman, HQ 3 Brigade, killed in action, 29 March 1980.
Wuranda, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed, .
Smith, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed, .
Murwira, G., Signaller 1 Sig Sqn, killed, .
Hutchinson, R., Sergeant Special Air Service, killed in action, 30 January 1981.
Park, J.K, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, 30 January 1981.
Suttil, Ian, Sergeant, Special Air Service, ex-Royal Marine, killed on cross-border raid into Mozambique with the SADF, 30 January 1981.
Mollentz, H.J., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, September 79-March 1980.
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